Wuxia: I Know a Little Too Many of Them

Chapter 87 Melee

Chu Tang's skills really impressed the four people in the forest.

His loud roar shocked both parties.

Especially the armored guard stood there blankly, doubting life: Did I really bring my accomplices?

The woman in red was shocked and angry, and immediately picked up the guy to fight.

Of course, Chu Tang's first attack was on Sun Qiang who was trying to pick up the bronze mirror. The long sword penetrated with Gang Qi and struck him directly in the head.

Sun Qiang focused all his skills on his hands and had no weapons. He was frightened and did not dare to fight hard. He turned to one side to avoid the sword.

As for his hiding, not only could he not get anything, but he also lost the opportunity. Chu Tang's backhand sword swept him straight to his waist and abdomen.

This time it was a real blow, and Sun Qiang would be cut in half. Of course he didn't want to, so he immediately took two steps back and continued to dodge.

"Hey!" Chu Tang landed on the bronze mirror and screamed strangely. He raised his foot and kicked the bronze mirror into the air. He grabbed it with his left hand and stuffed it into his arms without saying a word.

"Damn it!" The woman in red saw the guys in black clothes and faces snatching away their food and their bronze mirrors. She was hateful and angry, and glared at Yan Jiu next to her, "Yan Jiu, what are you waiting for? Come on. ah!"

Yan Jiu still didn't react. She didn't know whether Jia Sanniang meant to kill the man in black who jumped out in the middle, or the guard in black clothes who made a deal with them.

Chu Tang shouted again: "Sir, why don't you do something?"

He also changed his voice so that Yan Jiu and others couldn't recognize it was him.

In addition, all the sword techniques he used were the Thirty-six Soul-Severing Sword techniques, and there was no trace of the Blood Sword technique.

Many of the people in front of him had fought with him before, and once they showed off their weird blood knife skills, they were quickly recognized.

As for the Soul-Severing Knife... well, who can't use this crappy street thing?

Chu Tang's call woke up the guard, but he didn't say anything and immediately stepped on the box in front of him, trying to get what belonged to him.

"Don't even think about it!" The woman in red was frightened and angry. She flashed the dagger in her hand and attacked the guard.

She lost her bronze mirror, how could she let the guard in disguise get the black iron as he wished?

"Gu San, you're finished! You're dead! How dare you deceive us!" The woman in red swung her sword several times, killing her, and the sword's sword enveloped the whole body of the guard.

When the warriors of the fifth realm moved their hands, not only was the Gang Qi longer and thicker, but the Qi that could melt other people's Gang Qi was even more powerful, making the sound of tearing cloth, which was extremely thrilling.

The guard in armor, known as Gu San, also had no weapons, but with fists or palms in his hands, the Gang Qi was solid and deep, and he neutralized the sword attacks of the woman in red one by one.

"Jia Sanniang, calm down, I don't know him at all!" Gu San responded while trying to explain, but the woman in red's offensive was too fierce, and he couldn't find a chance to elaborate.

"Fart!" Of course the woman in red didn't believe it. She gradually lost her mind without getting the bronze mirror.

"Lord Sanniang, let me help you!" Yan Jiu also joined the battle group and attacked Gu San together with the woman in red.

"Master Gu, please stop lying to them. The matter has reached this point and deception has no effect. We might as well try our best to capture them all!" It was Chu Tang who spoke, and his purpose was still to muddy the water.

In fact, at this time, he had already clearly seen the situation of the following people:

Sun Qiang and Yan Jiu were members of the underworld and had a bad reputation. They probably broke the jar because they were dressed normally and did not cover their faces.

The woman in red wears red clothes and a red veil on her face. Except for her forehead and eyes, the rest of her face is blocked and her face cannot be seen clearly.

Chu Tang guessed that the other party's identity might be a bit whiter, and it would be inconvenient for him to show his face when he did things.

As for the guard in the field, he was also wearing black clothes and his face was covered with a black scarf. He was exactly the same as Chu Tang, and he was not visible to anyone.

The only thing Chu Tang was confused about was the name of the other party "Gu San". He didn't know if it was a pseudonym or a nickname, or if it involved his real name.

No matter which one it is, in Chu Tang's opinion, there are some clues.

"Fuck your mistress!" Hearing that Chu Tang framed him, Gu San cursed angrily, "You sneaky thief, who are you to amuse me like this?"

Chu Tang shouted: "Master Gu, I understand, you can't joke anymore, right?"

After saying that he understood, he stopped talking and attacked Sun Qiang with all his strength.

The title of Sun Qiang's Poison Dragon Hand is indeed not for nothing. His fists and palms are like dragons, both cunning and ruthless. When used, he is so murderous that no ordinary person can compete with him in all four realms.

Although Chu Tang did not show the strength of the fifth realm, his hidden skills were still extremely profound. He only used the soul-breaking knife technique and the infuriating power of the Wedding Clothes Divine Art to beat Sun Qiang back steadily.

At the same level, possessing the true energy of two perfect techniques, Chu Tang is invincible!

