Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 389 Desire for Pink Love

Chapter 389 Desire for Pink Love

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Xiao Zhan asked coldly.

"If you want to kill, just kill, why bother talking so much nonsense."

That man was not timid at all.

He knew that Xiao Zhan's methods were ruthless, and whether he said it or not, he would not survive today.

Just don't say it.

Seeing his decisive attitude, Xiao Zhan didn't waste any words at the moment. He had no ability to control people's hearts. Even if he bit him to death, he wouldn't be able to say anything.

So with a wave of the magic sickle in his hand, the sharp blade passed across the man's neck, completely killing him.

Liu Xin saw this scene from the side and felt relieved.

She was afraid that the man was too cowardly and would expose the Su family, because if the Su family confessed, she would definitely be implicated.

At that time, her goal will no longer be achieved.

However, this man's death once again reminded Liu Xin that she must speed up her actions and leave this southern barbarian land. She would never have the chance to sign a contract with Xiao Zhan.

However, now that the crisis has been resolved, what method should she find to make a contract with Xiao Zhan?

After a brief search on the bodies of these people, Xiao Zhan did not find anything useful that could represent their identities. It seemed that these people had really come prepared and had even thought of their retreat.

"Let's go and continue looking for the Ten Thousand Demonic Flowers." Xiao Zhan could only give up the idea of ​​determining the identities of these people for the time being.

After he gets out, let Qin Wanfeng investigate and find out.

As for Liu Xin, he didn't ask much.

Because if this matter had anything to do with Liu Xin, then she would definitely not tell the truth.

If it doesn't matter... Xiao Zhan's disbelief has nothing to do with her.


Liu Xin responded and then continued to lead the way.

She didn't know if Xiao Zhan realized that this matter had anything to do with her, but since Xiao Zhan didn't say anything, she pretended not to know.

She just had to go ahead with her plan.

It took about half a day to walk.

The time came at night.

Although Wanmo Linhai is close to Man City, it is actually quite large. The two of them walked for a day and only walked half of the distance. It is estimated that they will not be able to reach the central area until tomorrow afternoon.

The three of them found a cave to rest.

Xiao Zhan made the bed, took out the hot food, and lit a bonfire.

The three of them ate with relish.

"Mastering the spatial ability is convenient. You can eat well and sleep soundly wherever you go." Liu Xin said while eating delicious food.

The soft big bed and the cave-style decoration made Liu Xin even more envious.

He became more determined to make a contract with Xiao Zhan.

"I think next time we can put a house directly in it and just take it out when needed. There is no need to find a cave. This is much more inconvenient?" Liu Xin suggested again.

She pretended to be the heroine and imagined her future life with Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan's eyes suddenly lit up, "You're right, why didn't I think of that?"

It is extremely convenient to install a house, bathe, sleep, etc. There is no need to find a cave, no need to light a bonfire, and no need to worry about the environment. This is simply wonderful.

Why didn't I think of this idea?


Xiao Zhan understood.

The reason is that I am not lazy enough.

All human progress is either due to laziness or stubbornness.

Liu Xin is just like an ordinary person, he has no strength, and his thoughts are naturally different from those of a strong person like him.

He extended a thumbs up and gave Liu Xin a like.

It’s a good idea. I’ll adopt it. Next time I go back, I’ll install a house in it.

<divclass="contentadv">Finished eating.

Just rest.

The two beds were separated by a curtain, otherwise Xiao Zhan would feel a little sick and would not sleep comfortably.

Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong naturally slept on the same bed, while Liu Xin slept on the same bed.

However, Bai Di seemed to realize that Liu Xin was easy to bully, so he also jumped on the bed and slept with Liu Xin.

It doesn't matter to Liu Xin, she also likes this cute little kitten. Although it looks ferocious and ferocious during the day, it looks like a tiger. What does it have to do with when it was a kitten?

Xiao Zhan's steady breathing sounded soon.

But Liu Xin couldn't fall asleep, or in other words, she was not in the mood to sleep at all.

Because all she could think about was how to make a contract with Xiao Zhan.

Both of her plans have failed. She has no plans anymore. Time is running out now. If she can't figure it out, there's really nothing she can do.

Are we going to lose Xiao Zhan completely?


She is not reconciled.

She worked so hard just to make a contract with Xiao Zhan.

Even if all her plans failed, she was unwilling to give up just like that!

at this time.

She glanced casually outside the cave, but saw something in the distance that seemed to be emitting a pale pink light.

The light was not very bright, it could even be described as weak. Under the shadow of the trees, it looked like an ember that was about to be extinguished at any time.

If it weren't for her own innate skills, which made her eyes sharper than ordinary people, she would have been unable to detect it.

Pink light?

Somewhat rare.

Could it be something?

Thinking of this, Liu Xin immediately used his innate skills, his eyes focused on the flowing waves, and he looked towards the light.

With the help of her innate skills, she immediately knew what it was.

Desire for pink love.

A kind of elixir that can heal wounds and is a third-grade elixir.

But compared to its healing effect, people around the world remember it more for its aphrodisiac effect.

Like its name, extreme desire, it is actually something that can quickly arouse people's desires.

Because of this effect, a small amount is usually added during injury treatment to relieve pain, accelerate blood flow, and digest congestion.

After seeing it clearly, Liu Xin immediately pursed his lips, thinking it was something good, just an aphrodisiac.

Useless things.

Liu Xin turned around, threw away the thoughts in his mind, and prepared to sleep.

But just three seconds after she closed her eyes, she suddenly opened her eyes again.

Because she suddenly thought of something!

Desire for pink love.


in case……

As soon as this idea popped into her mind, it was as if a dog-skin plaster had been applied, and she couldn't get rid of it. This thought, like a bright light, ignited her anxious thoughts.

She suppressed her surging emotions and calmed herself down for fear of alarming Xiao Zhan. At the same time, she quickly thought about the feasibility of this method in her mind.

Finally, after a second of hard struggle!

She decided it would work.

Passed unanimously!

If the soft one doesn't work, then use the hard one.

After her observation of Xiao Zhan, she knew that Xiao Zhan was a person who valued affection and righteousness. If Xiao Zhan successfully combined with her, Xiao Zhan would definitely not let her go.

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