Women's Juju Counterattack Diary [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 68

As early as when he first came to this world, Liang Ansheng realized that something was wrong. Although 099 explained that it was accidentally placed in the wrong world, this reason did not completely convince him.

Fortunately, Liang Ansheng made two-handed preparations from the very beginning, and didn't put all his expectations on Yuan Hengyu.

In terms of the anti-zombie medicine project, apart from Yuan Hengyu, Liang Ansheng is the most qualified to take over. Although Ye Li was a little worried, he still nodded.

As a result, Liang Ansheng settled in Yuan Hengyu's original laboratory.

In the next few days, Chu Jiu led people to thoroughly investigate the base and the research institute, and found several traitors, all of whom were from the base in City N. Reagent No. [-] was taken out of the city by Zeng Lin, and Chu Shen personally took it He chased it back, but most of the No. [-] reagent was destroyed.

The N city base is said to be a survivor base, but it was actually transformed from a prison before the end of the world. The person in charge of it was the head of the felon in the prison at that time, and now it is a dictatorship.

According to the person who was caught, they were sent by the leader to grab the anti-zombie potion. As for why Yuan Hengyu was killed, it was because Yuan Hengyu is currently the only person who can make the anti-zombie potion. As long as he is dead, they will steal it. The potion can be sold for a big price.

Hearing such absurd remarks, Liang Ansheng sneered, there are such scum at any time.

But now he has no time to deal with them at all, so he can only put it down temporarily and get into the laboratory wholeheartedly.

In the next three months, Liang Ansheng conducted a large number of experiments with No. [-] reagent. At first he mixed Lingquan water with blood. The test results showed that the number of active cells was much higher than that of any substance before, but it could not be fused with No. [-] reagent. A qualitative change has occurred, and although the quality of the finished product has improved, it cannot compete with the zombie virus.

Later, Liang Ansheng simply replaced the active agent with his own blood, but the effect was still unsatisfactory. Looking at another infected person who became a zombie, Liang Ansheng frowned.

While recording the experimental data, the assistant Chen Lang said, "Mr. Chu, eight out of ten infected people have recovered. The probability of 80.00% is already very high. Now it should be possible to announce the success of the anti-zombie medicine."

Liang Ansheng didn't reply, and took the notebook in his hand, "It's getting late, and you're tired, go back and rest first, and try again tomorrow."

"Okay, Teacher Chu, you should go to bed earlier."

The current result, no matter which base it is placed in, can be regarded as a success, but Liang Ansheng is different. If the end of the world is to be completely ended, not only humans need to completely purify the zombie virus, but also the infected land plants and animals in this world. need.

So it has to be 100% destroying the zombie virus to be enough.

And not only that, but in the end, the anti-zombie medicine must be mass-produced, even to the point where it can be used for artificial rainfall.

During this period of time, Liang Ansheng didn't just use his own blood, he also took leaves from Chu Shen, Kong Lin, Feng Zilun, and even the ivy heroine who was far away in City A. He asked Chu Shen to pick a few vines After returning, it was finally confirmed that apart from Feng Zilun who may have a certain resistance due to genetic disorder, only his own blood is the most effective against the zombie virus.

This point was actually verified when Chu Shen was caught by zombies and Liang Ansheng gave him blood.

It’s just that Liang Ansheng gave Chu Shen a big bowl of blood back then. If making medicine required such a large amount of consumption, no matter how good his resilience was, he would have to be turned into a mummy, and he might not be able to survive the remaining three years. Enough for a month.

Looking at the light purple reagent in the test tube, Liang Ansheng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and turned to run to the laboratory.

He tapped his fingers on the keyboard quickly, and one formula after another appeared on the screen, dazzling the viewers.

About three hours later, he finally stopped, read the data on the screen again from the beginning, took out another stack of manuscript paper, wrote some data on it with a pen, compared it with the previous data for a while, and finally wrote There is a formula.

At this time, the counterattack value that had not moved for a long time finally moved, "The counterattack value is 10%, and the current counterattack value is 65%."

Hearing this result, Liang Ansheng couldn't help feeling that it was so.

It seems that this bug world is really quite unfriendly to him.

What he just imagined was if the amount of blood was not enough, would it be better to increase its concentration.

And the purest place for blood in the human body is the heart.

Therefore, if he wants to continue experimenting with this algorithm, the test items to be provided below must be his brainchild.

The world wanted his life.

Even so, if he wants to complete the task, he must follow this route.

Just as Liang Ansheng was deep in thought, someone hugged his shoulders suddenly, and the corners of his lips raised a little, he turned off the computer screen, closed the manuscript paper and put it in a drawer, turned around and hugged the man's neck, "Are you back? Is it all done?"

These days Liang Ansheng is busy with experiments, and spends almost every night in the laboratory, and because of what happened in the research institute, Chu Shen is also getting more and more busy. The city base is destroyed."

