Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 181 The disadvantage is that it is not accurate enough, but the advantage is that it does no

The third day after the establishment of the new tax department.

A group of tax collectors wearing body armor rushed into a shoe factory in Tijuana with about 600 workers.

He directly dragged the boss out of the office.

"Don't! Don't shoot! I'll give you the money." The bald boss raised his hands and shouted loudly in a panic. He looked around with sly eyes and saw the English abbreviation JDJS written on an armored vehicle. (Remember to pay tax)

"We received a tip that you evaded taxes."

"How is that possible? It's impossible. I pay every quarter. By the way, my nephew is in your tax department. This is definitely a misunderstanding." The bald man said hurriedly. When he saw his nephew hiding behind him, his eyes lit up. "Mike! Mike! Come and talk to me."

"When you work, please call me auditor, or sir." Mike looked at his cousin with a serious expression and said to his boss, "He owns about 6 properties in Tijuana, but I know he has never handed over Tax."

"Mike! I'm your uncle!" the bald man said with a glare.

Your money is not my money, but the money you evaded taxes will be my commission. Mike had a Chinese-character face and said, "If you don't pay your taxes on time, it doesn't matter that you are my father."

"Tug him away, drag him away, and let him think about where the money is hidden!"

Two tax collectors grabbed the bald man's arms and pulled him into the car.

"Seal the place down!"

"Boss, what about these workers? If more than 600 people are unemployed, there will be great pressure on social security."

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"If the assembly line continues to operate, the more orders we have, the higher our fines will be."

The boss's eyes lit up, he patted Mike on the shoulder and sighed, "Yes, with your attitude like this, the next one to be promoted will definitely be you!"

Mike nodded excitedly.

All for Mr. Victor!

Security department. Office.

"Look, there are a lot of rich people in Tijuana, but they just don't feel comfortable paying taxes." Victor looked at the new report sent to him with a relaxed expression, crossed his legs, and drank coffee.

In just two days, 71 companies that failed to pay taxes on time were seized. Based on the scale of the fines, at least 63 million US dollars could be recorded. If this were in the United States, they would have to go to jail and be fined heavily.

Here in Mexico, depending on your "sincerity", the higher the fine you pay, the lower the criminal penalty will be.

"This is only part of it. According to estimates from the tax department, there are about 600 companies in Baja California that are evading taxes. Boss, we can get at least 1.2 billion U.S. dollars in fines!" Casare also showed a slight expression next to him. said excitedly.

The average fine per family is US$200,000!

"Let the tax department work overtime. If anyone doesn't cooperate, armored vehicles will rush over. After getting the money, they will pay salaries to the police as soon as possible, and also make up for the monthly pensions of retired police officers and the families of deceased police officers. "

Goldfinger just asked Victor to pinch people, but these guys also had to eat, drink, and have sex. They were under a lot of pressure, and without money, it was really difficult to move forward.

The 15,000 National Guard troops have not yet been fully recruited, but they are in accordance with Victor's new "Police Officers Pay Standards".

An ordinary police corporal earns US$570 per month, and the various benefits add up to almost US$8,000 a year. In the United States next door, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), their average salary in 1990 was US$20,543.

Victor also wanted to convert in pesos.


Many people in Mexico don’t recognize it!

This society has long been fully occupied by the "United States". This is the hegemony of the U.S. dollar. Mexico cannot break free, or perhaps Victor cannot break free now.

US$570 is just the minimum, but not the average. The National Guard alone spends close to US$9 million a month, plus front-line combat troops, intelligence departments, maintenance of the "Victor Archduke", and repairs of armored vehicles and other weapons.

There are also salaries for staff in other departments.

Everyone has seen the glory of being the boss, but they have not seen that you have to live with money behind the scenes.

The estimated US$1.2 billion in fines and confiscations...will not take long at all.

"Boss, maybe we can go to the United States to get some technology stocks? I heard that Wall Street is almost throwing money in and putting it out in sacks now."

A smart right-hand man must be able to solve problems for the boss.

"Stocks?" Victor frowned. When he said this, he seemed to remember that Microsoft, Google, etc. were "prosperously developing" in the 1990s, and maybe they could really make a profit.

Jingle bell bell~

Just as Victor was deep in thought, the phone on the table rang, still red, symbolizing urgency. He was startled and picked up the phone.


"Director, this is me, Kennedy. Our department has captured the outlying city of Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora state, and is now approaching it. We encountered heavy firepower from the resistance forces at the steel plant outside the city. We request indiscriminate bombing! "

As soon as Victor heard this, he stood up from his chair, ran to the map next to him, and found Hermosillo, in the center of Sonora. How could he fight so fast?

Is there something fishy in it?

He picked up the phone and asked, "Does this steel factory have anything to say?"

"It's Spanish," Kennedy said from across the street.

