Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 2 New Neighbors

Chapter 2 New Neighbors

"Bang bang."

When he heard the gunfire, Wang Jingang ran towards the window without wearing the shoes he had just taken off.

At the same time, I thought to myself: dare to shoot in the empty streets, do you think the zombies are all deaf?With the zombie's keen sense of hearing, I'm afraid that half of the zombies in the old city have been mobilized. Under such circumstances, one can imagine how elusive it is to escape.

Although he sentenced the shooter to death in his heart, Wang Jin was not slow in his actions. He quickly opened the window, raised his binoculars, and took stock of the situation.

300 meters in front of the street, a police car with a smoking engine broke down here, and the words "Public Security Police" were blurred by blood so that it was difficult to read.

The four policemen in front of the police car fled in panic. They held May-[-] pistols in their hands and turned around to shoot the zombies behind them as they ran.

Not far behind them, a group of hundreds of zombies roared angrily, blocking up the entire street without leaving any gaps, pushing forward layer upon layer, seemingly impenetrable.

The shooting effect of the police is very poor. Zombies are not human beings. As long as they are not hit on the head, they can continue to chase alive and well.

Even if he kills some zombies by hitting the head, it will have no impact on the huge group of corpses. It is like a small splash in the sea, which calms down in an instant.

Seeing that the policeman in front began to lose strength and slowed down, Wang Jin shook his head.

Zombies don't have physical strength. As long as you don't get out of his sight and track you with his scent, they will keep chasing you. Competing in physical strength with zombies is courting death.

However, it was not impossible. Wang Jin suddenly thought of a way to get rid of the zombies, but he hesitated.

When the apocalypse first happened, Wang Jin also hid in XZ with the fleeing people, and saw the ugliest scene of human nature.

For a piece of bread, relatives turn against each other.

With a piece of bread, you can get women you never dreamed of before.

In this chaotic world, food is gold, and force is the only guarantee for your survival. As for morality, human beings no longer need this fig leaf.

In the apocalypse, even if you are a good person, reality will force you to be a bad person, so Wang Jin hesitated.

The two words of saving people and not saving people are erratic in Wang Jin's mind. Wang Jin has seen the incident of repaying kindness with his own eyes no less than three times, and I don't know how many have never seen it.

Wang Jin didn't want to be a bad person, but he didn't even want to be a good person who was rewarded with revenge.

Wang Jin's heart was constantly in fierce conflicts, and he thought for a while that he had supernatural powers, and his safety was guaranteed.

After a while, he thought that there were four people on the opposite side with guns in hand. His two worker bees were no match at all.

For a while, I thought that the other party was a policeman, so he should have his own moral bottom line.After a while, I deny myself, there is no such thing as a policeman or a policeman in this world.

Let alone the apocalypse, even before the apocalypse, I don't know what the quality of the police in China is, let alone now after the apocalypse.

Wang Jin was thinking a lot, and finally he thought, why do you care so much? He didn't know if these policemen could run downstairs. If they didn't reach his downstairs, they would be dead. No matter how much he thought about it, he would be dead. Useless.

"Captain, I can't survive. I can't run anymore and I'm out of bullets. Woohoo, I don't want to die yet!"

A policeman with a delicate appearance and young age ran slower and slower, his legs trembling, trying to keep up with his companions, but falling further and further behind. At this time, he was so scared that he cried like a child.

Known as the captain is a woman with a beautiful face, a sexy and hot figure, and 25 six.

Wearing a police uniform, she looked sexy yet heroic. After listening to the handsome policeman, without saying a word, she turned back to support the handsome policeman and continued running.

The woman didn't speak, but the other two policemen complained.

A tall and strong policeman who ran the fastest turned around and said harshly: "You trash, don't drag us down if you can't run. If you hadn't alarmed the zombies back then, why would we be like this? Now you're killing us again! Us, why don't you die."

Another middle-aged policeman spoke even more viciously. He chuckled sinisterly and said: "It's good if you can't run away! Maybe Xiao Li can delay the zombies by staying behind. Captain, leave him alone, otherwise we will all be killed by him." Got killed."

After hearing what the two policemen said, the handsome policeman named Xiao Li turned even paler, and his footsteps became more vain.

Hearing what the two said, the heroic woman frowned her pretty brows, and said angrily, "Zhang Kai, Lao Wang, what are you talking about? We are friends, colleagues, and comrades-in-arms who live and die together. Leave your comrades behind." , one day you will be abandoned by others.Don't say these words anymore, or don't blame me for not being sympathetic. "

The two people running in front pouted and ran even harder, leaving the woman and the handsome policeman far behind.

The distance of several hundred meters passed by in a flash. Several people were exhausted, and the distance between them and the zombies was getting closer and closer.

Just when a few people were desperate and passed by a two-story private house, a shout suddenly came from the window on the second floor.

A young man poked his head out of the window, threw down a few handles of a steel drill, and said, "There is a sewer opening on the left turn ahead, open it quickly and hide, there is still hope for life."

A few people were overjoyed, but they didn't expect someone to help. This is really a fire of hope in despair!
"My dear Li Yue, if you help me more, I will definitely repay your life-saving grace in the future." A heroic woman named Li Yue even thanked Wang Jin, speaking elegantly.

Seeing that the policeman who spoke was so beautiful and sexy, Wang Jin was also slightly taken aback, but he didn't say much, he just said: "There is no need to repay the favor, whether you can survive or not is up to you."

After speaking, he immediately shrank his head back, as if he was afraid of being discovered by the zombies behind him.

The few people who got the tools didn't delay, they burst out their final potential under the hope of survival, and ran forward at the fastest speed.

Zhang Kai even took off his torn leather shoes, and with his bare feet, holding a steel rod, he ran in front of the crowd.

