Women's Juju Counterattack Diary [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 25

There are a total of more than ten people in that photo, and it can be seen that they are a group of students in their teens. They surround two teenagers like stars and moons. One of them is holding a trophy and smiling brightly, while the other has no expression on his face. Not even a hint of joy can be seen in his eyes, and he is also holding a trophy, but he is out of tune with the joyful atmosphere of the people around him.

Liang Ansheng took another look at the expressionless boy's face. The photo was not big, and the shooting distance was not too close. The facial features were actually not very clear. At first glance, he thought he saw a photo of Qin Mo when he was a child.After another look, it didn't look like it at all. Liang Ansheng shook his head, but he still asked, "Who are all the people in this photo?"

"I'm not too sure. This is an old photo of my uncle. It should be from high school." Shu Yuting pointed to the laughing teenager holding a trophy in the middle of the photo, "This is my uncle. He used to be very handsome. Yeah, but now that he's just thirty, he's starting to get fat and bald, time is really killing pigs, no wonder he didn't bring this photo to the new house."

Shu Yuting told Liang Ansheng a little more about his uncle, and left in a hurry.

Only Liang Ansheng was left in the house. He went to change into casual clothes first. In order to prevent Shu Yuting from coming back suddenly, he chose a loose dress, washed his face, and washed off the heavy bridal makeup on his face. After repainting Yuan Jingjing's usual appearance, she sat down on the sofa again and brought the photo frame over.

Generally speaking, if the photos are taken by the school, there will be students' names on the back. After thinking about it, Liang Ansheng turned the frame over and gently pulled out the photos inside.

The photo has been taken for many years. Although there is glue on the outside, the picture is still unavoidably yellowish. Liang Ansheng took the photo in his hand, then turned it over and looked at the back.

Sure enough, the photo had the date it was taken and the name of the person on the back.

The date was 12 years ago, and Liang Ansheng knew the boy's name - Hong Su from the comparison of the characters in the photo.

"A member of the Hong family?" Liang Ansheng took the phone and searched it, but did not get any information.Obviously this person is either not famous, or the information is encrypted.

This name did not appear in the plot, Liang Ansheng did not find it after searching, and then lost interest, put the photo back to the original place, opened another webpage and started looking for a house.

Liang Ansheng is not interested in living in someone else's house. Yuan Jingjing originally owned a house in China, but if she wants to leave Yuan's house in the future, he will not be able to go back to live in it. Fortunately, the original owner used to earn a small amount of money part-time when he was studying abroad. Money is more than enough to rent a house.

Soon after finding the house, Liang Ansheng went down the same day to check it out, settled down, and then moved in empty-handed.

After spending a few days to repair himself, Liang Ansheng lived a life of indifference to the world.

...of course this is impossible.

On the first day of his escape from marriage, his cell phone rang like crazy all the time. Apart from Yuan's family, Hong Yuan Zhou, and many strange calls, Liang Ansheng didn't turn off the phone and set the phone to silent.

On the second day of escaping marriage, 099 informed Liang Ansheng that all the cards under the original owner's name had been frozen, but fortunately, the money earned by the original owner was stored in another foreign account by her, and it was not affected.

On the third day of escaping marriage, Liang Ansheng invested the remaining small part of his money in the stock market, and his calls finally dropped from hundreds to forty or fifty a day.


On the seventh day of fleeing marriage, there were very few calls, and Liang Ansheng finally got through to Yuan's family.

Liang Ansheng threw the phone aside as soon as it was connected, and picked it up again 10 minutes later and put it to his ear.

Yuan's father's voice on the phone was full of anger, and he scolded his head and face for 10 minutes, but it didn't decrease at all, "If you still recognize me as a father, you should get out of here quickly and go to Hong's house with me to apologize! Otherwise, you will die for the rest of your life." Don't even think about stepping into my Yuan family again!"

Liang Ansheng didn't even need to think about it, he just cried heavily, "Dad, I really didn't want to escape marriage on purpose, but I really couldn't marry him, you know? He actually already has other women outside, I don't want to marry a man who is not dedicated to feelings." At this time, the hero and heroine are already hooking up, and Liang Ansheng is right to say so.

Unexpectedly, Yuan's father became even angrier when he heard this, "Fucking single-minded! Which man doesn't steal sex? Still single-minded? Yuan Jingjing, let me tell you, this time you have to marry if you marry, or you have to marry if you don't! Without the Hong family, we have no good fruit to eat."

