You agreed to fight mechas, but your body exploded into stars?

Chapter 24 The part-time job of a high-level mecha master

In this world, rent a house.

Bai Ying has cleaned the room spotlessly and completed all the work.

She stood motionless by the sofa, maintaining absolute silence.

It wasn't until the crack opened and the figure fell from it that she smiled and spoke.



At this moment, from Bai Ying's perspective, time seemed to have stopped abruptly.

It can be seen that Jiang Chen, who is falling, is not wearing the same mecha as when he entered the abyss. Instead, his upper body is naked, and his body is stained with a large amount of dark red blood and pieces of flesh and blood.

However, Bai Ying found after scanning that these dark red blood stains and flesh and blood fragments came from monsters in the shadows of the past, which were dissipating into the aura of the abyss.

There wasn't even a single wound on his body.

After confirming Lord Jiang Chen's safety, Bai Ying felt relieved and partially slowed down her thinking speed.

Time seemed to flow again.

Jiang Chen fell into the room and heard Bai Ying's voice.

Welcome home, my lord.

Let's talk later!

Jiang Chen immediately entered the bathroom, washed away all the dirt, and changed into clean clothes.

Although these flesh and blood filth are all products of the shadows of the past.

After returning to the present world, it will naturally disintegrate and dissipate, leaving nothing behind.

But theory is theory, and disgusting is still disgusting.

Taking a shower after returning can make you feel more comfortable.

My talent is strong, but I just tear up monsters with my hands all day long, which is a bit unhygienic.

Jiang Chen wiped his hair and walked out of the bathroom.

He noticed Bai Ying's gaze in the living room and explained casually.

My mecha master talent is quite special. It allows me to gain the same power as a mecha, so I am more bold in fighting...

Don't worry, just get used to it.

All mecha masters know that SSS-level newcomers have extremely talented talents that far exceed ordinary people.

There is absolutely no way to hide this.

Secondly, after Jiang Chen absorbs the power of the mecha and enhances his physical strength, he will also have many obvious characteristics that cannot be completely concealed.

He simply said it openly and openly.

Anyway, talent is different from overclocking module.

It is a soul characteristic that is personal and cannot be taken away. If other people know about it, they will be envious and jealous at most, and will not have other thoughts.

Of course, like all warcasters.

Jiang Chen can only show part of his talent characteristics, and it is impossible to fully reveal his talent information to others.

Just like now, his words actually only confirmed Bai Ying's thoughts.

It did not reveal any more information, but instead covered up the upper limit of [Immortal Unarmed].

I understand, my lord, you are a mecha master with the physical enhancement type.

Bai Ying nodded.

Mecha masters with enhanced physical bodies tend to have a more unrestrained fighting style and don't care much about the damage to their mechas.

As an SSS-level newcomer, Jiang Chen's physical strength is probably much stronger than that of mechas.

Not wearing a mecha is normal.

No need to be surprised by this in the future.

Talents belong to the mecha master's personal privacy.

Bai Ying had no intention of asking further questions.

Jiang Chen did not continue to explain, but talked about another thing.

Bai Ying, does Senior Ruan know any high-level strengthening masters?

Can you tell Senior Ruan and help introduce someone? I want to strengthen my's still too weak now.

Jiang Chen originally wanted to clear the abyss first, accumulate more contributions, and then find a high-level enhancer to enhance his mecha.

However, after experiencing the simple difficulty version of Baigui Wujian, I changed my mind.

too slow.

Although Jiang Chen, as a future warrior, has an unlimited future.

But in fact, the combat effectiveness at the current stage is far less powerful than the alliance symbol at the same time.

If the opponent directly loads a set of modules, they can all overclock and start crushing the nightmare difficulty.

It would take Jiang Chen dozens of minutes to play on the easy difficulty level.

The difference is too obvious.

Coupled with the low-level difficulty of the abyss, the income generated is too low.

Even though Jiang Chen had nearly infinite growth ability, his starting speed was greatly slowed down because of this.

