Chapter 67: Do or Die
Naoya's expression nervously shifts after hearing Elska threaten the Hei. He's livid with his father, his entire clan actually but in no way is he actually wishing for Naobito to die.
Running a wistful hand down Elska's shoulder from behind, "H-hang on a sec, princess...", Naoya eyes the man that raised him with sorrowful eyes and lowers his head, "I...I can't actually kill my dad or even pretend like I'm okay with you wanting to..."
Elska gives a melodramatic, off-putting scoff. She knows her prince well enough and expected his soft heart to bleed but for the sake of everything they just turned upside down, she's also wanting to maintain the ruthlessness that the Zenin have recently learned to respect.
Overlapping the hand rubbing her arm, Elska smiles while leaning back into Naoya's body but flashes her eyes down to the hateful former Hei, falsely stewing, "If that is what you wish my prince, I will not end his life…", glaring down to his father while instilling through her expression that the man is lucky for Naoya's forgiving qualities.
Choso sighs while thinking to himself, 'No one should be allowed to disrespect my Master like that.', but ultimately understands Naoya's familial bond and relinquishes his dissatisfaction over it. Pushing his own violent desires aside, the being cuts between Naobito and embraces Elska. With Naoya being so close, Choso feels his fingers curling into his Zenin robe while he nuzzles his face into her hair, loving that this was at least a successful outcome, "I'm glad this is settled everyone…"
"All right you two, give her some damn space!", jokes Toji right as Elska turns to look at him with a smile. Choso and Naoya back away slightly but not by much yet it leaves Toji cackling as his hand reaches out for his doll. There's an absolute moment of victory surrounding them; a peace that mingles with their energy as if in that moment all of their problems are solved. "You did great, doll.", he warmly offers with a smirk of his own.
"YOU THINK I'LL GIVE UP THAT EASILY?!", shouts Naobito, the disgust in his voice prominent. When Elska shoots him wild eyes though he sinks into the floor more, knowing that he is completely unable to currently challenge them. 'Have I really lost?', he wonders with a sort of dismemberment.
"Father, you need to let this go.", Naoya leans down and outstretches a hand but it's defiantly slapped away. Sighing, the blonde takes into account how humiliating this must be for the prideful man and decides to let these transgressions go but in the same breath, begins stating, "I will reform this clan. You will not like it but there's no future to be had with our current moral establishments. Within your bubble you may always be praised but father…", Naoya purses his lips and sympathetically squints, "Do you know what the outside world says about us, the great Zenin Clan? Are you even aware our unscrupulous reputation?" He witnesses the hatred flash across Naobito's expression but comprehensively adds, "I will still make you proud, father, whether you realize it or not."
Toji's phone begins ringing so he steps away to answer it once he sees Nanami's name flash across the screen. He's unable to even say hello, however before the manager's frantic voice shatters through the phone.
Toji's breath evaporates from the sheer panic consuming Nanami's tone.
Alarm cripples the giant. His cell phone slides out of his palm and into the floor while thousands of thoughts such as, 'The fucking Titers were right…', stall his mind as Nanami's distant advice is heard.
Trembling from their own ignorance, Toji's wide eyes finally shift to Elska but his voice fails to relay the warning to the rest of them.
In the midst of praising Naoya, Elska freezes.
A transfer of awareness strikes her core as the maliciousness of Satoru's new yet familiar energy causes the blood to leave her face.
"It can't be…", is all she says but the words are joined by involuntary tears.
In this moment, Elska anxiously recognizes that the Titers were indeed correct about her sweet Sati's catastrophic metamorphosis and after feeling his haunting existence, she scornfully wonders why she ever fucking thought differently.
"Oh my God…", her hands rush to cover her face, "Sati..."
Elska feels it in her bones.
Gojo's strength will be horrendously unparalleled.
"Baby? What's wrong?", Naoya picked up on her change in demeanor but when he looks down and sees her crumbling expression, his heart drops into his stomach, "…baby?"
Choso tenses up and snaps his head to the far wall, sensing the attack right before it lands while lamenting, "Nooo!!!", as their surroundings quake and Zenin screams erupt be in the near distance.
Elska immediately uses an energy wave to expel her turned to the ground and desperately launches towards the chaos.
"This is…this is the worst case scenario!", she cries under her breath while ignoring her turned as she sprints away. Elska calls for her wings and screams, "STAY BACK!", knowing that Gojo is on a war path all to find her. When Naoya and Toji rush after, tears gather in her eyes as she forms energy and aims at them, hoping to buy some time before annihilating the walls that stand between her and the open sky, "I SAID STAY BACK!"
Shocked, Naoya stands there while the skin of his chest burns from Elska's attack. Hearing the mind-boggling screams of his people shook his foundation; the reality of Gojo killing countless Zenin members crushing his chest.
It's like every single bit of effort Naoya's made to publicly establish alliance with the Gojo clan has been incinerated and the nausea he feels whispers the horror of this offense leading past the point of no return.
Toji's urgency snaps Naoya back to the present but he's stuck in slow motion as everything around him figuratively falls apart until the blonde can also sense the predatory evil stemming from the silver shaman. Paling features show he now comprehends why Elska left so his voice fearfully belts out, "HOLY FUCK! HE'S GOING TO FUCKING HURT HER!"
Choso is already summoning a portal but Naoya can only heave in air while the relatively quick technique feels like it's taking an eternity.
Elska soars at top speed, "SATIIIIIII!", hoping that she can lead him away from population. A response is given but the inhuman sound stills her as if her instincts are warning that she's in over her head.
'What have I done?'
But she doesn't look back since her plan seems to be working as she's clipped by branches while entering a nearby forest. The sound of the trees collapsing behind her ignites adrenaline, "Just a little fartherrrr!", with her head finally turning to gauge if she was successful.
She barrels into something hard though and is confused as she was sure to have avoided collision with mother nature.
Slowly, Elska's trembling body angles towards what caused it; her eyes flaring open with pure distress.
"…Sa-ti?", she meekly asks as glowing red and blue eyes menacingly fixate on her from inches above.
'Why do his eyes look like that?!', she questions as the blue surrounds his pupils but then bleeds into the sanguine of a turned.
Elska's smashed into the ground by a single hit, bouncing against the Earth and listening to her own bones crack. She can barely move as the astonishment curdles through every fiber until she's grasping at grass to facilitate the ability to crawl away. Before she can however, another astounding hit bends her backwards and crushes her abdomen into the forest floor. She screams, or tries to but blood shoots from her lips and causes her to choke while the pain circulates through. Gojo's standing over top of her now, retracting his fist while she gags on essence.
