Xian Xian

Chapter 60

Chapter 59: Trial

Ma Linlang slept very unsteadily one night, and woke up early the next day. After waking up, a maid who was more delicately dressed than her came to serve Ma Linlang to wash her face and dress, but Ma Linlang hurriedly refused.

She didn’t even have her own room not long ago. Suddenly to be served by a maid, Ma Linlang was really uncomfortable. She is habitual to get up early, and when she wakes up, she finds that she has nothing to do and she is quite at a loss.

Her current life is completely different from her previous life. It seems that since meeting Princess Sheng Yuan, or, since meeting Raksha Bird, her life has taken a sharp turn and ran in a direction that she could not predict at all.

Ma Linlang was waiting in her own yard. She vaguely heard something moving in the yard next door. The maid seemed to say “Princess walk slowly”. Ma Linlang sat up and ran out quickly.

Li Chaoge was about to go out, and when he saw Ma Linlang running out at the intersection, he was taken aback: “Are you awake? How early?”

Now that the curfew has not been lifted, the sky is still bright. Li Chaoge was held by the old man Zhou to practice martial arts when he was young. When he grew up, he returned to Luoyang and became a commander. But Li Chaoge knew that Li Changle and Pei Chuyue, these little girls, always woke up naturally when they slept. Mo Linlang was about the same age as them, but he didn’t expect to get up? It’s so early.

Ma Linlang said cautiously: “I’m at home? I want to feed the chickens and cook, this? I should wake up early. Princess, why are you going out?”

Li Chaoge sighed and said, “Yes, go? Meet someone.”

Thanks to Gu Mingke’s blessing, Li Chaoge didn’t sleep well last night. As long as she closed her eyes, the marriage book and Pei Chuyue’s back in her wedding gown appeared in her mind. Li Chaoge was holding the heart of watching the excitement, and wanted to see how the Pei family, who valued the most rules, cultivated a private lifelong concubine. He never expected that the excitement saw himself?

Pei Chuyue’s marriage partner turned out to be Gu Mingke. Li Chaoge has seen Gu Mingke so many times, Li Chaoge feels that he is no longer a weapon, and he will not recognize people and ghosts. Gu Mingke can never be a dead person, so it can only show that he is not Gu Mingke.

The real Gu Mingke is dead, so Pei Chuyue will be married after making a wish. In fact, Li Chaoge had long suspected Gu Mingke. In her previous life, she returned to Luoyang and had never heard of any person surnamed Gu. If Gu Mingke really existed, with his looks and temperament, she would never be unknown.

Li Chaoge originally thought that Gu Mingke was living alone under the pretext of recuperating, but he was actually traveling outside. He went to Jiannan in the eighteenth year of Yonghui and the first month of this year, and happened to be hit by Li Chaoge. In his previous life, the twenty-fourth year of Yonghui, when Li Chaoge returned to Luoyang, Gu Mingke either suspended or traveled and left Luoyang completely. I missed it with Li Chaoge. But now, Li Chaoge suddenly realized that, in case, he is not Gu Mingke at all?

The real Gu Mingke is indeed frail and sick, and stays at home. He is a sentimental cousin who is good at literature and history. He has lived in Pei’s house for many years. Listen? It’s said that the Gu family’s ancestors are frail, and Gu Mingke is really likely to have passed away a few days ago. Now that person is just a mysterious person who pretends to be Gu Mingke and dormant in Pei’s house, who doesn’t know what he wants to do.

Thinking about it this way, Li Chaoge’s many doubts were easily resolved. She had previously felt that some things didn’t make sense. Gu Mingke was eighteen years old this year. When he was in Yonghui for eighteen years, Gu Mingke was only fourteen years old, but Li Chaoge was pretty sure that the man she saw was an adult. Moreover, this is such a big living person, who is traveling outside the Pei family while hiding it from the Pei family, and his footprints are as far as Jiannan, even if Gu Mingke is not taken seriously in the Pei family, it is difficult to achieve it. What’s more, based on Li Chaoge’s observation over this period of time, the Pei family can’t say that Gu Mingke is a parent and child, but it can’t be said to be harsh.

