World’s First Traitor System [Isekai Transmigration]

Chapter 198 – Insulting the Emperor, Tossing the Decree


Peng City, Great Chu. Within the Fan residence, a mourning hall had been erected, adorned with white banners. Today, Fan Li was formally holding a funeral for Yan Yuan.

Carriages lined the street outside, and guests filled the courtyard. Every official of the fifth rank and above, along with nobles, royalty, and influential clan leaders, had gathered to pay their respects.

“Yan Yuan, renowned scholar of Lu City, was a devoted student of Marquis Lu Chunqiu,” Fan Li's voice, clear and steady yet laced with sorrow, resonated through the hall. “From a young age, he displayed exceptional intelligence. At four, he could recite the classics; at six, he composed poetry; at eight, he wrote essays. By the time he reached adulthood, his erudition was known throughout the land.

His works, such as ‘Careful Consideration,’ ‘Asking the Right Questions,’ and ‘Seeking Truth,’ though not profound philosophical treatises, are widely regarded as the finest examples of contemporary educational texts. Marquis Lu Chunqiu himself declared that Yan Yuan was worthy of inheriting his teachings.”

Beside Fan Li, Lu Fubao, dressed in mourning clothes, wept silently. Her eyes were red and swollen. Yan Yuan, an orphan of war, had been raised by Lu Chunqiu. They were master and student, but their bond was that of father and son. Lu Fubao regarded Yan Yuan as an elder brother.

The assembled officials of the Great Chu listened intently to the eulogy, composed by Duke Jin himself. It was titled “A Tribute to Master Yan.”

As they listened, a single thought echoed through their minds:

"This eulogy, concise and heartfelt, lacks the flowery embellishments of traditional mourning texts. It speaks to our hearts with honesty and emotion. This is a new style of writing, a style worthy of passing down through generations.”

Fan Li, oblivious to his audience's thoughts, continued his recitation. The eulogy wasn't long, and he soon reached the final passage.

"Alas, words have limits, but emotions endure. Do you know this, Master Yan? Or do you not? Alas! We offer you this tribute!”

As his words faded, a gentle breeze swept through the hall, caressing the faces of the mourners, carrying away their tears and easing their sorrow.

The guests gasped. By now, everyone of status in the Great Chu had heard the rumors: Duke Jin, despite his low cultivation level, possessed the aura of a great sage. Had his eulogy moved even the spirits? Was that Yan Yuan’s ghost, thanking them for attending his funeral?

“An imperial decree has arrived!”

A shrill voice, reeking of malice, shattered the solemn atmosphere. It was Chen Gonggong, the Chief Eunuch of the imperial palace.

Fan Li frowned, his face darkening. He stood before Yan Yuan’s coffin, hands clasped behind his back, refusing to kneel.

“Announce the decree!”

Chen Gonggong glanced at Fan Li, surprised that he hadn’t knelt. The old eunuch felt a surge of annoyance. He cleared his throat, hoping to remind Fan Li, and the other guests, of their duty.

The guests, one by one, reluctantly knelt. Fan Li remained standing.

“Duke Jin,” Chen Gonggong said tentatively, “I must announce the imperial decree for Master Yan. Perhaps…”

“Announce it, Eunuch. I won’t stop you,” Fan Li replied coldly.

Chen Gonggong’s lips twitched. Without Fan Li kneeling, the decree lost all its authority. But he was powerless to do anything about it. These days, although he was a Unity realm cultivator, far surpassing Fan Li in strength, any of Fan Li’s companions could easily kill him.

He sighed and began to read the decree. It was simple, granting Yan Yuan posthumous titles and ranks, as per Fan Li’s request. However, there wasn’t a single word of mourning or regret from the emperor.

When Chen Gonggong finished, Fan Li sneered. Very well, Xiang Chong. You’ve forced his hand.

“Eunuch, are you finished?” he asked.

“Yes… of course,” Chen Gonggong stammered, confused. He had already read the entire decree, including the concluding “By imperial command.”

“Hmph! You call him a ruler?!” Fan Li was openly insulting the emperor in front of Chen Gonggong and the entire court!

Chen Gonggong thought he had misheard. The guests, jolted awake from the tedious decree, stared in disbelief.

Was Duke Jin about to rebel? Although they had suspected it was inevitable, this was rather sudden.

“Duke Jin, be careful with your words!” Chen Gonggong warned.

He, too, suspected that Fan Li might be planning to rebel today. If that were the case, there were probably countless guards hidden nearby, ready to strike. He had only come to deliver the decree. He didn't want to be chopped into pieces.

He swallowed nervously, calculating his chances of seizing Fan Li as a hostage.

“Careful with my words?” Fan Li laughed coldly. He snatched the decree from Chen Gonggong’s hands.

“This is how His Majesty reacts to the loss of a great scholar? Not a single word of mourning or regret, not a hint of remorse or gratitude?

Yan Yuan died serving his country, his enemies still roam free, his blood unavenged! Does His Majesty intend to drive all worthy talents away from the Great Chu with such a heartless decree?!”

He flung the decree in Chen Gonggong’s face.

Insulting the emperor and tossing the decree aside—Fan Li’s actions were beyond audacious.

Chen Gonggong was furious, but fear quickly overshadowed his anger.

“So, Fan Li is finally rebelling?” He wanted to strike now, but it was too late.

Wu Gang, dressed in black and armed with her white-swathed spear, stood beside Fan Li. In the face of a Great Vehicle realm divine beast, the old eunuch was as insignificant as an ant.

‘Is Wu Gang the protector of the Great Chu, or Fan Li’s personal pet?’ Chen Gonggong thought miserably.

Suddenly, he felt a warm, wet sensation on the sole of his right foot. He looked down and saw a furry creature squatting by his boot, relieving itself.

Chen Gonggong was enraged. Even Fan Li’s pet dared to disrespect him?

He was about to lash out when Wu Gang bent down and gently scooped up the furry creature.

“Good boy, Tuan Tuan,” she spoke with affection.

"Duke Jin's actions today are most inappropriate!" Chen Gonggong couldn't hold back any longer. He wouldn't dare attack Fan Li, but he could at least argue, using his position as the emperor’s representative.

“I am not familiar with Yan Yuan’s supposed brilliance, but he only achieved the rank of subordinate in the Ministry of Rites, with a meager salary of a hundred shi of grain. His rank and salary reflect his limited abilities. Duke Jin, you are overreacting.”

His voice trailed off as he met Fan Li’s gaze, filled with anger and contempt.

“You? A mere palace eunuch, a household servant, dare to judge the talents of a former official?”

Chen Gonggong flushed with shame.

“If Master Yan’s talents were not appreciated in the Great Chu, then that is His Majesty’s shame!” Fan Li declared.

As if to emphasize his words, a servant announced from outside:

“The Emperor of the Great Han sends his condolences for Master Yan!”

“The Emperor of the Great Wei sends his condolences for Master Yan!”

“The Emperor of the Great Wu sends his condolences for Master Yan!”

“Marquis Lu Chunqiu of Lu City, along with seventy-one disciples, offers his tribute to his beloved student, Yan Yuan!”

The guests stirred, murmuring among themselves. Chen Gonggong was stunned.

Just when he thought the announcements were over, one final voice rang out:

“Sage Ruler Yao Guang, Supreme Sage Ruler of the Brahma Sound Pure Land, has arrived to pay her respects to Master Yan!”



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