Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 829

3408_The style is not right

Me: "Zhang Feng is very attentive to me all of a sudden. I suspect that he and Bao inquired about plotting against me. Please help me find out what they are plotting against."

Zhang Mi readily agreed, and then asked, "Do you need to inquire without being discovered by them? I'm not very familiar with this skill."

Me: "No, if they ask, you can still say that I asked you to inquire about it. But be careful, after you say it's what I mean, the inquirer may be vague and foolish, just like when I asked them directly My reaction, you be careful not to be scammed by them. I want information that may be incomplete but not seriously wrong."

Zhang Mi: "Understood, I will as soon as possible."

Come on, I believe in your ability to handle affairs when you show a dog-legged demeanor, and you may even be more professional than Bao inquired about this aspect.

Then I forwarded the suspected rhododendron grass information sent to me by Zhang Feng to Brother Lou Fuyi, who was still studying Yuanbaocao more and more frustrated and courageously: "Brother Lou, help me research this secretly."

Brother Lou understood: "'Secretly' means hiding it from the elders? It's a bit difficult."

Me: "I didn't hide it..."

Brother Lou understood very well: "Do we want the elders not to stop us from obtaining the relevant information recorded before? It is still very difficult, as evidenced by the ingot grass."

Me: "My fault."

Brother Lou: "This is really not exactly..."

Me: "... Brother Lou, what did you do?"

Brother Lou: "I thought that the data was restricted because of you anyway, so I tried the method of stealing data that I had wanted to use for a long time but never dared to, and then I was caught as expected, and then the data permissions were completely locked .I now want to get some data about the use of "Tongming fruit stones as fertilizers on Jindan-level spiritual plants", but they are rejected. Asking other people to help me check the information will also be pointed out as "help Lou Fuyi check? No". More serious What's more, some people heard about Yuanbaocao and wanted to know more about it, but they were also rejected by Zangshuge."

Senior Brother Lou: "Zangshuge said, 'The Secret Realm of Yuanbao has been fighting with sword cultivators in the Transformation Stage for 500 years. Do you Jindan Yuanying Stage think that it is appropriate for you to study this secret realm?" You have nothing to do with it, and you don’t study well. Do your business.’”

Brother Lou: "I think it's a bit strange that Zangshuge is so tough this time. In the past, even if they didn't allow anyone to read some materials, they would simply say 'insufficient authority', and they basically wouldn't pay much attention to our questioning. This time, they are actually insulting people? Then The tone is like asking the task office, "Will you do the task? Are you embarrassed to give a single-digit score for such a simple task?" To be precise, it is a bit like Hu Yuanjia's overreaching, but Cangshuge has always been on the sidelines, neutral and indifferent , this time the style is not quite right."

3409_ may not be simple

Me: "Did something serious happen?"

Brother Lou: "It may also be that I have repeatedly provoked Zangshuge recently, which annoyed them, so the style of Zangshuge I came into contact with suddenly changed."

It makes sense, the style of Zangshuge I have come into contact with has always been significantly different from the public's senses.

Senior Brother Lou: "Although you have a lot of data, it's quite messy, but if you're an outsider, it doesn't seem to be... no, it's not messy, it's because a key parameter is missing. Second son, where did this come from? It seems that someone is going to deceive you. You."

Me: "Please inquire."

Senior Brother Lou: "Oh, they, then it's not blindness, it's just trying to be lucky. Bao inquired carefully and bumped into the hands of the senior brother. The senior brother's menopause has been thriving, and it happened to take the bag to inquire about diarrhea, and there was no sequelae. But no Thinking that the Golden Core Stage that Bao inquired about is still good... Huh, the Nascent Soul Stage? This information has the Nascent Soul Stage involved?"

Me: "There should be. It is said that the Lingzhi was discovered by the junior uncle in the Nascent Soul Stage when he found fault. He tried to use it on the Junior Martial Uncle, but it didn't work. In order to confirm the effect of the Lingzhi, they used their own Nascent Soul to make it. After experimenting, it has been kept in Baodao since then.”

Brother Lou: "It's interesting. This matter doesn't need to go through the library, and it won't disturb the elder's special order. It's just a matter of inquiring. With the research ability of Lingzhi, our Yunxiazong's Jindan stage is enough to deal with them. Even the Yuanying stage There is no need to take action. I am really touched, and recently I finally encountered something that is easy to produce results."

I don't know whether I should hit Brother Lou: this spiritual plant may involve a secret realm, and any research on the secret realm cannot be completely handled by Jin Danqi.

I tactfully said, "It's probably not that simple, because I suspect that the spiritual plant that Bao asked to provide is of the same type as the analysis plant that disappeared in the task I'm doing now."

There are a lot of Golden Core Stages participating in the analysis of Grass, and there are still some Nascent Soul Stages. Although it is certain that there are powerful, experts in this field, and people who have encountered similar things in person, they have seen the inside story, but just like the person who discovered my identity Just as everyone chose to keep their mouths shut, the people who found out about Cao Zhen's appearance didn't intend to explain publicly.Just looking at the number and cultivation level of the people who are actively guessing, it is more difficult to see through the analysis grass than to see through me.


