Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 005

0012_Da Neng also had a hard time

My mother's luck was not very good since she was a child, and she changed her luck once, but she was still not lucky when she died.In comparison, my father is much luckier. He was loved by his family when he was a child, and by his master's sect after he became a teacher. Now, almost all the cultivation world loves him.

However, no matter how lucky a person is, it is impossible for him to be successful all his life. Of course, my father also had hardships.He still regrets to this day why he met and fell in love with Senior Sun during his most difficult days.If he could meet earlier, he could protect her, and if he could meet later, he could also protect her.However, they met at a stage when he was unable to protect her comprehensively and instead needed her protection and enlightenment.

My father was born in a family with a history of cultivation, which is not considered a family of cultivation, but in each generation, there are basically one or two people with spiritual roots, whether it is four spiritual roots or five spiritual roots, who can cultivate to the foundation building stage It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you can only practice until the Qi training period, anyway, there is a tradition of self-cultivation.

When my father was found to have dual spiritual roots, the whole family was excited, as if seeing the hope of the family's rise to become a big family.

From the stereotyped appearance of my father now, it is hard to imagine that he was also a spoiled brat when he was young.He himself said that he was so frivolous at that time, that there was simply no room for him in the world.He is so heartless, the oldest in the world I grew up to 12 years old, under the weak cultivation guidance of the family, he practiced to the great perfection of the Qi training period, and then the family was unable to guide him anymore, so he was sent to take the entrance examination of Yunxiazong .

Undoubtedly, he was successfully admitted, but to his disappointment at that time, Yun Xiazong didn't immediately regard him as a treasure, nor did he marvel at him, but just arranged him to the outer gate very flatly.

Yes, just the outer door.

Given the status of the Yunxia Sect, most of the recruits are geniuses, so Shuanglinggen is nothing.Of course, Shuanglinggen is qualified to enter the inner sect, but it needs to be observed for a period of time to confirm the character and style first.

My father didn't understand that kind of thing at the time, he only knew that he, who was praised as a genius once in a thousand years since he was a child, was ignored.Then he started looking for a sense of presence, and then...

I didn't find out.

Da Neng's black history is not so easy to inquire about. Uncles, uncles, aunts, masters... naturally know, but every time they ask them, they laugh and refuse to speak directly. They even complained to my father that I inquired about his black history again , and then I will be punished.

Forget it, anyway, you can guess the story of the brat's death.The point is that my father suffered a serious psychological gap at that time, and he couldn't adjust for a long time, and then he made himself very embarrassed.It was during that embarrassing period that he met Senior Sun.It can be said that Senior Sun saved his three views.If Senior Sun hadn't appeared in time, it was really unknown whether Yunxia Sect would still have Elder Pei now.

"So, how was it saved?" I asked my dad.

My father replied: "Cultivate hard, swing the sword [-] times today, and when it's over, I'll check your study progress this month."

Me: "..." Does public revenge have to be so obvious?I think this kind of education model is not good, the master cannot be concurrently held by the father, because in this way, one person has two identities of a reasonable punishment son and a student.

My father: "You can choose another master after you build the foundation, but not now. No one in the Yunxia Sect has a special Qi training period, unless you want to hang out with the outer disciples right now. I have no objection, I did, you Of course you can mix it up."

No, I like being alone.Chase shop I will worry about my virginity.

0013_The difference between double spirit root and single spirit root

As I said before, in the long run, there is not much difference between dual spiritual roots and single spiritual roots.From the actual data, the number of powerful people in the transformation stage is basically five to five with double spiritual roots and single spiritual roots.The Mahayana period is even more fantasy, with single spiritual root, double spiritual root, triple spiritual root, four spiritual root and five spiritual roots, which can be called an even distribution.However, the Mahayana period is actually not of much reference value, because there are only a few people in total, and everyone is an individual case.When the number of samples is seriously insufficient, it is too unreasonable to talk about analysis and conclusion errors.

Among high-end monks, spiritual roots seem to be less important, the more high-end the less important, but looking down from the Nascent Soul stage, it is very obvious that a single spiritual root is better than a double spiritual root and better than a triple spiritual root. Yu Silinggen is better than Wulinggen.

With the same efforts, the same resources, and the same time, the single spiritual root may have reached the golden core stage, and the five spiritual roots may still be hovering in the qi training stage—assuming they are not old and dead.

It may be too extreme to compare a single spiritual root with a five spiritual root, so it's better to compare single and double spiritual roots.Like my twin siblings.The elder sister of Shanhuo Linggen and the elder brother of Master Lei Linggen and assistant Tu Linggen.The starting point of the two of them is absolutely the same, my father can't have any partiality when giving them resources, and he also grew up in the Yunxia sect since childhood, and my brother is still the master of Lei Linggen, which is recognized as the most domineering sect, but from practicing Qi From Foundation Establishment to Golden Core, my brother just wants to slow down my sister by a step or even a few steps.

However, the two of them now have a tendency to attack Nascent Soul at the same time.

The impact of the number of spiritual roots on cultivation was mentioned above, and then I will talk about other influences of the spiritual root system.Similar to the number, the sharper and fiercer the type, the faster the progress of cultivation, the more gentle and gentle the type, the slower the cultivation.

