Chapter 7: DxD 7: Meeting the Gremory and Lucifuge for the first time – Part 3
"Alright than, I think it is time for you to join the others, remember to greet them properly, my dear." When Zlata said this, she patted her son's head, before facing him towards the other two girls he hasn't greeted or been greeted to.
Set took one last look towards the maid, and the noble ladies, before he turned his attention to the two girls around his and his twin's age.
The first one to come to him, is the girl with red hair, that seems like flowing blood. One might be creeped out by crimson red hair, that no different blood itself. However, in his purple eyes, Set think rather than creepy, it looked both stunning and beautiful in his eyes, a uniqueness beauty in itself.
This also can be said with her blue eyes, that also not the same kind of blue eyes he used to. It has a hint of greenness within them, making them feel if you looking at the reflection of a lake, that reflects the nearby grass in her eyes.
They are either known as blue-green eyes, or simply lake blue eyes.
As Set noticed the features of this girl, that as beautiful as his twin sister. He didn't really care much about it. He accepted the fact, that Devils in general, no matter what bloodline they have, all are beautiful and breathtaking people.
You get used to it after a while, not to mention, Set never been the one that only goes for the appearance of others. But the inside that counts the most, or least that is his option.
Yet again, such things wouldn't matter right now, after all, both this girl before him, and himself, are only 3 years old.
"Nice to meet you! My name is Rias Gremory, heiress of the House of Gremory… right?" Went the young Devil of 3 years old, who sounded unsure at her own greeting.
And yet, as Set heard her greeting. He cannot help to think how maturer she is, compared to the 3 year old children he could remember in his past life.
Yet again, seeing how unsure she is if she has properly greeted him, reminded him, this Devil is still a kid.
Seeking if she done the deed right, the young Devil known as Rias Gremory, looked at her mother, Venelana Gremory, who smiled softly and nodded her head.
A childlike smile formed on Rias's innocence face, knowing she has either nail it, or nearly nailed her greeting. Which is given her age.
"Lucina Lucifuge… heiress to the House of Lucifuge… that is all." As soon Rias finished her greeting the second girl, the silver haired girl, greeted Set.
Set cannot help to see how much she looked like Alfia and Grayfia, especially more to the side of the maid, Grayfia, with her silver eyes, that carry an air of both curiosity and mystery to them, when they looked at him.
After the silver haired girl, Lucina said her greeting, a yawn left her lips, showing how tired she is, but her curiosity in those silver eyes, don't look one shade lighter, as if she expecting something from him.
Set narrowed his eyes slightly, while the red haired girl felt maturer than 3, but still not by this much, this single action from this girl made me feel he is facing with someone older than her age by double or more than double of her own age.
She is similar with Sona in this regards, since both of them don't feel like normal 3 years old children to him.
Not to say, he also feels the same way. As this girl feels curious about her, he too, feels curious about this silver haired girl.
Especially with the sole fact, how a 3 years old Devil could have Greater Middle-Class Demonic Powers in her reserves.
Of course compared to the monster like himself, it is nothing, but compared to Rias and Sona, she is on a whole different level.
"Set Sitri, the child of House of Sitri."
Set went, he doesn't know how to greet himself, like the others. He is not the official heir, Sona is. Not to mention, due to his monstrous growth rate, he wasn't allowed to innate the heir position, due to the fear how the other Pillar houses will react, once they find out how monstrous he is.
But this enough should be fine, right?
"Child of House of Sitri?" Rias went with confusion, while Lucina nodded her head, and snack on something in her hand, that seems to be a cupcake.
"Well, I am not the heir to House Sitri, Sona, my twin is. While I might be the backup hair, but I am also the third child of Lord and Lady Sitri, so it only right to call myself, as Child of House of Sitri."
Set simply told this, but soon became worried, wondering if these 3 year old girls will understand this or not.
"Oh, is that how it is?" At first, Rias looked slightly confuse, until she figured it out soon afterwards, and nodded her head in understanding.
"Make sense… want one?" On the other hand, unlike Rias, who at first confuse the meaning behind his words. Lucina understands Set's meaning behind calling himself the Child of House of Sitri right away.
This only shows, she not as mature as Sona is. But even her intelligence might even be on the same level as his twin sister, Sona Sitri, who said to be very smart given her age.
Even in terms of Devils, especially among High-Class Devils, Sona even at the age of 3 years old, always shown areas of being smarter compared to normal children, understanding complex words, or books that not even young Devils could understand, never mind normal adult Humans.
To Set, Lucina's intelligence feels around the same level as his twin sister, or maybe a level or two difference between them.
Set soon snapped out of his thoughts, when the girl in question offers him a cupcake, Set cannot help to turned his eyes to the small table between the young girls, along with chairs that matched their short height.