It’s impossible for Gu Mingke to hide the fact that Pei’s family is walking outside. Therefore, the man Li Chaoge saw at the age of twelve, and the person he saw in the Black Forest, is the current Gu Mingke, but he is not the true grandson of Gu Shang. Gu’s only son.

No wonder Pei Ji’an said that his cousin is weak in temperament and not good at communication, and only likes to study history books, but when Li Chaoge saw Gu Mingke, he was unfathomable, deep in martial arts, and had a mediocre interest in history, but was good at literary law. No wonder, when the Queen of Heaven recommended him to be an official, he chose Dali Temple.

Because, he? He wasn’t Pei Ji’an’s cousin originally.

In this way, age and whereabouts can be matched, but new problems also follow. Gu Mingke’s father and grandfather are dead, and other relatives are also falling apart, but Gu Mingke’s biological mother is still alive. As a mother, it’s impossible to mistake your own son, and Gu Mingke has been living in Pei’s family for many years. If Gu Mingke changes people, why is Pei’s family unaware of it?

Li Chaoge thought about it all night yesterday, and the more he thought about it, the more horrified. Today she woke up early in the morning, planning to go to meet this mysterious Gu Sicheng in person.

Ma Lin Lang quietly followed Li Chaoge behind, without asking who she was going to see. Li Chaoge and Pei’s maid asked the cousin’s residence, and they waited at the gate of Xiyuan, waiting for Gu Mingke to come out.

The sky gradually brightens, and the morning wind blows on people’s faces, refreshing and comfortable. After Li Chaoge waited for a while, he saw someone walking out from inside. The other party was wearing a dark blue dress, with wide shoulders and wide back, thin waist and long legs. It was obviously the same uniform, but he just wore a kind of expensive. Breath.

Li Chaoge stood up straight, his eyes calmly swept across Gu Mingke’s face, and smiled: “Gu Gongzi, morning.”

“Morning.” Gu Mingke faintly replied and said, “The princess is waiting at the door early in the morning, what’s the matter?”

“No.” Li Chaoge smiled brightly, Gu Pan was radiant, but his eyes flowed around, but he was thinking about it, “I just want to see you sooner.”

Mo Linlang didn’t expect that the person Li Chaoge was waiting for turned out to be Master Gu, and even the unsmiling Master Gu and the princess looked very familiar. Ma Linlang opened her mouth in surprise, and when she heard the last words of the princess, she closed her mouth silently.

Did she, listen? What’s the most amazing thing?

Li Chaoge’s words are not surprising, but Gu Mingke nodded with a calm look, and said: “Okay. You have seen it now, then what?”

Early in the morning, Li Chaoge ran this far? Is it because Gu Mingke was disgusting?

Then she succeeded.

Li Chaoge smiled, and deliberately said: “I was worried about Gu Gongzi last night. I finally waited till dawn and came to find you when I was free. Why does Gu Gongzi look? But it doesn’t seem so good? Welcome me?”

“It’s not a privilege to have Princess Lao remember.” Gu Mingke ignored Li Chaoge’s ridicule and said sternly, “But I’m going to Dali Temple to be on duty soon, so I have to go now? Please greet the elders. Princess, I suggest you have something to say. To put it bluntly, I’m in a hurry.”

“It’s all right.” Li Chaoge said with a look of being dazzled by love, “It just so happens that I also want to say goodbye to Mrs. Pei, let’s go together?”

Every day when the curfew is lifted, Fangmen and Gongmen will be opened together. Li Chaoge stayed at Pei’s house for one night yesterday. It is time to return to the palace face today. Seeing Li Chaoge circling for a long time, Gu Mingke just didn’t say what he was coming from, so he didn’t ask any more, nodded and said, “Thank you, princess, please. Princess, please.”

Gu Mingke raised his hand slightly, and Li Chaoge smiled at him and took the lead in walking forward. Gu Mingke followed, Mo Linlang minimized her presence as much as possible, and followed quietly along the way.

They? These nobles are really messed up. How iron-faced Gu Sicheng is at Dali Temple? Selfless, he? Calm? When he doesn’t speak, even the king of heaven and Laozi dare not intercede with him. As a result, in private? So close to Princess Sheng Yuan.

Tsk, people must not be prosperous, sincerely do not deceive me.

