Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.85 First Fusion Summoning

I made it back into my room. I took off my hoodie and fanny pack, placing them on a table. Now just to summon the strongest spell caster I have at the moment. And hope he can do the magic stone conversion.

… I just realized something. I didn’t ask what monsters these cores originated from. I hope it’s not light monsters. Actually, couldn’t I install Mystic Plasma Zone into them and they would turn dark attribute. Do I have any of them?

(You have one, Master. I also believe it to be wasteful to use a card on a c-rank core. You should save them for higher ranking cores, or wait until you have more of them.) Laura told me.

(Sure. I got the materials for Master of Oz in the morning so I still want to get the card for him, but I guess I can just go with magic ruler for the other packs.) Unless my Vampire Lady luck returns. (What set is Master of Oz in?) I asked Laura.

(Soul of the Duelist.) She responded. (It appears as both rare and ultimate rare.)

(I see. Well, that will be a priority for tomorrow. And then just Magic Ruler with the leftover packs if I get it.) 

I’ve been defaulting to Invasion of Chaos for packs I didn’t have a plan for, as the envoys are in that set, but do I really need them? And I’ve also been getting complete crap from that set, so I guess I can default back to Magic Ruler until I have a stockpile of the attribute spells.


… Master of Oz… Fusion monster… Polymerization…  Spells with a toploader can only be used once per day… 

Wasn’t I going to summon a fusion today? Didn’t Laura recommend I get the materials for a fusion? And if I’m going for a second one tomorrow, I’ll need poly available again. I should probably just summon the one Laura wanted today, so I’ll be able to summon Master of Oz tomorrow, if I get it.


(Laura, what monster was it again?) 

(St. Joan. A light attribute, fairy type monster. Its materials are The Forgiving Maiden and Darklord Marie.)

(Oh yeah. That’s what it was. If I summon it now, I can summon it without poly in the future, right.) I confirmed. I’ve done it with Performance of Sword, but better to be sure.

(Yes. After its summoning condition is met, the monster can be summoned again just like any other.) Laura told me.

(That’s what I thought. Then I definitely should summon her today.) I decided. Let’s quickly do that before I summon Dark Sage to deal with the magic stones.


I just realized something. If I’m going to fusion summon, that means I’ll use four cards at once. It will be the most I’ve used for a single summon, overthrowing the three I needed for Performance of Sword. But still not the most I’ve had active at one time. That still belongs to the wyvern attack, as I had three monsters, two equip spells and a field spell active at the same time.

I pulled the four cards I needed from the collection. Laura already put the sleeves and toploaders onto them in the morning, so I don’t need to do it now.

“I guess nothing left to do, but to summon it.” I said out loud. “I activate Polymerization to fuse together Darklord Marie and The Forgiving Maiden. I fusion summon St. Joan.”


Before me, two cards appeared. But unlike normally, monsters didn’t rise from them. Instead, a whirlpool of dark and light blue, with some orange highlights, consumed the two cards.

From the whirlpool, a single card rose. A purple one. And from it, my monster appeared.


She was tall. A little over two meters tall, I would say. She had a heavily armored top half, but just some regular cloth pants for bottom. It makes for an interesting imbalance of full armor and no armor. Perhaps an equip spell can help with that, but not now. I’ll check my collection for them later.


I looked at the two fusion materials used and they were grayed out. They lost all their color. I guess this is indicating that they can’t be used at the moment. I looked at polymerization and it was the same. I pulled out the Mystical Space Typhoon I used in the morning, and it was also grayed out. I didn’t notice it in the morning as I was still worried that Alice had actually done something worse than she did, but it’s good to know the cards have a way of showing they are on cooldown. But then again, the monsters don’t do it. Wonder what is different with these?


“Hello Master.” She greeted me.

“Hi.” I casually answered. “Sorry I summoned you like this. I don’t really have anything for you to do.” I told her.

“That’s fine. I’m glad Master believes in me enough to go through the trouble of summoning me.” She said to me. “I’m sure you will find times I’ll be of use to you. And now you can summon me easier.”

“I can at least have you do some of the practice matches with other adventurers when I’m at the guild.” I told her.

“How about I teach Master swordsmanship?” She offered.


Swordsmanship? I guess that might be useful, even if I am a backline fighter. Or would some self defense be better? Or perhaps a bit of both? I could use something like a short sword or a dagger for self defense. But then again, there will be times when I won’t have a sword with me.


“I’ll think about it.” I told her. “But I think I should also learn some unarmed combat, as I won’t always have a sword with me. Actually, I don’t even own a sword at the moment.”

“Would you like to analyze mine?” She asked. “It might not be your style, but it is a mithril alloy sword, so it is a good choice for Master.”