Having said that, Father Yuan seemed to realize that his attitude was too intense, so his voice slowed down a bit, "Okay, Jingjing, where are you? I'll send a car to pick you up. If you're not here for a few days, your mother will be worried. gone."

"I won't marry!"

Liang Ansheng finished speaking decisively, and hung up the phone before Yuan's father scolded again. His expression was always calm, and there was no trace of grief and sadness in the microphone.

The mother that Yuan's father mentioned on the phone just now is actually Yuan Jingjing's third stepmother. Yuan Jingjing is the daughter of her first wife. Her mother was so angry that Yuan's father brought her illegitimate son to her when she was pregnant, and gave birth prematurely. She died in a fit of rage.

Then Yuan's father began to take lovers home one by one. Yuan Jingjing spent her childhood at home in a harem-like environment, and then was taken abroad by her grandfather.

As for the marriage with Hong's family, it was actually Yuan's father's wishful thinking. Yuan Jingjing was already preparing for the wedding when she knew about it. She didn't like Hongyuan Zhou at first, but growing up in such an environment, she has a soft personality and no resistance. I told Yuan's family that I didn't want to marry, but after being rejected once, I didn't dare to mention it again, so I dragged it to the wedding, and it was only under Shu Yuting's instigation that I escaped marriage.

Liang Ansheng didn't comment too much on Yuan Chen's character, and after making a preliminary plan for the first two tasks, Liang Ansheng started to work on the third one.

The definition of happiness is very broad. Some people’s happiness is wealth, some are love, and some are family affection. According to different needs, the definition of happiness is also various. According to the analysis of the original owner’s personality, Liang Ansheng plans to start with her dream.

Liang Ansheng opened the previous mailbox of the original owner.

Yuan Jingjing was taken abroad by her grandfather at the age of eight. Her grandfather was a violinist, so she started to learn violin since then. It has been more than ten years. It is also the accompaniment of some concerts. It was my dream to hold a concert of my own in the Willando Music Hall.

Willando is the most famous concert hall in the world. Only the world's top musicians are eligible to hold concerts in it in their own name. For Yuan Jingjing, it is simply a holy place that can only be admired, but for Liang Ansheng, Although this dream is a bit difficult, it is not impossible to achieve.

Liang Ansheng has learned many musical instruments, and the violin is one of them. When he was 15 years old, he was invited by a famous music professor in China to participate in an international youth concert, but he refused because he wanted to act. The professor regretted it, and lamented on Weibo for several months, saying that he was a musician who was delayed by acting.

Don't mention the past.

Just before her grandfather passed away, Yuan Jingjing had contacted a professional agent.

Liang Ansheng opened the mailbox and saw the agent's reply at a glance. It was sent three days ago and was in the unchecked state. Another person's contact information was given.

Liang Ansheng didn't contact that person immediately. Yuan Jingjing sent several videos of her performance in the attachment of the email when she introduced herself. Liang Ansheng clicked download, then got up to pour a glass of water, and came back just as the download was completed.

Yuan Jingjing's skills are indeed good, and she is skilled. What's more rare is that she has an ethereal temperament when she plays. Although she is still a bit immature in the eyes of top musicians, she can still be called a piece of jade.

But just such a piece of uncut jade was destroyed in a ridiculous marriage before it bloomed.

After watching the video, Liang Ansheng took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Three days later, the violin and music equipment ordered by Liang Ansheng arrived. He adjusted it and then recorded a piece of audio. It was a piece written by Liang Ansheng in addition to acting. .

The complete piece has four movements, and Liang Ansheng recorded them all, then opened the mailbox, and sent a movement to the new mailbox.

After finishing all this, without waiting for a reply, Liang Ansheng was finally ready to go out.

For convenience, Liang Ansheng is renting a single-family villa in the suburbs. No matter whether he wears men's or women's clothing here, even if he runs naked, no one will see him. However, Liang Ansheng still chooses Yuan Jingjing's usual attire.

Since it was in the outskirts of the city, it took Liang Ansheng about ten minutes to get a taxi after walking a certain distance. Many private cars wanted to pick him up on the way, but he refused them all.Sitting in the taxi, the driver turned on the meter and asked with a strong local accent, "Where is the girl going?"

"Downtown thanks."

As soon as Liang Ansheng finished speaking, his phone rang, and the caller ID was Shu Yuting.

Shu Yuting's voice was full of urgency, "Thank God, Jingjing, your call was finally connected. Where have you been? I was in my uncle's house and saw that your things were missing. I was so worried."