It turned out to be a foreign-invested enterprise.

"Blow it up! The regular people inside must have been murdered by drug dealers. I will let Cuauquemot inform the Spanish side. All you have to do is take down the steel plant and then raid the drug dealers in Hermosillo. , I will send more police officers to support."


Victor took a drag on his cigarette and frowned, "Order the three battalions of the renovated Vasily 442nd Regiment (800 people) and EDN (Mexico Emergency Response Team) (900 people) to go out for support!"

"Boss, there is only one EDN battalion left in Tijuana. Isn't this too risky?" Casare said next to him.

Victor narrowed his eyes, "Just pin down the drug dealers and beat them. As long as we control Sonora, our buffer zone will be extended. Don't worry, safety is no problem."

He secretly glanced at the points, and there were still more than 1 billion. The main front lines were spending artillery shells every day, which was a lot of money, but they could still produce some "cannon fodder" when necessary.

Perhaps, some people should be recruited according to the "mercenary" template. This group of people is enough for large-scale wars.

"Electrify the entire territory! Urge Sonora civilians to evacuate the war zone, allow entry into northern Baja California, set up tents near the city of Mexicali, and conduct centralized control of the influx of refugees."

Casare hurriedly wrote down what his boss said.

After Kennedy hung up the phone, his expression was solemn. This steel plant was not as relaxed as he said.

Covering an area of ​​6 square kilometers, it is one of the largest foreign-owned steel plants in Mexico. Almost 30% of the people in Hermosillo work, live and live here.

Kennedy has made the civilians inside leave by playing loudspeakers, but there are still many people here who "live and die with the steel plant"!

Because they are gone... they no longer have the ability to survive. What can many people do? Going to other states to starve? Or join a drug dealer?

It would be better to stay in the steel plant and oppose the anti-drug forces.

Sometimes, reality is really full of magic. They also know the benefits of drug control, but they are reluctant to part with the damaged work of drug control, the three acres of land, and three meals a day.

For them, anti-drug control is a matter of the state. It’s none of their business.


It also helps drug traffickers fight back against anti-drug forces.

Stubborn and stubborn!

Then fight.

2,000 police officers stormed inside, but they couldn't get in and suffered heavy losses. These drug dealers had buried a lot of landmines and even tunnels.

Like a mouse crawling everywhere.

"Order the BM-13 rocket launcher battalion to fire 10 rounds rapidly! Blow up the steel plant!" Kennedy issued the order through gritted teeth.

Anyway, the boss agreed.

The Spaniards would just go find Victor.

The rocket launcher battalion consists of 30 BM-13 rocket launchers. Don't be surprised, Mao Xiong also has an artillery force. The Germans sighed when they exploded during World War II.

With strong firepower, ants can turn into dung beetles.

In the wide open space, the BM-13 rocket launcher battalion got busy after receiving the order.



The red flag waved downwards vigorously.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…


Fire rain and meteors!

The disadvantage of this thing is that it is not accurate enough. The advantage is that it does not require accuracy, just one word: explode!

The ultimate aesthetics of violence.

Standing nearby, I watched the rockets rushing towards the steel plant in groups. The factory area covering an area of ​​6 square kilometers was full of explosions. The soil on the ground was turned over several layers by the explosion, but some buildings were still intact. Do not move!

This reinforced concrete is so damn reliable.


In just two hours, the steel plant received almost 4,800 artillery shells. According to calculations in 1950, at that time, one artillery shell was worth eight taels of gold.

Fortunately, Victor used points, but this shell also cost 12,000 points, which directly blew up nearly 60 million points. These... can be exchanged for a patrol ship.

Fortunately, it wasn't money. If it was money, Victor would have become a monk.

The thick smoke from the rocket explosion could be seen clearly in Hermosillo, several kilometers away. People were standing on balconies, high-rise buildings, and even on the roof of the church, looking at the shocking scene. A scene of experience.

Everyone felt small under the rocket bombs.

"God! With... so many artillery pieces, will the steel plant still be there?" a woman asked with a sad face.

Her husband hugged her tightly and said, "Don't worry."

Both of them were employees of the steel plant. They returned to Hermosillo despite the loudspeakers, but they were still a little sad to see the place where they had worked for more than ten years turned into this.

"God bless them." The woman leaned on her husband's arms.

What he said was that he didn't know who to protect.

Kennedy held a telescope and looked at the steel plant in the distance. There were bombed ruins everywhere.

"Keep bombing!"

"Boss, the shells are gone. We'll have to wait until tomorrow to deliver them next time." The adjutant next to him said awkwardly.

Whose family is so rich in war?

Do you know what you threw out?

At least two mansions in Beverly Hills, USA!

"The 1st and 2nd Battalions of the Violent Terrorist Mobile Team are moving forward."

"Ground troops tighten the defense line."

"Take down the steel plant!"

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