Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 24 - I am willing

late at night.

The stars are shining and the stars are densely scattered.

Will jumped from the bed, came to the table, opened the drawer, and took out a glass tube with the thickness of a finger.

In the glass tube, the black and green “color” “liquid” body attracted Will’s eyes.

Originally tonight Will was ready to take a rest for a night, to regenerate his spirits, and to study the black liquid “Liquid” by Rep tomorrow.

Unfortunately, Will still overestimated his patience.

Will “licked” his lips, “Drink? Don’t drink?”

The doubt in my heart just passed by.

Determined, Will has already established.

The power is right in front of you. Once you let it go, you may never have another chance.

Originally, Will was a cautious person.

Even if it is a mediocre life, Will will not bet his life on someone who has only met once.

But Will heard from Gerp’s mouth the Gerald’s “drug” academy.

This academy should be an academy that trains and teaches demon hunters, a mysterious and powerful academy.

This reminds Will of the Rolle-League Union College, which is a mysterious and powerful college founded by the three countries.

“Is there such a possibility, that the Gerald’s” Pharmaceutical “College and the League of Allianz College are all related to the demon hunter?” Once the seeds of suspicion are lowered, they can no longer be suppressed.

“Since there are demon hunters in this world, this kind of power is far beyond knights, but the country can not know it. The only possibility is that the country conceals it.”

Will poured a bowl of water.

Unplug the glass tube and pour a thick drop of dark green “color” viscous “liquid” into the bowl.

Kurohara “liquid” melts into water.

Like pouring ink into clear water, a bowl of clear water turns into dark green color.

Looking at the “liquid” body exuding the ominous “color”, Will lifted the bowl with both hands solemnly, raised it, and bored.


The “liquid” body is like a loach.

Suddenly slipped into Will’s throat, no drop left.

As soon as Kurohara “liquid” entered the stomach, a feeling of nausea spread from the stomach to the whole body.


Will’s abdomen suddenly felt severe pain.

There are thousands of snakes coiling around in the abdomen, biting.

Will squatted with his hands clutching alone, with a hoarse and unpleasant sound in his mouth.

Will curled up on the ground, his body huddled and sweating coldly.

“Boom–Boom–Boom– ”

The heart shrank.

The heart seemed to be gripped with force, and every beating was accompanied by severe pain.

Will bit his lip hard and swallowed the scream that came to his mouth.

Dididi …

Time passes by one minute and one second.

It may be a long time, or it may be instant.

The pain disappeared.

Will’s body loosened.

The floodgates were all opened, sweating like rain.

A pool of salt water appeared under Will.

Will collapsed and tortured for half an hour, making Will lose a whole circle.


“This is not a simple pain. I feel that my body is stronger. If every time I drink the black original” liquid “has this effect, I only need to drink three more times, and I can reach the level of the Grand Knight.” Dan Wei There was no rejoicing in Seoul’s heart.

Although the effect of Kurohara “liquid” is extremely powerful, the sequelae are also severe.

It’s not simply to endure pain.

Will now feels that his heart seems to be “inserted” into a needle, and every beating of the heart is accompanied by a faint sting.


Will ripped the clothes off his chest.

At the heart of the chest, there is a net-like, dark green “color” pattern like the appearance of blood vessels.

“Kurohara” liquid “is a poison” drug “, a kind of poison” drug “that can strengthen the body.” Will is aware, “Every time you drink black raw” liquid “, the body will accumulate more toxin One layer, if stopped now, may still be able to detoxify by conventional methods.

If you continue to drink Kurohara “liquid”, after three or four times, there is no “medicine” to save.

I can only pray for the medicine to be cured by Rep. “

Will glanced at the test tube with black raw “liquid” that Rep gave him, and after pouring a drop of black raw “liquid”, there was still more than half inside.

“Conservative estimate, there are eight or nine drops in it.”

The severe pain associated with drinking Kurohara “liquid” can be tolerated as long as the will is a little stronger.

But with the number of drinks, the toxin accumulates again and again.

And if you do n’t know where you are, you may have an antidote. It may be another Rep.

This kind of desperate psychology that knows the result and steps towards death is the most tormenting.

“I haven’t looked back.” Will collected the black “liquid”, changed his clothes, fell tired on the bed, and fell asleep.

Early next morning.

The three maids rushed into the room with a dress.

After washing Will, he began to put a dress on Will and put on makeup.

After everything was dressed, three hours had passed.

Will finally know today that it turned out that men put on makeup and were no faster than women.


Surrounded by a dozen servants, Will walked towards the main hall of the city.

Will came to the Quimper family, not to visit relatives, not to play, not to participate in the auction, but to raise relatives!

Yesterday, with the recognition of Chapman, this is only the first step.

Next, it is announced to the whole family.

In the future, there will be gifts, contacts, betrothal, and marriage. There are still many procedures.

Step by step, it takes at least one year to formally get married.

auzw.com Now, take the second step.


At the family meeting in Quimper, Will wants to raise relatives from Quimper’s head and ask Niya.

Of course, this is just a form.

But don’t underestimate this form.