Along the way, Li Chaoge was extremely enthusiastic to Gu Mingke, and said from time to time, “Say?” I want to squeeze together? Ma Linlang watched her nose and nose, and kept her eyes down all the way, just as if she was a transparent person.

Not only Mo Linlang, but occasionally met the maid on the road, they all looked surprised and hurriedly avoided suspicion when they saw the state of Gu Mingke and Li Chaoge. Li Chaoge doesn’t care what others think or think, but no one dares to pass the princess gossip. Even if it is passed, Li Chaoge is not afraid. What a big deal, she and Gu Mingke got married, and exchanged a useless reputation for a beautiful consort, which Li Chaoge felt was very worthwhile.

Li Chaoge changed all the way? Fa approached Gu Mingke, she seemed to be pestering him? Gu Mingke was actually taking the opportunity to observe Gu Mingke’s face. His eyebrows are picturesque, his skin is clean and flawless, he doesn’t look like a disguise, and his neck is slender and white, and his jaw is clean and distinct. It is so close that Li Chaoge can’t see the trace of the mask. It is true. It’s not like wearing a human skin mask.

Li Chaoge’s gaze crossed Gu Mingke’s collar, thoughtfully. Could it be that a new type of human skin mask is now appearing on the rivers and lakes, which is extremely lifelike, and the bonded interface is on the chest?

Li Chaoge frowned, very distressed. This means that only by seeing the skin under Gu Mingke’s collar can she be sure whether he is disguised or not? It is not difficult for Li Chaoge to pick up a man’s clothes, but this is Gu Mingke, and the feasibility is about to be questioned.

So far, Li Chaoge hasn’t tried Gu Mingke’s depth. If two people do their best with real swords, Li Chaoge may not be able to beat him. What if you tear your face? If you use a strong force but you don’t succeed, that would be too embarrassing.

Li Chaoge’s eyes were calm? After thinking for a long time, he still felt safe. First use clever tricks, and finally do not work, then use force.

Li Chaoge was thinking about it, and suddenly he heard Gu Mingke say: “The old lady’s residence is here.”

Li Chaoge returned to her senses, she looked up at the plaque in front of her, and said strangely: “I know. Why is this? What do you mean?”

“It’s nothing.” Gu Mingke’s face was light, and when he looked back, there was a warning in his eyes, “I just remind you, put it away? In your head? Those messy thoughts.”

Li Chaoge paused, and at this time, Gu Mingke had already lifted his clothes and walked in. Li Chaoge squinted his eyes and glared at Gu Mingke vigorously, then reluctantly walked into Mrs. Pei’s yard.

The maid had opened the curtain at the door, and Gu Mingke advanced in, followed by Li Chaoge. Mrs. Pei was in the house? Looking at? This? The two entered the door one after another and were in a daze. They almost thought that these two were husband and wife, and they came together to say hello to the elders.

Gu Mingke and Li Chaoge saluted Mrs. Pei in turn, and Mrs. Pei looked at? This? The two almost synchronized movements? The strange sense of sight became stronger. Mrs. Pei coughed and said, “Sit down quickly. It’s still early, why don’t the princess and Gu Lang sleep a little longer, this? Is it here?”

Mrs. Pei’s expression changed slightly after speaking. This is a normal sentence, but combined with Mrs. Pei’s thoughts, this sentence is very inappropriate. Fortunately, Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke didn’t think about the ambiguity. Gu Mingke replied: “It is etiquette to save the elders in the morning and twilight. Don’t dare to neglect.”

Li Chaoge also said: “Thank you, Mrs. Pei, for taking in last night. I will return to the palace after waiting for the gate to open. I came here to say goodbye to the old lady.”

