Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 819

3368_VIP customers

Me: "Do you think Han Ye-tuo is sick?"

Xu Qing: "...No, I feel that he is normal, full of calculations, and normal in wanting to make big profits."

Xu Qing spread his hands: "Use your jade slip again." Then he shared with me the whole process of his conflict with Han Yituo.From when he discovered the analysis grass to when he was injured by Han Yituo, the Xu family came to rescue him, and then Han Yituo was dissatisfied with the amount of compensation proposed by the Xu family and insisted that he would kill him.

This was probably the first time that Xu Qing described it in such detail to outsiders after the incident happened.

Me: "Compared to a normal planner, do you believe in a mental illness? No matter how malicious the calculation is, there is always an entry point for negotiation, but the mental illness may be completely out of control."

Xu Qing: "It's like buying a sufficient amount of Chi Qiadan from the Medicine Sect to compensate Han Yituo, the Xu family chose to hire bodyguards from the Yunxia Sect. Satisfying other people's calculations may be a simple solution to this crisis, but it may It will lead to the next bullying. Some things need to be completely suppressed when they show up for the first time. Even if you pay a high price, in the long run, it will definitely be much more cost-effective."

Me: "What if I make this information public?"

Xu Qing: "In fact, being public is not necessarily a bad thing. We have been suppressing it, but we are not sure how things will evolve after it is made public. Now the public is questioning Han Yituo's fabrication because he refused to provide detailed data for analyzing the grass. The public opinion is in our favor. So we chose to keep the status quo. But on the other hand, under the situation where public opinion is forcing Han Yetuo so much, he still keeps silent and only focuses on the compensation, which seems to show that it is in his interest not to reveal the details."

Xu Qing: "Therefore, we don't know how to choose better. Maybe, from your perspective, from the height of Yunxiazong, there will be a clear answer."

After I used Kedongfeng's official website to search and purchase information items many times, Kedongfeng's disciples initiated a newsletter application to me.

It's Xu Qing's contact person, Zuo Xian.

I guess no coincidence.

Zuo Xian's age is not easy to judge, I mean, even his appearance age is not easy to judge, because his temperament is very mature.By ordinary people's standards, it seems to be middle-aged and calm after experiencing or even getting tired of watching big storms, but if you strip away your temperament, dress, and expression, Zuo Xian may be more like a young man.

Young and mature?Similar to Chu Wuliu?

The first sentence Zuo Xian contacted me was very official, as if he just found a VIP customer who was willing to spend money, and he didn't have any guesses about my identity.

3369_ Not taking care of customers

Zuo Xian said: "Senior Jiang, hello, I am Zuo Xian, a disciple of Kedongfeng. You have recently made a lot of consumption in Kedongfeng. Are you satisfied with the information you have obtained? The information displayed to the world has certain limitations. Sex, if you have specific requirements, you can tell me, and my colleagues and I will collect them for you."

Me: "I want to know, how many people who are actively participating in this discussion don't know that I am Pei Lin? This may be difficult to accurately count, so it is enough to give an approximate number, and the approximate proportion of the total number of people." .”

Zuo Xian was silent, probably because I didn't expect that I would expose my identity in the first sentence. After all, people who know about this matter are generally playing a game of tacit understanding, but Zuo Xian's expression has not changed much After a while, he said in a tone almost reading a text:

"Current statistics are very difficult, because many people have paid attention to this matter but have not shown it, some people have discovered it but pretended to be confused, and some people have not discovered it but behaved as if they have discovered it... We can only say , the number of people, the proportion, are figures that cannot be ignored.”

Me: "Your evaluation of the value of the analysis grass and the difficulty of finding it is full of ambiguity. Is it because you have not found reliable information, or is it deliberately concealed?"

Zuo Xian: "I'm sorry, Senior Jiang, Ke Dongfeng does not provide our own information, including but not limited to the reasons for our actions, the way we process information, etc."

Me: "If I want to buy all the materials about Han Yituo and Xu Qing, how much is the total?"

Zuo Xian: "I'm sorry, Senior Jiang, Ke Dongfeng does not provide information to requests that are too open. The scope of 'related' is too large. Please give as detailed keywords as you did on the official website before, we guarantee , the human response will definitely be more precise and detailed than the programmed response.”

It seems that it is better to inquire about and take care of customers?

Me: "Han Yituo is dormant, what is he going to do?"

Zuo Xian: "I'm sorry, Senior Jiang, Ke Dongfeng only provides information that has happened, and does not make predictions for the future."

...I'll give you another chance, if it doesn't work, I might just have to appreciate Bao's nonsense.

