Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 19 I count to three, hold my head and squat down!

Mexico City. Chimahuacan.

In a warehouse, a rock and heavy metal song is very popular, and I don’t know which star sang it.

"Money, money, money, spend it like it's fun, take me to the dance floor where I want to go..."

Holder walked in from the door, frowned and pointed at the young man who was playing with the stereo, "Andrea, turn off that idiot."

The other person was obviously a music expert, and he squirmed and didn't even pay attention.


Ryan raised his pistol and clicked it. The stereo he hit fell to the ground, but the quality was good and it was still singing.

Andrea jumped up in fright, waving his hands and just about to express his dissatisfaction, when he saw Ryan coming up and punched him. He stumbled and fell to the ground. The latter climbed up and grabbed his neck, his facial muscles trembling. , "Bastard, do you think this is a kindergarten or a bar?"

He held a gun in his left hand and stuffed it into the other person's mouth, glaring at him, "Did your mother tell you that you have to be respectful when you go out to hang out?"

"Believe it or not, I'm going to blow your head off right now."

Andrea hurriedly raised her hands, finally scared.

Ryan looked sullenly, stood up and kicked him, "Go over and stand, everyone, come here, get out faster!"

The people who were watching the show quickly stood up.

There are 13 people in total, all of whom are local "children" of Kimahuakan. Most of them are veterans who have been around for several years, and many of them have even seen blood.

There is actually only one way out for Mexico.

Children from wealthy families join the family business - drug trafficking.

Children from poor families join other people's family business - drug trafficking.

Just fucking committing crimes, how many famous Mexican scholars do you know?

Ryan was wearing a pair of brown combat pants with a Makarov pistol on his waist. He put his hands on his hips and said with a tough expression, "I don't care which gang you were in before or which drug lord you were under, but you are now a member of the new generation in Mexico." ”

"If anyone doesn't want to stay, just tell him earlier, but if I find out that someone is betraying, I will bury him!"

The whites of Ryan's lower eyes looked very fierce, and he swept them one by one. His body was very strong, and he still felt oppressive. "Is anyone quitting?"

After calling two or three times, the 13 people looked at each other, but no one came out.

"Very good." Ryan nodded with satisfaction and nodded towards Holder behind him.

The latter took out an envelope from his arms, stuffed it bulgingly, and threw it on a table next to him. A few bills fell out, which quickly attracted their attention.

"600 pesos per person. We are different from other organizations. We pay salaries on time on the 1st of every month. Those who join in the middle or at the end of the month will be counted as one month, and the salary will be paid at the same time the following month." Holder hissed, "One field trip 200 pesos, plus 500 pesos for injuries, and 500 US dollars for death.”

The 13 newcomers immediately ignored Ryan and started whispering among themselves.

This welfare package...

There is really nothing to say.

These 13 hangers-on didn’t play important roles in the original organization, so the money they received was naturally small. Have you ever seen someone get rich by being a junior?

The benefits provided by the Gulf Group to farmers in the plantation industry are to ensure that their safety will not be threatened by other drug trafficking organizations. Secondly, each person receives 6 pesos, which is about $3 in the 1980s, which is a good income.

Drug dealers in the general transportation field charge different prices based on the number of times and the dangerousness of the goods. But if you are caught by the police while transporting goods, you are finished and your whole family will die.

The most expensive ones are the gunmen, who are responsible for violent actions such as grabbing territory, kidnapping the opponent's leader, etc. In 2019, an American blogger contacted a drug dealer through the Internet, took him around the inside, and met a gunman. The other person was wrapped like a mummy in his camera and told him that the salary was about 18,500 pesos.

But at this time, the economy was expanding, and the exchange rate had reached 17:1, which is equivalent to 1,500 US dollars. This is not a low income in the United States.

Therefore, having 600 pesos in the 1980s was not a very good benefit.

"Boss!" Andrea, who has a more out-of-the-box personality, raised his hand, his eyes shining, "Can I call my brothers over?"

"Yes, yes, I have a younger brother. He is 11 years old this year. He is as tall as me." Someone next to him echoed.

Some people even plan to bring his retired father over.

"Quiet!" Ryan frowned and shouted. Everyone stopped talking, but their eyes kept drifting to the side. "Collect the money one by one, Andrea, starting with you."

The other party smiled playfully, stood in front of the table and bowed, "Boss."

Holder counted out six hundred-dollar pesos and handed them to him. The other party took them and counted them in person. Mexicans are so direct. When he was about to leave, he was stopped. Holder took out a gun from the box under his feet. Throw it in front of him.