Liang Ansheng became interested, "Huh? What's going on?"

"When we arrived, the base in City N was already occupied by high-level zombies, and all the people inside were wiped out. I didn't see the specific situation."

Liang Ansheng nodded, and didn't ask Chu Shen what he was doing in N City. In fact, he didn't need to ask him to know that it was probably to settle accounts. Now it seems that the trip was for nothing.

Chu Shen pinched Liang Ansheng's waist, "Why did you lose so much weight? How long have you not eaten?"

Liang Ansheng touched his nose in embarrassment, "Forgot."

099 said: "The host has not eaten for 24 hours."

Seeing what Liang Ansheng said, how could Chu Shen not know that he must have not eaten for a long time, so he could not help but force Liang Ansheng back home.

After the two left, the laboratory was emptied. About two hours later, a figure quietly appeared in the seat where Liang Ansheng was sitting just now. He first opened the drawer, took out the manuscript paper inside, and after looking at it for a while, opened the computer.

When Liang Ansheng got up early the next morning, Chu Shen had already disappeared. He left a note saying that he had to deal with urgent matters and left the city, and told him not to worry, he would be back in a while.In addition, he left a box with a crystal clear bead inside, saying it was a gift for him.

Regarding this point, Liang Ansheng felt that something was very wrong, but he didn't think of anything strange for the time being, so he had to go back to the laboratory first.Immediately, he found that his drawers and computer had been tampered with. Although the man was very careful, Liang Ansheng still found that there was a slight deviation in the position of his manuscript paper from when he left yesterday.

However, Liang Ansheng didn't ask anyone to check it. He just packed the things again and ordered his assistants to prepare for a new round of experiments.

Afterwards, Liang Ansheng took out the beads that Chu Shen gave him, and he looked left and right, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart, "Little Jiujiu, what is this?"

Chu Shen would never give him useless things, let alone give him ordinary "gifts" after seeing the crazy experimental plan written on his manuscript paper.

That's right, it was Chu Shen who entered Liang Ansheng's laboratory again last night.

099 heard the words and replied: "Back to the host, I don't know what it is, but there is energy in this bead, and its function seems to be similar to the purifier in the system store. You can try it."

Liang Ansheng has seen a purifier in the products of the system store. It is a funnel-shaped metal vessel that requires [-] points. With Liang Ansheng's current points, he can't even buy one-tenth of it.

With the purifier, it meant that Liang Ansheng didn't have to use his own efforts to make introductions, and even achieved better results.

Suppressing his disturbed mood, Liang Ansheng stumbled into the laboratory again.

Sure enough, the next experiment was a great success.

Seeing the last person who had been half-zombified recover gradually, everyone present cheered loudly.

"Success! We succeeded!"

"There will be no more zombies in the future! Hahaha!"

"The end times are finally coming to an end! Mankind can be saved!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Liang Ansheng heard the system prompt, "The counterattack value is 25%, and the current counterattack value is 90%."

Now that the first batch of medicines has been successfully produced, the next thing is easy. Liang Ansheng has never told anyone in the research institute that the active medicines used are his blood, and because of the relatively large amount needed, no one doubted it. He, after all, even if he has the ability to heal, it is impossible to provide so much blood.Of course, one of the reasons is that his blood itself has undergone mutation, and it is still different from ordinary human blood.

This potion was named by Liang Ansheng as a purifying potion because it could purify the zombie virus.Because of that bead, Liang Ansheng's originally calculated blood demand was greatly reduced. Only a drop of purified blood was needed to make a potion that could purify hundreds of square meters, and if it was just land, the potion could even be diluted first. Purify again.

During this time, Chu Shen has not come back.

In the next two months, starting from the base in City Y, all over the world, they were all washed away by purification agents. Almost all the blood in Liang Ansheng's body was replaced. Finally, he heard the final system prompt, "Counter attack value 10% , the current counterattack value is 100%, congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The host can choose to return to the mission space at any time."

Liang Ansheng did not choose to go back, but asked, "Is the Zombie King dead?"

099: "Back to the host, the death of non-male and female hosts cannot be queried."

According to his deduction and his feeling when he was with Shu Cheng before, if the completion of this mission is to reach 100%, then the zombie king, that is, Shu Cheng must die.

However, Shu Cheng didn't even show up to anyone during these times, so how could he have died?If it was said that he was killed by the purification potion, Liang Ansheng would never believe it. The purification potion would at most kill level [-] and level [-] zombies, and at most stop the evolution of level [-] and above zombies, but it would be absolutely ineffective against zombie kings.

While thinking about it, Liang Ansheng walked up to the city wall, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he jumped onto the city wall immediately.

Chu Jiu, who had just found him, thought he was going to jump off the building, and shouted loudly from behind: "Little sister-in-law, don't!"

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