Perfect size table for their young age.
And on the table itself, lies dozens of cupcakes, it will be a lie to say Set didn't find this odd, but he put those feelings aside, and took another look at the cupcake Lucina offered him in her small hand.
"Why not." Set simply went, and grabbed the cupcake that been offer to him. His purple eyes widen slightly at the taste of the bitten cupcake in his hand.
This caused him to wonder, once he is allowed in the kitchen. He should try to recreate these cupcakes.
While lost in thought once again, it was only until Rias's voice were heard, when did Set snapped out of his state of delight eating something so sweet, but tasteful with favour.
"What hobbies you have? I like manga, do you want to read them with me?"
Upon hearing Rias, who offer to share her toys, or manga in this case. Forced Set to remember something he learnt from Ajuka, that mosshead Super Devil.
When Ajuka created the Evil Pieces, that allows near all races to be reincarnated as Devils like themselves. One of the first things the Great Satans did for them, were to create an artificial moon by using Demonic Power.
The Great Satans did this to make the Reincarnated Devils to feel more welcome in the Underworld, and in the Devil Region, the home and main territory of their Devilkind.
When the fake moon was created, it also allowed the Reincarnated Devils to adjust to the flow of time within the Underworld.
After all, before the artificial moon made of Demonic Power appeared in the Underworld, the skies in the Underworld are just purple all day long, since night didn't originally exist in the Underworld before the creation of the fake moon.
However, this wasn't the only change the Reincarnated Devils brought to the Devil Region, and in Devil Society.
As more begin to be reincarnated as Devils, there are times when these new Devils also brought their own culture, slowly remodelling the cultures that exists among the Devils themselves.
Of course, many Devils refuse this, but at the same time, many also welcome this. Either due to their long lifespan of boredom, or maybe to welcome new things in their long lives.
Before anyone knew it, among the lower classes, and middle classes of the Devils, culture itself changed. Movies created by either the Pure-Blood Devils or the Reincarnated Devils, begins to spread via the Devil Region.
Than movies, to comics and manga, than even animation, to video games.
All of these things, that originally came from the Human World, came down to the Devil Region, of course, reshaped and created by the imagination of Devils, not humans.
This is why many video games, movies, or even comics or manga, that are based in the Devil Region, are mostly aimed for the Devils themselves, who knew more about the inner workings of world, compared to the clueless Humans.
And of course, Set also was told by that mosshead, many famous Devils who dwell in these kind of works, also spread their work to the Human World as well, increasing their profit via both worlds.
Seeing the manga in Rias's hand, shows this young Devil seems to be one of the many High-Class Devils, that don't reject the flow of culture from the Reincarnated Devils.
No, since she reading the manga along with her family nearby.
This shows, it is not just Rias that truly welcomes it, but maybe even the House of Gremory also welcomes this, showing how opened they are to those Devils, who brought this culture with them.
"..." While Set recalled this, he also recalled of something else, this something has nothing relate to the Devils, or the culture. But what he recalled, was something he cannot forget even if he wanted to.
No, he doesn't want to forget, even if this haunts him one day.
When Set looked into the manga, that seems to be about some hero, facing against aliens that looked very much like angels, he cannot help but to question how racist this look, but knowing Angels and Devils doesn't get along, or more so, mortal enemies they are, it is no wonder something like this came out among their kind.
He accepted as it is, even if both the title of this Devil made manga, and the story about an alien invasion sounded stupid to him.
But never the last, he opened the manga, as memories of his past life, his former twin brother came to him. Set wondered if that otaku brother of his will also like something like this?
This is what Set thought, when he begins to seriously read the manga, causing him to frowned upon trying to understand what he just saw and read.
"It is amazing, don't you think?" Rias's voice soon awoke Set from his focus onto the manga, turning to face her. Set notices her lake blue eyes looked at him with interest, he even noticed, Lucina too, who has a different manga in hand, also cast her lazy silver eyes towards him.
"You could say…" Is what Set went, but inside him, he wanted to shout he doesn't understand a damn thing!
What is the logic behind the characters screaming out their special moves or techniques? Is this normal? Or is this just plain stupid?
And what else, what is this bullshit on friendship is on about?
He felt his head it is frying trying to understand any of this, and yet again, he is reminded this is a manga for kids, even if he now a kid himself and a Devil, his mental age is still that of an adult, so it no wonder why he cannot handle a manga like this.
While he wanted to be blunt and told the girl his brain feeling like they are frying. But something inside him didn't, maybe due to the other party being just children they are, or a reminder of his twin brother from his past life.
Set tried to carry on reading the manga in hand, that is until a bell like voice, Lucina Lucifuge voiced her option.