Old Mrs. Pei gave in falsely and stayed with Li Chaoge for a few more days, but she was naturally rejected by Li Chaoge. Mrs. Pei said some kind words, and slowly explored it? The topic: “The eldest daughter-in-law told me what happened last night, thank the princess for her righteous help. Ayue? This child is innocent and innocent, and never provokes righteousness. I don’t know why last night. She will…”

Mrs. Pei is inquiring about the secret marriage, any unmarried little lady involved in the secret marriage will not be a good reputation, let alone the Pei family with the most reputation and rules? In Li Chaoge’s heart? Dong Liang, she knows why Mrs. Pei is doing this? Does she ask, and she also knows what Mrs. Pei wants to hear? Li Chaoge calmly replied, “This? Li Gui died because of wrongdoing, and his grievances were extremely serious. Two days ago, Pei Chuyue and several other little ladies played with him, and accidentally summoned her. She had a heart of harm. , Seems to be helping others, but in fact they are trying to kill someone. Cousin Gao hangs herself, the grandson Xianggong is in a coma, and Pei Chuyue is married. This is the case. The female ghost wants to pull people back. As for what the name is, it doesn’t matter. ”

When Mrs. Pei heard this, she let out a long sigh of relief, and the knots between her eyebrows opened: “That’s it. It seems that she has found a name at random and wants to kill Ayue. Ayue knows the book and Dali, Yunying is unmarried, how can she privately decide her life with others? However, even though Ayue is the victim, but this kind of thing spreads out? It’s not good for the famous festival, ask the princess to keep Ayue secret, how to catch the ghost Don’t tell outsiders about one thing.”

Li Chaoge laughed ironically in his heart, and said: “I understand. The people in Luoyang who are making trouble by ghosts and monsters are panicked. Now that ghosts and monsters have been removed, it is important to calm people’s hearts. The details do not need to be an outsider’s. The remains are sent to the Buddhist temple for suppression, and the rest, let them go slowly?”

This is exactly what Pei’s old lady wants. They are the most important rules of the Pei family. If Pei Chuyue and someone get married, this will be a devastating blow to Pei Chuyue and the entire Pei family.

Mrs. Pei did not ask who the other person Pei Chuyue was married to, and Li Chaoge did not mention it tacitly. Both parties intend to cover up this matter. Mrs. Pei is for Pei Chuyue, and Li Chaoge is for Gu Mingke.

The people Li Chaoge contacted were the same from beginning to end? Gu Mingke, who was the original Gu Mingke, has nothing to do with Li Chaoge. Li Chaoge herself was suspicious, but in front of outsiders, especially in front of Pei’s family, she would still cover up this matter.

Li Chaoge talked to Mrs. Pei, but didn’t notice that Gu Mingke glanced at her quietly, his eyes seemed to be thoughtful. After Mrs. Pei resolved the confidant worry about marriage, she slowly relaxed her body, her face no longer stern. Mrs. Pei asked: “When the eldest daughter-in-law came to report last night, she said that Ayue was in a coma? She hasn’t woken up yet. She is still young, and she hasn’t even decided on her marriage. Did what happened last night have any effect on her body? ”

“She is in the upper body of the ghost, and the yin is too heavy, so she will be unconscious. After that, she will probably get a serious illness.

Li Chaoge only said that he could recover, but he didn’t say that it would not affect the body. Mrs. Pei sighed and said, “I understand, thank you Princess. Where are the other families?”

“Cousin Gao has recovered, and there will be no impact in the future. The abnormalities of Zhangsun Xianggong and Longsun Sanniang are caused by ghosts? Now that the ghosts have been eliminated, Zhang Sun Xianggong and Changsun Sanniang will gradually return to normal. As for Mrs. Cao, Master, He? Some time ago, recovering from his old illness was a trick of the ghost, but it was true that he broke his leg in the garden afterwards. I am not a doctor, and I really can’t do anything about it.”

Mrs. Pei held the Buddha beads in her hand, said the Buddha’s name, and said: “Amitabha, the bodhisattva has the virtue of good life, please hurry up and pass these weird things through?”

After Mrs. Pei finished speaking, there was a vigorous jumping drum beat outside, and the gate of Luoyang city opened. Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke stood up together, and Li Chaoge saluted the old lady Pei slightly, saying: “Evil does not suppress the righteousness, the purple does not seize the Zhu, and there are saints and queens, and the haze will always dissipate. The old lady take care of your body and I will go back first. ?NS.”

Old Mrs. Pei nodded and said slowly: “Princess walks slowly. Onyx, send the princess and the watchman out for me.”

Called the maidservant of Onyx, she walked for happiness, then walked to the front, stretched out her hand and said, “Princess, please.”