The more Sun Qiang fought, the more frightened he became. He never expected that someone could practice the Soul-Destroying Sword technique to such a proficient level, as if he had been immersed in the art of swordsmanship for decades. His skills were extraordinary and his moves were exquisite.

He had already lost the opportunity. Faced with the continuous offensive of the men in black in front of him, he felt like he was encountering a hedgehog. He felt that he had nowhere to start, and it was extremely tricky.

However, after more than ten rounds of fighting, Sun Qiang found that his opponent was not thinking about this, and was paying more attention to the battle situation on the Zhen Yiwei side. He couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

"Ha!" Sun Qiang was seen facing the fierce sword force coming towards him. He no longer dodged. Instead, he turned his right hand into a fist, held it tightly, raised it vigorously, and punched out a fist of more than ten feet to meet the sword force.

boom! Boom!

The fist gang clashed with the sword gang, and it suddenly shook away.

"Now!" Sun Qiang saw the opponent's sword swinging out. He no longer hesitated and stepped forward. With a swish, he did not retreat but advanced. He instantly appeared in front of Chu Tang. His left hand was raised horizontally and he pushed forward with a palm. Chu Tang's chest.

Poison dragon hand! Stormy waves!

"Hey!" Chu Tang's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this. Without moving his right hand, his left hand turned into a fist and pushed hard to meet Sun Qiang's palm.

Seven Injury Fist! Destroying the liver and heart!

Palm technique versus fist technique!


Under the head-to-head collision, the Gang Qi still vibrated around, making an ear-splitting sound.

Chu Tang just took a step back slightly.

Sun Qiang did not retreat much, but when the Gang Qi dissipated, he felt several strands of Gang Qi rush into his arms, penetrate into his body in an instant, and go straight to his internal organs.

And he immediately felt a stinging pain in his chest and abdomen, and his internal organs were burning, burning his meridians and destroying his inner breath.

"How could it be..." Sun Qiang's expression changed drastically, and he took a few steps back to distance himself from his opponent. He quickly adjusted his breath to resolve the strange energy in his body.

When Chu Tang saw this, he sneered in his heart: The magic power of wedding clothes is like thunder and fire, extremely hot! Seven-injury boxing, one practice of seven-injury, first hurt yourself, then others, destroying the liver and heart!

Either way, it's hard to resist, let alone the two combined!

Now that Chu Tang Shen Zhao Sutra has been perfected, just by mentioning it, the backlash of the Seven Injury Fist was resolved by the movement of Qi.

But the enemy was not so relaxed. Just like Sun Qiang in front of him, although he did not cause much substantial damage, seven different energies entered his body, and he had to work hard to resolve them.

Chu Tang also stopped temporarily and glanced at the battle situation on the other side.

Under the joint attack of the woman in red and Yan Jiu, although Gu San was not at a disadvantage, he was not as relaxed as he looked.

The woman in red is a fifth-level cultivator. She holds a short sword, which is light and flexible. She fully takes advantage of the softness of the woman's body and the dexterity of the short sword. Swish, swish, swish, the sword is like a poisonous snake spitting messages, attacking the opponent from various weird angles.

Although Yan Jiu was only in the fourth realm, under the long sword, he also fully demonstrated the characteristics of the Tingfeng Ghost Sword.

He teamed up with the woman in red, one short and one long, and the two swords combined to make up for the shortcomings of both parties and exert their greatest power.

Under the attack of their double swords, Gu San could only show his skills.

Even though he was several feet away, Chu Tang could feel a faint chill coming from outside the ancient three Gang Qi.

"Is this guy really Gao Tianhua?" Chu Tang was suspicious in his heart, remembering that when Gao Tianhua fought with him, he was wearing Yinhan Kung Fu and also used a matching exquisite palm technique.

However, under the dark night, Chu Tang could not confirm it. He vaguely saw that the other party was about the same height as Gao Tianhua, but his voice had changed.

But regardless of whether it was Gao Tianhua or not, the guy in front of him was definitely a guard!

As a royal guard of the imperial court, he actually colluded with thieves to kill people and steal goods, knowing the law and breaking the law, which is an even higher crime!

What's more, the lady in red and her gang are more than just ordinary bandits. They transport prohibited materials to enemy countries, fund the enemy without any bottom line, strengthen the enemy, and harm their own citizens.

This kind of behavior, no matter which dynasty or era it is in, is despised by people. It is a crime that cannot be forgiven, and even killing it several times is not enough.

As for the "Gu San", as a guard, holding supreme power and enjoying treatment beyond the reach of ordinary people, he did not hesitate to make shameless deals with such traitors. He is really not a son of man!

Thinking of this, Chu Tang felt a murderous intention in his heart. He hated the guard in red clothes no less than the group of women in red.

Turning his eyes, Chu Tang got the idea and shouted, "Master Gu, don't panic! I'm here to help you!"

After saying that, he left Sun Qiang behind, raised his sword high, and rushed straight to another battlefield.

He instantly floated to Yan Jiu's side, slashed with his long knife, and chopped off the opponent's head.

Yan Jiu was so frightened that he had to pull away and raise his sword to block.

