Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 40 Arriving at Lishan Base (for collection and recommendation)

Chapter 40 Arriving at Lishan Base (for collection and recommendation)
The scorching sun is like fire, emitting dazzling light, illuminating the silent planet.

A convoy of thousands of survivors is driving on an abandoned road. In front are military trucks. Soldiers with guns are opening the way. Survivors are in the middle, and two modified muck trucks are behind, fully armed vehicles. The body looks extremely hideous.

This convoy is Wang Jin Xu Gang and his team. After 7 days of driving, the convoy did not have any accidents. Some small troubles were solved by the army themselves, and the driving speed was not affected.

Coupled with enough gasoline for the vehicle, and without the drag of the survivors on foot, the convoy was traveling at a very fast speed, and now it is not far from what people call the Lishan base.

Wang Jin stood on the roof of the car, holding a telescope, looking at the distant horizon, eager to find the legendary destination.

Like Wang Jin, many people poked their heads out of the car, hoping to see the Lishan base that was said to be huge and extremely safe.

"Brother Wang, are we almost there?" He Youxi stood next to Wang Jin and asked anxiously. A stable and safe base is what everyone longs for.

The others also looked at Wang Jin together, the information in their eyes was no different from that of He Youxi.

Putting down the binoculars, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Jin's mouth, and he smiled at He Youxi and the others: "We are here."

"It's here!" Everyone's eyes were frenzied, and after a lot of hard work, they finally came to this 10-person survivor base.

All the hard work has been rewarded, He Youxi and the others are very excited, and they don't have to worry about safety issues all the time in the future.

Wang Jin also laughed, laughing that he finally had a stable rear, and he could go out to hunt brain nuclei with peace of mind.

There is no need to be like now, where wind and rain come and go, no fixed place to live, dare not sleep deeply, and be awakened by the slightest disturbance.

A few minutes later, the dilapidated road on which the convoy was driving began to change. The dilapidated and dilapidated cars were moved to both sides of the road. Survivors with vigilant expressions and various cold weapons could be seen on the road from time to time. The base of the mountain has arrived.

"Lin Shibin, stop the car." Wang Jin signaled Lin Shibin to stop the muck truck. After the car came to a complete stop, Wang Jin jumped out of the car and walked towards several survivors who were haunting the highway with cold weapons in their hands and wary eyes. go.

These survivors hadn't seen such a huge convoy arrive at the Lishan base for a long time, and now they were very surprised to see Wang Jin coming.

But the long-term life in the last days did not make them relax their guard, and they kept their hands tightly on their weapons to ensure that they could fight in the first time.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Jin felt that these people must often live outside, which was different from what he thought of living in the Lishan base, because if he had been living in the base, he would definitely not have such a big reaction when he saw him.

Only those who have lived outside often know that in the last days, you not only have to face zombies, mutant beasts, but also your fellow human beings. Most people who don't have this vigilance are already dead.

"Hello, my name is Wang Jin, and I'm a member of this convoy. Since I just arrived at Lishan base, some things are still unclear, so I want to ask you about the situation." Wang Jin tried his best to show a kind smile, ** said : "This is your reward, I will not let you do it for nothing."

Wang Jin took out more than a dozen bags of snacks, ham and bread from his backpack, put the food on the ground, and then took a few steps back, signaling that he was not malicious.

The survivors saw so much food that their eyes turned green. They swallowed together and looked at each other.

A 30-year-old man with the highest prestige came out and said, "May I ask if you have any questions, we still know some basic information about the Lishan base."

When Wang Jin saw that the other party agreed, he was overjoyed, and immediately said: "Just tell me some basic information. If there is any good information, I have more food for you."

Several survivors were overjoyed. Under the vigilance of his companions, the big man first picked up the food on the ground, his face relaxed, he put down his vigilance, and opened his mouth to tell about the situation of Lishan base.

Occasionally, Wang Jin would interject a few words when he heard a question. Half an hour later, Wang Jin had already understood some basic information of the Lishan base, nodded with satisfaction, and gave several survivors two catties of beef. In the sound of thanks, I returned to the muck truck.

"Follow Xu Gang and the others, let's enter Lishan Base."

Back in the car, Wang Jin ordered Lin Shibin to drive after Xu Gang and the others. At the same time, he told He Xin and others what they would learn, so that everyone could have a basic understanding of the Lishan base.

As the convoy continued to move, the road became more and more crowded. Most of the survivors were holding cold weapons, digging weeds and vegetables outside the base, and catching some small animals such as mice.

The survivors all looked sideways when the convoy passed by. It had been a long time since we had seen such a large escape convoy in the last two months at the Lishan base.

The wild is too dangerous. If you are unlucky, you will encounter corpses and powerful mutant beasts, and you will be wiped out. Most of the results of long-distance travel will perish on the road, becoming a rotten bone on the roadside.

After driving a few kilometers, Wang Jin finally saw his destination, leaving the mountain base.

The Lishan base is a small county town. Outside the county town, there is a wall of more than ten meters high. The wall is covered with firepower bunkers, light and heavy machine guns are lined up, and a serious-looking soldier stands guard on the wall and patrols.There are more than a dozen tall figures covered by rainproof cloth. Wang Jin can see that these are the kings of war of all human beings, artillery.

There is only one gate to enter and exit from the Lishan base, and the gate made of astonishingly thick pure iron is extremely strong, becoming the last barrier to defend the Lishan base.

The ground [-] meters outside the wall of the base of the mountain was full of potholes, and trenches several meters deep criss-crossed like a huge spider web. Only one road leading to the city gate was intact.

