Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 350 To participate in the Void Competition, you are not allowed to leave Barbarian City!

Chapter 350 To participate in the Void Competition, you are not allowed to leave Barbarian City!

Third, that is the reward from the so-called God of Void Competition.

According to what the winner said, the God of Void Competition has only one reward, and that is ‘brute force’.

Brute force, injected into the body, directly enhances a person's physical strength.

It is a kind of pure power of flesh and blood. It does not require the stimulation of the power of control or the cooperation of the weapon spirit. It can create super destructive power just by relying on its own body!

This kind of power was something Xiao Zhan had never known before.

In his study career, all power comes from the power of control.

In the words of cultivators, this world is all about refining Qi, and no one is refining body.

But now, the reward of this god of void competition is actually body refining! This made Xiao Zhan very interested.

With the dual cultivation of gas, after the power of control is exhausted, you can still rely on the power of flesh and blood to fight with others, which is equivalent to having no shortcomings, which is simply perfect!

Therefore, after discussing with Ye Youlong, Xiao Zhan chose to participate in the Void Arena.

Follow the route guidance and come to the Void Arena.

This is a very huge building, similar in shape to the Bird's Nest, except that the arena in the middle is not oval, but circular.

It's the same everywhere else, all spectator seats.

After Xiao Zhan and the two entered the lobby, they went directly to the front desk to complete the registration procedures.

"Name." asked the registration clerk at the front desk.

After taking a look at the two of them, I was a little surprised by their beauty and handsomeness.

"Xiao Zhan, Ye Youlong." Xiao Zhan replied.

At this time, there is no need to use a pseudonym. Anyway, life and death are a matter of competition.

The registration personnel entered the name and did not ask for any other information. There was no need to ask for other information.

In the arena, just the name is enough.

"Take a drop of blood from each of you."

After the registration officer registered, he took out a purple prismatic crystal. The crystal exuded a kind of twisted energy. It was not very big, about the size of an egg, but it was very weird.

Xiao Zhan didn't ask what it was, he just broke his fingertip and dripped a drop of blood on it.

Yeyoulong also dropped a drop.

The two drops of blood came into contact with the crystal and merged directly with the crystal. At this moment, Xiao Zhan felt that there seemed to be a connection between himself and the crystal.

At the same time, more than that, he seemed to have an inexplicable connection with the entire arena.

"The Void Crystal is a product of the Void Arena. After you win the competition, the rewards you receive will be transferred into your body through the crystal as a medium." The registration staff explained very thoughtfully.

When Xiao Zhan heard this, he couldn't help but smile, "Oh? You seem to believe that we can win?"

The registration staff couldn't help but smile, "Those who love to laugh are lucky."

Xiao Zhan chuckled, "That's because people with bad luck can't laugh."

The registration officer was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect Xiao Zhan to say that.

She threw the void crystal in her hand into a purple light pillar on her body, and the purple light pillar absorbed it.

She continued, "The competition time is that you must participate once a month, and participate multiple times within a month. Rest time cannot be accumulated after a winning streak. If you do not participate after the time limit, it will be forcibly erased."

"The status of competitors is supreme in Man City. All facilities in Man City can be used for free. However, once a competitor chooses to compete, he will not be able to leave Man City. If he goes out forcibly, he will be wiped out by the God of Void Competition!"

"Damn, why didn't you say anything just now?"

Xiao Zhan burst into laughter when he heard this.

<divclass="contentadv">You didn’t tell me when you just registered, but you told me after the registration was completed?

Didn't the waitress tell me this information last night?

If you have to participate in one a month, and you can't get out of Mancheng, doesn't that mean you have to stay here for the rest of your life?

This kind of rule is equivalent to forcing competitors to participate in the competition until death!

The registration staff kept smiling in the face of Xiao Zhan's foul language, "Everyone participating in the competition should be aware of this."

"Is there really no way out?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure."

"any solution?"

"Win a hundred games in a row and unlock the ultimate achievement. However, no one has achieved this achievement for so many years, and it is only a legend."

Xiao Zhan felt like he was being played.

Those who play tricks on themselves are the ones who kidnap Liu Xin.

They are not here for the Secret Service, but simply for themselves.

Because if they were coming for the Secret Service, Xiao Zhan would have died countless times on the way.

But he came here safe and sound, and was asked to participate in this void arena!

He is controlled by an invisible hand.

But what he couldn't figure out was why they wanted him to participate in the Void Arena?

According to the existing rules of the Void Arena, allowing yourself to participate is obviously a way to kill yourself.

But since they want to kill themselves, they obviously have so many ways to kill themselves, why do they have to choose this competitive mode?

What's the secret of the Void Arena?

Or do you simply want to see the clown's struggle before his death?

But even if you want to watch the clown struggle, then there must be some hatred and hatred, right?

I don't seem to have any hatred towards them.

Xiao Zhan felt that his head was so confused, and he really couldn't figure out why.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

"Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong please enter the arena within three minutes. If they exceed the time limit, they will be forcibly erased!"

The voice has no emotion, the timbre changes, and it is impossible to distinguish between male and female.

When Xiao Zhan heard this voice, he was stunned for a moment and glanced at Ye Youlong. He didn't expect the competition to come so quickly. He had just registered not even half a minute, right?

As soon as the voice fell, a woman wearing a very coquettish cheongsam walked up to Xiao Zhan and the others.

She is responsible for leading the way.

"plz follow me."

Although Xiao Zhan regretted it now, he had no way to refuse.

If you don't participate in the competition, you will be forcibly erased by the so-called God of Void Competition.

Although he didn't know whether this was true or not, Xiao Zhan didn't dare to try it. If it was really such an irresistible force, Xiao Zhan would lose his life like this, but it would not be worthwhile at all.

Follow this woman.

Soon they came to the entrance of the arena. The entrance was a straight passage that directly connected to the outside arena, similar to the passage of a football field.

"Your current number is zero zero zero. After the first competition, if you win, you will replace the other party's number."

"This number corresponds to the rights in Barbarian City. The higher the number, the greater the rights you enjoy."

After saying that, the woman stretched out her hand to signal Xiao Zhan and the others that they could go in.

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