Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 211: Poisonous Friend

Chapter 211

Poisonous Friend

Julia arrived at the Gladstone’s Mansion and quickly went to see Serin, who was throwing a tantrum. On her way, she saw two maids running past. They immediately bobbed as a greeting, which she acknowledged with a wave. She noticed that one of the maid had blood running down her forehead, a hint of tear trickling down her cheek while the other one supported her.

“Julia! Oh Julia!” Serin threw herself at her friend’s bosom as soon as she saw her. “Everything’s her fault!”

Then the young woman began to ramble on about what a whore the Steelheart scion was; how cruel and thankless she was to her stepmother. All the while, Julia could only nod and placate her, like soothing a child.

Then, she asked Julia about the plan.

Julia assured her that everything is in place. That all Serin needed to do was stay calm and let Julia do her job. But Serin pushed on, offering modifications to the plan, all insensible and thoughtless. With noncommittal smile, she would neither agree or disagree with her words.

Satisfied, Serin finally let her friend go.

Julia departed the Gladstone mansion with a deep crease upon her forehead as she thought back of their first meeting.

Julia Wendell met the young Serin Gladstone at the patriarch’s birthday about five years ago. At that time, the Wendell Marquisate was mired in debt due to the family head’s investment failure. They were in such a dire situation that Julia had to wear a refurbished dress for that event.

Most of the Noble daughters knew of her situation and only a few of them would talk to her.

Then, Serin Gladstone, the most precious daughter of the Gladstone House was introduced, wearing a most exquisite dress, positively beaming with superiority and self-confidence. A girl blessed with both luck and beauty.

At that moment, Julia knew that in order to survive, she needed to cling onto her. To become irreplaceable to her.

From then on, she learned about her likes and dislikes, begged to be introduced to her by a friend who was close to Serin so that she could have a chance to be known by her, and slowly began to clamber up into her current position as Serin’s confidante.

She endured her quick temper, her constant need for praise and validation, her need to be the center of attention, and showered her with praise and adulation; using those traits to her advantage. Which resulted in the current Serin Gladstone.

This allowed her House to rise from the mud and into the limelight as the Gladstone’s staunch supporter.

She arrived at her Family’s mansion half an hour later, and went straight to her room and pulled out a hidden compartment in her dresser. From it, she withdrew a small vial with a colorless liquid contained within. She had done this a few times more than needed, for this was the first time she planned such a dark deed. And she was afraid that someone would find it while she was out.

She had taken much trouble to obtain the item, that she had to meet the provider personally, as the man was as paranoid as he was capable. She remembered the face of the man as he placed the vial on a wooden table stained with leftover spirits.

“This Sleeping Draught, which I dubbed ‘Maiden’s Sleep’ is a specially concocted potion of my own design. Unlike its lesser counterpart, it is very strong. Strong enough that even a drop is enough to put an Unrestrained Candidate into a deep sleep within a few minutes,” the man said, as he caressed an old scar on his cheek with a look of elation. “Trust me, I’ve tried.”

It was a most unpleasant meeting, but worth the trouble. Because with this Maiden’s Sleep in hand, her position beside Serin Gladstone would be even more secure.

Julia did not know what happened these past few months that could make Serin so manic and uncontrollable. But she knew that it had something to do with the once waste-daughter of the Steelheart House.

Assassinations of such a high-profile person, especially one who surrounded herself with Unrestrained Candidates was a tricky thing. And, owing to her connections in the Assassin’s Guild, she found out that for some reason, the Assassins in the Courandhel had not attempted her bounty for some time now.

She opened a hidden compartment inside her ring and put two careful drops into it, before closing it with a click.

Nevertheless, all preparation is ready. All that is left is the execution.

On a tree a few meters away, a figure leapt and disappeared into the night, leaving only fallen leaves.

An hour later, at the borrowed mansion’s garden, Arryn presented a report to Connie. She was lying lying down with her head on top of Illumca’s lap. The silver-haired Dark Elf was caressing her blonde hair playfully, relishing the moment after having worked so hard on her training with Mr. Butters.

“Good work, Arryn. This aligns with my guess,” Connie smiled.

I’m sorry that I am unable to find out what the content of the vial was. I’ve sent my men to try and track the man she met, but he was too elusive.