She doesn't understand his violence but her instincts lead for her to attack. Elska cries out, still clawing at the environment to allow her some leverage but suddenly feels compressed by weight pinning her down.
"Sati…don't…please…", she begs but it's for not as he gathers his blue technique and aims it at her body.
"Shut up!", Elska turns the best she can to see her once sweet Sati. He gazes with a ferocious hunger while tears freely falling along her face and mix with the dirt she's accumulated.
She shuts her eyes and embraces the bleakness that's furrowing, 'I can't…', she thinks as Gojo finishes gathering his his attack; the lifeless and ominous expression he wears sinking her in place, "I love him!"
A strange serenity enters as the world plays slows around her.
Satoru grips her wing and lifts her dangling body while aiming the technique into her abdomen. She hears, "Luuuhhhhvvvee", seep from his lips and wonders if she's even truly capable of withstanding a battle with him now. The amount of power he's putting is enough to make anyone piss themselves, turned or not.
Right as Elska is going to give up, she feels Choso's energy gathering and comprehends that the others are going to appear. The faces of her beloved turned flash through her mind and although she feels she's at her end, the images of her lovers and the urgency to save them motivates her to move.
With a demonic shriek, Elska lifts her legs and pushes against Satoru all while crying relentlessly. She focuses her own red lightning and regrets that they've come to these crossroads as her heart shatters to the realization that he absolutely needs to be stopped.
"SATIIII!", she screams, placing her hand upright against her chest as she flaps a little higher in the air, wincing to her distorted, broken body. Agony consumes her, blood still clogging parts of her lungs but she manages to extend her arm with folded fingers, aiming it at her lover.
"SATIIIII!!!", sobbing, she releases it.
The destructive attack tears through their surroundings, charring everything it touches. As she's catching her breath and waiting for the smoke and scents to settle, she grinds her teeth while holding on to small hope that maybe Sati survived. Her eyes search the world beneath her, "Where is he???", anxiously looking for signs of his body.
"No...don't tell me I just...", Elska shrieks to the abhorrent possibility that she landed it too perfectly, "HOW COULD I?!!!!! SATIII!!!!"
Almost as if her nightmarish of regret was answered, a growl resounds behind her and following it, her soul leaves her body. Elska's quickly sent flying into the top of a nearby tree where portions of its branches lodge through her. She's incapable of moving her legs or her right arm for spiny wooden fixtures penetrate her body along with her stomach.
"FUCK!", Toji cries as they appeared just in time to see her struck down.
"Save her."
Toji hasn't any issues following the ancient advice and calls for his wings again along with Naoya and Choso, them all bee-lining for Elska.
Gojo takes notice of the additional company but swiftly wishes to isolate her once again. He warps away, hiding while they approach her and eerily watches Naoya wail as they carefully try to unbind Elska from the tree. The scent of her blood riles Gojo though, his patience now nonexistent as the Zenin hoists her up into his arms.
Choso recognizes the haunting gaze on them and turns around, "NAOY-…", but he's too late.
Gojo ignites a barrage of energy, aiming critical hits at all four of them. A toothy grin peers through his lips as their bodies crash to the ground.
"R…uun…", Elska mutters, feeling her turned losing their life force, "…please...just…run."
On the ground, she turns her head in a daze and finds Toji with a massive hole in his abdomen and deep lacerations on his sides and back, "NO!", she cries, unable to lift her limbs to even reach or feed him.
The giant is not responding all while a pool of blood grows underneath, "MY BELOVED!"
Her eyes are hazed with red-tinted fluid as she's suffered more injuries but while using all of her strength to simply shift her wrist, she hears Naoya and Choso wheezing on the other side.
"Why?!!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!", Elska squeezes her eyes shut and laments for having bitten Satoru, knowing that this could've been avoided if she'd only listened to everyone.
"Run…", she mouths almost silently, wanting her turned to find safety, resolving to sacrifice herself.
Naoya has suffered immense damage but still is conscious and able to move. His whole body burns and he's slowly becoming light headed as he perceives the wounds along his chest.
"Princ…ess…", he fumbles out, attempting to reach her but that's when he sees Toji though and becomes horrified with his state.
It's obvious now that at the last minute, Toji used himself to take the brunt of the attack; this causing Naoya to breathlessly weep. The smoldering forest around them fogs and burns his eyes, the path in which she'd previously aimed her attack informing him that they will certainly have to give everything they've got to stop Gojo. He's saddened over this, wanting to protect the silver shaman from this fate as he once protected him.
"Go…j-…", Naoya growls, "GOJO!!!!!", but he's taken by surprise as Satoru heavily lands over Elska, scoops her wilted body up and then pushes back off into the sky.
"GOJOOO STOP THIS! GIVE HER BAAAACK!!", but Naoya's pleas are silenced by the flavor of his princess's blood spilling from above.
Choso wakes and shakes his head being less severely wounded than the rest. He looks up and witnesses Gojo pushing Elska against a tree, gearing up to force himself on her. Grabbing Naoya's hand, the being coughs and forces out, "I'm going to get help. We need help."
Naoya's torn on what to do.
Save Toji or save Elska?
The Zenin exasperates trying to get to his knees. He feels Choso rolling into a portal and with the hope of reinforcements, Naoya decides to save both of them.
Hovering over Toji, he aims the blood from his wounds into his cousin's mouth while verbally praying, "Toji! PLEASE! DRINK!" Elska's bloodcurdling screams neutralize his heart though so with held breath, he glances up to see what has developed, "PRINCESS!"
Gojo forces Elska face first into the tree scratching her up even more against the bark as he frees his erection.
"LUUVVVE", he serenades like it's a merciless battle cry. Giving in, Elska hopes that this may be the answer that will end it all; that maybe she just needs to endure the ritual and this will be over.
"Just do it…", she gasps, pain collapsing her ability to otherwise resist anyways. The low broken chuckle of accomplishment that leaves Satoru next makes her feel like it might work but her voice is now stolen as he strangles her from behind. Being unable to breathe, Elska's consciousness slowly fades but even if she doesn't survive, she hopes with everything that comprises her that this final act will at least bring her Sweet Sati back to his senses.
