Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 459 Mad Bear Golden Belt

Chapter 459 Mad Bear Golden Belt


When the roots of the tree grew to a certain extent, the player suddenly shouted loudly.

The aura on his body suddenly surged out, like the scalding waves from a hot pot, rising into the sky.

At the same time, the scepter next to him immediately released a brighter green light.

The light now enveloped his whole body.

His breath is even more turbulent!

Cooperate with each other and complement each other!

Suddenly, the black stone in front of him that was firmly inlaid with the ground made a clicking sound, separated from the ground, and trembled.

Everyone immediately held their breath.

This is a stone weighing 120,000 kilograms. He actually wants to lift it?

When this voice of doubt still lingers.

next second.

The ground suddenly shook, as if an earthquake was about to happen.

However, everyone quickly calmed down, because although the vibration was violent, the scope was not large, and it was only a small area around the player.

Everyone continued to stare.

I saw the shaking ground suddenly crack, with the black stone in front of the player as the center, cracking outward like a spider web.

From among these cracks, strong and powerful roots grew out.

These rhizomes are extremely thick, each one as thick as a man's arm, and the closer to the black stone, the thicker the rhizomes become.

When it reaches the level of black stone, these roots are as strong as a human being.

As these rhizomes break through the soil and grow.

The black stone was shaking!


The man shouted again at this time.

He exerted force with his hands and raised them up suddenly, and these roots suddenly exerted force at this moment.

The huge rhizomes twisted together in an instant, and then rushed upwards, like bamboo shoots breaking through the soil, breaking away a large area of ​​soil in an instant.

While rushing away, he also lifted the black stone above.

Viewed from other directions, the black stone seems to be held up by a pallet-shaped tree.


Many of the people present couldn't help but take a breath when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect that the guy in front of them actually lifted this black stone weighing 120,000 kilograms.

too exaggerated.

Moreover, it seems that this player still has some energy left!

"Three, two, one!"

Three seconds are up.

The requirements have been met.

The player withdrew his tactics, and the stone suddenly hit the ground with a bang.

The huge weight made the ground tremble again.

This is enough to prove that the weight of 120,000 kilograms is not just talk, it is really that heavy.

Many people sighed again.

Several people from the Federation, after seeing this, their eyes darkened and they couldn't help but move back.

Obviously, he has seen the gap between himself and others, has no hope of winning, and does not want to go up and lose face.

"I didn't expect that a player from the Forest Federation could actually use this method. His weapon spirit seems to be an elemental scepter, which can control many energy attributes. The move just now is a combination of earth and wood attributes." Qin Wan Feng analyzed from the side.

His expression was a little solemn.

This forest federation, if nothing else, should be a difficult opponent.

Because judging from his performance just now, this guy obviously hasn't used his full strength yet.

He just waited and watched tentatively.

"How are you, are you feeling stressed?" Qin Wanfeng asked Xiao Zhan.

He knew that Xiao Zhan could also see that the other party was not using all his strength.

"As soon as possible."

Xiao Zhan said.

<divclass="contentadv">The expression is relaxed and happy.

"With your words, I feel relieved." The solemn look on Qin Wanfeng's face relaxed.

The fact that Xiao Zhan could say such words meant that the weight of the Forest Federation could not affect him yet.

But after listening to Xiao Zhan's words, Qin Wanfeng was also a little curious.

I'm curious about what kind of opportunities happened to Xiao Zhan, and why is his fighting ability so terrifying and his strength so powerful at the same time?

"Forest Federation, weighing 120,000 kilograms. The next contestant is Uto Federation."

At this time, the referee announced.

Then without any hesitation, he immediately let the next federal player start the game.

The next federation to compete is the Uto Federation.

A very ordinary federation.

In front of super federations like Longxia Federation and Beautiful Federation, it is simply not enough.

Participating in this kind of competition is actually just for fun.

But it is better to be soy sauce than not to participate.

There is a saying, what if you win?

Then, a man with a Western face came out.

His eyes were a little dim, he had no confidence, and he obviously had no hope for himself.

Xiao Zhan discovered that this person was one of the few people who retreated just now.

He shook his head.

From the look of this man, you can tell that he will definitely not weigh more than the Forest Federation players.


As he lifted weights, he only lifted a stone weighing more than 90,000 kilograms.

Not even 100,000 catties.

One hundred thousand kilograms is the standard for ordinary sixth-grade spiritual masters, and it can be considered a passing standard.

This person doesn't even weigh 100,000 kilograms. It seems that he was affected by the beginning of the Forest Federation.

Xiao Zhan even shook his head. He had no strength at all and didn't even have the mentality of a strong man.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being from the Little Federation.

Next, there were players from several small federations in succession.

Their strength was about the same, and the weight of the black stone they lifted was also about the same, weighing around 100,000 kilograms.

It's rare to find someone who stands out, but he's just over 100,000 jins, and still a little short of 110,000 jins.

So not much to see.

"This forest federation has a very high starting point. If nothing happens, there is a high probability that these small federations will not be able to surpass it." Qin Wanfeng said.

If you want to exceed the weight of 120,000 kilograms, you can only look to these super federations.

Xiao Zhan didn't reply.

Just watched silently.

This is actually normal. The small federation has a small background and encounters few opportunities. Although the realm is the same and the levels of spiritual masters and weapon spirits are even the same, the actual growth process is completely different.

Such as the cultivation environment, the treasure resources embedded in the weapon spirit... and other factors.

In the end, it will lead to the same realm, but the strength displayed is completely different.

The game continues.

But still no one can surpass the Forest Federation's weightlifting record.

at this time.

It was the turn of the players from the North Bear Federation to compete.

He is a man of the same stature, with a strong back and strong waist, even stronger than the people of the Forest Federation.

His weapon spirit is a belt, a black belt with golden lines.

The head of the belt is a ferocious brown bear, but the brown bear is also golden, with its mouth open, fangs exposed, and its eyes very fierce.

Crazy Bear Golden Belt!

This is both an auxiliary weapon spirit and an offensive weapon spirit.

The two forms, combining attack and defense, are a very rare weapon spirit.

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