“Nevermind. Someone who’s able to create something that can affect an Unrestrained Candidate is bound to have their own ways to hide from sight,” Connie said.

“To be able to create a poison that strong is incredibly rare,” Illumca stated.

“I would think so. I’d be very disappointed if this Julia girl did not take into account my supposed level.”

If I may ask. Arryn wrote again. Connie waved her hand to allow her question.

Why don’t you just let the Silence take care of the Wendells? It will be easier for you, Mistress.

“Yes, it will. But where’s the fun in that? No. If it’s just death I want, I believe sending just a few of you is enough. However, if I do that, it would end up being nothing more than a sideshow.” Connie got up from her position and leaned forward with a sinister smile, fingers steepled conspiratorially. “I want a spectacle!”

At her expression, Arryn shuddered. How great it was that she was the Silence’s Mistress and not their enemy.

Two days after the burial of his mother, was the day Julian Carell was to leave the Steelheart’s mansion, to the relief of every servant who had faced the vile spawn. In the last few days, he had tried to bully the servants just like he did in the past. But, instead of cowering under him, the difference was now, they could simply walk away.

It was a fresh experience to those who had suffered under the tyranny of Julian and his mother, but to the spoiled brat, it was maddening.

In his ignorance, the boy ordered some of the servants to follow him with promises of greater payment, but to his surprise, none would take his offer. As a result, only Sebastian would follow him to his new home.

“Walk quicker Sebastian!!” the boy shouted at the elderly Head Butler.

“Coming, Young Master,” Sebastian replied, putting on his hat with a somber look. Then he saw, to his surprise, a face he had not seen for a while.



“What are you doing here?”

“Seeing you off. No one seemed to want to do so, so I did,” the scruffy man said. “The Carell boy should count his blessings that he’s still a child. If he was an adult, things wouldn’t have ended so cleanly.”

“I…see,” the old man gave a weary smile. “I didn’t have a chance to say this before with everything that's happened, but you look much better now. You haven’t been well ever since Lady Ma – “

“We might have been somewhat of a friend, Sebastian. But I’d advise you not to finish that sentence,” Nick said, cutting him off.

“Forgive me,” the old butler looked back at the mansions and memories flashed by in his eyes. “This might be the last time I’ll see this mansion, so I’m reminded of so many things…”

“You old fool. It’s too late to regret things,” Nick said with a grimace. “All you can do now is see things to the end. Look at this as a second chance for the boy, now that his toxic mother is gone, you’re the only one who can educate him properly,” he offered his hand. Seconds after Sebastian took it, Nick pulled him in and whispered. “Don’t let the boy indulge the thought of revenge. Milady is not someone who forget grudges.”

“I’ll keep him in line.”

Nick patted the man's shoulder twice. "I'm not gonna say I'll see you again, because frankly, it's better that we don't. So, good luck. And good bye."

With that, Nick left the old Butler and headed inside.

The old Butler looked back at the mansion one final time, his hat held in front of his chest. His eyes went to the grave in the garden, then at the office window at the second floor.

Farewell, Milady. May the Gods smile upon you.

"Hurry up!"

"Coming, Young Master."

“Julian Carell and Mr. Sebastian had left, Milady,” Lihua said as she greeted her Mistress with a small bow.

Connie answered with a grunt, indicating how little she thought of that matter. In her hand was a book with the Steelheart House Coat of Arms drawn upon its cover.

“How is the progress of the cleaning going?” she asked.

“This one is ashamed. The stench of death has stained the Master bedroom to deeply, the servants had scrubbed until their hands were bleeding but the stench remains. It is a bad omen.”

“Bad omen, indeed. And I really don’t want to have to stay in a room that smells like a morgue. I’ve had enough of that in my last life,” Connie sighed. “I guess there is no other way than to demolish the whole room.”

“This mansion has not been properly maintained. This one is afraid if we do that, it might affect other parts of the house. Especially the library under it.”

“Hmm…” Connie gave Lihua’s words a thought and spoke. “Very well, I’ll make my decision after the Spring Ball. Oh, and I’ll be visiting Prince Elhart’s place today. I’ll not be needing lunch.”

“Understood, Mistress.”

