Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 72 Entering the Secret Realm

Chapter 72 Entering the Secret Realm

But less than three seconds later, Song Chaoan spoke, with a calm tone and a hint of indifference and alienation.

"Mr. Smith, it's time for you to go back. The battle for the secret realm will begin soon."

Smith's expression was startled by his light words!


Is this gone?

Where is your anger? Where? Let it out quickly?

Seeing Song Chaoan's calm appearance, Smith felt that his long-deliberate fist had hit the cotton!

He made such a long preparation just for this final punch!

But now, Song Chaoan buried him all with just one sentence.

He felt really uncomfortable.

My chest felt like a volcano about to erupt, and it was blocked!

"Song...Mr. Song..."

Smith hesitated, but didn't say anything for a long time.

Song Chaoan saw Smith's face turning green and red, trying to say something but not being able to. He knew that Smith was feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Haha, he said that on purpose.

As the most powerful mouthpiece in the federation, Song Chaoan didn't know how to deal with this kind of ridicule.

The knife is sharp, but as long as it is sheathed, it cannot hurt anyone.

You are as strong as you can be, and the breeze blows on the hills! You are at your mercy, the bright moon shines on the river!


Smith left in despair and returned to his camp.

Song Chaoan looked at his defeated back and recalled what had just happened. He suddenly felt that Smith could sing this double act quite well by himself.

He must have received the true message.

It's a pity that he forgot the essence of double act, that is, you must understand the other person's pain points!

You haven't even found the pain point. If your double act falls into the eyes of others, you are a clown!


As time passed, the federations gradually became quieter.

After all, the competition is about to begin, no matter how much preparation has been done before, it is still a bit worrying.

Song Chaoan also told Xiao Zhan and the others, "The competition for the secret realm will last for one month. The participants they sent must be at the bottleneck of first-grade spiritual masters, so after entering the secret realm, they must be the first to fight." Find the spiritual fruit to make a breakthrough!"

"If you are lucky, you may encounter them on the road and fight. If you are unlucky, you will gather at the exit a month later. And this is the time when you are most in danger!"

"At this time, it's all about patience, opportunity, and strength. If you're not careful, you will be in a dead end!"

"So, after you go in, you must do your best to kill them separately before the last day comes. Only in this way can you come out in the safest way!"

Song Chaoan's tone was very solemn. Although Xiao Zhan and the others were powerful, he also believed that they could come out alive.

But this is a fight with people, a fight with heaven, a fight with death, and nothing is 100% guaranteed.

He needs Xiao Zhan and the others to work hard to deal with him!

"Don't worry, Uncle Song, we won't joke with our lives!" Xiao Zhan also said seriously.

"Child, there's not much I can do for you. After entering the secret realm, everything depends on you. You must come out alive! Do you understand?"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Xiao Zhan saluted with a less than standard military salute and grinned, showing his big white teeth.

He doesn't like such serious occasions. Even if he dies, he hopes to be happy before he dies!

Seeing Xiao Zhan being so naughty, the heavy atmosphere was suddenly lifted.

Song Chaoan couldn't help laughing, "You bastard."

Finally, the secret realm was opened.

People from each federation entered in turn. At the entrance to the secret realm, there was a scanning machine that could scan any high-tech items on the combatants, as well as natural and earthly treasures such as spiritual fruits.

These are not allowed to be brought in.

The combatants from each federation entered the secret realm in the order of drawing lots.

Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong were not very lucky, they were the last to enter the secret realm.

However, the positions after entering the secret realm are all transferred randomly, so there is no fairness or unfairness, and the order is not that important. The main thing is luck.

Soon, it was Xiao Zhan's turn.

"Go in, and you must come back alive." Song Chaoan felt extremely heavy.


Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong nodded, then stepped over the scanning machine.

The machine emits a green light, indicating there is no problem.

Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong stepped into the secret realm together.

Entering the secret realm, the scenery in front of you changes, making you feel a little dizzy.

When everything stabilized, Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong found themselves on a cliff.

The first thing is to activate the perception skills to scan the surrounding environment to confirm if anyone has fallen near them.

As luck would have it, no one was within sensing range.

I felt a little relieved. The worst start would be to start fighting as soon as you enter the secret realm, without giving anyone a chance to develop.

Even if you die like that, you won't be convinced.

"The first thing we have to do now is to find the 'lookout' on the map. Only by finding the lookout can we determine the location and then find the spiritual fruit."

"Of course, if we are lucky, we can find other spiritual fruits on the road." Xiao Zhan said.

The observation tower is the direction mark on the map. It is large, tall and obvious. It is used to locate Xiao Zhan and the others.

In this strange secret realm, only by positioning yourself can you proceed to the next step.

Ye Youlong heard this and looked out from the edge of the cliff. Their current altitude was very high. From here, it should be easy to see the observation tower.

However, when she looked around, she found that there was no observatory in the shape of a ramp as described on the map.

Within sight, you can see the chaos at the edge of the secret realm.

You can see various other forests, plains, hills, lakes, etc., but you can't see that shape of the observation tower.

"Is it his memory error?" Xiao Zhan wondered.

This is not necessarily the case.

After all, it is made up of memory fragments, so it is normal for some mistakes to occur.

But at this time, Ye Youlong suddenly said, "Do you think there is a possibility that there is an observation tower under our feet?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zhan was suddenly stunned.

He reacted immediately.

Yes, since the explorer chose to draw this map, it means that this map will definitely allow the combatants to find the spiritual fruit as quickly as possible.

What's the point of a map if it can't be found quickly, or if it takes days to find?

After all, almost all the people from the Federation sent to participate in the battle were about to break through to the second-grade spiritual masters.

Therefore, even though he knew this situation, the explorer still chose to draw a map, and also chose the observation tower as a bearing mark, which can only explain one problem.

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