Women's Juju Counterattack Diary [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 62

City A is a prefecture-level city [-] kilometers away from City Y. The outside of this city is full of farmland. Before the end of the world, the production of high-quality rice was the main source of income. Before the end of the world, it was the season for rice production. All the rice is stored in the granary and has not had time to be transported away.

So the purpose of the group this time is the grain in the granary in City A.

It's not that there was no base to attack the idea of ​​the granary in City A, but it was all in vain.

When there were two kilometers away from City A, the convoy stopped, and Zhuo Qi ordered everyone to rest for the night before entering the city tomorrow.

During dinner, Zhuo Qi walked over to Liang Ansheng and Chu Shen, discussing the next action plan with them.

In the plot, the male and female protagonists also participated in this operation, but they were separated from the big team at that time, and the things they encountered were different from the big team, so the plot was not of any reference, so Liang Ansheng did not speak immediately, but Concentrate on watching the satellite map sent by 099.

On the surface, this city is no different from other cities occupied by zombies, and it even looks much calmer on the surface.

City A is located on a plain, and most of the buildings are low-rise buildings with no more than ten floors. There are no industrial areas in the city. The climate is suitable and the environment is beautiful. Most of them are young people who like a slow pace or people who come here to retire. Relatively speaking, the urban population is relatively small, and relatively speaking, there are relatively few zombies.

In the plot, the male and female protagonists and their party encountered a huge hallucinogenic mutant plant, but that plant was not lethal. They were trapped in it for three days and then came out. There were only a dozen people left in the brigade, with heavy casualties. Although the task was completed, dozens of elite elites with abilities were lost.

While Liang Ansheng was deliberating, Zhuo Qi pointed to the map and proposed his own plan, "So I plan to go around from the side, not enter the city, go straight to the granary area, and withdraw after taking the grain. Boss, what do you think?"

The map Zhuo Qi took was from before the end of the world. Looking at the route he drew, Liang Ansheng and Chu Shen said at the same time: "No."

Being rejected by the two at the same time, Zhuo Qi was a little confused, but he was not familiar with Liang Ansheng, so he looked at Chu Shen.

Chu Shen turned the map around and placed it in front of Liang Ansheng, "Baby, what do you think?"

Liang Ansheng took a pen and marked a few points on the route drawn by Zhuo Qi, "These areas are the bases where the Urban Greening Bureau used to cultivate plants. This is the Urban Botanical Garden. According to the current frequency of plant variation, this road Can't go."

Zhuo Qi had already understood when Liang Ansheng was punctuating, and a cold sweat suddenly broke out in his heart. Fortunately, he asked him. He is not a thoughtful person. If he is really asked to command, it is estimated that he will not be the whole army in the past. Annihilation would also result in heavy losses.

Then Liang Ansheng drew three more routes on the map, "At present, I prefer these routes."

The three routes pass through the city, the one on the left will pass through the aquarium, and you may encounter many mutant animals on the way, and the one in the middle will pass through Central Park and the downtown square, and there will be many zombies and mutant plants , but this road is the one taken in the plot of the male and female protagonists. With the support of the plot, there will be no major incidents. The one on the right is more tortuous, mostly detours, but there are no particularly dense crowds or facilities such as zoos and botanical gardens. As for Liang Ansheng was not sure if there was any potential danger without going in to see for himself.

After finishing the painting, Liang Ansheng looked at Chu Shen, signaling him to make up his mind.

After looking at the three routes, Zhuo Qi couldn't help but be amazed, the little sister-in-law is so smart, she has marked out the dangers of each route, which is much better than his route that is full of mistakes, see Liang Ansheng Xiang Chushen, he couldn't help but follow Xiang Chushen.

Chu Shen pointed to the route on the left, "Just this one."

In fact, as early as when he was drawing the road map, Liang Ansheng knew that Chu Shen would definitely prefer the one on the left, the one in the middle would pass through the downtown area, there might be traffic jams and too many zombies would be difficult to clean up, and the one on the right would be narrow and large. The truck will definitely move slowly. Most importantly, the route on the left will pass through the Research Institute of City A, so he is not surprised by this result at all.

Since then, the route has been set like this.

Early the next morning, the convoy, which had rested all night, entered the city full of energy.

As Liang Ansheng marked out, although there are many zombies on the road, they are not too busy to make people rush. The people present are all elites with abilities above level two. Cleaning up these zombies couldn't be easier. A group of people cleaned up the zombies while walking, The speed of travel is still fast, and when it is nearly noon, half of the distance has been covered.

But near the aquarium, they encountered a lot of trouble. A giant mutant octopus and a crocodile as big as a truck blocked their way.

The tentacles of the octopus were slippery, extremely flexible, and elusive. They damaged several cars in a row. The skin of the crocodile was hard and its teeth were extremely sharp. One of the supernatural beings didn't react at all, and was torn in half by the sharp teeth of the crocodile.

Chu Jiu asked: "Boss, do we want to go out and help?"

Chu Shen looked at the battle situation outside, "I don't need it for now, they are too slack after entering the city, it's good to exercise."

Although these two mutated beasts are only two levels, their intelligence seems to be quite high, and they know how to cooperate with each other. It took nearly two hours for the supernatural beings headed by Zhuo Qi to deal with them.

There were a lot of injuries, but fortunately no one died except the first one who was torn apart.