Under the explosion of potential, several people distanced themselves from the zombies.

Zhang Kai ran the fastest and took the first left turn into the street. Sure enough, he saw a sewer opening. The yellow and rusty sewer cover became his hope for survival.

With the spirit ten times more accurate than when shooting a target, Zhang Kai thrust down with a steel drill in his hand.


In the sparks of the collision between the steel drill and the sewer mouth, the steel drill was inserted into the sewer mouth accurately and without any object,

"Okay, you did a good job, Zhang Kai, hurry up and pry off the cover." Lao Wang, who arrived second, saw the hope of escape, and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Look at mine." Zhang Kai, who was also excited, responded, and with all his strength, he pushed down the steel rod.

The sewer cover was not pried up, but it was loosened a little, and the iron filings on the edge were shaken off, and it felt like it could be pried up immediately.

"Damn, you're so strong! Don't you always brag about your strength? Why are you weak at the critical moment? Hurry up, the zombies are coming. Do you still want to live?"

When Lao Wang on the side saw that he hadn't pried him up, he roared and cursed, spitting on Zhang Kai's face.

In the midst of Lao Wang's scolding, Zhang Kai exerted all his strength to suck the milk.

At this time, Zhang Kai clenched his front teeth, his face was red, his two big copper bell eyes were wide open, and the blue veins were exposed on his forehead.

If you look like this when you go out at night to pretend to be a ghost, you don't even need to put on makeup. Anyone who's brave enough will probably be scared to death.

But even though Zhang Kai's appearance was vicious, the manhole cover still didn't buy it. The cover seemed to be stuck in the cement, and it wouldn't come out alive or alive.

At this moment, Zhang Kai felt like crying, and now he suddenly deeply understood the meaning of the poem Bamboo and Stone taught by his primary school teacher: Hold on to the green mountains without letting go, and set your roots in the broken rocks.It has endured thousands of blows but is still strong, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south.

"Still in a daze, pry hard! If you don't want to live, I still want to live." When Lao Wang saw that Zhang Kai was still in a daze at this time, he was so angry that he grabbed the steel drill and pried it open hard. But still couldn't pry it.

Zhang Kai, who came back to his senses, immediately joined in, once, can't afford it, twice, can't afford it, three times, still can't afford it.

At this moment, Lao Wang was about to cry. Seeing that the hope of escape was so cut off, he hated the Urban Construction Bureau so much in his heart.

Why are you repairing a sewer cover so tightly?Is there gold or treasure here?Bank safes are not that strong!
What Xiao Li and Li Yue, who arrived late, saw was this scene. The two grown men were gritting their teeth and prying off the sewer cover, but they couldn't pry it up.

I don't know whether they were in a hurry or exerted too much force. Their heads were covered with sweat, and their palms were scratched. They didn't have time to take care of it. They were all focused on the sewer cover.

Seeing their methods of force, Li Yue almost laughed out of anger, and put Xiao Li down, Li Yue walked forward quickly, too lazy to speak, kicked the two of them flying one by one, and took the Pry the slightly bent steel braze, and pry it up by yourself.

Different from Zhang Kai and old Wang, Li Yue did not pry down straight down, but pried obliquely to make the lid turn up.

After a few turns, the lid was already loose and heaving. Li Yue suddenly pried it down, and the lid flew up, opening the sewer opening that Zhang Kai and Wang had been trying for a long time.

"Do you understand? The sewer cover is opened in this way. If you use brute force, you won't be able to open it after we are eaten by zombies."

Li Yue said to the two people who were stunned, and then turned to the handsome policeman Xiao Li and said: "What are you doing standing still? Come down quickly and wait for the zombies to come and see us off."

"Oh." Xiao Li dragged his exhausted body and slid down into the sewer with a "thud".

Not to be outdone, Old Wang Zhang Kai jumped in immediately. Li Yue entered last and closed the sewer cover before the corpses arrived.

A few seconds after the manhole cover was settled, the sound of footsteps from the group of corpses came loudly, and the few people did not dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing the zombies above their heads.

Naturally, the sewers are very smelly, and it would be difficult for ordinary people to stay there for a long time without wearing masks, not to mention that several people now have no masks at all.

A smoky stench wafted over, and the desire to vomit was held in his chest, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

But it was these stenches that covered up the bloody smell of the wounds on their hands, otherwise zombies with super-sensitive sense of smell would be able to find their hiding places immediately.

The zombies were only a dozen centimeters above their heads. They didn't dare to make a sound no matter what. If they made a sound, the loose sewer cover wouldn't be able to block the zombies for a moment.

Fortunately, the corpses did not find the living person they were looking for at their feet. After a few unwilling roars, the corpses gradually dispersed and left.

An hour later, when there was no more sound, Li Yue carefully opened the lid a little, and after confirming that there were no zombies around, they immediately climbed out of the sewer.

After reabsorbing the fresh air, several of them had a feeling of being human in the world, not only because they were chased and killed by zombies, but also because the sewers were too smelly. The combination of the two made the four of them feel that they had survived the catastrophe.

"Captain, what should we do now? We are hungry and tired now. Shall we find a place to settle down and have a good rest?" Zhang Kai said, his eyes involuntarily drifting towards Wang Jin's room.

Old Wang next to him also nodded vigorously, looking at Wang Jin's room with very fiery eyes.

Li Yue considered the words of the two of them, and added that he was really uncomfortable with the stench all over his body, so he nodded and said: "We still have some supplies in the car, Zhang Kai, you go and take them out first, and then we are going to ask that kind person Can someone stay with him for a while, well, act quickly."

"Haha, okay, I'm going to get the things now." Zhang Kai laughed and went back to the car to get the things, and then they came to Wang Jin's house.

(End of this chapter)

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