You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 8 - Law of the court

   3/4 half-time sprint: 3.66 seconds.

   Bottom line rewind run: 13 seconds.

   Vertical takeoff: 30 inches. (75 cm)

   80 kg bench press: 13 times.

   Fixed 15-foot jumper: 20 of 25 shots.

   Moved a 15-foot jumper: 18 of 25 shots.

  Universal 3-pointer jumper: 25 of 25 shots.

  Universal mobile 3-pointer jumper: 19 of 25 shots.

  NBA 3-pointer jumper: 24 of 25 shots.

  NBA three-pointer jumper: 18 of 25 shots.

   This is the transcript that Mo Mengchen handed over. He has no regrets personally, and all he can play is played. For this set of data, except for the NBA three-point jumper, he has no special highlights.

   “That versatile Louis seems to be injured.”

   As soon as the morning trial ended, everyone ate at the restaurant in the center of Lille and people started talking about this morning.

   “Oh, injury is also a part of Almighty.”

  The short black defender said contemptuously, “How bad is it to get injured during the training? That guy really opened my eyes.”

  Mo Mengchen slowly cuts the steak on the plate like an operation.

   This is his habit.

   He always cuts the steak into various shapes, and then cuts the whole steak into dozens of pieces before he can eat it in one go.

   He doesn’t like eating while cutting, so there is no sense of rhythm and it also affects appetite.

   “Can I sit here with you?”

  Mo Mengchen raised his eyes, it was Lor.

   “So many seats, why should I sit here?” Mo Mengchen is really unfriendly.

   Rolle whispered: “Because I only know you here.”

   “Do you know me?” Mo Mengchen fiddled with knives and forks, “When?”

   “In the morning, when we do sprint training together, your name is Mo, and you are from the University of Washington.” Lor said.

   Rolle didn’t give Mo Mengchen a special impression, and he really couldn’t think of such a number one in the NBA.

   This is normal, the flow of the NBA is too great.

   “You are from the University of Washington, we played a game with Washington not long ago, are you not there?” Lor asked.

   “I have graduated.”

  Mo Mengchen simply answered.

   Rolle was frightened: “Graduation? You…you are not…”

   “Because of the injury, I only played for one year on behalf of the University of Washington; because of the injury, I finished my studies while recovering from injury.”

  Mo Mengchen is still a simple answer, does not give Luo Er the opportunity to continue to explore the topic.

  Lol looked at him blankly and asked, “How do you know I will be injured?”

   “Stupid question, don’t you know it yourself?” Mo Mengchen said, “Your preparation for exercise is not enough and your body is not relaxed enough, I think your thigh has been strained?”


   “I don’t know, maybe, I fell.” Luoer said.

  After the lunch break, the people who participated in the training will have to test again.

   The content of the afternoon test is relatively simple, that is, height, arm length, palm length and width, standing height, maximum height and tactical assessment.

   Mo Mengchen’s physical condition surprised the people at the scene a little.

   “Height 197 cm.”

   grew a centimeter? Mo Mengchen did not expect that he remembered that he was only 196 cm, which was the data three years ago.

   “Wingspan 208 cm.”


   grew 3 cm even with an arm span.

   “Mo, do you only play one defender?” asked the Suns assistant Derrick Cecil.

  Mo Mengchen said: “I can play both the first and second positions.”

   “Your physical talent also has a great advantage in the second position.” Cecil smiled.

   “Thank you.”

   As for the indicators that are important to the inside, such as the long width of the palm and the height of standing, Mo Mengchen is relatively mediocre. His most amazing thing is the tactical assessment.

  Responsible for the evaluation tactics is Jackson Sean who does not have any affection for Mo Mengchen. He put forward some difficult questions in the idea of ​​making Mo Mengchen difficult.

   “Mo, if it is you, how do you solve this problem?”

   “shooting, I have a reliable shot, I can use the shot to solve the problem, but this is not the whole problem, this question is too complicated, or, you should ask it like this.”

  Mo Mengchen’s eyes approached deep inside Sean.

   “What should we do to prevent ourselves from falling into this difficult situation?”

   Ming Xia En is the questioner, but at this moment, Mo Mengchen’s tone, posture, and aura of his body are like the Taishan Beidou in the industry, and his opening is authority, which makes people dare not refute.

   Xia En subconsciously replied: “How?”

   “That’s another problem, coach.”

  Mo Mengchen easily resolved Sean’s troubles and also won the highest score for his tactical assessment.

   “JS, how is he?” Westphal.

   Sean never thought he would be bluffed by a fresh graduate.

   “Even if he can’t be an NBA player, he has a chance to become a good coach, this guy is not ordinary.”


   is not just Westphal, even their general manager is showing surprise.

