Wizard of the Pirate World

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Eight Chong Fist Lao Cai

On the Eight Treasures Pirate Ship.

Lao Cai looked at Karen angrily, killing intent surged in his eyes, and an astonishing aura burst out from his body.

Feeling the momentum of Lao Cai, Karen couldn’t help narrowing his eyes slightly. Although Lao Cai in front of him was not as strong as in the original period, he definitely had the level of Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral.

“Suffer it, Marine.”

Up to now, Lao Cai is not going to talk nonsense any more, and he has already rushed towards Karen with one step.


Looking at Lao Cai who was attacking, Marine Six Styles was activated instantly, Karen came first, and directly bullied himself in front of Lao Cai, his arms stretched out.

“The Wing Strike of the Fire Dragon.”


With the rapid wave of the arm, two crimson flames swept towards Lao Cai like the wings of a fire dragon.

Old Cai never thought that Karen’s speed was so fast, and the two flames attacked in such a large range that he couldn’t dodge at all.


With an incomparably huge roar, two flames erupted, completely covering Lao Cai.

“Has it been resolved?”

Marine, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn’t help muttering to himself when he saw this scene.


But the next moment, the flame that enveloped Lao Cai suddenly expanded irregularly, and finally burst open, revealing Lao Cai’s figure.

At this time, Lao Cai, although he did not suffer any major damage, looked extremely embarrassed. His whole body was full of scorch marks, and wisps of jet-black airflow also surrounded him.

“Armament Haki?”

Seeing the change in Lao Cai’s fist, Karen’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and the distance between him and Lao Cai was widened between the flashes of his figure.

“The Marine of Damn it is still a capable person.”

Lao Cai, who only regarded Karen as a meal at the beginning, did not expect Karen to be so fast and to release flames. If it weren’t for Armament Haki, he would have been seriously injured, which made Lao Cai’s anger even more. very.

Old Cai, who was burning with anger in his chest, rushed towards Karen again.

Roar of the Fire Dragon!

Karen faced Lao Cai who was attacking again, took a deep breath, and a flame tornado erupted suddenly, turning his face into a sea of fire.

“Hmph, it’s all useless!”

Lao Cai’s shouting came from the flames, and the last terrifying shock wave rippled directly. The power was far beyond Abu’s.

“Eighth, punch!”

Lao Cai forcibly broke the flame and came to Karen. The terrifying shock wave on his fists continued to rage, and slammed towards Karen.

“Tips for carving insects.”

Looking at Lao Cai’s fists, Karen’s expression did not change in the slightest, and suddenly he punched out.

“Strengthen, fist bone meteorite!”

Above the fist, a huge and incomparable fist pressure was formed, and it was like an air cannon, heading towards Lao Cai.

This fist press, because the fist has been strengthened, whether it is strength or destructive power, far exceeds the strength when Karen and Abu fought, the fist press swept through, as if to crush everything in front of him. crushed powder.

Witnessing the confrontation between Karen and Abu, Lao Cai thought that Karen’s punch was strong, but it was enough to deal with it. The only thing to be careful about was the scorching red flame, but facing this punch, he knew he was wrong. .

Another unexpected bombardment made Lao Cai lose the chance to dodge once again, so he could only use his eight punches with all his strength and choose to shake hard.


The two collided, and the shock wave blasted by Lao Zha Ba Chong Fist only slightly blocked Karen’s punch for a moment, and was completely defeated. At the same time, Lao Cai was also blasted out, smashing the cabin behind him.

“Ba Chong Fist, that’s all.”

Karen clasped his arms in front of his chest, standing on the spot like a mountain, his surging aura became more and more solid, making the pirates around him faintly breathless.


Lao Cai coughed out a mouthful of blood, climbed up from the ruins of the cabin, his body was covered with dust, stared at Karen, and said word by word:

“Great, I admit to underestimating you.”

“But today, you don’t want to leave this place.”

“Ba Chong Fist, Awl Nails, Martial Heel!”

With Lao Cai’s loud shout, he saw that a layer of dark Armament Haki had been covered on his single foot, and then he jumped up suddenly, like a sea dragon in mid-air, and smashed towards Karen. And down.

“The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!”

Caron’s face was solemn, and the magic power around his body was surging, and the dragon-killing magic burst out with a single punch.


At the moment when the scarlet flames and shock waves collided, with the two at the center, the entire pirate ship seemed to be transformed into two worlds. The scarlet flames and shock waves were madly raging, sweeping away in all directions.

Wherever he passed, the deck was turned into coke, and the cabin was turned into ruins. The pirate ship, which had been severely damaged by successive battles, was already crumbling at the moment, as if it would collapse completely in the next second. *

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