Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 014

0036_As soon as I was born, the end is approaching

The eldest brother of my generation in the Yunxia School is Jiang Weixiao. According to rumors, he almost became the head disciple with a crushing advantage.After he became a big senior brother, all the other head disciples changed their words within a day, and the convinced big brother shouted joyfully before and after the big brother.

Jiang Weixiao had just stepped into the Golden Core Stage when he became a Senior Senior Brother. In principle, this was the time when he was just accepted as a formal apprentice by the head master, and then he was immediately promoted as the first apprentice.

We must know that the current head of Yunxiazong is in his prime, even if it is not popular in Yunxiazong to let the head die in the head position, but encourage the head to break through the stage of transformation and choose a suitable successor. After infancy, he abdicated—the focus is on the last two—and then became a member of the elders to concentrate on cultivation, continue to support the sect in another way, and assist the new head to pass the initial period of succession smoothly, but With the cultivation level and age of the current head, he would not be in a hurry even if it took hundreds or even thousands of years to choose the first disciple, but he couldn't wait to choose Jiang Weixiao.

It can be seen how much this elder brother is satisfied with the current head, so satisfied that he is sure that there will be no more satisfactory successor for him in the next thousand years.

Based on my actual contact, I only think that the elder brother is gentle and amiable but well-regulated. Although he is a qualified elder brother, I can't see how it can make the head of the sect so eager and the brothers and sisters surrender so much.

"That's because he became more and more restrained and low-key after he became a senior brother, and he paid attention to cultivating his mind." My brother said, "Didn't you see that senior senior brother, tsk tsk tsk, brilliance, blinding people's eyes. Pei Miao Such an aggressive person is subconsciously cautious in his words and deeds in front of him, and never yells a word. You know, Pei Miao is older than the senior brother, and his cultivation level is also higher than him. The reason why the senior brother suppressed him is because of the difference in momentum When the elder brother led the team to the secret realm, all the disciples of Yunxiazong who participated in the secret realm all condensed into one rope, pointing out where to fight, to disperse when they split up, to gather at the right time when they gather, half nonsense No, without delay for a second."

Of course I didn't see it, I was one of the disciples of Yunxia Sect's generation who entered the final stage, and some of the disciples of my generation had already entered Yuanying and began to accept the next generation of disciples.

When I was born, not to mention the great achievements of the previous generation, the romantic figures of my generation have passed the time of youth and frivolity, leaving only legends for my imagination.All I can look forward to is to see what wonderful things can emerge from the next generation of disciples, but at that time, I existed as an elder, as a former wave who was shot to death.

Thinking about it, I feel that I have a special resonance with the little uncle.

Little Uncle Feedback: Don't bother me.


Cultivators also need to eat. Although there is Bigu Pill, that stuff is actually a elixir concentrated from high-energy food after removing impurities. It can be compared to the compressed biscuits in the previous life. Although it is more nutritious than compressed biscuits, even if it is taken for a long time, it will not There are side effects such as getting angry, but eating is not just for satiety and nutrition.

Don't think that monks say that they don't want anything if they say that they are pure-hearted and want nothing. The monks are just more open-minded, more able to choose and accept, and they can afford to let go, but they will not deliberately abuse themselves when they can enjoy it.

Oh, except for sword cultivators, self-torture is a traditional item for sword cultivators.

But even if he is used to self-torture like a sword cultivator, my father will also think about adding food after seeing the spirit beast eggs. He is in the stage of transformation, and he doesn't even need Bigu Dan. He can already extract energy directly from the environment to satisfy his stomach up.

I am very envious of my father's state. In his state, eating is purely a kind of enjoyment rather than a burden.Don't eat anything that is not delicious, and eat without restraint if there is delicious food.No matter how much you eat at a time, it can be converted into energy flow to the whole body and stored as spiritual power for backup. You will never be unable to enjoy the food because you are full.

And if you want to reach my dad's state of eating or not eating, you don't need to be so far away from the transformation stage, the golden core stage is enough.

... Well, for me who have not yet established a foundation, Jindan is a bit far away.

When it comes to the cafeteria of Yunxiazong, the main peak is the most recommended.It's not that there are cafeterias in other peaks, after all, most of the disciples in the qi training period and foundation building period still dislike the monotonous Bigu pill when they are in the sect.

In fact, according to my conscience, Bigu Dan tastes good, light and slightly sweet.If you have a special taste preference, you can ask Danfeng’s peers to customize it, such as extra spicy, slightly sour, bitter... as long as you want it, you can have everything you want.

The price of the customized model will of course be slightly more expensive than the normal model, but that's it.After all, Bigu Dan is only one of the most basic elixirs, and it is one of the necessary training elixirs for beginners in alchemy.Anyway, whether they can be sold or not, beginner alchemists all have to refine them, and no matter how much the price is raised, the price of a low-grade bigu pill can't keep up with a meal made by spiritual things.And a low-grade Bigu pill can guarantee that the monks will not be hungry for one day to one week-the specific time depends on the energy consumption rate. It can last for about a week while sitting in a daze, and about one day or even less for continuous high-intensity activities.

In order to choose the next head, the main peak has always had the right to give priority to the selection of disciples, and those children who are not sure which profession they should cultivate will also go to the main peak first, so the main peak has the most Qi training period and foundation building period among all the peaks Yes, after the foundation-building period disciples have determined their own paths and entered their respective peaks to reduce the population pressure on the main peak, it is time for new disciples to start

The canteen business in the main peak has always been booming.There are some disciples who have just started to practice qi and need to eat ordinary food, some disciples who are in the qi training period start to consume spiritual grains moderately, some disciples who are in the foundation establishment period do not eat ordinary food at all, and hope to be fed with spiritual food, and some disciples from various peaks find it by themselves Please process the delicious food in the cafeteria...

