World's Strongest Duke Regresses To Conquer The World!!

Chapter 26: Second Round - 3!

"Yes, that's exactly it! Although it's you who is responsible for my condition, however, it seems I can't fight anymore, Therefore, I'd like to forfeit----"

But before Ron Chase could finish, Kaen raised his hand, interrupting in between: "Alright, that's enough for the answer!"

"Everyone, as you've heard, his excuse is that his dominant hand is fractured and he says he can't fight anymore!" he turned towards the audience and shouted in a convincing and heartfelt tone. "But is that reason enough for giving up?"

"Don't you remember Macho Husband? He fought even with all of his limbs pierced and unable to function and this man, who promised to take revenge for him wants to forfeit just because of a mere fracture"

Kaen turned and pointed at Macho Husband's wife questioning: "Should he renege on his promise to punish me and bring justice for that woman who has all her hopes pinned on this hero?"

"No, he should not!" A girl from Ron Chase's fan club stood up and shouted, "You are right, Sir Ron Chase will not give up because of this small problem."

After her, another girl sitting beside her stood up, yelling, "We believe in you, Sir Ron Chase! You are a real hero who will definitely avenge that poor woman."

After being implicated innumerable times for no reason, Macho Husband's wife gritted her teeth, roaring inwardly, "Why are you involving me, you bastards! I don't need your pity."

Just as this thought was finished, another thought flashed in her mind as a scheming smile appeared on her face:

Wait! If this Ron Chase gets more humiliated than my husband, then the attention will shift from my husband to him.

And even if that doesn't happen, then too, my husband won't be the only one who will be humiliated.

At least, we will have someone who will bear the same shame and hatred for this Winter Bastard!

Maybe this is an opportunity for my husband's shame to be forgotten and live a peaceful life.

As these thoughts raced through her mind, the audience continued to express their support for Ron Chase.

The arena was filled with cheers, and some people started chanting, "Ron Chase! Ron Chase!"

She gritted her teeth before turning her expression into that of an innocent and helpless woman.

She forced out a few tears from her eyes before standing up from her seat and shouting in a pleading tone: "Oh, Hero of Justice, Sir Ron Chase! Only you can help this poor woman, that is I!"

She let her tears flow even more as she began to cry out in a begging tone.

She joined her hands, falling on her knees: "Please punish this demon and help me avenge my poor husband. I beg of you, don't give up!"

Everyone who witnessed this scene was swayed by her acting and had tears welled up in their eyes.

Only Kaen and Demios understood her intentions as they commented with a slight smile, "What a Clever woman..."

Her acting like this was in Kaen's favor as this put Ron Chase in quite a pickle.

Now, he had turned into a hero in everyone's eyes.

He had always wanted to be a hero of women, however, right now, he regretted being one.

After witnessing how the situation had escalated to this degree, he had a baffled expression on his face, "How did this happen?"

But he quickly took control as he forced a smile on his face, questioning, "B-But how can I fight without my dominant hand with someone who has his dominant hand in top condition?"

At this instant, Kaen indifferently said, "I am RIGHT-HANDED!"

His words echoed throughout the arena as Ron Chase's head turned instantly towards Kaen, bearing an expression of shock and disbelief.

And this expression was shared by all present.

"W-What?" Ron Chase asked, taking a step back with a horrified expression on his face. Everyone had matching reaction to Ron Chase.

Ron Chase's eyelids twitched as he turned his face towards Kaen, asking with a forced smile: "You must be joking, Sir Nightfallen, right?"

Kaen, however, shook his head in denial, "No, I am not joking. I am indeed right-handed!"

"What? So, does this mean he was fighting all this time with his weaker hand?"

"And here I thought, he was already too powerful."

"Ridiculous, too ridiculous!"

Shouts and whispers containing shock reverberated across the arena.

Ignoring these reactions, Kaen turned his face towards Ron Chase before grabbing his own right shoulder and dislocating it.


Joints dislocating voices were heard throughout the arena as everyone once again paid their full attention to the ring.

Silence made its presence known once again.

Kaen faced the audience before announcing, "Here!... now my dominant hand is also useless."

Kaen turned towards Ron Chase, asking, "Are you alright with fighting now?"

"What difference does this make?" A stiff expression appeared on Ron Chase's face as he roared inwardly. "You are fighting with the same hand that you were fighting with previously,"

"Sir Nightfallen, it's not about the hand. Actually, my weapon is broken..." Ron Chase attempted to give another excuse, however, stopped when Kaen lifted his knife slightly, grabbing his attention.

This knife was shorter than the length of the sword that was left.

Ron Chase had seen Kaen use a rapier in his previous match, therefore, he was certain that this was also not his primary weapon.

It would be too embarrassing to bring a weapon as an excuse.

"If you want, we can exchange weapons, you can choose a different weapon, or I can fight without a weapon altogether." Kaen offered.

Asking Kaen to fight bare-handed would be going to a new low and only someone with no honor will do it. 

And if he lost even after Kaen fought bare-handed, that would simply be too embarrassing. He wouldn't even know how to recover from the shame.

"No, it's alright. I have brought a spare sword with me," Ron Chase refused, shaking his head before getting another sword from the host.

After getting the sword, both got into the fighting stance as the match began once again.


(A/N - Thanks for reading. ^..^)

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