She feels his pitiless prodding; him trying to enter but it's as if Gojo is so frenzied that he can't. He tries again, and again...and again but Elska can tell that he's struggling to assimilate. Right as she's about to try and walk him through it, Satoru's pressure abruptly leaves her and the feeling of falling weightlessly stuns her mind as the vision of the tree she's watching becomes smaller.
Naoya's strike stopped Gojo's advancements but he wasn't expecting him to cling to Elska. Both the monster and his princess fall towards the ground but the Zenin uses his projection to try and catch her before she suffers the impact as well.
Choso appears at the dorms landing on his side while clutching his injuries. His mind races as he tries to focus but instead releases a cry that shakes the halls around him. He feels as though his leaving was pointless though as no one seems to be around so he begins screaming, "BROTHER!", and continuously wails, "BROTHERRRR!"
Megumi hears it and becomes alarmed so he dashes out of his room to find the mangled hybrid on the floor. "HOLY SHIT!", he lifts Choso's upper half, "YOU GUYS! OUT HERE!"
Itadori, Nanami, Sachiko, Nobara, Shoko and Amnessia all run out, mortified.
"WHERE ARE THEY!?", Nanami frantically inquires, knowing how powerful Choso is and how he shouldn't be so easily taken down, "CHOSO!? TALK TO US!"
"Please…help her…", the being laments through gasps, "Gojo…he's…"
Itadori slides across the floor to reach his brother, "OH MY GOD.", brushing the blood slickened hair away from his face, "Choso!! TAKE US NOW! Can you???!"
Nobara is instantly shaking and thinking about how her former sensei likely did this, "WE HAVE TO GO! WE HAVE TO STOP THIS! Gojo wouldn't want this!"
Choso strains to form another portal and sighs immensely when he's able to do so. The bond between him and Elska churns his stomach as he's somehow aware of her suffering further, "Please! She's unable to fight…she's really hurt!"
Itadori grabs Nobara, kissing her, "Stay here with Shoko and Sachiko. They need protection.", but she resists against this, causing him to yell, "I CANNOT LOSE YOU NOBARA!", feeling her jolt to his sudden boisterous stake.
With all humor fading from the junior shaman's face, he turns to Nanami who's already accessing his weapon. Preparing to attack at a moments notice they nod to each other before Itadori is mumbling, "Sukuna...I hate to say it but I might need your help with this."
Megumi glances over to Amnessia, wanting her to remain as well but she pushes through and says, "Master Suguru would give his all to help Elska Oda, as will I."
Naoya blunders while standing, having been successful in preventing Elska from hitting the ground. Her limp and bleeding body sends him through a whirlwind of emotions, his concerns about Toji riddling him with despair as well.
Feeling an immense amount of guilt, Naoya holds her close while whispering, "Please forgive me for what I'm about to do baby…understand that I am left with no choice...", and gently lays her in the grass. He stands above his fallen cousin and fiance as tears block his view. In no way shape or form was he ever actually thinking that he'd have to do this...not after all the good times that have come to pass but alas, he's truly left without options, "Just hold on princess…I will end this."
Naoya's eyes take to Gojo who's already gathering himself into a stance, "I'm sorry Gojo, there is no other way."
The Zenin calms his sorrows and uses his projection to ram into the silver shaman, forcing him yards away deeper into the forest even has Satoru's heels dig into the soil. They plummet through the large trees breaking them at their base as birds release into the sky and cry along with him. Once far enough away, Naoya roars loudly and smashes a heavy fist into Gojo, actually connecting and spilling the untouchable man's blood.
"I didn't want this, Gojo…", Naoya angrily dirges but focuses his scalar warfare and aims it at his friend who's once again preparing to counter, "This isn't how it was supposed to be!!!"
Naoya's eyes flare a deep maroon as the golden light surges around his body and fangs form to release a wild call. The surrounding environment sizzles into confining dust in response to his accumulating power but as he is releasing the devastating attack, the Zenin's eyes fill with regret to the fact that he's being forced to do this. The incredible scalar energy funnels though and launches from his hands, obliterating everything in its path. In the back of his mind, Naoya hopes with a full heart that no one else is in its wake as he's yet to master how to stop it once it starts and adrenaline makes him shout at the top of his lungs as it consumes everything for miles beyond where they stand.
When the others appear through the portal, they waver in disbelief to the scalar destruction around them. Cracks from failing tree trunks and the rumble from the disturbed ground put the entire battle into perspective.
Choso instantly drops over to Elska and cradles her with flowing black tears, "MASTER!", rocking her back and forth, "WAKE UP!"
Megumi crumbles once he perceives Toji on the ground not moving and with barely any life in his presence, "DAD!", he plops to his knees and wails with the comprehension that Toji is dying.
Amnessia gasps, shaken with alarm as Toji and Elska are completely out of commission. "H…how?", she stammers with wide eyes but then is distracted by the dissipating force of the scalar warfare. Off in the far distance she can see its ramifications; the barren, hollowed wasteland that has been left in its after effects. She can only be amazed by the ancient Zenin technique.
Shoko, Sachiko and Nobara fling through the portal right before it closes, not at all being okay with simply waiting behind. Shoko stands there stiffened by the hard decision of who to heal but right as she was making a cold decision, she feels a soft hand on her shoulder.
Sachiko smiles and offers, "See to Elska, I will feed Toji." She sees the relief wash over Ieiri and felt that in this moment, perhaps her previous transgression may have been forgiven. Dashing over to her former husband, Sachiko soothes Megumi with her voice, "Watch out, I will help him.", receiving her son's assistance to lift Toji's large heavy body. After the giant is better positioned, she whispers to Megumi, "Be on your guard, this isn't over.", and pulls out a knife to cut open her wrist.
For everything she's not done for her son, the words, 'Today is the day…', quell the culpability she's harbored since he was born. Sachiko hopes to make up for the anguish she's caused him, for all the hurt and insecurities he was forced to face because of who she is. Little does Megumi know, she has been preparing for this atonement since the day she faked her death because unfortunately, its the only way her soul will know peace.
Toji is weightless, painless, in nothingness.
He floats in a purgatory while reality eludes him, not understanding anything that has lead him to this point.
"Doll?!", he calls out, "Naoya!?"
But Toji finds that he's alone. A light blinds him from the right so he blocks his eyes with his hand, only to see the outline of a random street lamp.
"Holllld the fuck up. Am I…am I dead?"
As his fingertips aim to grab towards the light, it zooms directly over top him. Toji shouts his apprehension, "WHAT THE FUCK?!", as the inanimate object fluidly bends to get closer.