"If you don't like it… what not read a different Manga? There are different kinds out there… not to mention… the one Rias is reading… is a little too immature." Lucina went and told.
"Others…?" Set asked, looking at the lazy expression little girl, who doesn't feel she is three years old, due to her mature aura, behind her indifferent and lazy silver eyes.
"You don't like it?" Rias who heard her niece's words. Shows a worried look, hoping she didn't upset her new potential friend.
"I think… it too immature, right?" Lucina went, while Rias titled her head in confusion, clearly not understanding why Set cannot like this due to being too immature for him.
Devils in general, have a high level of understanding, even at three years old, they already can learn the complex words that elementary level students in the Human World find hard to understand.
So, in Rias's option, she doesn't think this manga is too immature for her own age. Especially knowing even some adults also are fond of this series as well.
"Don't worry about it, getting my head fried, isn't a bad thing once in a while. Even so, aren't you reading it as well?" Set pointed out, as this caused Rias and Lucina to blink in confusion, before they understood what he meant.
"But… this is not the same manga as hers... mine is romance manga… commonly known as a Shoujo… while aunty's a battle manga." Lucina pointed out, to the complete outsider of otaku culture.
"What you mean… aren't they the same? They manga, right? Shoujo?? Battle manga?? Wait… aunty?" Set went confusedly and became stunned at Lucina's calling Rias an aunty.
"Yeah… my father is aunty's elder brother… his name is Sirzechs Lucifer… and my mother over there… is the one that dressed like a maid… is Grayfia Lucifuge… And Alfia Lucifuge is my grandmother…" Lucina went slowly, and yawned, trying to explain to the best of her ability.
"Venelana Gremory is also… my grandmother, and also aunty's mother." Lucina went in an uninterested voice. As she looked at Set, who didn't take his eyes from her.
Inside Set is of course, shocked. Who will think those two women, that looks in their mid or early 20s, will have grandchildren at that age?
But he was once again reminded how slow and long the lifespan of a Devil is. Which is why he could quickly recover from his shock, since this is fairly common among their kind.
However, he is more interested in this girl with Middle-Class Demonic Power reserves. Set eyes watches as she already eaten her 5th cupcake.
One might say for a little girl, she has quite a sugar teeth, not to mention, as Devils themselves, their immune systems are different.
To normal Humans, eating this much sugar, even as a child often is not healthy, but to Devils, it is barely any noticeable risks.
However, from the way she eats them, if feels more like she eating them because she needs them, not she likes them.
Or least that what it seems in Set's eyes, as he looked at her lazy look in her expression, that looked both relax and sleepy.
But for a little Devil that look like they going to sleep any moment, she trying to keep herself awake. Not to mention, how she talks, she talks if she not used to talking or not liking to talk too much so often.
Or maybe, when she talks, she spends more energy than necessary, not physically, but mentally. This will be a lie, to say Set wasn't interested or curious why Lucina is like this, is this due to her bloodline, or maybe something big happened to her life, not long ago as well.
Or it is like said before, Lucina is not much of a talker to begin with, but either way, the result of an outsider is always the same.
This has nothing to do with Set Sitri, whose not a Gremory nor a Lucifuge to begin with. He is just a stranger, that is all, nothing else.
"Something the matter…?" Lucina asked, seeing Set suddenly stopped speaking.
"Nothing, it just you seem very interesting that's all." As blunt as always, Set just told his honest option, like the bad habit it is. But it seems neither Lucina nor Rias looked bothered,
Maybe if they are older, and maturer in a different area of maturity, they might take Set's words as flirting, even if that not his intentions.
But as the 3 year old Devils they are, no matter how mature they are. They wouldn't pick on this kind of matter at their age, Devils or not. And they properly thought interest in a friend kind of way, which to be fair, is somewhat Set's intentions when he said that.
"Say, if Angelic Alien Invasion not to your living, how about this one instead?" Rias went, while she offers different manga with a different title to him.
Set sighed seeing her eagerness and took the next damned manga she offers him.
Set could feel giggles from his mother and her friends.
But he let it be, this is not the first time, someone or a group laughed at his actions.
However, while he begins to read the new manga before him. Set cannot help to feel like he forgetting something, and in that moment, he remembered what it was, when the door leading to this guest living room burst opened, getting everyone's attention.
Of course, the one who broke through the door, was no other than the forgotten serial kidnapper, Serafall, who has returned with her kidnapped victim, Sona in her arms.
Different compared to before, Sona is now wearing matching, but in blue, magical girl clothes.
"Levi-Tan is back! Along with So-Tan!" Serafall proudly went, as she held the blushing and confuse Sona in the air.