   They all know how arrogant Sean is, and that Mo has made such a huge change in just a few minutes.

   “What do you mean?” Colangelo asked.

   “I don’t have any opinion, but we should temporarily abandon his injury history and see his performance in the match.”


  All the tests have been completed, and then the most important part.


  No matter how good it was in the previous test, if you can’t show the ability shown in the test on the field, then it makes no sense.

   is like a floor flow with some physical qualities. Saying that it is good does not depend on talent. If you have technology, if you say it is unpleasant, you cannot make full use of your talent.

   has a world-famous talent but plays the game with floor flow, which is a shameful waste.

   “Mo, Louis, Chris, Larens, Claus, you five team, wearing a white jersey.”

   “Jack, Atkinson, Kelly, Max, Jenkins, you five team, wearing a black jersey.”

   “The game is divided into the first half and the second half, 10 minutes at half time, everything is done according to NBA rules.”

   Hearing that Mo Mengchen didn’t join his team, the short defender Atkinson who had been chewing on the back of his tongue cried out excitedly: “Baby, let’s start the game, I can’t wait for my mother!”

  Mo Mengchen put on the white No. 10 jersey.

   It’s deceptive to say that he is not nervous. This is the first game he played after crossing over. The opponents are all those who are aspiring in the NBA.

   There may be only a small part of them who can make it to the NBA, but none of them can stir up the situation in the NCAA.

  Although he has gone through three months of special training and has a total rating of 59, this is his first time playing a formal game, and tension is inevitable.

   Before the start of the game, the two sides should shake hands to pay tribute.

  Mo Mengchen walked to Atkinson.

   The other party’s face was filled with a sinister smile: “Have you called an ambulance?”

   “Have you washed your hands?” Mo Mengchen asked coldly.

   “emmmm?” Atkinson was asked dumbfounded.

  Looking at him like this, Mo Mengchen knew the answer.

   He took the initiative to release the opponent’s hand. In front of the opponent’s face, he wiped it on this training jersey belonging to the Suns as if smeared with stinky shit.

   “Fuck the dog mongrel!”

  Atkinson regards the other party’s actions as a shame.

   “I will bump you into incontinence, your skull-like waste, wait for me!” Atkinson said fiercely.

   At the beginning, Mo Mengchen was a little nervous, but now it is much better.

   saw a low IQ creature running inexplicably and called for battle, he felt that basketball was no more than that.

   “Mo, I can shoot or dribble to attack, if you can’t…”

  Mo Mengchen’s teammate, Chris Kyle, who was wearing the No. 43 white player, told him.

   Regarding this name, the only thing Mo Mengchen can think of is a movie called “American Sniper”, in which the protagonist drags the sky.

  Oh yes, the protagonist of this crazy drag and drop is finally dead.

  Adapted from real people and real people, Tongsuo has no deception.

   The highest height of the Mormon Dust team is Claus, who has the same name as Jordan’s life enemy. He has 208 cm. This height can only play power forward in this era.

   but his weight is very large, not inferior to those seven feet long.

Excessive weight makes him slow to move, and his shooting ability is also very general. Therefore, when he broke away from the relatively low-level college basketball court and launched a sprint towards the world’s highest basketball hall, UU reading problems appeared .

His basketball against the NBA has no advantage, too much weight leads to average movement speed, seriously slowing down the rhythm of the team. Now it is not the era of O’Neill’s world, and each team does not need to reserve a fat puddle to be a prodigal. Therefore, this way The players in the NBA are destined to find no market, CBA welcomes him.

   Compared to Claus, the opponent’s lineup is more balanced.

   The highest height Myers is absolutely seven feet tall, and his body is relatively normal. At the beginning, he gave the ball to Atkinson.

   “You can die for me, idiot!”

   Atkinson played with fire, and came up to make a fierce impact on Mo Mengchen’s body.


  Mo Mengchen lay down, and Atkinson looked at the referee.

   “Dump with the ball!”


  Atkinson said angrily: “This **** is a foul? We are not **** women!”

“stop fighting.”

  Atkinson heard Mo Menchen lying on the ground.

   “What?” He looked over angrily.

  Mo Mengchen stood up and said sarcastically; “With your IQ, it is difficult for the referee to explain to you.”


   “Return to defense.”

  Atkinson was taken away by his teammates.

   “Mo, good job.” Luoer exclaimed.

  Mo Mengchen picked up the ball and gave it to the referee.

   The staff member who served as the referee nodded gently with goodwill.

   The first law of the court: Never be stubborn.

   The second rule of the court law: treat the referee as a temporary father.

   The third rule of the court law: make good use of this temporary dad.

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