Toji freezes in the nothingness but even as he holds his breath, the street lamp flickers and forces his lungs to fill and then deplete.
Before Toji can even comprehend what's going on, he's violently pulled the strange plane and slams into his body as if he'd just been astroprojecting. His eyes shoot open but see nothing until an iron essence fills his mouth and pumps him full of nutrient. Toji now realizes that his body is pained beyond words but with each gulp, it all begins as reality conforms around him once more.
"Come on! You are TOJI FUSHIGURO!! Since when does someone knock you down?!"
Toji absentmindedly chuckles to the words but when his vision comes to a focus, what he sees blows his mind.
'Sachiko?!!!', he thinks he's losing it or seeing an angel.
"Shhhhh…", she coos, "…focus on healing…", laughing into a sob as the giant's awareness returns. Her eyes now leave him and follow her son, "See? I told you your father was tougher than that!", the aching in her heart reminding her with what's to come.
"Hush now. You have to hang in there Toji, you still have much to do…as do I…"
Amnessia stampedes over towards them, cries for Megumi's sake but wipes her face and hastily shouts, "I AM GOING TO GET SOME TITERS!", and then disappears.
Itadori runs up and snatches Megumi to his feet, "Let's go! We have to support Naoya!"
The Zenin pants, having dispersed a good amount of his energy in that desperate attack. He scans the area to find any signs that Gojo was defeated, not seeing anything all while wondering if he even would with how devastating that attack is. A moment of brief reprieve enters him, the idea that it is all over soothing his soul but before he can relax, he remembers, "ELSKA!", and races back only wanting to see that she's left as she was, also equally anxious to help Toji.
Megumi and Itadori have been traveling towards the origin of the scalar warfare, Fushiguro holding onto Itadori who's covering much more ground thanks to his inhuman speed. Blood spatter stains random spots of grass, the smell of burning wood singing their eyes. When they finally reach Naoya, the blonde is retracing his steps back so they instantly fire off with questions.
Naoya sniffles and wipes his eyes while solemnly expressing, "…I think I got him…", though his tone is filled with grief.
Megumi begins to smile out of sheer relief but suddenly freezes when he feels a wicked presence behind him.
"No…wait….", but before he can warn Yuuji or Naoya, the presence vanishes and reappears behind the pair, "LOOOK OU-" but the vessel is sent flying forward, toppling into Naoya as they're bodies clap against a wide tree.
Megumi, with wide and frightful eyes, finds Gojo between him and the rest. He hasn't a voice, nor the ability to perform any type of praxis as he perceives Satoru gearing up to attack his friends with the red technique.
"GOJO!!!!", the junior shaman wails, "STOPPP!!!!"
He hears his mother behind him, running likely as fast as she can and calling his name but this only urges Megumi to fight his sensei more.
"Domain ex…pan…sion…", he trembles out, placing his hands together to interlock his intentions.
Gojo takes notice of Megumi's concentration however and turns around to face the younger Fushiguro. A threatening grin splits his lips as Satoru understands he's about to be attacked, albeit fruitlessly. Changing the course of his attack, he aims the red technique at his former student, maniacally enjoying the fear blanketing his face and without hesitation, Gojo releases it.
"Shit…", Megumi closes his eyes, preparing for death while the fear of the unknown squeezes his heart, "I failed…and what have I ever actually done?", his thought of last words while the inevitable energy nears.
Long forgotten memories rescue the panic within his brain but one in particular plays out like a movie.
------The Memory-----
Megumi recalls sitting on a dirty tile floor in a green onesie. He crawls over and awkwardly gathers a handful of lint and God knows what and holds it up to his face.
"OH! You found yourself a dust bunny, ay boy?!"
Megumi smiles before even looking towards the voice because he knows its his father but still happily shrieks out, "DUT BUNNY!"
"Toji, dear. How many times do I have to ask you to sweep?! It's not safe for a toddler, they'll eat anything! And have real bunny toys to play with so why don't you go get them in a bit?"
Toji cackles and shakes his head but stands up to grab his jacket, "I promise I'll do it as soon as I come back. The academy needs a fill in for a mission but its easy as shit."
"LANGUAGE SIR!", Sachiko playfully narrows her eyes as she picks Megumi up and bids her farewells.
Toji leans in and kisses them both and then heads towards the door but he stops mid exit and turns around, "You're such a doll."
"How many times do I have to tell you that I am not a doll!?", she can't help but cringe to the pet name so she jokes, "Save that for a mistress."
Megumi smiles at the longing expression his father wears and twists in his mother's arms to share, "Luv you dada!!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah…", Toji smirks at first but it turns into a full blown grin, "Love you too, bud! Be good for mommy, okay?", with that, the giant reluctantly leaves.
Megumi can't help but be the happiest kid ever. As soon as he is released onto the floor, he goofily runs back to his room and digs through his toy box. He pulls out a green Devilman, a Greymon both of which are cool but he's on a mission to find the bunnies.
In another portion of the house, Megumi hears the landline ringing and as if this is how the world simply works, his mom answers it. He doesn't pay any attention to what's being said but while a conversation is happening, he finally sees a hint of the white toy peeking through from the bottom.
"What are you even saying?! This is not what we agreed to!", Sachiko's housewife demeanor melts away as the voice on the other end delivers news she's not inclined to hear.
"Sachiko. It is time. You knew this day would come from the very beginning…"
"You know you have to do this. We run this entire society and will without a doubt secure you one way or another. Your mission has ended. There is no need to stay any longer."
Sachiko punches the fridge, denting it, "Things...they're different now…"
"No they are not."
"AHHHHH! DAMN IT!", in a fit of rage, Sachiko smashes the receiver into the counter but wastes no time with gathering weapons.
Megumi hears all of the commotion so he follows the banging of cabinets, the slamming of drawers, "Mommy? What's wong?"
In the midst of stuffing an Austrian 9mm into a diaper bag, Sachiko forces a smile and calmly tells her son, "Oh nothing baby, mommy is just packing for us to go on a trip! Wouldn't you like that?"
Megumi holds up his bunny, "Can he come too?!!!"
"Of course!", Sachiko inconspicuously buries the gun and slides in a few boxes of hollow point rounds, "Go get a few more toys for mommy so she can pack them, okay?"
She watches as her unsuspecting son clunks his little legs back down the hall and has to heave in air to help subdue her anxieties.
'What do I do?'