Gu Mingke nodded faintly, he gave in a step, and slowly followed after Li Chaoge and Mo Linlang left. They both went out and ran into Pei Ji’an head-on. Pei Ji’an came to greet her grandmother, and when she looked up, she just saw Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke coming out of her grandmother’s house side by side.

The maid beside her grandmother personally escorted her to her side. It looked like a newlywed couple came to visit the elders. Pei Ji’an was taken aback for a moment, and said, “Cousin, Princess Sheng Yuan.”

If Li Chaoge didn’t see him, he would completely ignore Pei Ji’an, or Gu Mingke responded: “Cousin. I’m going to? Dali Temple, I won’t accompany you in?”

“This? It’s natural.” Pei Ji’an stepped aside and said, “Cousin and princess please.”

Li Chaoge took Ma Linlang, and if nothing else, he passed in front of Pei Ji’an. Gu Mingke smiled faintly and said to Pei Ji’an: “She has always been like this, cousin, don’t blame, leave.”

Pei Ji’an watched Gu Mingke pass by in front of him. Li Chaoge deliberately waited in front? See him? He came over and muttered displeasedly: “What are you explaining for me?”

“This? It’s in someone else’s house, how much? Pay attention to etiquette.”

“I’m very polite. They provoke me first.”

“Whatever you want. You should run out of Ma Linlang, just so, she will follow? I will go straight back to Dali Temple in a while.”



The voice is gone, and gradually you can’t hear it. But look? Li Chaoge was very upset, complaining about Gu Mingke’s side. Pei Ji’an stood behind, watching quietly? The back of the two, the maid beside him waited for a long time, and whispered: “Da Lang Jun, what’s wrong with you?”

Pei Ji’an returned to his senses, smiled, and said, “I’m fine. Go in? Please peace with your grandmother.”


The Pei family is observing Li Chaoge, but Li Chaoge is also observing the Pei family. Li Chaoge looked around one morning today, and found that both Mrs. Pei and the servants of Pei’s family were naturally easy-going towards Gu Mingke, and no one showed strangeness. In Li Chaoge’s mind? It’s strange secretly, if it is disguise or disguise, it is easy to disguise appearance, but how can words and deeds be the same everywhere? The stranger did not notice, nor did Gu Mingke’s family notice it?

Could it be that Gu Mingke also has a twin brother who looks and sounds alike, so no one noticed it after the substitution? Li Chaoge scanned Gu Mingke’s face, always feeling that it was impossible? What a coincidence.

Li Chaoge looked at it from eye to eye, his eyes lingering on Gu Mingke’s neckline, meaning to continue going down. Gu Mingke’s neck is slender, white as jade, and he is buckled in the meticulous dark uniform of Dali Temple, with a sense of abstinence.

Gu Mingke remained still, and asked, “What are you thinking about?”

Li Chaoge smiled. Beforehand, he was most afraid of screaming and scaring snakes. Li Chaoge didn’t say that she was thinking about Gu Mingke’s collar? Is there a trace of disguise, but said: “I’m thinking about Gu Si Cheng’s ice and jade bones. A few brothers, don’t they benefit the world?”

Gu Mingke could not know that she was deliberately telling lies, but he was still amused. Gu Mingke had a small smile in his eyes, and even a smile in his voice: “Thank you for the princess’s praise, I am ashamed of it.”

“It’s just the truth.” Li Chaoge smiled half-truth? His eyes flowed, and suddenly asked, “Does Gu Sicheng have any brothers?”

Gu Mingke did not speak. He looked to the front and said: “Going out, your subordinates are already in front? Waiting for you, we will say goodbye. Ma Linlang, you follow me.”

When Li Chaoge went to Mrs. Pei’s house to ask for peace, he asked the maid to send a letter to Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao and instructed them to wait at the gate of Pei’s mansion. The time is just right now, Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke together? Crossed the gate of Pei Mansion and walked into the eastern capital filled with morning glow. Drums and Buddha bells reverberated alternately over Luoyang. Mo Linlang followed Gu Mingke for two steps, then suddenly stopped and looked back at Li Chaoge.

Gu Mingke glanced at Mo Linlang and said, “I’m in front? Waiting for you.”