The main peak must be the most life-like peak in the Yunxia Sect.But what is not so warm is that there is no such thing as three meals a day or processing.You can bring coins or spirit stones from home to pay, or you can complete the task to get contribution points and pay with contribution points. You can also take the hunted and found items to the exchange office to exchange for contribution points. In short, you must pay first Only then can there be gains.

In the long run, of course, it is better to use contribution points, which are also called points. They can not only be exchanged for food, but also for pills, magic tools, talismans, spirit beasts and other things that Yunxiazong has. The currency in circulation is easier to use than Lingshi in Yunxiazong.Because the contribution points directly reflect the disciple's contribution to the sect, Yunxiazong allows contribution points to be exchanged for some precious items, but it is not acceptable to buy them directly with spirit stones, even if the amount of spirit stones far exceeds the value of the item itself, Yunxiazong does not If money is poor, more attention is paid to cultivating disciples' loyalty to the sect.

0038_Occasionally need a dozen tooth sacrifices

There are many, many mountains in Yunxiazong. The eight directions and the main peak in the middle are divided into nine parts and named respectively.Each peak also contains many mountains, large and small. Most of these mountains do not have fixed names. Usually, whoever lives on them is referred to by that person.

For example, the mountain where I live is now called Peifeng.Before it was occupied by my father, this mountain was Yunrui Peak No. 77, and before that, it was occupied by a senior named Ye, who was called Ye Feng at that time.

It can be seen that the name of Yunxiazong Fei really has a long history.

Oh, today I don't want to complain about the useless name, I want to complain about the cooking skills.The population of Pei Feng is small, and my father was born as a young master. When he was young, he didn't light up his cooking skills. Even after joining Yunxia Sect, he often needed to stay in the wild for many days to do tasks, and gradually he was able to cook the food. But it is only limited to cooked.He doesn't know how to make dark dishes such as burnt, burnt, and bitterly salty, but whether it tastes good or not depends entirely on the ingredients themselves, and he doesn't add any added value.The smoothest seasoning he uses is salt, and only salt.

At best, this is to restore the most authentic flavor of food. At worst, my mouth is so pale that I want to chew Chaotian pepper.

When I was young, he could still slander me: "No matter how old your memory is, your body is a child, and a child cannot eat too irritating food."

After my puberty he can only admit that his cooking skills are limited.

In my previous life, I didn’t like spicy food. In this life, I have eaten Qingshui cabbage and Qingshui pork slices for more than ten years. After finally eating barbecue, he only smeared salt on it. I have to save myself.

Ah, cook by yourself?Well, I didn't light up the cooking skills, but it doesn't matter, there is a cafeteria.

Yunxiazong's canteen is not as stream-of-consciousness as the school canteen or company canteen in the previous life. There are really chefs who can cook delicious food here.This may also be because although Yunxia Sect has a large population, there are not many people who need to eat every day, including the disciples in the foundation building period, Qi training period and before the Qi training period. Although they must eat every day, because of cultivation and tasks, It is often dealt with with Bigu Dan.So whenever someone goes to the cafeteria to eat, they hope to eat delicious food, not to fill their stomachs.

If they didn't eat delicious food, forget it during the foundation building period, and they will be offended if they offend. Anyway, this kind of small offense will basically not care about it when they are able to retaliate.But those golden elixir stage, nascent soul stage, and even the stage of transforming gods disappointed them. Although they would not tear down the cafeteria, the ingredients needed by the chefs, the elixir for cultivation, and the pots and pans that are actually magic utensils... ...Whether it can be supplied on time, with guaranteed quality, and without small traps in the future... I don't know.

Since I basically killed myself in my previous life, I pay attention to calm down in this life, and try my best to complain about anything that goes wrong, but I still can't help it sometimes when it comes to food.

In fact, I don't think I'm a picky eater. Although I like spicy food, I definitely can't eat spicy food when I was a baby. I ate tasteless liquid food and nutritious food, and I ate it year after year.After the qi training period, I can use Bigu Dan as a food substitute for a long time, and I can accept the bland taste, taking one pill a day for a year or so, it's a bit monotonous, but it doesn't make me sick to my stomach.

However, blindly forbearance is not the correct way to cultivate the mind, and it needs to be properly vented.

"Eat what you eat, why are there so many excuses?" My brother, who was somewhere far away, despised me, and at the same time sent me a dead duck that was still dripping blood.

Me: "Can't you send me a plate of prepared duck dishes?"

Brother: "Second brother, I'm in the mortal world. This duck is just a mortal bird. You still want to make it with mortal methods? You really don't think there are too many impurities. But I'm afraid of being scolded by my father, so you should go to the cafeteria Processing."

Ordinary teleportation artifacts are not good at this point. They cannot transfer living things, and those with spiritual energy above a certain value, such as the corpse of a spirit beast that has just died, cannot be transferred.And the kind of teleportation magic weapon that can teleport items with high spiritual energy value is not only expensive, but also consumes a lot of energy when teleporting. The most important thing is that it has low concealment. .

Speaking of it, the twins' cultivation base is relatively low. If they are in the Nascent Soul stage and carry the enhanced version of the teleportation magic weapon with them, although the magic weapon itself is not good at concealment, but they can artificially hide it, wouldn't it be appropriate?

My brother said: Good intentions are not rewarded, and a Qi training period is also embarrassed to dislike the low cultivation level of the Jindan period?

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