Staring at her brick phone on the table, Sachiko briefly considers explaining everything to her husband but wipes the idea away when she considers how much the truth will hurt.
The Elders have made it very clear that she will be forcefully removed from this life but despite who she once was, she can't bring herself to simply abandon the family she's created, even if it wasn't real in the beginning.
They've become real to her now.
Her son. Her husband. Their home. This life.
She's paralyzed over what to do until a firm knock resounds from the door.
"These motherfuckers…", she hisses, frantically digging the gun back out and pulling back the slide as quietly as can to arm herself. Crouching low to the floor, she maneuvers to be in front of the door and aims the barrel to average heart height, "Fucking try me…"
Megumi drags a few of his favorite plushies: a green frog, a black wolf and an owl all the way back into the kitchen, "Mommy? Where are you?"
Sachiko launches to her feet with wide eyes and turns towards her son, "MEGUMI! GO BACK TO YOUR R-"
Sachiko clutches her shoulder and drops to her knees. Light peers through the splintered wood of the door and highlights the fresh warm blood in her palm.
Megumi screams and cries, terrified by what he's witnessing and although this would typically break Sachiko's heart, she remembers a weird thing that an imprisoned Titer once said.
"Times are changing and with that, the fate the Elders have crafted. Fear not Miss Sachiko because in years to come, our paths will cross again and I will lead you back to what you've lost."
At the time, Sachiko assumed that the man was simply dehydrated or delusional because he had no business worrying himself about her when he was next in line to conjure for in the infamous Silver Shaman. That assignment is basically a death sentence and every single person in the Shaman Society knows this.
But now, as she's gearing up to orient back at the door and fire repeatedly, something tells her that the Titer, Genghis knows something she doesn't and in an odd act of love, she decides to trust it and lowers her gun to enable her capture.
--------The Present------
Megumi feels the heat from Gojo's attack and is abruptly knocked aside, him assuming it being the impact of the lethal energy but he ponders as to why he's still able to think, breathe or even feel as it should've killed him instantly.
His eyes slowly open with wonderment but his voice which is unrecognizable to even himself, shrills through the forest as he sees his mother, nearly blown into two halves.
"NOOOO!!!!! MOMMMMMM!!!", he screams, all while reading her lips in leu of hearing last words.
"I love you, my son."
Elska can hear Choso, can feel his tears falling to her face but shoots up when she recalls where they are.
"ELSKA!", he screams, squeezing her while his eyes fall to Toji who is at least alive, but still badly injured, "ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?", he questions as his hands search her body, findings providing the red evidence that she as well is still really hurt, "Please…don't move."
Ieiri, who's been focused on healing, clenches her jaw when her eyes follow Nanami darting off to the fight. For some reason, her heart is heavy with an ominous feeling and considers, 'Gojo is going to kill all of them!' She wants Elska to be in better shape but she also knows that there isn't any time. Against her better judgement, she shakes her friend frightfully, "Elska, sweetie, you have to get up now!"
Choso glares at Shoko, knowing that she isn't in fighting condition but removes his hostility when he he unfortunately comprehends that their current situation is do or die.
Elska shifts to sitting up, groaning to the imperceivable pain and mutters, "Where is everyone?"
She looks over and sees Toji, still bleeding heavily with a gaping gut wound and urges Shoko to tend to him, which she does.
"I am hun, one body at a time!"
Judging by how injured Choso is, Elska understands that he's unable to expend energy to perform any healing and cups his reddened face while telling him, "It's okay, I have to fight. Don't be upset, my hybrid…"
"B-but...Elska...look at you…", Choso cries and lowers his head only to still be forced to see her brutalized legs covered in scrapes, cuts and punctures.
Elska calmly pats the being's head but her confidence is instantly stripped away when she feels Gojo's energy clashing with Naoya's. "I HAVE TO GO!", she declares with vigor once feeling her prince's presence becoming damaged with every passing minute.
The amount of effort it takes to stand is incredible but she manages to do so with Choso's assistance.
Nanami fights back emotion over Megumi's cries and hates that he's having to drag the junior shaman away from Sachiko's corpse all while shouting to Itadori and Naoya, "GET UP!"
He doesn't see Satoru exactly but he feels the Silver Shaman is lurking somewhere nearby, "GOD DAMN IT GUYS, GET UP NOW!!"
Itadori and Naoya both begin pushing themselves off of each other but they're so disoriented that its impossible to simply get up and run.
Feeling Satoru magnetizing his strength, Nanami yanks Megumi and shoves him aside and reaches for his weapon but Gojo warps beside him. Nanami's eyes jerk to the side and his arm instinctively lifts to slash but all too late.
Satoru expels energy into Kento, sending his friend through the trees to their right as Nanami's misting blood blends into the air. Gojo then hears Megumi sob and turns his attention back to the junior shaman.
Yuuji notices whats taking place and screams, "STOP THIS, GOJO-SENSEI!", charging into the silver shaman while pleading to Sukuna for help only to be met with silence again. He feels Gojo grabbing his shoulder, flinging him over head in the opposite direction of Nanami and then a mighty wave of energy collides into his body before he can even finish falling.
Naoya gets from his knees to his feet, nearly drained of all his strength but is able to use his projection to again push Gojo through the foliage away from everyone.
Choso and Elska stumble through the forest, half flying, half running.
"Elska, if I don't survive, I want you to know that you made me very happy…", the being's eyes still blackened as the dark energy leaks from his body.
"Don't say that!", she wails, the extreme pressure to avoid any deaths ricocheting within her veins. Inspired, she pushes their speed but they're spun for a loop though when Gojo and Naoya zoom past them, causing them to halt and hold their breath.
Choso comes up with a plan.
He can sense the damage that Gojo received from Naoya's ancient technique but knows the Zenin will be restricted from using it again with everyone around.
'If I can contain it with my shadow realm door, he can use it wherever…', Choso discerns but knows that it will likely kill him as well because of the sheer magnitude of Scalar Warfare. He looks over to Elska with sorrowful eyes, kisses her head before letting her go and falls behind the path of Gojo.
Concerned, Elska cries out to her hybrid, "CHOSO!!!!!"
But the being thinks to Naoya, 'I'll block your attack just DO IT!'
Elska falls to her knees, still extremely weak and unable to function how she needs to.
Tears fall from her to the grass while she surmises, 'WHY DID I HAVE TO DO IT? WHY DID I TURN SATI!??', washed with regret as she eyes take in Naoya's struggles to fend him off in the distance. Her fangs form though, her eyes illuminating a red hue that's so bright, it catches her prince's and Gojo's attention.