After that, he walked towards the front of the street calmly. Looking at Li Chaoge, Mo Linlang seemed to hesitate. Li Chaoge turned his head and motioned to Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao: “You find a place, go first? Buy some food.”

After finishing speaking, she did not wait for Bai Qianhe to answer, and said: “I will pay for the money.”

Bai Qianhe happily pulled? Zhou Shao left. Li Chaoge and Mo Linlang are the only two left on the street. Li Chaoge said: “There is no one now, you can rest assured.”

Ma Linlang plucked up the courage, raised her head and asked: “Since the princess knew where the ghost is?, why did she still look for me? Even without me, you can catch the female ghost.”

Li Chaoge looked at the blankness, hesitation, and cringe in Ma Linlang’s eyes, paused for a moment, and said: “Because I think you have made a mistake, but you still have a heart for justice. I want to try again.”

justice? The light in Ma Linlang’s eyes became more and more confused. After a while, she cautiously asked, almost as if praying: “Is there really justice in this world?”

“Yes.” Li Chaoge let out a long sigh of relief. She raised her head and looked at the shining sky, the compassionate Buddha statue with closed eyes, and Gu Mingke, who stood with her hands in front of the street, whispered, “Heaven and earth have great righteousness, and people’s hearts are right and wrong. As long as you believe in justice, justice will never be absent.”


In mid-May, the Rashaniao case, which caused a lot of noise a few days ago, went public for trial. The outside of the public hall of Dali Temple was full of people watching the excitement. Li Chaoge held his sword and stood in front of the crowd, quietly listening to the movement inside and outside.

Gu Mingke is wearing a Dali Temple Sixth Grade official uniform, sitting behind the Gongan, his face is like jade, his aura is like a rainbow, and he is awe-inspiring. Mo Linlang and Mo Dalang knelt down in the hall, and Gu Mingke asked: “Mo Linlang intends to kill his father, and there are all human and material evidence. Mo Linlang, can you admit it?”

Ma Linlang looked down at the “ground” and whispered, “I admit it.”

Even if he did it again, Ma Linlang would still choose the same path. She just regretted not killing this dog before she went to prison.

“My lord, look, this? An unfilial girl wants to kill me!” Mo Dalang shouted loudly, pointing to Mo Linlang’s constant insults, and there was an uproar in the crowd, and there were pointing voices everywhere. The officer next to him was cold? He shouted, “Quiet. No noise in the courtroom.”

Mo Dalang stopped cursing. Gu Mingke did not move or disgust in his eyes, and continued: “Mo Linlang planned to murder his father and confessed. Although he was attempted, the murder was conclusive. For her youth, the crime was reduced by two, and she served ten years in prison.”

Penalties in the law are roughly divided into killing, stick, flow, and imprisonment. Just go? Do hard labor, although there is no need to decapitate, but ten years of labor is not light, especially Mo Linlang is still a little girl. Mo Dalang kept yelling that the sentence was lightened, Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao heard that they were angry, they were about to rush forward with their fists, but were stopped by Li Chaoge.

Li Chaoge looked at the front, didn’t turn his head, and said lightly: “Listen to him? Finish.”

After the next person was quiet, Gu Mingke said again: “Mo Dalang Yonghui killed his wife in seventeen years, concealing it without reporting, and has no intention of repentance. After the matter subsided, he still abused the young girl. His behavior was bad and Mo Dalang was convicted of murder. , Go to jail, ask cut.”

What? There was a shock sound from the onlookers outside, and Mo Dalang was stunned. He reacted, took two steps in a hurry, and kept explaining: “Master Gu, please tell me that I didn’t kill anyone, I just taught the mother-in-law!”

“Wife is also a human.” Gu Mingke picked up the gavel and patted it on the table. A pair of unhappy and sad eyes swept across the hall, and asked, “Is there any grievance complaint?”

Mo Linlang remained silent. She was insulted by Mo Dalang, pointed out by the onlookers, and sentenced to imprisonment. She did not respond. Until I heard this, Ma Linlang suddenly shed tears. She raised her hands to her forehead, knelt on the ground upright, choked up and said, “I confess my guilt. Thank you Master Gu.”

——The end of “Blood Cinnabar”.

The author has something to say: Li Chaoge: Eat melons and eat them in your own house.

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