Wuxia: I Know a Little Too Many of Them

Chapter 129 A man of great skill is bold

"What does Mr. Hu mean by saying he is willing to follow us into the mountains to suppress bandits?" Chu Tang asked Hu Yang.

Hu Yang said angrily: "We are going to kill the people of the Shi family and take revenge!"

Chu Tang asked in surprise: "Have you heard everything?"

"I heard a rough idea, but it was enough for Hu to understand the whole story. Sir, I am so wronged!" At the end of the sentence, Hu Yang was about to shed tears.

Chu Tang nodded silently.

Having said that, Changfeng Escort Bureau was indeed wronged this time.

Just because Shi Zixuan, the eldest son of the Shi family, has an open mind and sudden whims, Changfeng Escort Bureau became the unlucky one.

The Shi family randomly selected a target to rob, and Hu Yang was shot because he was almost alive.

It's no different than holding water between your teeth.

The degree of injustice is comparable to that of Dou E!

Hu Yang gritted his teeth again and said: "Just because they wanted to create publicity, they killed two brothers including me, and injured several others! If such a blood feud is not avenged, Hu will not be able to explain to the other brothers in the escort agency after he returns! "

Chu Tang asked: "So how does Captain Hu plan to provide help?"

Hu Yang said: "Hu will bring his brothers and follow you into the mountains. I am willing to be the pioneer!"

Chu Tang pointed to the escort car of Changfeng Escort Bureau and said, "You don't want to protect the escort anymore?"

Hu Yang said: "Those are people, they don't care about this little time! Besides, we are fighting to the death with the Shi family just to protect them!"

"Them?" Chu Tang was slightly surprised.

Hu Yang looked serious and said: "The two of them don't want to see anyone, so please understand that their identities cannot be revealed."

Chu Tang took another look at the carriage and was confused. It seemed that the identity of the person in the carriage was strange.

However, he didn't want to be troublesome, so he stopped asking.

Suffering from insufficient manpower, if the people from the Changfeng Escort Bureau were willing to take action, then he could choose to go directly into the mountain and fight quickly without waiting for the county government to come.

"How many people can Hu escort head have?" Chu Tang asked.

Hu Yang thought for a while and said: "Including Hu, there can be at least six or seven people. Three are in the third realm, and the others are all in the second realm."

Chu Tang was a little surprised. This fighting power was quite big. It seemed that Changfeng Escort Bureau should not be underestimated either.

If they hadn't encountered Fourth Realm warriors like Shi Junlong, with their equipment, they wouldn't be afraid of forces that only had Third Realm warriors.

Chu Tang nodded and acquiesced to Hu Yang's request, then turned around and told Zhou Xiang: "Brother Zhou, please send people back to the county office to report the matter to Zhuo Captou, and then ask them to bring people to rendezvous. Then, let's order all the people. , advance into the mountain first and catch the opponent by surprise."

Zhou Xiang nodded first, and then asked quietly: "Where is the county governor's daughter..."

"I don't feel comfortable leaving them here. Anyway, the traitor's hiding place is not far from here. Then take them to the foot of the mountain and ask some brothers to protect them." Chu Tang expressed his idea.

Zhou Xiang thought for a while and said: "The squad leader is still thoughtful. The distance between the mountain and the mountain is not far. With the squad leader's lightness, he can be there in an instant. Even if there is an accident, the brothers will work around it, and the squad leader can still make it back and forth." "

Chu Tang nodded, that's exactly what he was thinking about.

"Boss Hu, we are the ones who are telling the truth. Once we take action, you must obey the command, otherwise it will cause trouble. Don't blame Chu for being ruthless!" Chu Tang warned Hu Yang.

Hu Yang did not feel uncomfortable, but nodded heavily and said: "This is what it should be! Sir, then Hu will make arrangements first."

Chu Tang nodded, watched Hu Yang walk into the escorts, and then said to Zhou Xiang: "Brother Zhou, please make arrangements to go too. I also have to go and talk to Miss Su first."