Although I have agreed in my heart, the owner of the house may have promised, but on the scene, it is impossible for you to say that people immediately agree and need to do some “tests.”

Test your integrity, your ability.

At the lobby, the main characters of the Quimper family gathered together.

Father Chapman sat on the throne.

Although the baron has been passed to his son Carlo, the Quimper family is still Chapman.

On both sides of the throne, on the left sits the second person of the Quimper family Carlo, on the right, sits today’s protagonist, Niya Quimper.

Today, Niya is wearing a short-sleeved white “color” shirt, a pink plaid skirt at the bottom, and a pair of silk deerskin boots on her feet.

A lovely princess fan radiated from Niya.

Will winked at Niya.

When Niya saw Will, she smiled at her face and jumped up to say hello.

But then the body stiffened, and the smile on his face disappeared, bulging his cheeks, snorting coldly, pretending to look like “people don’t want to care about you”.

The next step is to go through the process.

Will greeted the people of the Quimper family one by one, then knelt down to raise their relatives.

On the throne, Chapman’s father “lu” looked hesitant.

At this time, a young man in his early twenties stood up on the seats on both sides of the passage.

“Want to marry my sister? It depends on whether you are qualified.” Niya’s brother came out. “Today my father is not here, let me test you.”

With that, the two maids took the sword and walked into the field.


Niya’s brother pulled out one of the swords and pointed the sword at Will. “Dare you accept my challenge?”

Will’s face was dignified, “Since Brother Roy said so, I naturally accept it.”

Roy Quimper, the third uncle’s eldest son, Niya’s elder brother.

Twenty-one years old this year, officially became a prospective knight two years ago.

Due to limited talents, he does not develop in the direction of knights, so Roy’s strength has remained at the time of entering the prospective knight.

The two confronted each other with swords.

Will grabs an advanced attack, and Will’s powerful sword skills suddenly suppress Roy.

But after twenty moves, Roy conceded defeat.

Both sides did not do their best, neither side exploded vitality, or even used too much power, just pure sword skills.

The failed Roy “lu” made an unwilling expression and ran to a young man his age.

“Gert, you must avenge me.” Roy dragged the reluctant Gert out of the court. “Never let Niya be robbed by this kid. You must beat him.”

Gert, Will’s cousin, Roy’s friend.

The strength is stronger than Gert, but it is also limited.

Gert smiled bitterly and took Roy’s sword, and jumped off the court. “Please … I won’t be merciless, Niya will never give it to you!”

This time, Gert rushed towards Will at the beginning.

Hold the sword in both hands and hack it again.

Will’s face changed slightly, and he thought in his heart: “Gert is a person who is more reticent, and he is serious in his work. Maybe he needs a real gun?”

The two swords intersect, and Gert’s sword flew out at once.

Gert knelt down with her chest covered, and stared at Will unwillingly: “You, you … vomit, vomit …”

Unfortunately, Gert vomited for a long time, still no blood at all.

“The acting skills are too exaggerated?” Will was speechless.

Roy came over and took the shameful Getra away.

A muscular young man jumped in. The young man pointed at Will with his sword “angry”.

“How dare you! How dare you treat Gert! I can’t spare you!” As he said, the man rushed towards Will with his sword.

Will was depressed in his heart, “Where is this all played out!”

Will looked around and found that everyone around him smiled and pointed at him, there was no sense of tension, no sense of ceremonial dignity, like watching a monkey play.

If it were not for Niya, Will would not have participated in this stupid farce.

This code was repeated several times.

When Will couldn’t help yawning, a high-profile person stood up.

Seth Quimper is the first person in the younger generation of the Quimper family.

At the age of fifteen, he became a quasi-knight, and at the age of nineteen he became a knight. Now he is twenty.

If Will does his best, it is not difficult to beat Seth.

But Seth obviously played the finale.

At this time, generally speaking, the relatives will be defeated, the winner will encourage the loser a few words, and then enter the next process.

Will and Seth fight.

Neither side exploded in vitality.

All are fighting with pure physical fitness and swordsmanship.

Will’s fifth-level swordsmanship crushed Seth.

And the body.

If it was yesterday, before drinking Kurohara “liquid”, Will’s physical fitness is equivalent to Seth.

But after the strengthening of Kurohara “liquid”, Will’s body is strong again, already above Seth.

After “fighting hard”, Will took the initiative to admit defeat.

“Your strength is good. I will hone it in the future, and my strength is not under me.” Seth returned to his seat after speaking.

The “test” is over.

Will knelt down at Chapman.

“Will, your sincerity and strength, we have all seen it. You raised this time …” Father Chapman turned to look at Niya, “Niya, how do you think Will?”

Niya sneaked a glance at Will, her eyes “chaotic” turning.

Will was watching Niya nervously, and Will worried that Niya would suddenly be childlike and refused, it would be funny.

In fact, asking Niya ’s opinion was just a temporary intention of Father Chapman.

Regarding the family affairs with Will, before the incident, it must have passed through with Niya, and Niya must have agreed.

Niya stared blankly at Will, her cheeks getting red and red, before finally speaking in a mosquito-like voice.

“I do.”

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