Mithril? A magical metal? And I can just analyze it. Nice! Dungeon is getting its new best reward. Or perhaps a magic bag is still better. I’m not sure. I wonder if the swords used by some of the other monsters, like Black Luster Soldier, are made of even higher quality magic metal, like orichalcum. I guess I’ll never know if I can’t get the cards for them. But this also proves I can analyze something from my monsters, so free dungeon process to me. Actually, could I analyze Overdrive, make one of them and then install or fuse the card with the one I made? That should make it last permanently, right? But then I would need a place to store it in. I don’t have storage skill.


“Yes please. I’ll gladly analyze it.” I told her.

“Good choice Master.” She said as she detached the sword from her belt. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” I said as I received it. 


It’s lighter than I expected. Grandpa did have a few swords in his collection and I did hold a few of them, but this feels a little lighter than I expected. Is mithril lighter than steel? 

(It’s because you are stronger now, Master.) Laura told me. I guess that would make sense. If my strength grows, everything will feel a little lighter. 

(Ok. Let’s just analyze it.) I told Laura.


I sat down on my bed with the sword on my lap. I had one of my hands on the hilt and the other at the tip. The sword was still in its scabbard, so it’s not like I was holding my hand on the blade itself.


As I was analyzing the sword, I asked some questions from my summon. I need to know what she is capable of.

“Joan, can I even call you that, can you use magic?” I asked.

“Yes, I don’t mind if Master calls me Joan. And yes, I can use some light magic.” She told me.

“What kinds?” I asked.

“I mainly focus on magic to enhance my movement and my sword strikes, but I can also use some basic attack and healing magic.” She told me. “But please do not rely on me as a healer too much. Having a dedicated healer will be a lot better.” She added.

“Well, it’s still good to know you have some knowledge about healing magic.” I told her. “I’ve only had Dancing Fairy use healing magic thus far, so having more choices is good.”

“Sorry to tell you this, but Dancing Fairy is likely better at healing magic than I am.” She told me.


So a fairy beats a knight? Actually, St. Joan is fairy type as well. Not a warrior, like you might assume at first glance. Also being outdone by Dancing Fairy is understandable. Dancing Fairy’s effect heals for 1000 life points every turn, but Darklord Marie heals for 200 a turn. But then again, Marie is just a material for Joan. 

How do life points convert to HP? Is 1000 LP = 1000 HP? Questions I’d rather not have answered, as that would mean someone has taken a large amount of damage. I guess Red Medicine was able to heal a stab wound from a wyvern’s tail, and that card heals for 500 LP, so it might just be one for one. I don’t really know the stats of that guard, so I can’t get a perfect guess. I have 410 HP right now and if I assume the guard is close to my level, he would have something similar. Being in the high twenties in level should be normal for a guard. They might be at an even higher level for all I know.


(Master, the analysis is complete.) Laura told me. (Mithril-gold alloy swords can now be made. We should analyze swords with different shapes and sizes so that they can be made in the future.)

So it was alloyed with gold? Why?

(Gold is good at transferring magic, so it’s used to make magic circuits. This allows for a smoother flow of magic in the sword.) Laura explained. (Copper could also be used, but it gets destroyed if too much magic is inserted at once.) 

(I see. So gold is used for the magic circuits in expensive swords and copper in cheaper ones.) I recited what Laura just told me. (Can I make an ingot of this gold-mithril alloy with the dungeon?) 

(It's a mithril-gold alloy. And if we analyze an ingot to act as a base, it should be possible.) Laura told me.

(Gold-mithril, mithril-gold. What’s the difference?) I asked.

(The order shows what is the major metal.) Laura informed me.


So being mithril-gold means that it has more mithril than gold. Understandable.


“Thank you for letting me borrow the sword.” I said to St. Joan as I handed her sword back to her. “You can go now.”

“Of course, Master. Please call on me when you are ready to begin your sword practice.” She told me as she returned to her card.


I took a quick look at the two materials for her, but they were both still gray. I’ll need to keep an eye on them in case something changes. Then I placed all three cards back into the collection. Interestingly, the sleeve and toploader on St. Joan had taken on a slight purple tint. It wasn’t as pronounced as the blue sleeve on Performance of Sword, but you could still see the difference. Perhaps that indicates that the monster has been properly summoned and can be summoned just by calling out its name.

(I can do that for you, Master.) Laura offered.

(Thank you, Laura.) Helpful as always. 


Now, let’s deal with the magic stones.

So I 'borrowed' a picture for this chapter. Not that I own anything about Yugioh anyway, so this entire series relies on 'borrowed' assets.

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