"SATIIIII!!!!!", Elska angrily bellows, hating herself for allowing all of this to occur; for causing it. She launches off the ground, aiming directly towards her boyfriend as a new wave of adrenaline allows her refuge but she becomes distracted with Shoko's screams.
Ieiri cries abhorrently; Nanami fading away right in front of her destroying any illusion of composure.
"KENTO PLEASE!", she begs as her reversal isn't working fast enough, "KENTO!"
"This…this can't be happening…", Nobara stumbles backwards, tripping over a large root but is caught by Itadori. She curls into him, dispensing her sorrows into his chest as he too seems to be dismantled by the sight of the manager. A moment of brilliance strikes him though, so he steps away from Nobara and hastily tells them, "Hold on…", before sprinting towards Elska's direction.
Elska feels herself being snatched up and pulled backwards at great speed. It takes her a moment to realize that it is Itadori but she still fights against him, "PUT ME DOWN!", her wings flailing brutishly, slicing his chest, "ITADORI! THEY'RE IN DANGER!!"
"I'll take you back, I promise El but Nanami's going to die!"
Elska gasps, "What?!"
Yuuji holds back his tears as much as he can, wondering if this is the right call but resolves to make this as quick as possible.
When they arrive back to the fallen manager, Itadori puts Elska down and uncharacteristically demands, "TURN HIM! WE DON'T HAVE TIME!"
He sees the bewilderment shade over Elska's face but pushes her verbally, "EL YOU HAVE TO! WE CAN'T LET HIM DIE!"
Elska glances over to Shoko who has become completely undone by the situation, not knowing what will surmount of this but when she looks back over to Nanami, Elska's heart breaks but she realizes that she can feed from him and save his life all at once.
Without a moment further, Elska dips down to Nanami's neck and places her left hand over his heart while whispering, "I'm so sorry…" The violet light beacons, she licks the targeted spot and sinks her fangs into him while pulsating her energy into his chest; the ritual beginning.
Toji lays there, still incapacitated while torpidly swirling over Sachiko's flavor.
His former wife was extremely cryptic overall but the heaviest weight bears over him as he tasted her knowledge of today's detriment. He's not sure what it means in this moment but a foreboding feeling washes over him as he struggles to sit up and can't find her.
Toji can, however, hear Naoya and Gojo clashing off in the distance but he collapses once more as he's still too injured to move, "What the hell...happened?"
But that's when he senses Elska's ancient energy and becomes alarmed.
"D…oll…", he forces out, knowing that something really bad must have happened as he can sense her turning someone but he suddenly shouts, "MEGUMI!", fearing his son was the one. Toji rolls over to his stomach and begins to drag his body, gritting his teeth to the sensation of grass and sticks causing small fissures to his exposed entrails, "NO PLEASE. Not my boyyy!!!"
Naoya swings at Gojo, missing and in turn receiving a harsh uppercut that lifts him from his feet and nearly knocks him out.
He hears Choso pleading for him to enact his scalar warfare through thought but the Zenin's unable to keep the silver shaman in one place long enough to do so. Panic floods him as heavy fists crush into his back, blood spurting from his mouth to the shattering of ribs, "Cho…", he calls quietly, trying to communicate that he's unfortunately incapable of honing in on Satoru.
Choso watches in horror as Gojo creates his purple technique for that will surely obliterate Naoya with ease. His own energy is starting to swirl around him though, the black smoke-like circulation beginning to obstruct his view. The being narrows his eyes, desperately resorting to putting Gojo to sleep and takes off as fast as he can to reach the silver shaman. His intent is so dire that he's able to knock Gojo down, narrowly saving Naoya but when Choso places his hand to Satoru's head and yells, "SLEEP", the being's vision fades to complete darkness.
"CHO!", Naoya cries, "SHIT!"
The Zenin helplessly witnesses Choso's sleep attack backfire as it reverberated from Satoru and back into him.
"FUCK!", he screams as the being collapses in place, out cold. Naoya scrambles over to shield him, knowing that Choso's now rendered completely vulnerable but the blonde's red eyes widen when he sees the nightmarish way Gojo lifts his crossed fingers, gathering that this is the end.
Elska wipes her mouth, feeling less battered from Nanami's blood. It's not enough to heal all of her wounds because she simply did not drink enough but if she had, she might have found herself in a useless stupor.
She wants to relish in the fact that she made it in time to save Nanami at least but knows it will be for nothing if they can't stop Gojo.
"Stay with him! He'll convulse soon but don't worry!", she hollers to Shoko and Nobara who have since lifted the manager up to move him out of the fray. Once she feels they can safely move away, Elska latches to Itadori so he can run her back to Naoya.
As their speeding through, they pass Megumi who's mindlessly sauntering about, completely devastated and lifeless which makes Elska fear that he's really hurt, but, 'He's walking though…and Shoko will find and heal him.', resolving her to focus on the necessary task at hand.
When they make it back to Naoya though, Elska can only shriek when they find Gojo's domain because it's obvious that her beloved prince is trapped inside. Her eyes meet Choso's body next and she becomes hysterical to the possibility that he's been slain but her senses recollect once she gathers that he's only unconscious.
They then hear Toji's roar as he slowly nears them but Elska finds the tiniest bit of relief knowing that he's still alive as well, though by the sight of his movements, he's really bad off.
She hears Toji scream, "YOUR WINGS ELSKA, USE YOUR WINGS!", and she fosters the idea that she apparently has already broken through Satoru's domain once before.
"OKAY!!", She backs away from Itadori and tries to fly upwards but her wings fail as she simply is left without the strength. "GOD DAMN IT!", she roars, frustrated at each second that passes knowing that her prince is about to be slaughtered.
A plan of her own forms as she looks over to Itadori though. She watches him shoot countless energized attacks at the domain, none of which can penetrate and realizes that they're going to need even more help if this it to work because as they are? They can't do anything.
Elska's heart writhes in despondency but again, she accepts the fact that she would rather sacrifice herself than allow anyone else to be lost.
Raking up courage and with her loudest voice, Elska screams for help, "SUKUNAAAAAA!"
Almost as if that's what he was waiting for, the King of Curses takes over and the malevolent freedom he feels from Elska's words cause him to act instantly. Without needing any explanation, Sukuna snatches Elska up and jumps through tree limbs to gain height over the domain.
