you elf, are you legal

Chapter 3 The consideration of the initial sprite depends on the wallet

Chapter 3 The consideration of the initial sprite depends on the wallet

Half an hour later, Chen Yuan and Snake Bear were sitting in front of the TV in the fruit drink shop.

Chen Yuan was holding a bowl of fat beef rice.

In the food bowl of Snake Bear, there was a bowl of mixed fruit drink newly developed by Chen Yuan, and a fried worm.

One big one snacks with relish.

"Contestant Di Yan from Imperial University sent a third elf, a wind speed dog, ah, this wind speed dog has learned the super speed skill!
The speed was so fast that Queen Nido, the vice-captain of Beiyu University, couldn't parry at all. Is this the elf with super speed! "

On the screen, the China National League is currently being broadcast.

Little Snake Bear had stopped eating at some point, and ran to the screen, staring at the heroic and majestic Wind Speed ​​Dog in the arena without blinking.

"The wind speed dog used an earthquake, and the opponent's Nido king fell again. Beiyu University now has only the last elf left. Is the wind speed dog going to achieve the achievement of one wear three today..."

"Squeak, squeak." Snake Bear imitated Wind Speed ​​Dog, grabbing the ground with two small front paws.

Puchi, raised a few grains of dust.

Seeing the clumsy appearance of the little snake bear, Chen Yuan smiled unkindly.

"Earthquakes are hard to learn."

"Squeak, squeak, squeak." Snake Bear didn't believe it, and tried a few more times, but this time the dust didn't even rise.

Snake Bear was a little angry, ran to the food bowl, drank the juice in a few gulps, ignored Chen Yuan, and ran out of the fruit drink shop.

"Hey, still a competitive little guy."

Looking at the disappearing figure of the little raccoon, Chen Yuan suddenly remembered that he still needed an initial elf.

The purpose of Beiyu High School is to cultivate trainers. After the Golden Week, related courses and intra-school exchange competitions will be fully launched.

Although the school didn't make it mandatory for new students to immediately adopt elves in these few days, they fell behind step by step.

Chu Xiaoxiao, who adopted Lalu Lasi immediately after school, was already one step ahead.

Chen Yuan wants to continue to maintain the title of "No. [-] in grade", and must not fall behind in terms of elves.

A very competitive and basic little raccoon is a good choice.

But the snake bear is active by nature, and the little raccoon was raised free-range since he was a child, and he doesn't like to stay in the poke ball. Letting him accompany him to school is simply a two-way torture.

It is not impossible to re-breed the elves in the breeding house.

The routine experience in the previous life, coupled with the mixed fruit he made himself - he is [-]% sure, and the last come first.

However, all of this is based on buying the elf you like.

Dongxia's business is not bad, but the net profit is really not much. The store is more than ten years old, and the decoration of the store should have been refurbished, but Donglan has always refused.

Sister Xia Yi is still studying at Beiyu University, and now is the time to spend money.

Chen Yuan didn't want to waste his family's savings just because he bought the initial elves.

Usually Dong Lan gave him enough.

How to choose must be carefully considered.


In the evening, Dong Lan, who finally remembered that she still had a fruit drink shop, appeared in the shop with her beautiful long hair and elegant clothes.

The burden on Chen Yuan can finally be unloaded.

"Buy some seafood and make fish soup for the little raccoon at night."

Dong Lan handed over ten red bills, and smiled gently: "You have worked hard these two days, and the rest is your pocket money."

Chen Yuan, who was almost tired and paralyzed, was instantly full of energy.

"Little raccoon~ let's go."

With a greeting, the grass near the fruit drink shop swayed, and the snake-patterned raccoon raccoon sprang out, and ran to Chen Yuan's feet, rubbing and rubbing.

Squeezing her little nose, "Eat fish head pot tonight."

The snake bear's little tail wagged even more.

There was still some time before dinner, Chen Yuan simply took the little raccoon around a long way to the breeding house in the next block.

As expected of the Golden Week, students and parents who came to buy elves were crowded with each other.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

The receptionist showed a commercial smile.

"I'm just looking around."

The little raccoon jumped onto Chen Yuan's shoulder in twos and threes, curiously looking at the appearance of the breeding house.

The breeding house is very large, divided into one large, two small, and three exhibition halls.

Chen Yuan looked around, and first took Xiaoli to the largest "Fengyuan Secret Realm" exhibition hall.