"this is yours."

Authentic Makarov pistol manufactured by Izhevsk Machinery Plant.

"Return weapons?" Andrea raised his head and blinked.

"We are a violent institution, not a nursery. Shouldn't we issue weapons and pacifiers?"

Ryan waved impatiently from the side, "This is an organizational benefit. All those who join the new generation in Mexico will be equipped with pistols. I will select 4 small bosses from among you. By then, in addition to pistols, you will also be equipped with submachine guns and grenades. ”

It seems that this organization is richer and more generous than I thought.

When you go out to hang out, don't you just hope to meet a "generous" boss?

But it is indeed a bit scary to have everyone in hand, so are you not afraid that they will sell it?

Andrea, who got the gun, smiled even more happily and gestured to his colleagues as if joking. Ryan went up and gave him a kick, "Don't point the gun at your own people. If you do this again next time, I'll break your fingers off!"

Andrea was so frightened that she quickly shrank her head, stood back in the queue, and touched the weapon.

After everyone received their salary, Holder nodded towards Ryan, who stood up and spoke, "From now on, you have to come here to train with me every day. If anyone is late or doesn't come without a legitimate reason, he will be punished." Don’t say I’m cruel.”

"Now everyone, come with me with weapons." Ryan led them to the large courtyard inside. Holder sat on a chair with a cigarette in his hand and said nothing.

But he didn't know how to train people at all, so he had to put Ryan, who had a military background, in charge. He was only responsible for coordination.

And make money!

Make money as hard as you can, and then fucking update your equipment.

Recently, an old colleague contacted him. He had a batch of goods in hand, and he was very excited.

Anna's death caused little stir in the plateau prison, except for a few words of pity from familiar human beings.

It’s strange that Mexico is immortal. The president even received the Peace Prize.

Victor stayed in the monitoring room peacefully for two or three days, going to work and getting off work on time every day. Gallardo in the monitoring room was as withdrawn as a wounded wolf, huddled in the corner.

Not even called the woman.

As expected, those who become serious people are either extremely lustful to death, or have terrible self-discipline.

Victor made a cup of Nestlé instant coffee and stood by the window. He could just see the third prison district opposite, where ventilation was being released. There were piles here and a handful there, and you could even see police officers blowing smoke one by one.

I even saw a strong man with tattoos on his face grabbing the prison guard's hat and throwing it away, making the people next to him laugh.

Victor blew the coffee, as if he had seen something exciting. When he raised his eyes, he saw a few people getting into a fight in a corner, and then the prison guard went up to break up the fight...

Being beaten?

That figure looks so familiar.

The prison guard turned around and blew his whistle, and Victor saw clearly that it was Casare.

The two groups of people gathered more and more, and eventually they grew into dozens of people. At this time, the alarm also sounded.

Victor's face had been drooping ever since Casare was beaten, and he gently put the coffee on the window, "It's too bitter, I need to add some sugar."

"I'm going out for a while." He said to the prison guard who leaned over to watch the excitement, picked up his hat from the table and walked out of the office.

He is a protective person and would not tolerate this.

Wild dogs in prison must be given a few whips to tell them who is in charge here.

Casare covered his face. The opponent's punch was very hard and made him a little dizzy. The colleagues next to him hurriedly helped him away from the ring.

Fortunately, after the last "football shooting" incident, a crackdown was carried out inside the prison and guns were searched and suppressed, otherwise bullets would not be flying everywhere now.

After the alarm sounded, the emergency team quickly arrived to control the scene, but the Mexican drug traffickers were so arrogant that they might have gotten angry this time and dragged the police along with them to fight.

The emergency team members didn't dare to shoot. When Haggis was still alive, he didn't have the courage. Many of the fights here had backstage, and it would be pretty good if they were accidentally injured.

"When are the police going to watch criminals in jail before they start beating them?"

When Casare heard the sound, he turned around and saw Victor. He covered his face and his voice changed, "Victor."

"If you don't obey me, you will die!"

Victor took out his pistol and fired several shots into the sky. The two groups of people fighting instantly stopped and turned to look at him.

But the next second, they were beaten together again.

Victor smiled happily, "I have always liked unruly people in my life."

He spotted an unlucky guy, rushed up to him, held him under his armpits, threw him back, and shot him three times in the leg.

"I count to three, hold your head and squat down!"

The gun was turned towards the fighting crowd.

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