"I'm fine. A foreign friend lent me a house, and I'll live there first."

Shu Yuting breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine, I went to your house yesterday to inquire about it, and your father seems to have let go. They have been looking for you everywhere for the past few days, and they seem to be in a hurry. Your mother is in a hurry to go to the hospital. , see if the time is almost up, why don't I accompany you home, your family shouldn't blame you too much."

Liang Ansheng lowered his voice, and said softly: "I'm in a bad mood recently, I want to relax, I'll go back after a while, I'll let you worry about it, thank you, Tingting."

He talked to Shu Yuting again, no matter how much she persuaded, Liang Ansheng always looked embarrassed, but in the end he didn't agree with Shu Yuting's suggestion to go back.

Shu Yuting's whole conversation is full of sincerity and worry, if it is an ordinary person, she will definitely be fooled by her.

It's a pity that what she met now was Liang Ansheng, a fox.

Liang Ansheng knew very well that if he returned to Yuan's house now, not only would he not be forgiven, but he would definitely be tied up by Yuan's father and go to Hong's house to plead guilty, and that person Hong Yuanzhou would never be able to do so when Yuan Jingjing escaped marriage. Give the Yuan family any chance, and after being swept away by the Hong family, what awaits him is the Yuan family's small black room.

Liang Ansheng is definitely not exaggerating. When she was young, Yuan Jingjing was once locked in that small dark room for a whole week. Up to now, she has severe dark space phobia. This disease is a mental disease. 099 said it is a physical disease. It will be copied for him, but mental illness requires him to express himself, so as a dedicated actor, Liang Ansheng has been sleeping for two weeks without turning off the lights.

Hanging up the phone, Liang Ansheng looked out of the car window. The driver tried to talk to him several times on the way, but he held back until he was about to get out of the car. He said: "Girl, you have a conflict with your family. Speaking of which, my girl She is about the same age as you. She had a quarrel with her mother a few years ago, and she never came back after she went out. The hair I was looking for was all gray, but I couldn’t find it. Her mother is crazy, and now she remembers Don't worry about it, I don't even recognize me, so I just know to find my daughter, uncle will give you a word of advice, go home when your anger subsides, the family is waiting for you."

The driver said that there were tears in his eyes. He stopped the car, took out his wallet from his pocket, and took out a photo. It showed him and a girl who was twelve or thirteen years old. At that time, his eyes were not as full of vicissitudes as they are now. The hair is also black, and the girl has a bright smile, charming and charming, with a small red mole on the corner of her left eyebrow.

"Your daughter is very beautiful, she will be fine." Liang Ansheng smiled, "I will help you pay attention to her news."

"Thank you." The driver sighed and fumbled in his pocket, as if he wanted to take out a cigarette, but realized that he was working now, stuffed the cigarette back, and sighed, "I didn't feel that before. , Now I know, the world is so big, it is difficult to find someone."

While speaking, the car had already parked near the downtown square, and Liang Ansheng got out of the car after paying the money.

099 said: "Host, I checked just now, the photos of the hostess before she was 14 years old are indeed a little different from her current appearance, and she had a car accident when she was 14 years old, and then lost her memory. The hostess has a 90.00% possibility It's the driver's daughter."

Liang Ansheng nodded. The moment the driver took out the photo just now, Liang Ansheng guessed that this person might be the heroine. Although Yuan Jingjing didn't remember the appearance of the heroine, it was described in the plot, especially the playful corner of her eyebrow. The red mole was mentioned repeatedly in the bed between her and Mr. Ba.

The plot did not mention that the heroine has other relatives, but it just tells that she lost her memory after a car accident at the age of 14, and then there was a gambler father at home, the family was poor, and her father's second-hand car was also when she was 15 years old. In order to pay off the gambling debts, he sold it. At that time, his father died unexpectedly at home. Now he is 21 years old and just graduated from university. He works hard to pay off the gambling debts left by his father.

There is no further explanation of the rest of the background, and most of the plots are about the various entanglements and interactions between the heroine and the heroine.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with these backgrounds, and Liang Ansheng thought so at the beginning, but now that relatives appeared again, Liang Ansheng had to think a little more.

