Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 926 - Karen longing for power

Will’s recovery ceremony proceeded as scheduled.

I do n’t know when it started. A rumor has quietly appeared in the territory of the Cairo Empire-the Holy Emperor who has been seriously injured and slept for 175 years is about to wake up!

At first, it was only circulating in the market, and most people did not take it seriously.

What everyone did not expect was that such unfounded rumors actually spread throughout the Cairo Empire in just a few days.

The Cairo Empire has a population of 1.5 billion people, and 15 million ordinary kilometers of land, and the news of “The Holy Emperor is about to recover” is circulating.

After the rumors, the world vision began to appear.

Rainbows spanning hundreds of kilometers, dreamy aurora, auspicious undead birds flying on the sky, and the sea tide rushing ashore to inscribe the stele of the emperor’s wake …

There are too many kinds of world visions!

So the rumor of the resurrection of the emperor became a fact in just a few days from the beginning.

People rushed to Doria province madly, and rushed towards the Temple of the Holy Emperor where the sleeping body of the Holy Emperor was placed.

The sky in the entire Doria province is covered with colorful rays of day and night, and the entire temple of the Holy Emperor is shrouded in holy light.

“The Holy Emperor is about to recover.”

“The sages who saved suffering, rescued, and saved the world, the son of God, and the natural savior are coming to the world again.”

“Under the guidance of the Holy Emperor, we will construct the world into a glorious Holy Land.”

“Oh, Holy Emperor, your glory shines on the world, your virtue …”

“The Holy Emperor is on …”

People kept kneeling in the direction of the Holy Body of the Holy Emperor.

The dense crowds of people around the Shengdi Temple are full of people, not to mention millions.

Almost everyone who could move rushed to Doria province, resulting in a province that actually gathered more than half of the Cairo empire.

In order to prevent all kinds of accidents, even the wizards who are usually high above all came out to maintain order.

After people’s prayers, the more heaven and earth visions turned out, they appeared more and more frequently, and the scope was more and more.

Finally, when the whole light of the Cairo Empire was shrouded in the sky.

Tian Lai San Yin sounded in the Holy Emperor Temple.


A sacred light rose from the temple of the Holy Emperor.

In the ethereal bells, the Holy Emperor emerged from the holy light.

“Long live the Holy Emperor–“

“Holy Emperor–“

“Holy Emperor Eternal–“

Almost instantly, everyone burst into tears and cheered.

Their beloved holy place, the emperor they believe in, and the gods in their hearts have come again!

The whole world is highly concerned about Will’s return.

Especially the existence of certain truths.

“Unexpectedly, the galaxy exiled to millions of light years by the world stone, he can still come back.”

“He is more powerful than before. Is this power a third-level force? Has he become a third-level strong like the devil?”

“The first third-level wizard in history has appeared, what will he do? Is he leading the wizard to a higher peak, or …”

“We need to prepare for his return.”

In a seemingly calm world, because Will’s return has been dark and turbulent, it may explode at any time.

Orc Empire.

There is a small figure in the Wuzun Tower of Shengwu City.

This figure is so thin, like a 10-year-old child.

It’s a pity that this is not a child, but a withered old man who may go to the tomb at any time. ——Karen Pestin.


The former princess of the fox country, the queen of the fox country, and the guardian of the orc empire are completely different from 175 years ago.

At that time, Karen, the most beautiful fox girl in the fox country, even if she was a loli body, it still made countless royal sisters crazy.

And she not only has beauty, but also extraordinary power!

But what people did not expect is that after 175 years, she actually survived.

You know, even Wu Zun, whose strength is comparable to a second-level wizard, can only live for 150 years!

Should she be two hundred and thirty now?

However, it is different from that time.

She was the most beautiful loli that year, after 175 years, her figure has shrunk even more.

Beige hair color and tail hair become pale as a result of years of dyeing.

The smooth, tender and full muscles and skin have shrunk to be skinny, and the skin surface is full of folds.

The bright eyes became cloudy.

In the chamber of Wu Zun Pagoda, Kalian’s little old body curled up on the ground, and the murky tears gathered in the folds on her face.

She gritted her teeth, sadness, anger, despair … various negative emotions eroded her mind.

“Black Witch King–“

She snarled in anger, her fingernails sliding on the floor, and she didn’t care even if the nails leaked blood.

Will? Holy emperor? Verdi?

Do not.

She prefers to call the evil dark man the Dark Witch King!

The Black Witch King killed her sweetheart, her favorite man, her mother ’s successor husband, and her nominal “father”.

Indirectly killed her mother and killed her brother Luo Lan.

This hatred is not shared!

Even more unexpected for her, the black wizard who was expelled by her younger brother and Lao Wuzun’s life, the black wizard who originally thought he would never come back, actually came back after 175 years!



“I hate—”

Karen snarled in abhorrence, her fingernails “clicked” across the floor, and her pupils shone madly.

“I must kill you!”

“I must revenge for Rohr, Mother and Luo Lan!”

“You wait!”

“I will let you pay for everything you do!”

She can perceive the power of the Dark Witch King, which is no longer the same dimension as her.

Even if she had cultivated the orc’s martial arts to the extreme, and condensed the same ultimate beast soul as Luo Lan.

Even if she got the magic species suitable for her from the box left by Luo Lan, and the wizardry skills she could practice, and successfully reached the second-level wizardry level.

Whether it is Wu Zun or a second-level wizard, it is an extremely difficult achievement. Talent, resources, and opportunities are indispensable.

Especially the second-level wizards, who have become the second-level wizards in human history, should the youngest be the Black Witch King? But it also took more than two hundred years.

However, Karen achieved it!

The highest level of orc martial arts, plus the second-level wizard, her strength is already above the ordinary third-level devil!

But still not enough!

Not to mention that she has now become the black wizard of the third-level wizard, even if she was the black wizard of the second-level wizard, she is definitely not an opponent.

“I want more power!”

“I need strength to be able to get revenge!”

“I need the power to be able to kill the Black Witch King and to make the Black Witch King regret living in this world!”

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