A hundred meters in front of the city gate, a huge bunker was stuck at the exit of the Lishan base. The bunker was guarded by hundreds of soldiers. Survivors who came in and out of the Lishan base had to pass inspection here before they could enter and leave the Lishan base.

Wang Jin, Xu Gang and the others also came to the bunker to accept the inspection and questioning of these soldiers.

These soldiers, like the survivors, have not seen a team of thousands of people fleeing for a long time. They are very surprised. It is not unusual to meet a team larger than this at the beginning of the end of the world. heard.

What surprised them even more was that the leaders of the team were still soldiers like themselves, but they didn't know which unit they belonged to.

Faced with this situation, ordinary soldiers have no right to do enough. After a few soldiers reported, a military off-road vehicle drove out from the Lishan base, and a burly middle-aged man wearing an officer uniform and a rough face left. come out.

"Hello, I'm Lu Yuanhuai, the defense officer of the South District of Lishan Base. I used to be the commander of the 53rd Division of S City. Which army soldier are you from?" Such a middle-aged soldier came to Xu Gang and saluted Xu Gang asked.

"Hi, I'm Xu Gang, commander of the 39nd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment in H City." Xu Gang pointed to the soldiers and survivors behind him and said, "These are my soldiers, and I brought those survivors along the way."

"There are 39 members of the Second Battalion of the 523th Regiment, and 67 of them have actually arrived. Report to the commander." Xu Gang yelled, and the soldiers behind him snapped and gave a neat military salute to Lu Yuanhuai.

"It's not easy!"

Lu Yuanhuai's eyes were a little wet, he patted Xu Gang's shoulder, shook his head and was speechless, more than 500 people traveled all the way, only less than [-] were left, and more than [-]% of the troops were lost, which really made the people who heard it sad!

The soldiers at the Lishan base also saluted, and looked at the soldiers behind Xu Gang with implicit admiration. Such a heavy casualty could not collapse and complete the mission firmly. This army is definitely a elite soldier.

Xu Gang's eyes were also red. These are all soldiers brought out by him. Many of them have had life-threatening friendships with him. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are like brothers and sisters. Now that is all that is left.

When Xu Gang thought about it, his heart ached like a twist. The eyes of this soldier who didn't grunt even if he was shot blurred, and he couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

It was also the first time for Wang Jin to know the number of Xu Gang's original troops. When he met Xu Gang, Xu Gang's army was only in the early [-]s, and the other hundreds of soldiers were not seen at all.

Presumably, before meeting him, the army had more deaths. The early days of the end of the world are often the most chaotic and the most dead.

"I didn't expect these troops to be so miserable." He Xin sighed, and the others agreed. At first, people didn't like the army because of Wang Jin's relationship. Now this feeling has faded. At least the army has fulfilled its responsibility to protect the survivors. Coming to Lishan Base, this feat is enough to be respected by anyone.

The survivors secretly cried, and for the first time sincerely praised these respectable soldiers in their hearts.

"You have worked hard. You will be safe when you arrive at Lishan base. I will take you down to have a good rest. Tomorrow I will take you to meet the highest officer of Lishan base, our former teacher, General Meng Quan."

Lu Yuanhuai beckoned the soldiers to come up to help and lead the soldiers down to rest. At the same time, some soldiers checked the survivors' luggage and arranged for the survivors to enter the city.

Because there were too many survivors this time and the bunker was too short-handed, a group of officials were dispatched from the Lishan base to arrange for the survivors.

As long as a survivor is checked for illegal items, officials will register, arrange housing for the survivors, and give them a new set of clothes to replace.

There are also officials who are preaching the rules of the Lishan base, telling the survivors what they can and cannot do, otherwise the survivors who have just entered the city will definitely cause a lot of chaos.

Many officials have unclean hands and feet. During the inspection, once they find the food of the survivors, they will quickly take the food into their pockets.

Then he stated that the base will distribute food to people every day, so that the survivors don't have to worry about starvation, and the food will be spent on everyone when it is collected.

The survivors are not fools either, how could they believe the nonsense of these officials? Didn't the army also distribute food every day, but didn't some people starve to death?

People definitely can't get enough of that little food, and now that the officials are taking away some of the food that the survivors worked so hard to praise, it's no wonder the survivors don't explode.

Survivors made a fuss on the spot, grabbing the officials' clothes and trying to get back the food. Faced with this situation, these officials were also very experienced. One or two hid behind the soldiers, come here!Do you want to die, soldiers' guns don't have eyes.

Under the protection of the soldiers, the survivors dare not speak out. If they offend these officials, they will find an excuse to prevent them from entering the city. What will they do then? Will they continue to wander in the wild?

Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied and angry the survivors were, they had no choice but to swallow their anger back, and the joy in their hearts of reaching Lishan base had long since dissipated.

When other survivors saw it, those who had food started to take action. Some found places to hide it, and some ate it on the spot to avoid taking advantage of the officials.

It’s okay to say that there is little food, but there is nothing to do if there is too much food. All these officials have a pair of piercing eyes. No matter where your food is hidden, they can always find it for you, and then put it in their pockets, depending on the survivors. Eyes don't care.

Some of the people who were inspected and the food was taken away cried, some did their hands, and some cursed, but none of them could stop the officials from scraping the land.

With the tacit consent of the soldiers, the process proceeded at a rapid pace, and the survivors were registered one by one, accompanied by food falling into the pockets of the officials.

ps: The visa application was rejected, and I have not been in the state for the past two days. Please recommend the collection and comfort of all students!

(End of this chapter)

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