But these have nothing to do with Liang Ansheng's purpose today. After arranging 099 to collect as much as possible the heroine's developments over the years, Liang Ansheng started today's purpose. He first went to a fashion store to order a bunch of clothes, and then bought a new mobile phone and Some bits and pieces, and finally transferred to a nearby auto shop, bought a small car that is not very eye-catching, Liang Ansheng has bought short-term stocks in the stock market these days, buying and selling made a lot of money, as long as he does not buy luxury cars, Ordinary vehicles can still go without blinking.

Coming out of the car shop, Liang Ansheng drove a car with a temporary license plate to the supermarket and bought a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and meat.

099 looked at Liang Ansheng's series of behaviors, and suddenly had a guess - Liang Ansheng didn't go out for such a long time, maybe it was because it was inconvenient to go out.

Soon 099 dismissed this idea, no way.

If Liang Ansheng knew what 099 was thinking, he would definitely talk to the naive 10 about what is called "lazy man's disease".

And the reason why he must go out today is that he has no food in store.

At this time, Liang Ansheng missed Qin Mo very much. When that guy was around, he didn't have to mention cooking and shopping. Even when he was eating, as long as he opened his mouth, food would come into his mouth, so he didn't have to worry about it at all.

Sighing, Liang Ansheng stuffed enough food for him for half a month into the trunk, started the car and prepared to go home.

It is the evening rush hour, and the traffic on the road is quite crowded. Liang Ansheng hummed a little tune while driving with the traffic flow. The car was slow like a turtle crawling. Liang Ansheng was always very patient, and changed the tune in his mouth. In a tune, he stepped on the accelerator slowly and moved slowly with the car in front.

It took nearly half an hour and finally drove two streets. Liang Ansheng turned around and saw a girl riding a bicycle by the side of the road.

The bicycle was obviously much faster than the car he drove, but he still clearly saw the red mole in the corner of the other's eye.

099: "The host is the heroine!"

Liang Ansheng: "I see."

Today is May NO.17, the hero’s birthday. On this day in the plot, the heroine personally made a salty cake for the hero who doesn’t like sweets. The mutual affection is in an ambiguous stage, after this birthday, it has been sublimated a lot.

Liang Ansheng looked at the cake box tied to the back seat of the bicycle by the hostess. The logo of a famous cake shop in the city was clearly printed on it.

It seems that the heroine is quite dishonest, but I don't know if the crucial car accident at the beginning was an accident.

Thinking of this, Liang Ansheng asked: "Xiao Jiujiu, has this scene been recorded?"

099: "Back to the host, it has been archived, and you can export it at any time if you need it."

"Thank you, hard work."

099's voice was full of joy, "It's not hard, it's my honor to serve the host."

While Liang Ansheng was shopping wildly, in a tall building in Yancheng, Chen Feng rubbed his sore temples and drank the cold coffee in his cup. He was a little powerless after several days of work.

Standing up and preparing to make another cup of coffee, the corner of my eyes suddenly glanced at the bottom right corner of the computer, and an email notification came.

As a well-known senior music producer in the industry, Chen Feng has countless emails, but the reason for him to stop is that the email he logs into on this computer is a private email, and it is impossible for people who are not particularly familiar with him to know his emails. For information, it may be that an old friend has important matters to contact.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng put down his cup first, and clicked on the email. The sender's name was "Yuan Jingjing", and it turned out to be a stranger.

Chen Feng frowned. Could it be that his private email was exposed?This is not possible, he may have to change to a private mailbox.

While feeling annoyed, Chen Feng picked up the empty glass again and walked towards the living room.

A few minutes later, he came back with hot coffee. Smelling the aroma of the coffee, his nerves were relieved a lot. At this time, he saw the email again, selected it with the mouse, and deleted it.

However, the moment he clicked delete, he swiped his finger and clicked into the email page.

The content of the email was very concise, only one sentence, but Chen Feng couldn't take his eyes away after reading it.

"Two years later, I will hold a concert at the Willando Music Hall, and I hope you can go with me."

Seeing this sentence, Chen Feng was first startled, then stunned, and finally laughed dumbfounded, shaking his head, "Young people these days really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

With his current qualifications, although it is not that he has been to Willando, but it is only a small project in a large-scale multinational music festival. He is afraid that he will not even be able to pass the threshold if he holds a solo concert for his own musicians alone. The person who sent the email obviously didn't have the tone of wanting to play a piece of music.

Having said that, he was still interested, downloaded the attached audio file, and turned on the music player.

When the melodious sound of the violin sounded, Chen Feng took a sip of coffee with great interest, and laughed inwardly that it should be a lullaby. However, within ten seconds, he realized that his judgment just now was wrong.