At Prince Elhart's Mansion, COnnie was treated with a somewhat light meal of five courses and three different bottles of wine. After they were finished, they took to the lounge with a goblet of rose wine each.

“I’ve heard from Griselda. I can’t believe you’ve done it,” Prince Elharts said with a joyful smile. “The Lady in White! Truly, a miracle worker!”

“Oh, you doubt me?” Connie said, sipping on the rose wine. It tasted a bit like rose, and slightly sweet as it hit the back of her throat.

“I have to admit, yes,” the fat Prince said honestly. “I know of your skills in Alchemy, but I did not expect you to be this good. I daresay you are one of the best Alchemists I have ever seen,” the man paused. “Granted, I have not met many. Most of them are not very good with people.”

“What I have is only for the cure for Type One. We are still lacking a breakthrough for Type Two.”

“It is still a great achievement, Lady Cornelia. Too much humility is not a good thing,” he said.

“Duly noted,” Connie said as she finished her wine. “As it happens, I’m not here just to update you on the cure. I have a proposition for you.”

“Oh? Do say.”

“Do you want an exclusive contract for both cures?”

Elhart, who was about to put a piece of grape into his mouth stopped his hand mid-air with his mouth open, looking rather foolish.

“I’m sorry, you are offering an exclusive contract for the cure to Infidelity Disease? To me? Why? If you were to produce them by yourself, you’ll make a great amount of money. It’s basically a necessity for those infected!”

“How much money can something like that make? Oh sure, I have monopoly so I can raise the price so high that only those who have enough money can buy them. But that’s not what I want.”

Connie poured herself half a gobletful of wine, swirling it gently. “I know you’ve been working with a lot of Nobles, regardless of their factions. Some might say it is just the pragmatism of a merchant. But I know the truth. You are slowly but surely, changing these people’s minds so they support the Hero’s Faction, even if not outright doing so.”

The fat Prince did not give anything away, and simply smiled. “Perhaps you’re just imagining thing, Lady Cornelia.”

“Hmhm…forget it, then,” Connie already expected that he would not say a thing. This was also merely a conjecture she observed after reading the reports she got from different sources. She said it out loud just to probe him. “Regardless. It’s an offer I am making with all sincerity,” she said with a genuine smile. “Now, how many people do you think suffers from the Infidelity Disease?”

“…Too many to count.”

“And how many of them are of Noble blood?”

Connie let the question sink in before continuing.

“Right now, other than me, there is only one person in the city that I can trust to create this cure. There will be some more, as time progresses, but they could only do so much. Therefore, I will need your help to be the wall that protects my business so that they can do their job in peace,” Connie placed her goblet on the table and placed it strategically on the table, pushing it slightly towards the Prince. “However, the Contract will only pertain the Pills for Type One and the upcoming Type Two, all other Pills my company makes will still be ours to control.”

“Of course, as you will have monopoly over the Pills, who gets them first is up to you…if you get my meaning.”

“Yes. Oh,” the man was no fool. He understood what she was offering him, the unsaid benefits. “But what’s in it for you, Lady Cornelia?”

“Protection from greedy people trying to undermine my work.”

“That’s all?”

“That is all,” she replied with a smugness only she could exude. “I am, after all, not in this business for the money.”

Prince Elhart wanted to laugh, and managed to only let out a small chortle which he hid by covering his mouth with his hand. He did not buy it at all. From all the things that she had done, he understood that she was many things, but a philanthropist was not among those things.

Still, if she really is offering them. It will be a great weapon. Nay, a crucial weapon that could change the game for him.

“I hope that you’ll not exclusively offer the cure to the Nobles, Prince Elhart,” Connie interrupted his train of thought. “And by this, reasonable profit margin, and no price gouging. Other that that, you can go crazy. Especially with Nobles.”

“Rest assured. I will handle it properly,” the man said, with an offended cock of his head. “I believe that a Kingdom is made up by the sum of all its people, high and low. I will distribute them to the places where they are needed the most.”

“I also suspect that there will be complaints as we are giving the Pills to the brothels first.”

“I can just say that they have volunteered to test the untested Pills,” the man winked.

“To our deal, then,” Connie spoke, raising her goblet.

“To our deal,” Prince Elhart replied, as he did the same.

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