Within DxD, as Set sitri

Chapter : Fanfic Settings (Not a chapter)

This is just the setting of the fanfic, things that will be mentioned in the Fanfic, and this chapter will have their meaning.

Be warned, there are spoilers in this chapter.




Difference between Devils in Canon and Devils in this Fanfic


In this fanfic, there some things that are different to the Devil Race, compared to the canon.

One of them will be the Maturity Phases.

This is referring how Devils that are born, not Reincarnated Devils, will form their Demonic Power reserves naturally from the day they are born, and until when they turned certain age.

This also means, until they naturally formed their Demonic Power, they cannot increase their Demonic Power reserves through training.

However, they still can train to control their Demonic Power.

But in order to increased their Demonic Power reserves, they have no choice to wait when their Maturity Phases ends.

Counting on the bloodline of the Devil, counts on the number of Maturity Phases a Devil will have.

High-Class has three Maturity Phases.

Middle-Class has two Maturity Phases

And Low-Class only has one Maturity Phase.

Each Maturity Phase has total of six years between them. Meaning once a Low-Class Devil turns six years old, not only they will have Demonic Power of a Low-Class Devil, but it also possible for them to trained to increased their Reserves at the youngest age among the three types of Devils.

Middle-Class Devils reached Middle-Class in terms of Demonic Power when they turned 12 years old, while High-Class Devils when they reached 18 years old, their Demonic Power reserves becomes High-Class level.


Example how it works


High-Class Devils

At 6 = Low-Class Demonic Power reserves.

At 12 = Middle-Class Demonic Power reserves.

At 18 = High-Class Demonic Power reserves.

Middle-Class Devils

At 6 = Low-Class Demonic Power reserves.

At 12 = Middle-Class Demonic Power reserves.

Low-Class Devils

At 6 = Low-Class Demonic Power reserves.


Once your Demonic Power reserves matured, it is possible to increased them by training. But before than, unless you're a Reincarnated Devil, Pure-Blood Devils must wait until their Maturity Phases are over, before they can increase their Demonic Power reserves.




Ranking based on actually Strength based on the Supernatural


This shows the difference between each 'Class' and their 'tiers'. As all of us knew, not each Devil of the same realm are equally as powerful as each other, this is what this is, to show the difference between each 'Class' in 'tiers.'



None > Low > Middle > High > Ultimate > Super > Origin


Lesser > (Nothing before Class) > Greater > Peak.


Lesser High-Class Devil, Middle-Class Angel, Greater Low-Class Magician, Peak Ultimate-Class Dragon.


Origin-Class is the only Class besides None-Class, that has no tiers before them. You cannot put tiers with Origin-Class because they are either limitless or near that level of power. Example will be the Great Red.

And None-Class, refer to those with no awakening of Magic Power, or source of power. Aka normal humans.




Level of Power or Damage


This is based on Vs Wiki, as well my research on DxD and the level of strength.

This will help when reading the fanfic and get the feeling between the level of attack that each being of that level is capable of.

Do note, this is the level of damage done by attacks if that Devil, Dragon or whatever they are formed their strongest attack.

(Do note, this part can be changed, because even I not sure, if this power rating of power is right or not.)



Weakest of children, or untrained women and men. From trained adults who has Olympic Level of abilities.



Lesser = Capable of destroying a human with little effort.

Normal = Capable of destroying walls.

Greater = Capable of destroying a small room

Peak = Capable of destroying a room



Lesser = Capable of destroying multiple rooms.

Normal = Capable of destroying a small house

Greater = Capable of destroying a house

Peak = Capable of destroying a Large house


High-Class / Tier: 8

Lesser = Capable of destroying a small building (Like a supermarket)

Normal = Capable of destroying a building

Greater = Capable of destroying a large building (Like a skyscraper)

Peak = Capable of destroying a City Block



Lesser = Capable of destroying Multiple City Blocks

Normal = Capable of destroying a Town

Greater = Capable of destroying a City

Peak = Capable of destroying a Mountain

(A/N: Yes, Serafall whose a Peak Ultimate-Class or Satan-Class Devil, can destroy a whole Nation, but she is not a Normal Peak Ultimate-Class Devil)



Lesser = Capable of destroying an Island/Nation

Normal = Capable of destroying half a Continent

Greater = Capable of destroying a whole Continent

Peak = Capable of destroying multiple Continents/The Moon



Capable of destroying the World or Worlds.