Brother Lou: "That's it...it's okay, I'll do some research first, and I'll let you know if there's any news. Second Young Master, you should be careful and inquire. Although they don't have the guts to hurt you, it's annoying to make big news that shakes the world. In particular, they only care about stabbing people and never caring about the aftermath."

Me: "I will be careful. Senior Brother Lou, if you hear about the little conspiracy against me, please tell me. Even if I may have already learned about it from other sources, please forward it again, in case I miss it."

Brother Lou: "No problem."

I modified the information screening black box mechanism in my brain, from the moment Zhang Feng forwarded me the suspected Rhododendron grass information, which has both "Bao inquiring", "Ling Zhi" and "Pei Lin" or "Jiang Ji" information Don't put it in the black box, but let me see it normally.

Zhang Feng: "Well, third son, let me just ask, are you more vigilant against me than ever before?"

Me: "Yes."

Zhang Feng: "We have always been kind to people, and have always been harmless. Although many people gnash their teeth when they mention us, but San Gongzi, with your amount of information, you can't find a single case where we inquired about seriously injuring others, right? Well, I admit that there are slanderous injuries, but there are definitely no serious injuries, only others seriously injured us."

In the justification he sent me, he wrote the two homophones of 'severely injured' and 'slandered' in black and bold words, so that I could clarify the key points, and his expression was rare serious, so serious that the Xu family and Sanxiu who were still arguing were still arguing. Glanced at him.

Me: "I know that you have always held your bottom line well, and I have never doubted that you will put me in a disaster situation, never doubted."

Zhang Feng: "Thank you, Second Young Master, for your trust."

Don't rush to thank you, the last sentence is just an introduction before the topic.

Me: "I just suspect that you want to report on an exclusive secret realm? Do you know one thing about the secret realm and me?"

Zhang Feng sent a new message after a while: "Look at what you said, second son, we don't really understand such high-end things in the secret realm. We only inquire about the highest cultivation level at the Nascent Soul stage, and even independently research the Gu pool. , not to mention the real secret realm."

Me: "You don't know about my secret realm? You don't want to use it? How dare you say you haven't heard of it?"

I waited for a few minutes, Zhang Feng did not send me the next message, I looked at him, he suddenly moved, everyone stared at him.

Zhang Feng: "Ah, ignore me, I have something else to do, let's take a step first, you two can talk slowly." Then he really left.

At the same time as Zhang Feng walked out the door, another disciple Bao inquired came in and said hello to us.


Han Yituo: "Collect gossip and change people halfway?"

The relay Bao inquired about the disciple laughingly: "Sorry, sorry, the temporary situation, please continue."

He walked up to me and said, "I'm asking about the planter Bao Xiangzhu, Senior Jiang, may I interview you for a while?"

I can not."

Bao Xiangzhu: "As expected. Thank you, Senior Jiang, for your answer." He looked at the other people who were looking at him, "Would you like to accept my one-on-one interview?"

Han Yituo: "If you talk nonsense, get the hell out."

Bao Xiangzhu: "Yes, I understand, you guys are chatting, I just listen."

At this time, Zhang Feng sent me a message: "Third son, it's not that I want to hide you, I'm also restricted, but Bao Xiangzhu has been in direct contact with Ling Zhi for a long time. If you dig into him, there must be surprises. Come on .”

Me: "Where are you from?"

Zhang Feng: "There are so many of the same family, but there is only one of the three sons. I am from the big news."

Even if my news channels are restricted in Yunxia Sect, how can I also restrict inquiries?

Although Bao Inquired was a little apprehensive of Yunxiazong, but it was impossible to obey Yunxiazong's orders.It is absolutely impossible for Yun Xiazong to hear about "you can't tell Pei Lin some kind of news" to Bao Da, but Bao Da listened to not tell it, and it is possible that they told me more in turn.

——You can tell whoever you want to tell the information you have collected.It doesn't matter if you rectify the internal struggles in your sect, other sects have no obligation to cooperate, if they refuse to accept it, we will make this matter public and let the whole world judge. This time the world will definitely stand up and ask.

So what is the reason for Zhang Feng being restricted?While restricting Zhang Feng who was at the peak of foundation building, he also let Bao Xiangzhu, who knew Lingzhi better than Zhang Feng and was also at the peak of foundation building, contact me. Just limit who I get it from.

It can't be Zhang Feng, the beast master, but Bao Xiangzhu, the planter.

I sent a message to Bao Xiangzhu: "Did you bring that spiritual plant?"

Bao Xiangzhu was surprised... looked at me in amazement——his attention was not on the negotiation without even pretending.

Han Yituo patted the table: "I'll ask about that, get out, I'll give you ten seconds, if you don't get out, I'll give you a ride."

Bao Xiangzhu: "Senior Han, why are you so excited?"

Han Yituo: "You still have 20 seconds."

Bao Xiangzhu took out a spiritual plant bag: "Senior Han, it is really better to be more patient."

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