It can also be said that the more aggressive the department is, the easier it is to improve, and vice versa.

Lightning is the first attack type, followed by Ice, which is my sister's Fire.

Oh, speaking of which, there are actually differences between Shuanglinggen and Shuanglinggen.Some people's dual spiritual roots are the average of the two spiritual roots, and there is no distinction between primary and secondary.For example, the dual spiritual roots of my brother and I all have an obvious main spiritual root and a weaker auxiliary spiritual root.Our kind of spiritual roots were almost treated as single spiritual roots many years ago when the means of testing spiritual roots were not so perfect.After all, in fact, everyone has all five spiritual roots. The so-called single spiritual root is just that the other four elements are too weak to be ignored.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, these are the five basic spiritual roots. The thunder root is actually a variation of the fire root, just as the ice root is actually a variation of the water root.

The twins of my brother and sister are indeed twins, they are both very angry in nature, one takes the pure fire route, and the other takes the mutation plus route.

0014_The source of spiritual roots

I have pondered the question of 'how did the spirit root come from' more than once.

It doesn't feel like genetics.At least not only.

Although, indeed, the children of monks are more likely to have spiritual roots, the children of a pair of ordinary people without spiritual roots will probably also be ordinary people.

But it cannot be generalized.

Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes to phoenixes, and the son of a mouse can make holes... If this rule is followed, then how did my father's two spiritual roots have only four or five spiritual roots reaching the sky for thousands of years? Three spiritual roots were born What about in the family?Mutations?Well, mutate.

My father's double spiritual root and my mother's single spiritual root gave birth to my double spiritual root, which is quite in line with the law of inheritance.

So, my father's twin spirit roots and senior grandson's four spirit roots gave birth to twins with a combination of a single spirit root and a double spirit root. Is this a bit strange or even weird?

Mutation again?Well, another mutation.

Speaking of the spiritual roots of my twin brothers and sisters, they are surprisingly good.We all know that multiple births will fight for space in the mother's womb, from movement space to nutrition to spiritual energy...everything.The most extreme case is when one of them kills all of its siblings.Although it is generally not so vicious, generally speaking, there must be stronger and weaker twins among multiple births.

No, my brothers and sisters, they were exactly the same when they were first born, otherwise everyone couldn't be confused about which of the two was born first.The cultivator's eyes are so sharp, if they don't have a sufficient level of deception, no matter how flustered they are, they won't be confused.

If they didn't love each other and advance and retreat together in the mother's womb--judging from the way the two of them get along now, they shouldn't be--then they competed evenly.

When my mother was pregnant with me, she said that she could feel the aura in her belly moving very powerfully. At that time, she predicted: "At least it is a double spiritual root." This is an understatement. In fact, she wanted to say a single spiritual root— After I was born, she forgot about this, and she wanted to leave a last word to send me to the Hehuan Sect to reward her master.

My father didn't answer this, and said in silence: Even the root deity of the five spirits can make his son a talent.

My father just doesn't believe in evil, and he still doesn't learn his lesson after suffering a loss. Men and women love to reproduce and reproduce. Don't underestimate the accomplishments of the Hehuan Sect.In the entire cultivation world, people can only know what a person’s spiritual root is after waiting for the test results and the testee’s release of spiritual power. up.

It is also mentioned how to analyze this in the Jade Slips of Experience left by my mother.

She said: The process of pregnancy is like the legendary Nuwa who created humans. The initial material is mud, but when they are created, some are beautiful and some are ugly, so the focus is obviously on the process.When you are pregnant, fully absorb the spiritual energy, operate the spiritual energy reasonably, and shape its meridians during the forming process of the fetus—this is much easier than smashing and reshaping it after birth—guiding it to a certain spiritual energy, and finally, getting A single spiritual root, or a mistake, can also be a double spiritual root.

She also said: "October of pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully build this fetus for ten consecutive months. The later the fault tolerance rate is lower, the more you need to concentrate on it."The mind was exhausted, and I felt that I was going to dry up.However, this is valuable, artificially creating a single spiritual root, artificially creating miracles.

She also said: Pei Xiaolin, mother, I’m sorry for you, you are really aging too fast, and occasionally you are in a trance, making you a double spiritual root. Originally, according to the fragmented scroll, I should be able to create a single spiritual root. .The last fight before death is actually not concentrated enough, I really don't want to die!

Looking at the jade slips: ...

Sometimes I really feel that, with my mother's impulsive, curious, and reckless personality, it is not easy to survive to the Nascent Soul stage.Maybe most of her luck was spent on this, which caused her to always recite words in other areas.

Alas, the deceased is the most important, and she is my own mother, and her death is directly related to me, so I will not judge her.

Her point of view on 'pregnancy shaping the spiritual root of the fetus' is mentioned here because I suspect that Senior Sun also used a similar method when she was pregnant with my brother and sister, and may even have practiced the same secret book guidance.Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why Senior Sun's body would deteriorate rapidly and uncontrollably during pregnancy, especially before delivery, and the old injuries would not recur so without warning.At the same time, it is also difficult to explain that Senior Sun's body has deteriorated to such an extent that the twins he gave birth to are actually very healthy and have excellent spiritual roots.

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