At this time, Liang Ansheng's healing ability had also reached the peak of the third level, and it was not a problem to heal dozens of non-fatal wounds. After the battle, he treated the wounded one by one, and gained a lot of favorability points.

If Chu Shen hadn't been by Liang Ansheng's side all the time, there probably would have been a bunch of supernatural beings who couldn't help but confess their love to him on the spot.

During the journey thereafter, everyone was indeed more vigilant. Although they encountered many such mutant beasts, the number of deaths did not increase any more.

Towards evening, the convoy finally passed through the urban area. When they saw the granary area hundreds of meters away, everyone couldn't help cheering happily, wishing they could rush over to pack all the grain and bring it back.

The granary area of ​​City A is composed of huge warehouses, each of which is at least several hundred square meters in size. In order to store more grain inside, all warehouses also have a basement, which is very distinctive.

In the warehouse area in front of everyone, there are at least dozens of warehouses of the same size. If each warehouse is filled with food, it will be enough for the people of City Y to eat for at least three years.

Realizing this, even Chu Jiu, who didn't express anything along the way, couldn't help getting excited, "Boss, let me check the situation inside first."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't wait to close his eyes and use his mental power to explore the warehouse area. He opened his eyes after a few seconds, and said in an excited voice, "I checked three warehouses, and they were all full. Boss, sister-in-law, we really want to Big catch. I'll look at the others."

At this time, it was a little far away from the warehouse area, and Liang Ansheng couldn't let 099 check it out, so he took a telescope to look at the warehouse area from the window.

The outermost part of the warehouse area is surrounded by barbed wire. From Liang Ansheng's perspective, there is no one inside the barbed wire. The entire warehouse area is quiet and there is nothing, which seems a bit strange.

At this time Chu Jiu also frowned and opened his eyes.

Chu Jing hurriedly asked: "Brother Jiu, what did you find? Are there any powerful zombies inside?"

Chu Jiu shook his head, "No."

Chu Jing breathed a sigh of relief, "Looking at how serious you are, I thought there were some powerful zombies. Does that mean there is no food in there except those three warehouses?"

"No, all granaries are full."

"Isn't that good? Why is your expression so ugly?"

Liang Ansheng put down the binoculars, and said in unison with Chu Jiu: "There is something wrong inside."

Chu Jiu looked at Liang Ansheng, "Sister-in-law, you also found out."

"Well, there isn't a single zombie inside."

Chu Jiu repeatedly agreed, "Yes, yes, yes, such a large warehouse area, and there are so many grains in it, it is impossible that there is no one guarding it, even if some of them escaped, it is impossible that there is no zombie, and I just scanned all the inside It's absolutely abnormal that I didn't even see a zombie corpse."

Chu Shen said, "Look again, are there any strange plants or mutated animals near the warehouse?"

Chu Jiu: "Yes, boss, I'll take a look."

After 3 minutes, Chu Jiu shook his head dejectedly, "No, I didn't find any abnormalities at all. I even checked the underground and the ceiling of the warehouse, and I didn't even find zombie mice or mutated ants."

Liang Ansheng took another look through the binoculars and asked, "Is it possible that the zombie inside has a higher level of mental power than you, so you couldn't find it?"

"This possibility exists in theory." Chu Jiu touched his nose, "But at present, my power level is already at the peak of level three, and the zombies that I can't find are at least level four and above, with mental powers. It is difficult to upgrade, and zombies are even more difficult to upgrade, so this possibility is extremely small."

Liang Ansheng asked in his heart: "Xiao Jiujiu, can you find out the current whereabouts of the male supporting role?"

099 said: "Back to the host, the distance is too far to check, but I seem to have sensed the breath of the heroine just now."

"where is it?"

099's tone was not very sure, "It's near your destination this time, the research institute. There is a 50% chance that she will be in the research institute."

Liang Ansheng hummed to show that he knew, but he was not in a hurry to get out of the car and go to the research institute to find someone. He turned to look at Chu Shen, "Go in and have a look?"

Chu Shen had thought about this a long time ago, and immediately nodded when he heard the words, "I'll go and have a look, you stay here."

Liang Ansheng also got out of the car, "I'll go with you."

Chu Shen has always been unable to refuse Liang Ansheng, seeing that he insisted, he could only agree.

The two left the team together and walked towards the warehouse area. Within a few minutes, they reached the gate. There was silence inside. There were still several large grain trucks parked by the warehouse door, but there were no drivers in the driver's seat. There are no security guards in the security room. The door of the security room is open, and there is a desk inside. There were zombies here before, and judging by the degree of decay of the carrion and the degree of rotten smell in the house, the zombies inside should have been away for less than two days.

Exiting the security room, the two walked all the way inside, circled the entire warehouse area, and finally opened the door of a granary at random.

All the grain on the upper floor of the granary has been packed in woven bags and is ready for sale. It is densely piled up in the warehouse, and there is a ladder specially used to climb up to carry the grain in the warehouse.

The grain on the lower layer is directly packed in bulk on the ground. Because the air in the warehouse is dry, it has not deteriorated and moldy, and it emits a unique aroma of sun-dried rice.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Chu Shen grabbed a handful of rice and asked Liang Ansheng, "Honey, did you find anything?"

Liang Ansheng asked back, "What about you?"

Chu Shen pondered for a few seconds and said, "There is no danger. There may have been high-level zombies stationed there before, but before we came, someone had already cleaned up the place, as if they were making a way for us."

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