She smiles with tears, being glad that he heeded her call and begins to divulge, "I have to get in there, please help me get in there!" She senses his abhorrent reluctance from Sukuna though and scratches at his skin in a rage, "I WILL BITE YOU IF YOU HELP ME!", desperate to overcome this negotiating hurdle, "PLEASE JUST FUCKING HELP ME!"
Sukuna wildly smiles, more readily to now oblige, "Okay wench, what do you have in mind?"
Elska latches her arms around his neck and legs around his waist, "I need to you rip out my wing and break through that domain." She swallows down air, waiting for his response, hoping to everything that is, that he will do so.
"You're already in pretty bad shape wench, are you sure this is what you want? You may not survive…", but his eyes widen when she squeezes him in preparation for the pain and hears her cry out, "PLEASE! I DON'T CARE!"
Sukuna huffs up air, kind of beside himself with his lack of desire to cause her additional harm but can tell by her tone that she means it.
Again, another critical sign comes to fruition. The King of Curses can't help but chuckle as it all comes to a full picture. With his knowledge in mind, he smirks, "Alright…brace yourself."
Elska's breath funnels away when Sukuna begins tugging and twisting; she can't even scream her agony because it hurts so horribly. She's brought back to her memories of Suguru doing the same but knows that this time, she must endure it for she cannot afford to pass out.
Naoya's life depends on this.
Toji's eyes unfasten to the exchange, "DOLL!", he roars; this is not what he meant and comprehends she's really battered. He lifts himself off of the ground, catching his intestines with his right hand as he uses his left to stabilize against the trees, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" His body shakes as he knows Elska's lost too much blood; that she will likely not be able to sustain this act.
The pain eventually stops and leaves her with eyes that are heavy and diluted, "Br…eak…in.", she mutters to Sukuna incoherently.
Sukuna secures her flaccid body and regrets his course of action, immediately. He feels Elska's presence rapidly fading and knows in his heart that unless he wants her to perish in vain, he needs to follow through with her request. He pulls and twists one more good time, successfully removing her wing.
"Foolish wench…", he snarls, now jumping from the branches down towards the large spherical black domain beneath, "I always hated that shaman.", he whispers in reference to Gojo.
To his complete surprise, as soon as her metal wings touch the domain the surface cracks and they fall into the mind-crippling remnants of the void to find Gojo about to feed from Naoya. Sukuna starts to feel the effects of Gojo's technique but its much less potent now that it's been compromised, "We're in…", he informs her.
Elska, desperately holding on to the thin shreds of her consciousness, quietly thanks the curse but then as promised, sinks her fangs into him.
Gojo stands from Naoya who's left motionless but alive.
Naoya strains his eyes to see Sukuna holding Elska as his disgusting moans reverberate through their enclosed space; only noticing that they forced their way through when the sun warms his skin.
"Ba…by…", he struggles out, mortified when he collects that she's effortlessly bleeding everywhere. His eyes recede open completely once her heavy wing is dropped next to their embracing bodies.
Sukuna whines pleasantly, beside himself with the utter bliss coursing through him; he could feel this forever. It's short-lived however as Elska lifts her head and nearly chokes on his blood that she's holding in her mouth.
It's only in this moment that he realizes her intentions.
Elska didn't feed from him because of how his blood immobilizes her but he gathers that she's going to use what she's holding in her mouth to do the very same thing to Satoru.
"Hurry.", he whispers, not wanting her to perish but he knows its a gamble as she weakly lifts her head to hopelessly view him.
Sukuna's eyes leave her and narrow to Gojo, "I will escort you then.", he warns before summoning his chains in an attempt to at least distract the monstrous silver-haired villain before them. When they're in mid-air, he gently guides Elska's body toward Satoru while simultaneously contracting his chains to dampen Gojo's ability to dodge.
Elska can barely move but still focuses on connecting to Satoru and crashes her lips harshly against his and forces Sukuna's blood into his mouth. Gojo retaliates and bites her hard, making her wince but she remains vigilant until he gives and she's able to dump the essence into him.
Instantly, the domain disappears and all four of them fall into concave ground, Sukuna being the only one to land gracefully. He goes to pick up Elska while listening to Naoya gather his senses but abruptly feels the odd sensation of a familiar presence creeping up like Nostalgia and mutters, "You will owe me, Cuhtli..."
"BABY!", Naoya shrills, unable to move as his eyes dart to Gojo as newly formed white feathered wings pierce the ground; the display rancorously deceiving as they resemble how Elska's used to look, something befitting of an angel.
Elska rolls to her back, clinging to life as it tries to escape her. The nasty rabid noises that leave her Sweet Sati by her feet brings her to the possibility that she failed emotions clash when she hears Naoya, though he's gravely hurt himself.
Hands start grabbing at her ankles and Elska ultimately giving in as she hasn't an ounce of fight left.
Gojo struggles to crawl over to her body, the effects of Sukuna's blood hindering him greatly.
"LUUUUUUUHHHHVE", he growls, pulling himself over her with every bit of strength he can muster. He's sees Sukuna glaring which hastens his drive until he's roughly climbing over Elska to quickly enact what his cells are screaming at him to do.
Elska lies there inertly fading in and out. It isn't until Gojo pierces her breast that she's brought to a sudden moment of actualization. Tears leave her eyes as she shakily places her hand on his head, feeling his wickedness evaporate with every draw he pulls, "My sweet…Sati…", she whispers, "…take what you need…"
"BABY, NO!!!!", Naoya hyperventilates when Elska's hand falls from Satoru's head, to the ground. His heart stops as he perceives her lifeless eyes and how she isn't breathing.
Naoya's entire world screeches to a halt.
"She…she's…she can't be…", he roars chaotically to call for the others, hearing Toji respond and wail nearby. His anger floods everything when he notices how Gojo proceeds to feed from her even though she's clearly no longer amongst the living, "BAAAABY!"
Gojo begins to quietly cry, unsure of where he is or what's going on. He sees his left hand, gripping at a tattered Zenin blue yukata and then perceives the ring on his finger.
'My love…', he serenely hums, wishing to be near her again.
'Where is she?', he wonders absentmindedly, 'What am I tasting? Am I eating something?', but then Gojo directly comprehends that he's drinking Elska, that she's beneath him.
Sukuna stands upright and heatedly kicks Gojo so hard in the head that the shaman's entire body rotates off of her.
"WENCH!", he heatedly berates but its no use.
She's gone.