Zhou Xiang accepted the promise, mounted his horse and left.

Chu Tang also Shi Shiran mounted his horse and rode forward slowly.

Here, Hu Yang told his brothers that he would follow the government officials to take revenge. Some of them agreed, sharing the same hatred against the enemy, and their morale was very high.

Some people also questioned: "Boss, we had a lucky escape. We should have rushed as quickly as possible, arrived at the destination, and handed over the mission. Why did we follow the government officials into the mountains to kill the thieves instead? Isn't this a complicated matter?"

Hu Yang explained seriously: "There are three reasons. First, the thief killed our brothers for no reason, and this revenge must be avenged! Second, I heard that the Chu squad leader and his party also wanted to escort people to Qingcheng. In line with us, I must Make friends with him, and hope that he will allow us to go to Qingcheng with him because of our contribution."

"Friends? Is it necessary?"

"It's very necessary!" Hu Yang looked serious, "His surname is Chu, and he is the head of the Gui County police squad. Didn't you think of anything else?"

"Chu? Squad leader? Could it be that...he is the person who was rumored to have captured the head of our Shi family in Meng County?"

"Wow, it seems like it's really him! What did you call Chu..."

"Chu Tang!"

"Yes, yes! It's Chu Tang! It's him!"

All the escorts interrupted again and became noisy.

Hu Yang smiled slightly and said, "Now you know why I want to befriend him, right? His surname is Chu. This is the third reason!"

Everyone nodded and no longer objected.

They all looked at Chu Tang who was leaving from a distance, their eyes full of admiration and surprise.

Hu Yang also looked at Chu Tang's back and felt much more relaxed.

He thought he had made a very worthwhile deal!

Chu Tang!

During these days, they were walking in the two counties of Guangxi and Meng. The news they heard the most about was the story about the massacre by the Chu team leader in Shi County.

As the bodyguard of Meng County, I naturally felt uncomfortable when I heard that someone from Gui County had crushed their famous martial arts family in Meng County like this. I didn't really believe that Chu Tang was really that majestic, and thought it was mostly false praise.

Before seeing the real person, they were dubious.

Hu Yang is no exception.

However, today he saw Chu Tang, and saw how easily the other party had taken down Shi Junlong and the others. The shock in his heart was beyond words.

You must know that Shi Junlong from the four realms was almost going to wipe them out.

As soon as Chu Tang took action, they resolved their crisis and crushed Shi Junlong with absolute strength.

Hu Yang was so shocked that it was difficult to describe in words.

"Is he really just cultivating the four realms?" Hu Yang couldn't help but have this question in his heart.

Chu Tang interrogated Shi Junlong just now. Although Hu Yang was not close and could not see the mystery, he could hear many words clearly.

However, just because he heard it clearly, Hu Yang felt increasingly strange.

He only heard Chu Tang's ordinary questions, while Shi Junlong acted as if he knew everything, letting it all out without any reservations.

This is very wrong!

Hu Yang couldn't figure out the key, so he could only confirm one thing: Chu Tang is scary!

What's so scary?

have no idea!

It was because of the unknown that he became more and more awe-stricken, and that's why he decided to kill the thief along with him.

After coming back to his senses, Hu Yang came to the carriage and explained to the people in the carriage the reason for his next action.

The people in the car obviously disagreed. Hu Yang tried his best to explain patiently for a long time, and finally came up with an answer that satisfied him.

Like Hu Yang, Chu Tang also encountered Su Qingyue's doubts.

She didn't like fighting and killing very much, and she felt even less happy when she heard that Chu Tang asked them to follow them to the foot of the mountain.

Chu Tang also had a reason to block her: Shi Zixuan and others' target was the county government, and the governor of Gui County was Miss Su's biological father, so the person Shi Zixuan wanted to deal with was her father!

As the leader of the police team, isn't it his duty, Chu Tang, to eliminate troubles for the county governor?

As the daughter of the county governor, she should encourage her. How could she object?

