World of Beasts: I Can See Their Hidden Stats!

Chapter 76 - The White Family's Scandal, Failed Elections

Chapter 76: The White Family’s Scandal, Failed Elections

Hobrick sat in his specially-readied seat for the interview, and he noticed that the major television stations were ready.

After sorting out his thoughts, he decided to start by explaining the situation with Adrian.

The reporters all cried out at Principal Hobrick’s narration.

“Are you saying that the fourth young master of the White family and Miss Alice attempted to kill Locke all because of jealousy?”

“Are the children of big families that perverse?”

“How do we know that you’re speaking the truth?”

Realizing it was her time to step up, Diana called out her Global Sentinels and revealed Adrian and Alice’s dirty laundry to the world.

Although not all of the reporters were Beastmasters, anyone who had common sense could tell that Adrian and Alice was out to get Locke’s life.

While observing the fast-forwarded video, a reporter asked, “Director Diana, is it possible to make a copy of these videos? Our station is willing to buy them!”

“We want to buy them too!” The other reporters also shouted in agreement.

This was A+ scandalous material incriminating a huge family! If used well, the station could increase their viewership ratings greatly!

“I’m willing to give them away for free! Just promise me that you’ll broadcast the clips every day during prime time, for an entire week!” The White family’s misdeeds had drawn her ire for quite some time, and their blatant disregard for the Federation’s laws and the academy rules had struck her nerves many times.

“Women are really not to be trifled with…”Jacques sighed in the distance.

At this time, a female reporter asked Hobrick once again, “Principal Hobrick! Are you willing to take responsibility for your prior remarks? Also, since the individuals in question have repeatedly violated the Federation’s laws and the academy’s rules, how do you plan to deal with them?”

Hobrick had been anticipating this question for quite some time. He stood up and said with a stern expression, “Of course I will take responsibility for my remarks! As such, I hope that you will report the situation truthfully! Also, I hereby announce that…”

“The Director of Education, Charles, and the Diamond Class instructor, Ollie, are no longer affiliated with the institution. They have been fired!”

“Also, Adrian and Alice are no longer students of this academy! They have been expelled, and their expulsion is effective immediately!”

This was undoubtedly another bombshell!

The firing of the two instructors was not the point!

The fact that the descendants of the White family had been expelled from the Federation’s best academy was the news that shocked everyone!

After all, all prior members of the current generation of the White family had graduated from the academy with flying colors!

They were successful people in the hearts of the public!

The contrast between the youngest members of the family and the older members was too huge! This piece of information was too good to pass on!

The reporters were abnormally excited. They had a plentiful harvest that day.

“As for Andrew! He was once a student of our academy as well, and yet, he attempted to kill his own junior! Although he’s already dead, for his violation of the academy’s rules! Not only will he be expelled from the school, his name and his accolades will be removed from the Tower of Glory!”

Principal Hobrick’s decision was undoubtedly a huge insult to the White family!

Jacques lit his cigarette and asked Trsitan who was standing beside him, “Killing a junior is an infraction of the academy’s rule? I get that it’s logical and all, but since when was this rule implemented?”

Tristan shook his head. “Hahaha… You should be familiar with the old man’s style by now. He must have thought of it when he was drinking water just now. Anyway, Principal Hobrick calls all the shots in this academy…”

Then, the smile on Tristan’s face gradually disappeared and was replaced by a serious expression. As if to deliver the gravity of his words, he slowly stated, “But by doing so, Principal Hobrick has undoubtedly incited the wrath of the White family. His announcement is no different from declaring war on the White family.”

“Get ready, a storm is coming…”

Jacques nodded. He was in agreement with Tristan’s analysis.

The interview continued. Then, Hobrick took out a small booklet from his pocket.

It contained all the ugly anecdotes he had recorded about the White family over the decades.

Stuff like how Old Man White cheated Principal Hobrick of his money… To how he cheated on his wife with a prostitute from a brothel… To how he had driven his wife to death due to his various counts of adultery.

It had also included details on how he had colluded with the Federal Court to scam people out of their property and assets…

It contained everything!

In response to this, the reporters retracted their expressions of excitement and regained their professionalism. They hurriedly took notes of Principal Hobrick’s statements.

“Sigh, the old man is really narrow-minded…”Jacques’ eyelids twitched, as if he had recalled an unpleasant experience.

Diana, who had returned to the sidelines, mentioned, “Keep your voice down, have you forgotten what happened with you and Tristan last time? Do you want to end up in the Bronze District this time?”

Jacques immediately zipped his mouth.

The reason Tristan and Jacques were “transferred” to the Silver District was due to their game of badminton that took place near the principal’s abode. They had ended up disrupting Hobrick’s nap.

The interview, which lasted for more than three hours, had finally ended.

That night, several TV stations in the Holy City were brightly lit! All of them were working overtime!

When morning dawned, all kinds of news and gossip about the White family were broadcasted on every TV station.

The stations’ superb reporting and their fantastic editing techniques had revealed the White family’s dirty doings for the world to see!

The three million people living in the Holy City had spent their day in shock and bafflement!

With all of their dirty deeds out in the air, the initial ridicule towards the White family had evolved into a full-blown outrage!

The citizens were seething!

They began to march through the streets, holding up signs to protest against the White family.

Old Man White, who was watching television, twitched non-stop!

He did not expected Hobrick to be so ruthless!

“Quick! Go to the television stations and buy all the interview materials! Pay them however much their request!” Old Man White had no time to deal with Hobrick, he needed to defuse the situation as soon as possible.

The secretary, Mars, did not even respond to his master’s orders. He had his hands full dealing with the senior officials of the Holy City who were dialing the White household one after another!

“You! Go! Make it quick!” At the moment, the only one Old Man White could entrust the task with was his oldest son.

The second brother, Moto, slept during the day, whereas Adrian and Alice were still in the hospital.

Alva was the only one who was not occupied!

By noon, the streets of the Holy City was filled with protestors. All the roads were in a deadlock, and it made for a rather lively scene!

Meanwhile, Locke, who had also seen the news, was very calm. He had already figured out why the principal had chosen to attack at such a timing.

“Kid, do you have any more milk…”

While looking at the pigeons he was feeding, Hobrick asked Locke with a smile.

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