When Chu Tang saw this, he immediately changed his attack, from slashing Xishan with force to urging death and soul-breaking, to attacking Yan Jiu's left waist.

Yan Jiu reacted very quickly, and stabbed out with his sword again. With a stabbing sound, the sword gang came out, blocking the attack of Chu Tang's sword gang.

"Sun Dulong, what the hell are you doing? Why did you let him come here?" Yan Jiu resisted and shouted angrily, blaming Sun Qiang.

Sun Qiang was in trouble and couldn't tell, so he remained silent, but he felt that the strange energy in his body had been dissipated, and he could soon return to the battle.

He remained silent, while the woman in red on the other side felt a little tired.

Her skills were not as strong as Gu San's. Without Yan Jiu's assistance, the shortcomings of her dagger were revealed, that is, the attack length was not long enough and she had to get closer to her opponent to achieve maximum effectiveness.

As a woman, she was inferior to Gu San in both height and physical strength, and the latter's cold energy eroded her whole body, making her hands and feet feel sluggish.

Fortunately, Gu San felt that this battle was inexplicable, so he left some remaining strength and did not take the opportunity to kill them all, but the two of them fought evenly.

Everyone was coming and going, everyone had their own ideas, it was really a free-for-all!

After half a cup of tea, the situation at the scene changed again——

"I'm coming!" Sun Qiang finished dispelling the energy of Chu Tang's Seven Injury Fist, and without hesitating to watch the battle, he immediately ran over and joined the battle group.

He thought carefully and did not go to find Gu San, who was obviously a fifth-level warrior. Instead, he was a veteran fourth-level warrior who did not hesitate to bully the weak. He teamed up with Yan Jiu to take action against Chu Tang!

"Well done!" Chu Tang laughed loudly. He was not timid at all when facing the two enemies. He slashed his sword and faced them.

Dang Dang Dang!

Bang bang bang!

Sword against sword, fist against palm, the three of them fought together.

At this time, sword gangs, sword gangs, fist gangs, and palm gangs were surging all around, so intense!

Although Chu Tang suppressed the skills of the Five Realms and was not convenient to use the Blood Sword Technique and the Divine Movement, he still had enough power to deal with the two of them under Tuxue Wuhen's light skill.

During the fight, he would occasionally take the time to use the Soul-Destroying Sword Technique to sneak attack on the two people's life gates.

After fighting for a while, Sun Qiang shouted: "Yan Jiu, don't hold back, quickly use your killing move, and finish him first!"

Yan Jiu cursed loudly when he heard this: "Sun Dulong, shut up!"

Aren't all killer moves performed unexpectedly? You yelling for me to use the ultimate move is equivalent to turning over your trump card. How can you still get the result?

Chu Tang took the opportunity and said: "Master Gu, my subordinates held off two enemies for you. You should quickly use your special move to kill that bitch, and then come over and help me!"

The woman in red was shocked when she heard this, slowed down her attack and concentrated on defense.

Gu San snorted coldly and screamed: "Damn thief, you are pretending to be a guard, I can't wait to crush you to ashes!"


After fighting for a while, the woman in red vented most of her anger, and gradually regained her composure. She couldn't help but ask: "Gu San, do you really not know him?"

Gu San sneered: "I said I didn't know him, do you believe me?"

The woman in red suddenly hesitated, half-convinced.

Seeing this, Chu Tang screamed inwardly, and suddenly called out someone else's name: "Gao Tianhua, you are trying to burn bridges! I took the risk to help you, but you want to sell me out? Shameless! Despicable!"

As soon as the words Gao Tianhua came out, the three women in red were just slightly stunned, but there was nothing else strange about them.

Gu San blurted out: "What did you say? Gao Tianhua? Do you know Gao Tianhua?"

His tone was strange, filled with surprise and suspicion, but without the panic and fear of being called out.

"He's not Gao Tianhua..." Chu Tang made a judgment immediately and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Gao Tianhua was also the head of Zhenyiwei. He had many people under his command, and he had a sixth-grade official rank, so he was considered to be a high-ranking official.

Chu Tang really didn't want to conflict with him.

Since the guard in front of me is not Gao Tianhua, then things will be much easier to handle - if I don't know you and have no scruples, then I will be cold and conceited!

Gu San suddenly put aside the woman in red, stepped aside, stared at Chu Tang, and said hatefully: "Asshole, who the hell are you?!"

Chu Tang laughed and did not respond.

Sun Qiang and Yan Jiu also realized something was wrong, and immediately let go and retreated to the woman in red.

Chu Tang had no opponent, so he could only stop and retract his sword.

Suddenly, the scene turned from a melee to a three-party confrontation!

Under the dark night, the wind in the mountain forest was strong, whistling, and frightened birds were flapping their wings and making strange noises.

The three parties are horns with each other. You look at me and I look at you. They are wary of each other, but they do not make a move, let alone speak.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird!

The third update is here. Today I updated more than 10,000 words. It’s been a long time since I’ve written so many words, and I feel a bit strenuous. But I will continue to work hard tomorrow and insist on writing more than 10,000 words.

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