Xianhai Fishing Ground

Chapter 58 is hypocritical

Chapter 58 is hypocritical
"No need, no need, we are a little uncomfortable. After all, we are raised by ourselves and have some feelings. But after all, they are animals, the same as raising pigs and chickens. There are so many particulars." Old man Chen said.

"Yes, we are not those paranoid dog lovers." Chen Moding shook his head. "Those guys don't allow people to eat dog meat. Hehe, starve them for three days. See if he eats dog meat or not. Now that he is so busy, he has money and leisure. If he is busy all day long for food, he still has the time to love No dog!"

Zhang Chaoyang laughed.It seems that Chen Moding has suffered from dog lovers this time. "Hehehe, I can't say anything absolutely. There are also some who really love dogs, and there are no other things mixed in."

"That's true. But it's too much for the guy with all kinds of motives. He made the word dog lovers out of nowhere..." Chen Moding shook his head.

Zhang Chaoyang left with an apology.Putting this matter away and his responsibility is not very big.When he was leaving, he also said, "Brother Chen, send it to me after peeling it off. I also have a dog at my place. It happened to be cooked together, so you can rest assured of my craftsmanship."

Chen Moding agreed.Here, as soon as Zhang Chaoyang left, he hung Daheifei on the tree, and skillfully peeled Dahei.The onlookers eating melons all left.Old man Chen reminded Chen Moding on the sidelines.

"Son, look what's wrong with the dog's head. What happened to that slap." Old man Chen walked over.By this time the dog had been skinned and disemboweled.

"It's nothing. You can see that the meat on the dog's head is fine." Chen Moding said with some puzzlement, "I'll cut the meat and look at the bones inside."

"This bone is also good." Old man Chen was also very surprised. "It must be that the dog's brain was smashed. Otherwise, Dahei wouldn't have died."

"Nouchou, if this palm hits someone's head..." Chen Moding shuddered.He was imagining that image.

"That person is dead." Old man Chen was also surprised. "Unexpectedly. Yang Xiaoying still has such abilities. It's a pity, it's a pity. She should have gone to their house to propose marriage at that time."

"Forget it. She has such an ability. It's not something that bastard father and son of the Yang family can control. Xiaoying is looking at Chaoyang, how can she agree." Chen Mo decided to understand. "And it seems that I learned a few things from Chaoyang."

"Be good with Chaoyang in the future." Old man Chen said shrewdly.

"I used to have a better relationship with Chaoyang." Chen Moding said. "I'll send him the dog right away. Now he's made a lot of money. I heard he donated 500 million to the school!"

After Zhang Chaoyang came to the hotel.The big dog had been thrown at the door.Zhang Chaoyang dragged him to the edge of the small river.Skinned and disemboweled here.

Lin Qingyu and Yang Xiaoying had a small push net to catch shrimps by the river.Lin Qingyu likes to eat the nearly transparent shrimp that are three centimeters long.But it is not easy to catch.Because it is rare, it is luck to catch it.

Zhang Chaoyang got five or six of them yesterday.It was cooked together with a small crucian carp and given to Lin Qingyu to eat.Lin Qingyu fell in love with that unique taste.

When Zhang Chaoyang washed and stripped the big dog and was about to go back.Yang Xiaoying and Lin Qingyu came over carrying a bucket.Chi Jiahong was held by Lin Qingyu with a large pair of pliers.

"Brother Yang, look how many of these orchid shrimps we have caught!" Yang Xiaoying said excitedly. "There are fifty or sixty!"

"Ah, there won't be so many in one day." Zhang Chaoyang said casually.Someone came here to catch this thing.It's not bad to get twenty or thirty ones a day.Zhang Chaoyang saw a few children catch five or six of them yesterday, so he spent money to buy them.

"It's very easy. After we caught an orchid shrimp, we let Xiaohong taste it, and then threw Xiaohong into the water. It drove the orchid shrimp to this side. It was easy for us to catch it with a small net." Lin Qingyu said triumphantly.

"Let's go, I'll catch it like this from now on." Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile.

"There are a lot of seeds. How about we find a place to raise them." Lin Qingyu tilted her head and said.

"It's up to you." Zhang Chaoyang came back with the stripped dog.Just happened to meet Chen Moding pushing a tricycle over.The top is also a stripped bare dog.

It's like nine o'clock in the morning.Zhang Chaoyang threw the two big dogs into a large stainless steel bucket.Add water and various seasonings and put them in the yard to cook.

Chen Moding has been on the sidelines to help.He just couldn't figure out why Zhang Chaoyang patted the dog a few times before the dog meat was put into the pot.

"Just wait until 10:30. Brother Chen, come and get it." Zhang Chaoyang smiled at Chen Moding.

Chen Moding left with a smile and went back.When she went out, she took a special look at Yang Xiaoying.Unexpectedly, Yang Xiaoying was standing beside Zhang Chaoyang, looking at Zhang Chaoyang affectionately with the eyes of his wife.At this time, it seemed that there was only Zhang Chaoyang between the heaven and the earth.Everything else is out of Yang Xiaoying's eyes, so Chen Moding has nothing to say.Can only leave silently.

There are two tables of banquets at noon, one of which is a guest invited by Kojima.They're all little devils.Not enough one of them made Zhang Chaoyang and Yang Xiaoying's hearts move.This little devil turned out to be a practitioner at the first level of Qi Refining.

Zhang Chaoyang and Yang Xiaoying looked at each other.Both of them were very surprised. They were enjoying each other last night.Still discussing it.Apart from the three of them, are there any other cultivators in this world.I didn't expect to see a cultivator now.

But this little devil in his forties is still a guy at the first level of Qi refining.Zhang Chaoyang and Yang Xiaoying felt very relaxed.Even if they fight later, any one of them can kill this little devil in seconds.

Two tables of cold dishes are served here.The marinated dog meat here is also good.Zhang Chaoyang fished out the Tibetan mastiff from the pot and put it in a big basin.He and Chen Moding carried it out and put it on the tricycle.

"Brother Chen, it's up to you to share among the villagers. I'm very busy here. So..." Zhang Chaoyang said apologetically.

"Yun Yi, go get busy, go get busy!" Chen Moding said hastily. "When we are free, we two brothers will have a drink together. There are many things I want to talk to you about."

Zhang Chaoyang nodded and came back into the kitchen, and saw Xiaodao coming to the glass partition, "Mr. Zhang, what kind of stewed vegetables did you cook here? It tastes very unique. I wonder if you can serve us a plate?"

"Dog meat, I just don't know if you guys will eat it or not." Zhang Chaoyang raised his eyebrows.

"Dog meat, no problem, no problem." Kojima said with a smile.

"I seem to have heard that you are learning from those white-skinned Westerners. You learn everything from them. Now you won't eat dog meat..." Zhang Chaoyang said.

"Hey, that's who it is. In the 40s, we ate up everything in the foot basin chicken country. Don't say that there are no dogs or cats left. It's hypocritical not to eat this way!" Kojima smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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