Xiao Jiaojiao suffered from morning sickness and had many babies, and was pampered by Qing Leng'

Chapter 460 Missing

Tuanzi and Putao took small brushes and began to draw on the rice paper.

Xie Yuan looked at the two people scribbling and smiled. This was normal. He didn't know what he was expecting just now.

He did not disturb the two little milk babies and sat aside to deal with government affairs.

In Yuqian Hutong, Jiang Mingyue had just returned home when Pingguo came over with a happy face.

"Madam, the eldest grandma of the Su family is here."

"Yin Yun?"

Apple smiled and nodded.

"Knowing that Madam will be back soon, I invited Grandma Su to the living room first."

"You did very well."

Jiang Mingyue walked quickly to the living room. She was about to leave a message to Yin Yun and the others, inviting them to come out for a get-together. She didn't expect that Yin Yun was so well-informed and had already come over.

Yin Yun heard footsteps in the living room and stood up. She stuck her head out and looked out. The moment she saw Jiang Mingyue, her eyes turned red.


Jiang Mingyue sped up and entered the living room, reaching out and holding her hand.


The two hugged each other overjoyed.

"When I heard the news that you were back, I thought I was dreaming."

"You're not dreaming. I'm really back. I originally wanted to post a message for you and invite you to come out and sit down!"

Jiang Mingyue said, letting go of Yin Yun and saying: "Sit down quickly, let's talk properly."


The two of them sat down respectively. Yin Yun looked at Jiang Mingyue carefully and said, "You are more beautiful than before."

Jiang Mingyue smiled.

"It's not that we look good, it's that we are now mothers and have lost our youthfulness and become more mature."

Yin Yun sighed after hearing this: "Yes! If we meet again after four years of separation, our children will run away."

When Jiang Mingyue mentioned her child, she asked.

"Why didn't you bring your girl here?"

"We have been separated for four years, so naturally we need to talk properly. It is inconvenient to have a child."

Yin Yun paused and asked, "Where are your children?"

"They were taken to the Yamen by their father."

Yin Yun was a little shocked when he heard this. After a while, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "In my life, this is the first time that officials are willing to take care of children when they are handling government affairs.

Mingyue, you are married to a good man. Less than a year after Governor Xie took office, our Yuanjiang Mansion has undergone earth-shaking changes. Now when people outside mention Governor Xie, they all give a thumbs up.

In the past, among our group of little sisters, you were the one who married the best, and now you are the official wife. "

Jiang Mingyue smiled and said: "We are all pretty good, we are all wives from rich families."

"That's true. Let's not talk about how life is going. At least we don't have to worry about food and clothing."

Yin Yun paused and asked curiously: "Tell me quickly, how did you and Magistrate Xie meet? I heard that he was the number one scholar, but is it true?"

Jiang Mingyue nodded: "Do you still remember when I was a child and you invited me to visit Yuanjiang Lake?"

"Of course I remember, this was to celebrate you getting hairpins. Who knew something like that would happen later? Not only would your reputation be damaged, but you would also be punished by your uncle."

Jiang Mingyue smiled slightly.

"I still don't regret saving anyone, and I also saved a good marriage."

Yin Yun exclaimed and covered his mouth, and looked at her in surprise with his eyes open: "You mean... you mean, the person you saved that day was Magistrate Xie?"

Jiang Mingyue nodded and slowly told her about her and Xie Yuan.

In the prefect's Yamen, when Xie Yuan first started handling government affairs, he would look up at his children from time to time. After a while, he saw that his children were still writing and drawing. In addition, since this was the prefect's Yamen, it was very safe, so he stopped paying attention frequently.

After three days of idle work, he accumulated a lot of government affairs on hand. Most of them were nothing to deal with in Xie Yuan's opinion. Only a few of them required him to come up with a specific charter, such as the matter of entering and leaving Crucian Carp Island. .

Although he clearly stipulated that ships from Yuanjiang Prefecture must be used, the navy found several ships from other places in the past three days.

Strict punishment alone is not enough, there must be effective measures so that ships from other places cannot get away with it. Well, you can design a flag...

Xie Yuan was too focused on thinking about the problem. After he had a detailed plan in his mind, Xie Yuan raised his head again and saw that there were still two children in the study.

He was suddenly startled and stood up to look for her when the sound of his son's milky voice came over him.

"Sister, kick over here quickly."

Xie Yuan glanced out through the window and saw two little babies playing in the shade of a tree. He smiled and asked Chen Rong to bring them some water. It's hot now, so they won't be thirsty.

After Chen Rong left with the tea, Xie Yuan picked up the letter written by his children. Well... there were only two characters in the whole text that were as crooked as earthworms and barely resembled characters. Xie Yuan read it carefully and found that it should be about missing you.

He chuckled softly. When he folded the letter, he paused for a moment. Xie Yuan turned the paper in one direction and looked at the few strokes that seemed to be random scribblings. He looked a little weird. Is this a talisman?

Can dumplings and grapes draw talisman? Did you learn it from Chang Sheng? What does this symbol mean? Xie Yuan: "???"

You can't figure it out just by thinking about it. Maybe you can find out if you go back and ask your wife. Xie Yuan put away the letter, walked out of the study, looked at his children and asked, "Let's go! Daddy will take you out to play."

After hearing this, Tuanzi and Putao immediately put away the colored balls and ran towards him.

Xie Yuan took one by one and led them out of the Yamen.

In Yuqian Hutong, Yin Yun listened to Jiang Mingyue's story and sighed: "You and Magistrate Xie are really connected by a thousand miles of marriage."

Jiang Mingyue poured a cup of tea herself and handed it to Yin Yun and asked, "How have you been in the past few years?"

"It's not like you don't know Su Da's temperament. Although you are a boring gourd, fortunately you know how to care for people. Not long ago..."

Before Yin Yun finished speaking, Apple walked in.

"Madam, Grandma Qian San is here."

Jiang Mingyue was stunned for a moment, Grandma Qian San? Who is this?

Yin Yun looked at her confused look and explained, "That's Yang Hui. She married Qian Laosan the year before last and calls herself Qian San's grandma to the outside world."

When Jiang Mingyue heard that it was her, she raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at Apple and said, "Can you refuse it for me?"


When Yin Yun saw Apple go away, he snorted and said rather angrily, "I don't know how she has the nerve to come to the door."

Jiang Mingyue patted her hand comfortingly.

"I just don't see her."

Yuanjiang Mansion is so big, and there are only a few famous merchants, most of whom have marriages or business relationships. In the past, the Yang family lost a batch of goods and was about to be in trouble. Their father helped them, so the Jiang family did not Before the accident, she had always had a good relationship with the Yang family. Even if she and Yang Hui didn't get along, she could still get along in terms of face.

Although she was doing a good deed when she went into the water to rescue Xie Yuan, it did damage the reputation of her daughter's family. At that time, Yin Yun and others promised to keep it secret and not tell anyone. What they didn't expect was that Yang Hui immediately revealed this after returning home. The matter was publicized, which was why her father banned her.

Later, the Jiang family was in trouble, and the Yang family was the first to stab his family in the back and cannibalize his family's business, so the two families had long been at odds with each other. Now Jiang Mingyue doesn't think it is necessary to see Yang Hui.

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