Feng Yuan is Chen Yuan's favorite generation in his previous life, and also the version he is most familiar with.

If possible, he would like to choose the initial elf of this life from Fengyuan Secret Realm.

Yusanjia is cute and powerful, but only those "rich fathers" will choose elves of this quality for their children-the price is often hundreds of thousands, not Chen Yuan, who can only rely on odd jobs to support him Own little orphans to look up to.

Lianye Boy is a good choice, the price is reasonable, and within Chen Yuan's tolerance, he can also be a good main spirit when forming a rainy team in the future.

The Ibrahimovic over there is also good. Just looking at the elf eggs, there is an urge to take them home and raise them.

Eevee is an elf that is quite suitable for keeping as a pet and has considerable development potential. He is both popular and powerful.

At present, the sun elves and moon elves have just been discovered, and the evolution path has not been made public, and no one has discovered the powerful and elegant fairy Eevee. Once these are announced, the price of Eevee will rise sharply.

Both can be reserved as alternatives, Chen Yuan groped his chin.

But the prices of these two spirit eggs are in the high five figures, which is the limit of Chen Yuan's savings.

It's okay to buy by force, but the subsequent feeding costs may be stretched, so you need to think about it again.

In other words, why did the elves increase in price so much during the Golden Week?

"Ah, that snake bear, so cute."

An eleven or twelve-year-old girl pointed to the little raccoon on Chen Yuan's shoulder and said with a smile, "Mom, let's buy a snake bear."

"Snake bears are not impossible." The girl's mother smiled: "But snake bears can only be kept as family pets. If you want to choose the original elves in the future, snake bears are definitely not allowed."

"Ah, why, Bear is so cute."

"Xiaoyuan, the novice trainer can only raise one elf, so the initial elf must be chosen carefully, and you don't want your elf to lose to your classmates because it is too weak."

"Understood, my initial spirit needs a powerful spirit..."

The girl's mother pinched the little girl's nose dotingly, "Well, it's good to understand, when you register as a newcomer trainer at the age of 15, mother will buy you a miniature dragon."

Chen Yuan, "..."

What kind of family should the mini dragon be as the initial elf?
I thought it was just an ordinary rich family, but I didn't expect it to be a big boss, so I left.

When he left Fengyuan's exhibition hall, the Snake Bear's expression was a little sluggish and a little quiet.

This is the first time for the little raccoon to come to a place where elves gather so much. Some elves look very young, but they seem to have power not inferior to it.

After visiting the three exhibition halls and seeing all kinds of powerful elves, the little raccoon became even more silent.

It is a competitive snake bear, the words of the mother and son, somewhat hit the little snake bear's self-confidence.

Especially when it saw the power displayed by the young Hoenna Gosanjia in the breeding house, its confidence was hit even more.

It can't even master splashing sand, so why does the opponent master such powerful skills as water guns and sparks!
"Squeak." Am I, very weak?

"Yes." Chen Yuan said.

Serpentine Bear: "..."

Serpentine bear: "(▼dish▼)"

Serpentine is angry.

"Fengyuan Yusanjia, every elf is born with powerful skills of this department. These are gifts from parents and heaven."

Chen Yuan continued: "Snake bears are not naturally powerful elves, but as long as they are well cultivated, your upper limit will never be weaker than theirs."

"Squeaky?" Really really?
Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "Of course, do you want to try being my initial elf?"

Chen Yuan invited.

"Squeak..." Little Fox thought for a while, then shook his head and refused, "Squeak."

I'm still too weak to be your initial elf.

Chen Yuan: "Hehe, tell the truth."

"Squeak, squeak." I don't want to go to school.

"That's what I knew."

Chen Yuan deliberately said: "If you don't become my initial elf, I won't have juice to drink in the future, and I won't be able to cultivate you. If you miss the best cultivation period now, you will definitely lose to those Yusanjia in the future."

The little raccoon got anxious, got into Chen Yuan's arms, and started playing tricks.

"Squeak, squeak."

No, no, you have to help me find a way.

Chen Yuan stroked the soft hair of the little raccoon, and said fondly, "Okay, okay, I can train you first, but if you want to integrate into human society, exchange ideas with other more powerful elves, and become a trainer's partner, it is a must." through the road."

Chen Yuan hugged the little raccoon, and looked into its dark eyes, "Don't forget, this is how your idol, Wind Speed ​​Dog, grew up."

"Squeak, chirp." The little raccoon seemed to be touched, and fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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