Special Note - This is the level of damage, not what a High-Class Devil is capable of, without training, all you could do, is destroy something that someone of two or one tiers lower than you. Like a lazy Ultimate-Class Devil, that never trained once in their life, could destroy a City Block, but that is what Peak High-Class Devils are capable of.

And they are those that are capable of forming attacks on one or two tiers higher. Like Serafall, who is a Peak Ultimate-Class Devil, but she is capable of welding a Lesser Super-Class level of attack. This is the reason she is known as a Great Satan, even if she hasn't evolved into a Super Devil, she already could rival lesser Super-Class beings.

After all, training and learning Magic and developing your skills, bloodline abilities, or whatever you have, is important.




DPU = Demonic Power Units.


This is the device that Ajuka Beelzebub created, to measure one's own Demonic Power in forms of units. This is mentioned in Chapter 3. When Ajuka uses his DPU device to keep track of MC monstrous amount of Demonic Power he formed at one month old.

This is based on Devils, no other races have Demonic Power, or least it did not mention in the wiki/fandom. And this not the strength of a Devil, but their Demonic Reserves will be like at each tier and stage until Super-Class, shamedly, Ajuka device only can detect up to 1,000,000 DPU, that is the limit of Ultimate-Class.


Low-Class: 1 ~ 300 DPU

Lesser = 1 DPU

Normal = 150 DPU

Greater = 225 DPU

Peak = 300 DPU


Middle-Class: 301 ~ 1,200 DPU

Lesser = 301 DPU

Normal = 600 DPU

Greater = 900 DPU

Peak = 1,200 DPU


High-Class: 1,201 ~ 10,000 DPU

Lesser = 1,201 DPU

Normal = 5,000 DPU

Greater = 7,500 DPU

Peak = 10,000 DPU


Ultimate-Class: 10,001 ~ 1,000,000 DPU

Lesser = 10,001 DPU

Normal = 100,000 DPU

Greater = 500,000 DPU

Peak = 1,000,000 DPU

(A/N: After all, the difference between Ultimate and Super is no joke)


Super-Class: Unmeasurable


Origin-Class: Unmeasurable


As stated before, all classes of Devils, from low, middle, and high, will form Demonic Power naturally. This also means most High-Class Devils cannot increased their Demonic Power reserves, until they fully matured at 18 years old.

Of course, most Devils do not see the need of increasing their Demonic Power reserves. But they are those who do. This is also the reason why Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri will seem weaker they should be, because when the Canon starts, is the age when they can finally increase their Demonic Power.

But of course, peace made them not to.


High-Class Devils DPU per day increased.

Until 6 = 0.07 DPU (150 within 2,191 days (365*5+366))

Until 12 = 0.21 DPU (450 within 2,191 days (365*5+366)) (450 + 150 = 600)

Until 18 = 2.01 DPU (4,400 within 2,191 days (365*5+366)) (4,400 + 600 = 5,000)

(Do note, the number is rounded up)


There no point doing middle-class and low-class, if you follow above, it easy to see how forming Demonic Power naturally works.

Below is MC's natural Demonic Power growth rate.


Until 6 years old = 2.28 DPU per day

Until 12 years old = 89.00 PDU per day

Until 18 years old = 4,472.84 per day

(5,000 > 200,000 > 10,000,000 // Ajuka figured this out, when MC turned 12, and read his Third Maturity Phase growth rate)


That all, besides the harem that I can think of Fanfic Settings.

Do note… MC's personality is unique. That all I can say, and be warned MC does swears a lot, I mean a lot. But that is part of his personality setting.

Thanks for reading this and enjoy my second/new DxD fanfic.

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