Itadori within is hysterically unraveling to the outcome and to be honest, he himself is dissatisfied by how this all turned out so he decides to try something.
Something he was vaguely told he'd one day have to do.
Sukuna gnaws off one of his own fingers and with another, cuts straight into Elska's chest, "TAKE IT WENCH!", shoving it into her and then using his hands to crease her the torn together, hoping he's not too late.
But to his dismay, it seems he is. Elska's body doesn't absorb the cursed part at all but rather weakly bleeds; her heart not recovering.
Toji crawls past his panic-stricken cousin, inching his way to Elska with tears streaming down his face as he refuses to believe that she's dead.
"DOLL! PLEASE DOLL! YOU CAN'T!", but his cries go unheard from her ears.
He ducks his head into the ground and sobs uncontrollably next to her body, unwilling to even acknowledge Gojo experiencing a sensory overload. Gojo could fucking explode into tiny turned pieces and he simply wouldn't fucking care.
"BAAAA…", Naoya chokes on his own blood and saliva, "BBYYY!!!!!", beating his fists into the Earth as he simply cannot fathom this outcome. "SHE CAN'T BE DEAD!", he roars, the distraught, feverish waves of his voice shaking everything around them. He darts his eyes to Gojo who's coming back to his normal self but instead of acknowledging his return, Naoya lashes out and declares, "I AM GOING TO FUCKING SKIN YOU ALIVE!!!!", using his last bit of energy to blast the shaman, piercing through his chest.
Genghis materializes with Suguru who's awake but somehow isn't at all in a frenzy. Suguru's experience through the last stage enabled him to awake without the typical effects since he'd already endured them all by himself in the timeless endeavor just to make it back to her.
Suguru drops to his knees beside Elska, "Little one…", the peaceful nuance in his voice completely counteracting against the hopeless sounds that leave everyone else. Grabbing her flaccid hand, he looks up to his mentor, and receives a nod.
"This is something only you can do.", Genghis assures, taken aback by how utterly mangled everyone is. It's not the best time but he thinks to himself, 'I tried to warn all of you…', with a heavy heart as he knows that without Elska Oda, everything he's worked so hard for will fall to shambles.
As Suguru focuses his new technique, Temujin walks over to Naoya and rips him off of Gojo while trying to explain, "That will not do you any good now.", and has to use all of his might to restrain the distraught Zenin who continuously rages into tears.
Suguru leans down to hoist Elska's lifeless body into his lap and looks to the sky.
'Something only I can do...'
Getou wrenches his hands around her shoulders and with it beginning, he starts to shake; blood spilling from his nose as he studies the remnants around them and painstakingly is forced to view within his mind, Elska's grueling last moments.
"Little one, you must come back…", he whispers while using the threads of time to retrace those exact moments and uses her previous life force in an attempt to guide it back into her body.
Toji lays on his side all while watching the unthinkable occur. He's not sure what to make of Suguru's technique until he witnesses an unconscious Gojo heaving and vomiting up some of Elska's blood. Her essence then crystalizes just like at the compound and is soon trailing across the trampled grass to reenter her once more. With awe, Toji looks back at Gojo and notes how the shaman is out cold but darts his view back to Elska and mumbles in disbelief, "No way…", hope finding itself alive within him again, "Can Getou…can he save her?"
Suguru begins to pant, "Come on, Elska…", his voice now showing dejection and strain, "Come back…", violently shaking as he feels the technique reaching its limit, "Just...a little...more!" When he tires and the time-ripping technique ceases, he has to catch himself with outstretched hands so he doesn't fall backwards. His chest desperately rises and falls as he studies her features.
Elska doesn't move though.
Nothing actually changes.
But then something forces Suguru to double over.
All of the sudden, he feels his body betraying him, burning and forming fangs as he's instinctively wanting to consume Elska's blood but it no longer makes sense to when she's not producing. Despite all reason, the need grows though more and more until he feels himself losing control.
Genghis sees this transpire and becomes upset, "Did it…not work?", he hopelessly whispers. He doesn't understand though, Elska should be alive right now but since she isn't, Getou shouldn't be suffering to feed from her when the blood is dead along with her. "Little O-…", he begins but his words are severed when the inconceivable happens.
Elska's body shoots out warm waves of energy that bend, curl and dance around her like an air bubble. The violet light curtains around her but then a hole grows in the center, near her heart.
Genghis's jaw drops as he wonders, 'What in the golden fuck is THAT?!', already aware of something creepily familiar honing in.
Somewhere from the sky above, the image of an unknown curse zooms past them all as a blur and enters Elska. The hole in her energy barrier swirls closed and after that, all of the violet light funnels back into her chest.
The noise from whatever the fuck that was catches up and rocks the immediate area like a small earthquake. For a moment, everyone is startled until the recognize that the mysterious thing traveled fasted than the speed of sound.
After the ground settles, Naoya and Toji both gasp because Toji can hear her heart beating and its strong.
Sukuna sits down next to Fushiguro, exhaling heavily while sharing, "My act of impulsivity, it had purpose. Prepare yourselves for what comes next."
Naoya fights off Genghis's hold, scrambling over to Elska on his knees across from Getou, "B…baby? BABY ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!!!"
Suguru peels her blood slicked hair from her face and encourages, "Follow my voice Elska…", and holds her with Naoya as she begins to move. His dark eyes flash over to Sukuna's, nodding to the comprehension that if Sukuna had not given her that piece of him for whatever reason, this may not have worked and explains, "Sukuna being the King of curses and sharing that portion of his body helped immensely.", he sees the confusion of everyone around him, "This is going to sound crazy but I think it allowed for her origin curse to enter her. The one responsible for evolving the Oda clan..."
They all watch as the incision caused by Sukuna laces shut and the finger beneath her skin sinks and assimilates until a large pulsating wave of raw energy binds into Elska's very being.
Getou lifts her into his arms and slowly walks away with her without any words to say out loud.
'I did it...', he smiles to himself in complete shock as her wounds continue to repair with haste.
Naoya's unsettled by the departure but as he begins to verbally oppose it, Toji puts a hand on him and communicates, "Stop boy, let them bond…". The blonde watches as the Titer carefully holds Elska and knows that he wouldn't be carting her off if she wasn't recovering and hears, "…we owe him that much. She's alive because of him."
When Elska's fingers can be seen curling, Toji cries out happily and reaches for his cousin who joins him in a sob.
"My boy…", the giant laughs into a full blown sob, "Our bride…she's…she's alive."