I don’t know how many times I have to explode my armor to reach the point where I can only pass through the abyss.

Although the output of the easy difficulty dungeon is enough for me to repair the mecha, in theory, as long as the cycle continues, I can grow...

But it's too little.

Even if you are a repairman, it takes time to repair a mecha, especially a completely damaged mecha. It will take at least several hours to repair it.

The attributes of the zero-level mecha are only so high, and you can't add many points in one day.

In comparison, as long as I strengthen the mecha to the zero-level peak and double the attributes, it is equivalent to doubling the growth rate.

If you complete the sublimation of the mecha and improve the attributes and quality of the mecha, you can obtain dozens of times the current attributes in one blast!

Isn't it much faster to explode one armor dozens of times than to accumulate attributes a little bit?

Therefore, Jiang Chen plans to find a strengthener first to strengthen the mecha, and then continue to increase his attributes.

As for the issue of remuneration...

Previously he planned to pay normally.

Now get ready to find angel investors.

I am an SSS-level newcomer, and I am in urgent need of resources to grow. As long as you strengthen my mecha for free, when I become a first-level mecha master, I will definitely help you develop the overclocking module and embark on the road to invincibility!

It should be more believable than I am Qin Shihuang, right?

These were all things Jiang Chen was thinking about while taking a shower.

At this time, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard Bai Ying reply.

The master is the reinforcement master. We mechas are all repaired and strengthened by the master himself.

You want to strengthen the mecha? You should have told me earlier.

You have already prepared the materials. If you let me help you strengthen it to the limit first, it will not be damaged in the abyss.

That's not right. You mecha masters who specialize in your own profession don't care about the feelings of the mecha when fighting. Even if I strengthen it for you, it will probably be damaged...

Bai Ying connected to Senior Ruan's communication.

Soon, her appearance changed from a little girl to a woman wearing a bright yellow dress, which meant that the account owner had gone online.

When Senior Ruan heard the demand, he couldn't help but complain.

Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed.

“I have spent all my contribution just to buy materials.”

Besides, I didn't know that Senior Ruan is a mecha reinforcement master...

No, I only work part-time.

Ruan Mingyu shook his head.

Furthermore, you may not know that it's not just me...almost all high-level mecha masters work part-time as enhancers and repairmen.

Among them, some high-level mecha masters also work part-time as blacksmiths to create equipment specifically for themselves.


Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

Ruan Mingyu said seriously.

You should know that when a mecha is strengthened, if you want to unleash its full potential and effect, you must have a deep understanding of the characteristics of the mecha and its materials...

Who in this world knows his own mecha better than the mecha master himself?

Secondly, mechas may seem like dead objects, but they actually have souls.

Including Bai Ying, she has a machine soul herself. The intelligent module just released her soul and gave it a way of expression.

So, the process of mecha masters repairing mechas is also a process of communicating with the mecha souls, which can adjust the state of mechas and run in with the modules...

These are compulsory courses for high-level mecha masters.

If it were other newcomers, maybe they wouldn't have to worry about this.

But you are different.

Although it may be a little early now, you'd better take repair and strengthening courses in your free time to prepare yourself for strengthening the mecha in the future.

Do all high-level mecha masters strengthen their mechas themselves?

Jiang Chen nodded.

That's right, no matter how good the reinforcement master is, his understanding of mecha is far inferior to that of the mecha master himself, and his ideas will be different.

Instead of telling others, start doing it yourself.

However, Jiang Chen's mind has not changed.

As Senior Ruan said, he is not even a first-level mecha master now. It is too early to consider these things. At most, he can just watch and learn.

If you get started directly, you will waste the potential of the overclocking module.

Moreover, although the [Source of Life] trait has the effect of sensing machine souls, it is not the best choice.

Otherwise, as a necessary trait for high-level mecha masters, it would not be worth only 30,000 contributions.

Even if Jiang Chen wants to strengthen and repair part-time, he must choose the best traits!

Let me help you repair and strengthen the mecha first.

Come to Xantian City to find me. There are suitable venues and equipment here.

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