For some reason, the moment Set saw his elder sister rising his twin sister in the air, he was reminded of The Lion King movies for some reason…
"S-Sister put me down!!" Sona went crying, as Serafall begin to rubbed her head against Sona's. While Alfia and the others smiled, seeing how close the Satan is with her little sister.
For some reason, Set felt a bag feeling, causing him to lower the book, especially when his eyes met with the same violet purple eyes from Sona, who shown an evil smirk on her face, causing Set's eyes to narrow, knowing nothing good comes out of that evil smirk of his twin sister.
"Sister, don't you have new costume for Set as well?"
The moment Set heard this, he turned his narrowed eyes, to Serafall, who blink her eyes, before a smile, a smile that for some reason sent a chill down his spine.
This is why he got up and made a run for it. Not caring about the curious looks from Lucina and the others.
However, no matter how much of a monster Set is becoming. He is still nothing compared to a Devil with Satan-Class specs, that Serafall truly is.
And because of this very truth. In mere two seconds, when Set began his escape. It was pointless, as he suddenly found his vision to blur in an instant, and himself back nested in the arms of his elder sister.
The first thing he saw, as his vision became clear, was the sly smile on his elder twin sister's face, who clearly felt no guilt pushing Set to their elder sister.
'That cunning child!'
This is all Set could say inside his mind, cursing at the cunningness of his twin, who made this magical girl predator turned her attention towards him.
"That's right, I do have a new one for my little prince~~ I almost forgot~ Thanks So-Tan for reminding me!" Serafall happily went, with a loving smile, like the obsessive sister she is. She hugged Set, if he has become a teddy bear.
Set cannot help but to sighed at the fact, it hasn't been long, since he felt those soft pillows against his head once again. And here he is, back being hugged just like before.
He has no choice but to face the fact, he has no power or strength to break out of the fate, that he is nothing but a toy to his elder sister.
If it wasn't for her pure intentions, and she meant no harm. Set might become mad at Serafall, but instead, like always, he just sighed and went with the flow of the unfolding fate that about to come to him.
Of course, he to look into the same purple eyes as his own, staring at him, with that smirking smile.
'Don't think I will forget this…' Is what Set told with his eyes, looking at the cause of this upcoming fate that awaits him.
'Try your best, little brother~' Sona went with her eyes, causing Set to flinched with his eyes, knowing the meaning behind her smirking and challenging gaze.
'This cunning devil!' Set roared inside his head. Before a magic circle appeared under him and his elder sister.
"Come on Se-Tan, it time to go!" Serafall went with a wide smile. Before she teleported away with her new victim.
When the moment Set disappeared to meet the same fate that Sona faced. Lucina and Rias only looked at each other, before they find this both interesting and funny, while Sona herself sighed, as she finally got rid of her elder sister.
The only way to stop that crazy sister of theirs, is throw a different sacrificial lamb that called Set Sitri. If she going to mentally traumatize, she is not going to be alone.
Author Notice (You can skip this, it just nonsense)
Well, I am officially back. I don't know how long for. I mean seriously, as you might all knew from the news, myself, along with my country might be blown away soon, yes, I live in the UK, if you haven't noticed from my writing so far, isn't the same writing style what America uses, even if we both use the same language.
Anyway, I am back, and I hope the new updated chapters you all read until this chapter, was readable, and thanks for returning to read this.
I did forget the main purpose of this fanfic, I think it was just the unique life as a Devil, as well some viewpoints that are different, or maybe not mention much in other fanfictions. You understand what I mean in the next chapter.
Another thing, when I mention about the exchange of culture in this chapter, I imagine many think both animation and video games shouldn't be a part of the exchanged of culture between the new and older Devils just yet.
You might be wondering, what the heck I am on about?
Why, as we all knew, the canon of DxD begins in 2008, but now it is 1993, after all, right now, all the main casts, besides a few, are between 1~3 years old.
Since it 1993, you might think the new culture among the newer Devils shouldn't involved video games or animation. I also thought the same, when I came back to edit and proofread this.
However, that not the case.
While the year of this fanfic is in right now, is 1993, the first video game ever created was called 'Tennies for two' it was created in 1958, so with this knowledge, it should be possible for video games to be spread among lower class culture of Devils.
Not to say about animations… the first cartoon or animated film is called Fantasmagorie and it was created in 1908. That means, animations should be out earlier compared to video games among the newer Devils' culture.
And by the way, you might be wondering why I am even talking about this. Well, I originally wanted to add an 'AN'. However, as you can see, it too long to be labelled as an 'AN' (Author note)
Like said in the author noticed, it just nonsense, the second section is just there, in case some of the readers noticed this as I did, when I was proofreading this.
Anyway thanks for reading, and sorry for any grammar mistakes.