The techniques and skills required for this piece of music are not difficult, even from the prelude, it sounds very simple, but when the movement enters the second measure, the tune begins to change, the soft prelude is gradually covered, and becomes passionate, tense. Then in the third quarter and the fourth quarter, like a gentle stream gradually converging into a turbulent river, this piece of music seems to have a magical power, showing its extraordinary time and time again.

At first, Chen Feng was able to calm down to evaluate its nodes and performance skills, but later, he was completely immersed in the music, until its sound stopped abruptly.

That's right, it stopped abruptly.

Chen Feng checked it several times to make sure that the time for this piece of music had indeed come to an end, so he scratched his head and reopened the email to see if there were any undownloaded files that he had missed.

Only then did he notice that the name of the piece was "Into the Sea. The First Movement".

Obviously, this is not a complete movement, there are other pieces in this series.

genius!This is simply genius!

He has been immersed in the music circle for so many years, and he thinks that he knows a little about all the knowledge about music, but he has never seen such a novel and aura of expression, and there are some performance methods that he has never heard of. The composer and the violinist are absolutely geniuses!

The drowsiness accumulated for several days was swept away. Chen Feng connected the computer to the stereo and played it again several times. The more he listened, the more excited he became.

Turning around and looking at the sentence in the email, I suddenly felt a sense of pride. Someone who can write such music should be someone who will stand on the top of the world!

After listening to it dozens of times in a row, Chen Feng finally calmed down, but his curiosity about the next movement became more and more serious. He felt like a cat was scratching in his heart. He was afraid that such a genius would be preempted by others, so he quickly wrote a Feng replied sincerely, then drank the coffee in his cup, picked up his mobile phone and made a phone call, his voice trembling with excitement, "Boss! I found a genius!"

Liang Ansheng sorted and put away the bought things one by one, cooked a bowl of noodles for dinner, then went to the musical instrument room, wrote down the complete score of the new song that he hummed in the car in the afternoon, and played it with the violin , and then changed the details.

After completing these, the moon is already in the middle of the sky, and there is some hazy white mist on the edge of half of the moon. It seems that it will rain tomorrow.

After returning to the room and taking a shower, Liang Ansheng wiped his hair and was about to go to bed. At this time, 099 reminded: "Host, the email you sent this afternoon has been answered."

Liang Ansheng was already lying on the bed at this time. Hearing this, he hummed, and then looked at the computer far away in the room. At this time, the computer was turned off, and the phone was charging next door, and he forgot to take it back, "Forget it, tomorrow we'll see."


The next day, Liang Ansheng got up at seven o'clock on time according to his biological clock. After washing up, he cooked a pot of porridge for himself, and finally remembered the email from last night.

The email was a reply to the message he sent yesterday. It was no surprise that Liang Ansheng was attracted to that song, and compared to his brief email, the other party was obviously much more enthusiastic. He always commented on the song with thousands of words. .

Liang Ansheng could understand his comments. Generally speaking, his conclusions were similar to those of the old professor in his original world. Even the words of praise were surprisingly consistent. If it hadn't been for a different world, Liang Ansheng might have thought he was the old professor. However, it is not ruled out that the other party may be the reincarnation of the old professor. It seems that this person is indeed very good.

Finally, in the email, he politely asked if he had written the next movement, and if he had time to meet with him to talk about future cooperation. He also left a phone number at the end.

Liang Ansheng wrote down the phone number and replied to the email.

It's rare that he didn't do anything. Chen Feng, who had been guarding the computer all night, stared at his bloodshot eyes. He jumped up when he saw the notification of the new email, but he clicked on the email immediately.

Just like the original email, the words are concise.

"I have time in three days." Then there was a string of addresses in Yuncheng.

Although the content of the email was so simple that it was almost unreasonable, Chen Feng didn't mind at all, geniuses always have a bit of a temper.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and started to book a flight ticket, but after looking around, he found that the tickets from Yancheng to Yuncheng were all sold out in the past few days. He had to be on time even after driving for two days.

Just then, his phone rang, and it was the big boss.

Chen Feng suddenly remembered the call he made to the boss last night when he heard the excitement. Could it be that he called now to scold him for disturbing his sleep?

Thinking that this month's bonus might be gone, Chen Feng's fingers trembled slightly when he pressed the call button, "Boss, what are your orders?"

Three days later, Liang Ansheng arrived at the coffee shop he designated on time at three o'clock in the afternoon.