Me: "To take away the power of the analysis grass, your official website only says that it may be a space distortion related to the secret realm, and that secret realm is where Han Yituo has been, and it is in that secret realm that Han Yituo dug up the analysis grass. Is there any more information about this secret realm? For example, the reason why it took back the analysis grass, apart from the fact that the analysis grass may be important to it, what touched it, so that it did not intercept the analysis grass when Han Yituo poached it? After analyzing grass, it took at least a few days to take it back from a long distance?"

3370_broken problem

Zuo Xian: "This has more detailed information. However, like the official website, we implement a system of charging first and then submitting the information. The information price is determined by us. After the transaction is completed, if you are not satisfied with the information, the information fee will not be refunded. "

Hey hey hey, you guys are more suitable, do you still want to do business?Are you sure you can do this seller's market?

Me: "Are there many repeat customers of Ke Dongfeng?"

Zuo Xian: "I'm sorry..."

"I know you don't provide your own information to outsiders." I interfaced, "I just asked casually and didn't want an answer."

Zuo Xian: "Yes. Sorry."

Don't mention the content of the speech, just look at the attitude, in fact, it is still possible.Although it seems a bit brain-dead, what people say is dry stuff. If you can't say it, you can't say it directly, and you won't go around in circles.

Me: "Are you quoting in person and I pay, or is it directly deducted from my previous prepayment, and I can only see the price after the deduction is completed?"

Zuo Xian: "In manual contact, you always quote first. After listening to the quotation, you feel that it is not suitable and you can refuse the transaction."

Me: "If I refuse, do I need to pay the quotation fee separately?"

Zuo Xian: "...No."

Finally felt a little bit of VIP treatment.

Me: "Is it still only possible to trade with spirit stones?"

Zuo Xian: "Other items of equivalent value or items that Ke Dongfeng just needs are also available, but some items may involve the valuation process. Since a sufficient fee must be received to send a message, the valuation process may cause a delay in sending the message. So if You need information urgently, it is recommended to pay with spirit stones or other items whose prices have been recognized.”

Me: "Such as acacia items?"

Zuo Xian: "...Although the prices of Hehuanzong items are generally high, because there are many types of items, and the value is closely related to the creator, and there are many counterfeit items, there is often a long valuation process. In comparison, the market price of Tongminguo is more stable."

Me: "If I'm in a hurry and I don't have enough spirit stones, can I pay you first for items whose market price must be higher than the information fee, get the information, and then you slowly evaluate the value, and after the evaluation is over, the excess part will be paid to you." Return it to me or credit it to my account in Kedongfeng?"

Zuo Xian: "If the preliminary valuation is definitely over-valued in a short period of time, then yes."

Feel that Zuo Xian's rigid face seems to be loose, adding a sense of powerlessness?

Pei Bing: "Obviously because your question is too stupid."

It can also be broken.

3371_ find fault

Me: "The rules mentioned just now should be regarded as Ke Dongfeng's information, right? Is it okay to say it directly or even for free?"

Pei Bing: "You are looking for fault."

yeah, so what?Will Zuo Xian cut off my communication and add me to Ke Dongfeng's customer blacklist?I guess not, Zuo Xian and Ke Dongfeng both have a sense of tolerance, as long as I question logically instead of making things difficult, I think they will tolerate it.

Zuo Xian: "Senior Jiang, there is one thing you probably already know. The 99 people who went to hunt the secret realm, except you, have returned to the main world safely."

"Except for you" means that Zuo Xian recognized my identity as Pei Lin, but he insisted on continuing to call me "Senior Jiang". What kind of statement is this?

Me: "I don't plan to buy information related to hunting secrets now. You took the initiative to mention it, do you mean to give it away for free? I want it for free."

Left String: "..."

Me: "Make an offer."

"You don't want to..." Zuo Xian blurted out, but immediately realized that I jumped the topic back, so he corrected his mood and said in a more rigid tone than the beginning, "About the suspected analysis of the secret realm related to the analysis grass, and the analysis For the information about the excavation and disappearance of the grass, the following grades of spirit stones are calculated..."

After listening to him, I asked: "If I pay with Tongmingguo, what is the standard for conversion?" Although the value of Tongmingguo has been recognized to a certain extent, the price is not uniform.

In terms of horizontal comparison, the official selling price of Yunxiazong, except for those directly supplied at the auction, is considered low; is on the high side.Even the official ones fluctuate so much, and other second-hand and third-hand transactions are even more uncertain, and there are fakes mixed in to spoil the situation.

Zuo Xian: "Here is an exchange standard for the past two years, you can refer to it. At different times, according to Ke Dongfeng's demand for Tongmingguo, the standard will change to a certain extent, but we promise that we will not deliberately lower the exchange rate." The exchange price we give must be acceptable in the market, but we will definitely not buy Tongmingguo at a high price in this exchange."

Me: "It's probably similar to choosing to pay with middle-grade spirit stones when you can pay with low-grade spirit stones. The exchange ratio is based on the standard of 'makes sense but can't be reversed in most cases'?"

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