Young Military Rarities

Chapter 475 - Siege and counter-slay

Although 20,000 mutants seem to be scattered, they are actually very concentrated. Everyone fights alone but cooperates with each other. Chu Haoyu and others each led a regiment to cooperate with Wang Guoan’s dispatch, and gradually replaced the soldiers responsible for containing the mutants. For them, Yun Che Xingfeng rides the King of the Eagle to try to cross the area where the mutants are concentrated and go to their rear to arrange the array.


The Eagle King’s flying altitude is already very high, but when they entered the mutant airspace, a tornado suddenly came from the ground, and the Eagle King carrying Yun Che Xing Feng quickly reacted to glide to the left, avoiding danger. Attack of a tornado.


There are many mutants who have wings to fly, and the wind system. After reaching a certain level, they can also fly. No, the eagle king stabilizes his body, and four or five mutants surround them in the air. The head-headed mutant wears a major general and has a pair of tiger ears. A long tiger tail is dragged behind. The two arms are still human, but the palms are tiger claws. The sharp nails extend long. He has no wings and is a wind system, and the previous tornado should be from him.

The tiger’s pupils were glowing with blood, and four or five mutants rushed to them at the same time. These mutants are more like mutant beasts. When fighting, they are more inclined to use the innate physical advantages of beasts to fight. Energy is often overlooked by him.

“It’s not necessarily who kills who!”

Yun Che’s eyes were frozen, and his body suddenly pulled up. Optimus Blade appeared on his palm out of nowhere. As soon as he left the back of the Eagle King, Optimus Blade swept across, carrying the powerful light of the sword. At the same time, Xing Feng also drove the King of the Eagle to meet the other two mutants. The wings of the King of the King were as hard as steel, and after he rushed out of the siege with the Xing Feng, he turned back in the air one hundred and eighty degrees. With the incitement of wings, Xing Feng threw out two dense gold flying blades.

“哐 哐”


Several mutants avoided the attack of the two men, exclaiming in unison. They were all eighth level. Before, they only felt that the king of the eagle was ninth level. It was not difficult to surround him, but now it appears again. Two tenth-level abilities, the mutant’s face changed, tenth level is not what they can handle.

“What? This is scared? Not to kill us, come, Uncle Ben is waiting for you.”

Carrying the Optimus Knife, Yun Che stretched his fingers at them, Jun Yi’s face was covered with naked ridicule, and it was too naive to want to kill them at five eighth level.


Obviously, the tiger man responsible for commanding is undeniable, but he also knows the gap between the eighth and tenth grades, and will not make unnecessary sacrifice. After a little evaluation, he orders the retreat, but Yunche blinks. Immediately, he blocked his way. “If you want to kill, kill, and if you want to sprinkle, how can it be so cheap?”

Optimus pointed at him, Yun Che’s domineering boundlessness, and his body was full of murderous spirit.

“What do you want to do?”

The Tigers looked at him with dread, so that they didn’t take a big step backwards. They were not low-level zombies who didn’t feel anything. They were naturally afraid of death.

“I want to do whatever you want!”

Having said that, Yun Che no longer talked nonsense to him, holding the Optimus Knife and slashing in the direction of the tiger, the tiger’s eyes narrowed, and the sharp claws were placed on top of his head to try to block the sharp blade.


Optimus Sword can dispel even the black air of Xuantian, let alone an eighth-level tiger claw? In addition, Yun Che’s move was a killing move. The sharp blade directly cut off one of the Tiger’s claws, causing him to scream screams in pain. Yun Che threw the knife. Lucky. “

As soon as the words were over, Yun Che shook his hands and lifted the Optimus Blade to kill the past.


This time, the Tiger Man learned the lesson. Instead of using the physical front, he controlled two huge tornadoes and swept towards him. Forcing Yun Che to temporarily retract the Optimus Blade and holding up an air wall with his left hand Block the powerful strangulation of tornadoes.


I thought Yun Che had been blocked, and the Tiger Man continuously launched the dragon.

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