This cafe is also located in the suburbs, only a 10-minute drive from where Liang Ansheng lives. Outside the cafe is a quiet courtyard filled with wisteria flowers. At this time, there are no people in the cafe, and the owner is a man in his twenties. An elegant young man, Liang Ansheng met him once when he was passing by. He had a very warm smile. It seems that opening a coffee shop is not for making money.

At this time, someone was already at the booth that Liang Ansheng reserved, but what was different from Liang Ansheng's imagination was that there were not one person but two people.

Both of them were sitting with their backs facing the door. One of them was thin and his hair looked messy even though he had done it. His back was stiff and he seemed a little nervous.

The other person was obviously the cause of that person's nervousness.

The man was dressed in a dark gray suit. He should be very tall from the back, and his hair was combed meticulously. Even though he was just sitting leisurely, he could feel the captivating aura emanating from him from a distance. No wonder the man next to him Muscles are tense.

Seeing this person's back, Liang Ansheng couldn't help but pause, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to normal and walked over.

Liang Ansheng walked to the table and finally saw the appearance of the two of them clearly. The thin man was about 34 to [-]. He wore rimless glasses and had a handsome face. He should be Chen Feng.

As for the other uninvited guest, Liang Ansheng felt a little familiar, when he looked at the back just now, he almost mistook him for Qin Mo.Turning his head to look at his face, although he was equally handsome, his facial features did not have the slightest resemblance to Qin Mo's.But even so, this person's facial features still gave him a sense of familiarity. After searching in his mind, Liang Ansheng thought of the old photo he saw in Uncle Shu Yuting's old house not long ago. This person is the one inside. The expressionless young man's name is Hong Su.

It took only a moment for his thoughts to turn sharply. Liang Ansheng didn't show any strangeness on his face, and he naturally pulled out the chair and sat down, "Sorry for the long wait, who is Mr. Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng subconsciously glanced at the unresponsive big boss beside him, and said with a trembling smile: "Hello, hello, I'm Chen Feng, and you are Ms. Yuan Jingjing, right? This is..."

"Hello, I'm Hong Su." At this moment, the man next to him interrupted Chen Feng's introduction.

Chen Feng was a little dazed, he looked at Hong Su as if he was looking at an alien, and then at Liang Ansheng, could it be that the boss is finally ready to fall in love after seeing the beauty springing up?

Immediately, Chen Feng realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly cleared his throat pretending to be uncomfortable, took another sip of coffee, and finally suppressed the shock in his heart, and then he saw the file bag Liang Ansheng brought, his eyes lit up Get up, "Miss Yuan brought the music score?"

In the next two hours, Liang Ansheng and Chen Feng chatted a lot about music. Chen Feng is indeed a knowledgeable person with deep knowledge in music. At the end of the chat, he was quite satisfied with Chen Feng, while Chen Feng was quite satisfied with Liang Ansheng. It was fanatical admiration, and he even excitedly predicted that Liang Ansheng would be able to stand on the stage of Willando in less than a year and a half.

Regarding this prophecy, Liang Ansheng scoffed. His two years are the result of precise calculations, and the error will never exceed one month. There must be enough works for an independent concert. The finished product he can produce now is only two complete movements and four or five pieces. To last for three hours, at least a dozen pieces are needed. Although he writes Fast, but from the first draft to the shape of a piece of music, it must be repeatedly figured out and revised, which takes time.

The most important thing is that two years later is the end of the plot, and he has to use that concert to draw a perfect end to this task.

During the two hours of conversation, Hong Su didn't speak the whole time, his eyes kept falling on Liang Ansheng's face, as if he wanted to see him as a flower, but Liang Ansheng was used to being stared at like this, so he didn't care much.

On the contrary, Chen Feng murmured in his heart, the boss was acting weird the whole time today, could it be that he was really fascinated by this girl?

If this is really the case, Chen Feng couldn't help but stand up again, looking at Liang Ansheng with a little more admiration in his eyes, the most likely to become the youngest master-level genius violinist in the future may be his boss wife!

After signing the contract, Liang Ansheng gave Chen Feng a complete set of movement samples of "Into the Sea". After receiving the things, Chen Feng couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly said goodbye and left the coffee shop.

Liang Ansheng looked at Hong Su who was still sitting in the same place without moving his expression, "Mr. Hong, it's getting late, I should go back."

Hong Su then stood up and said the second sentence of the day, "I'll see you off."

"No, I drove the car."

"Exactly, I didn't drive, I'll see you off."


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