Wrecking Fantasy with Technology

Volume-0: Chapter-0: Introduction to the World and Power Systems


Mortal Realm-


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3

Limits-Shedding Realm-


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3

Immortal Realm-


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3


  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3

After Immortal Realm, all beings ascend to Godhood and enter the Heavenly Realm. This Realm has no levels.

They also depart for a higher world and leave the mortal world behind. There they spend most of their time in cultivation to increase their power.

They are allowed to return to the mortal realm either by sacrificing all their cultivation or only for a short duration and after certain very long periods.

These are normally found in the Wangxiu region that has a high density of qi in the air.


Red Core-

  1. Magician (Dark)
  2. Mage (Medium)
  3. Archmage (Light)

Blue Core-

  1. Wizard (Dark)
  2. Archwizard (Medium)
  3. Spell master (Light)

White Core-

  1. Sorcerer (Dark)
  2. Sorcerer Supreme (Medium)
  3. Lord of Mana (Light)

Mana is an energy that does not allow humans to ascend to higher realms of existence.

However, it does help to lengthen their lives, with a person on the Sorcerer Supreme stage living for hundreds of years. Mana users on the Lord of Mana stage can live for thousands but due to the difficulty level to reach the stage being very high in comparison to the Sorcerer Supreme stage, only a few legendary beings are the only ones who are said to have reached this stage.

The Mana users start from a black core and keep removing impurities from it to make the cores change colour. As the level of the mana users improves, the colour first lightens and then slowly changes its colour. E.g.- on reaching the blue core, the core slowly starts becoming bluer and by the Spell Master stage, their core loses all traces of red to become light blue.

Mana users also tend to have specific elements they specialise in. Only very few mana users tend to use more than one element.
These tend to be found in the Malonia region that is majorly filled with mana.


In terms of both Magic and Cultivation, lower stage users are more common since the difficulty level in reaching the next stage tends to increase exponentially every time they advance.

Whether a person can use mana or qi is based on their race and parents' races.

(Exceptions may exist but are very negligible in existence and don't usually survive for long.)

Cultivation, since qi is more omnipotent, tends to be more difficult to advance, with people reaching the Mortal Realm’s peak (advanced level 3) at the age of 50 at an average. And this is usually the time when the body function of a regular mortal also starts deteriorating.

Cultivators who can’t make it to this level by a maximum of 55 years in age cannot advance any further due to the start of body deterioration unless they are given extreme amounts of external stimulus normally by someone in the peak levels of the Immortal Realm.

Mana, being less powerful than qi, is easier to improve. Mana users usually tend to be wizards or archwizards by the age of 50. However, due to a large part of the population being young (around 20-30), more people are mages or archmages. Hence the name of the region.

Initial power levels of both types of energy users are similar, with qi only marginally more powerful. However, the powers of a Lord of Mana tend to be a little higher than a cultivator at the peak of the Immortal Realm.

Mana and qi, being very different from each other, cannot detect the presence of the other energy, even if the use of the energy may be visible to the naked eye. Also, they cannot be used together by most races.

Energy users of both types can defeat up to two people from the previous level of power at the initial stages. E.g.- One Mage can defeat two Magicians alone or a cultivator at Mortal Ream Beginner level 1 can defeat two regular mortals.

Users belonging to the second Stage (Limits-Shedding Realm/Blue Core) can defeat up to three people from the previous stage and users in the third stage (Immortal Realm/White Core) can defeat up to four people from one level below them.


Elves are divided into three categories: High Elves, Mix-bloods and Elves.

High Elves are the ones who have some of the highest mana manipulation capabilities.

Mix-bloods are the children born between the High Elves and the regular Elves. Their mana capabilities usually lie in between their parents’ capabilities.

Elves are the descendants of the High Elves, who, after being exposed to mana deficient regions and regions filled with miasma, lost a lot of their mana manipulation capabilities.

Elves tend to live in a hidden and secluded region and very few people are said to have met them.

They have isolated themselves in the now somewhat mythical country called Alfheim.


Dwarves are the short, bearded blacksmith race that specialises in earth arts. This tends to use both qi and mana and only dwarves can use them. However, no form of discrimination exists if a dwarf cannot use these earth arts.

Dwarves are normally living in their country called Svartalfheim.


These are the race of human-like creatures that are usually identified by their animal-like body part. The most common point of identification is the ears.

Due to the wide variety of different animal-based beastkin living together, they have the most unity of all races.

These do not have any special mystical arts but tend to share the traits of the animals whose parts they share. E.g.- Rabbit beastkin tend to have good hearing, are usually vegetarian and good at hopping/running.

The beastkin country is called Quoc-gia Thu.


These can be said to be some of the most brutal of the races, second only to the humans.

They are divided based on levels of power, into Lower/Weak Demons, Middle Demons and Higher/High Demons.

Each class can have several different species and classes tend to share some species since the differentiation is based on the individual’s power.

The Lower Demons tend to be some of the worst treated ones and the Higher Demons tend to be the Nobility of the demons.

The ten strongest demons are given the position of the Ten Demon Lords. However, these positions do change if some demon can challenge and win against a demon lord.

Power levels are based on bloodline. So, High Demons tend to give birth to High Demons. But in case of any acceptions, only the said demon is promoted to a different class and given to orphanages/foster homes at birth. The parents have no change in status.

The demons call their country Yuzhi Guo, a region rich in miasma.


Interbreeding between all the above species is possible and a small amount of mix-breed creatures do exist but their acceptance depends on where they are born (Beastkin have the most acceptance and humans and elves the least.)

All non-human/demi-human races do not usually mingle amongst each other and live in their closed communities.

Humans, however, have a habit of looking down on them and if some are captured, they are usually treated as servants or slaves by the humans.

All beings are not completely without morals. Their values tend to be similar to those around the middle ages, with some minor or major changes based on their races and abilities.

Mortal Humans:

These are the humans that cannot use any form of mystical energies. They are usually isolated and boycotted by others who can use the energies.

However, due to constant exposure to qi and/or mana, their physique tends to be better than the average person on Earth, around the physique of a new army recruit.

That being said, due to lack of proper food and/or consumption of a non-balanced diet, the average mortal human tends to be much weaker but is still only a bit weaker than the average person on Earth.

Due to their weak physique and power, as compared to the energy users and other races, they tend to be treated worse than slaves from any of the above-mentioned races/energy users, with even some other races taking them as servants or slaves.

These people are normally exiled to the region called “The Wastelands”, a region without any useful amount of qi, mana or miasma.

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