Su Qingyue's pale face turned red due to depression, and she made another suggestion, which was to report the matter to the county government immediately and wait for someone from the county government to come before making a decision.

Chu Tang retorted, saying that soldiers are more important than speed, and the top priority was to send troops quickly when Shi Zixuan didn't react and capture the thief in one fell swoop. Once Shi Zixuan and others hear what happened here, lose their energy, escape and hide their traces, it will be difficult to arrest them in the future.

It would be fine if the other party stayed away from Guijun, but once he lurks in the city of Guijun, like a poisonous snake, always thinking about biting the county government office, he will be in endless trouble!

Su Qingyue was speechless and could only let Chu Tang arrange it and sit in the car, feeling angry and sulking.

After Chu Tang left, Xiaoyou quickly comforted and said: "Miss, don't be angry. The master also said that this trip will be subject to the arrangements of Captain Chu. We don't understand the important affairs of the court, so just listen to him!"

Su Qingyue felt unhappy and said, "I think he is eager for success! His first task this time is to escort us to Qingcheng, not to suppress bandits!"

But Xiaoyou said firmly: "Don't worry, miss, it won't take much effort. Leader Chu was so powerful just now. He took down all the bad guys in a few or two strokes. With his martial arts, once they enter the mountain, the thieves will definitely be captured without any effort!"

Su Qingyue's pretty face was full of suspicion, and she said, "What if the enemy is very difficult? Wouldn't it delay our trip to Qingcheng?"

Xiaoyou spread his hands and said, "Miss, the matter has come to this, what else can we do?"

Su Qingyue said in a low voice: "So, I can't stand the way he makes his own decisions."

Xiao You said: "People with excellent martial arts skills are bold and confident!"

"I don't like people with well-developed limbs and simple minds!" Su Qingyue made her attitude clear.

"Ouch!" Xiaoyou quickly comforted, "If you don't like it, you don't like it. Just have less contact with him. However, if he knows that he offended the lady because of this, he will definitely regret it!"

"Regret? Regret for what?" Su Qingyue looked confused.

The eyes on Xiao You's chubby face flashed cunningly, and he said: "The master asked him to escort the young lady to Qingcheng, just to let you two have more contact. Now, young lady, you have sentenced him to death and will not give him any chance." How can he not regret it?"

Su Qingyue was stunned when she heard this, then her face flushed, and she said angrily: "Xiaoyou, you damn girl, you are talking nonsense again! That's just my father's wishful thinking, and I didn't agree!"

The blushing Su Qingyue looked more like a little woman, and her beautiful face had a bit more vitality. She was as brilliant as a peach blossom in full bloom. She was more delicate and beautiful than a flower.

Xiaoyou seemed dumbfounded. It took him a while to come back to his senses and continue teasing his lady.

The two were joking and joking in the car like good sisters.

After a long while, the carriage suddenly started.

They took action.

"Miss, sit down!" Xiaoyou stabilized Su Qingyue's body and made her sit more comfortably.

It was okay on the official road. After walking for a while, we entered a small road. It was very bumpy and the carriage swayed, making people very unsteady.

Su Qingyue, who had always been physically weak, was tormented by the bumpy and twisty road, which made her face become paler and her expression became much more depressed.

Fortunately, after a while, the carriage finally stopped.

Xiaoyou quickly got out of the car to see how Chu Tang arranged the following matters.

But Chu Tang can still distinguish the priorities. With the addition of Changfeng Escort Bureau, there are more manpower, and many things can be arranged easily.

First of all, Chu Tang must go up the mountain.

On the police side, he only brought three or four second-level warriors with him, while the others stayed to protect Su Qingyue.

Four third-level warriors, plus a group of policemen armed with broken crossbows, maintained sufficient deterrence.

In this battle, not to mention the warriors of the fourth realm, even if the strong men of the fifth realm came, they would not dare to make mistakes in the face of the threat of Po Gang Crossbow Arrow.

In addition, the carriage from the Changfeng Escort Bureau also followed, and Hu Yang arranged for several injured personnel to guard it.

However, Chu Tang requested that the two carriages should not come close to each other, and that each team should guard their own carriages and not come into contact with each other.

This decision made the people in Changfeng Escort Bureau very unhappy, thinking that Chu Tang looked down on them and treated them differently.

But Chu Tang remained unmoved.

He is not discriminating, nor is he treating people differently, but out of his cautious nature, he is wary of the people in the carriage.

The escorts left by the Changfeng Escort Bureau were indeed all three melons and two dates, and they were not enough to catch and kill them quickly. Chu Tang was not worried about them becoming monsters.

What he was wary of was the two people in the carriage of the escort agency.

After all, I have never seen them before, so I don’t know what their skills are, and I don’t even know their identities.

If he, Chu Tang, was killing a thief on the mountain, and the two men had any evil intentions, but instead attacked Su Qingyue's carriage and stole the tower, wouldn't he die unjustly?

Of course, this is unlikely to happen.

Just now Changfeng Escort was about to be killed by Shi Junlong, and no one in the carriage took action, so he was not very skilled at it.

However, Chu Tang still issued an order. Once anyone from the Changfeng Escort Bureau approaches Miss Su, all the agents can immediately take action without asking for instructions and kill without mercy!

This order was issued in front of Hu Yang, with the purpose of warning them.

Hu Yang looked a little confused, but he didn't dare to refute, so he had to go back and tell everyone not to violate the taboo.

After everything was arranged, Chu Tang led Hu Yang and a group of more than ten people, escorting Shi Junlong, who had lost his fighting ability, up the mountain.

The mountain suddenly calmed down.

In the carriage, Su Qingyue calmed down after stopping for a while, and her expression gradually returned to normal.

Xiaoyou was restless in the car, opening the curtains from time to time to take a look, eager to get out of the car, but remembering Chu Tang's warning, he could only sit back in the car and wait quietly.

After a while, Xiaoyou said: "Miss, will there be any accidents with Captain Chu?"

Su Qingyue glanced at her and said amusedly: "Didn't you say that he is very skilled in martial arts? Why are you worried about him having an accident?"

"I..." Xiaoyou suppressed his red face, "I'm just asking more."

"Haha." Su Qingyue smiled softly, her eyebrows widened, and she obviously didn't believe it.

Xiaoyou said curiously: "Miss, you were worried that this trip was unsafe just now, how can you still laugh now?"

Su Qingyue's face showed a calmness and calmness that was inconsistent with her youth, and she said: "The matter has come to this, if you don't laugh, is it useful to cry? This time I went to Qingcheng, I was originally worried about the peace, otherwise my father would not make a big splash We will send someone to escort you, and the person you entrust to escort is your leader Chu. Your wealth and life are in his hands, no matter what he decides, we can only leave it to fate. I don’t live long, so let him do whatever he wants.”

Hearing what his young lady said so resolutely and calmly, Xiaoyou held Su Qingyue's little hand sadly and said, "Miss, your illness will definitely be cured and you will live a long life!"

Su Qingyue smiled faintly, shook her head slightly, and said, "Xiaoyou, take out Mr. Qin's collection of poems. I want to read again."

Xiaoyou said yes, and quickly took out the book that was pressed under the cushion just now, and handed it to her young lady.

Su Qingyue took it in her hand, flipped through a few pages, and soon became immersed in the verses of the poetry collection, forgetting time and everything for a moment.

I don’t know how long it took.

Suddenly, there was a continuous noise outside the car, which woke up the two people in the car.

Xiaoyou hurriedly jumped out of the car and watched from a distance for a while. After seeing clearly what was going on outside, he turned around and said excitedly: "Miss, Miss! Leader Chu is back! He kidnapped many people!"

"Oh!" Su Qingyue was stunned and looked at the poetry collection in her hand. After careful calculation, she had only tasted less than ten poems. She couldn't help but be surprised, "So fast?"

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