Within DxD, as Set sitri

Chapter 2: Ch.2: Monster

As a Great Satan, Serafall has many duties, besides her hobby, or her Tv show which she just started, Miracle☆Levia-tan.

It has been over ten years since Serafall found about the existence of Magical Girls, at first it was just pure curiosity.

But she never thought it will help her to forget her times when she was nothing but a Monster.

Over 500 years ago, when the Original Satans died in the Great War, the houses that related to those Original Satans wanted to restart another Great War, and possibly take over the three worlds.

(AN: Three worlds = Heaven, Earth, and Underworld.)

This is the original intentions of the Original Satans, and their goal when they started the Great War, to overthrow heaven, and to control the three worlds as their own.

However, almost all of the Devils didn't want this. Most of the Pillars and the Extra Demons saw this nothing but madness, and the end of their own race.

While it is true, the Angels and Fallen Angels are still recovering from the Great War, so were they.

That is why, in order to stop them, the Anti-Satan Faction was formed, originally as a group of protesters, but who will knew, they will soon be washed into war itself, when the Old Satan Faction did something, they shouldn't do, no matter who they are related to.

And so, the Devil Civil War began. 

Serafall still remembers the day when the City of Lucifaad was full of massacred and mayhem.

By chance, she along with some of her friends, Ajuka Astaroth, Falbium Glasya-Labolas, and also Sirzechs Gremory was meeting in that very city.

Since their families are close to each other. And also classmates at the same academia. She and along with others besides those three, came to Lucifaad right before someone from the House of Beelzebub came, and ordered that massacre.

She still remembers that day, like the naïve Devil she was. She was truly happy to meet with her friends from the same academy.

Not to mention, since most of her friends are heirs to their own houses, like she was, it was very important to her, and her close friends to build and strengthen their ties.

However, as a day that should be as joyous as it meant to be. Soon become a living hell, when all the senseless slaughter happened in Lucifaad.

To make the matter more dreadful, the Old Satan Faction has ordered all of the High-Class Devils in Lucifaad at that time, to stay out of their senseless killing of lesser ranking Devils in Lucifaad City.

If they happened to disobey, without a doubt, the Old Satan Faction would have killed them without proper reason.

That massacre in the City of Lucifaad soon become the very spark of the Devil Civil War.

When the massacre happened in Lucifaad, she and her friends didn't sit by, and disobey the orders from the House of Beelzebub. Even if they meant being killed or labelled as traitors.

Serafall and the others just cannot just stand there and watched many innocent lives of the lower class Devils to be killed without reason.

No, to begin with. The reason why the Old Satan Faction begin the killing, was as a warning to the protesters, the Anti-Satan Faction.

And it is because of this very senseless warning, that is both inhumane and cruel.

Created the cause for the Anti-Satan Faction to stop being mere protesters with voices of reason. But those with action, rebels and soldiers who wage war against the injustice of the Old Satan Faction.

Upon joining the Anti-Satan Faction, along with her close friends. It only natural for her, the heiress to the House of Sitri, to become one of the leaders.

And as a leader, she wanted to prove she was doing right thing, she wanted to do the most noble thing as a Devil. Serafall wanted to bring the end of the misdeeds and the wrongdoings that the Old Satan Faction has done, who rule over them with fear itself.

That is why she fought on the frontlines. Of course, she wasn't the only one, Sirzechs and Ajuka, as well Falbium also did the same as her, fought on the frontlines alongside the soldiers under them.

But one thing that Serafall underestimate.

That war is no game.

War is war, another form of nightmare in itself.

After all, no matter which side losses or wins, war itself, is something else altogether. There is no such thing as kindness, but only cruelty.

This is something that Serafall will learn soon afterwards when the Devil Civil War truly began.

What did she felt, when she has to watch her Water flooded the battlefields, drowning the lives of the Old Satan Faction?

Even if they are the enemy, they also Devils like herself, and ending countless lives of her own kind, can she still be proud of herself? Can she still feel the pride of welding the House of Sitri's Water like this?

With each life she took on the battlefield, a part of herself felt missing. To the point, she no longer feels anything at one point, and became a killing machine, ending the life of her own kind.

And due to this, her shell as the naïve Serafall broke, as she truly no longer felt like herself. And to prove she became something else in the middle of the Devil Civil War, was her pride, her pride as a Sitri.

Her Water frozen into Ice, her bloodline, she always has loved. The very reason why she fought in the frontlines, maturated into Ice.

The moment her Water turned into Ice, she became dulled to all the senseless killing, especially when the Ice manifested from her bloodline ability, her speed of reaping the lives on the battlefield only increased and increased with each kill, as she uses her Ice to freeze, ripped them apart, or stabbed them to their own ends.

Many called Serafall a hero, someone who fought for the better tomorrow for their own kind.

But was she?

Was she the hero, who fought for the better future? Especially with the mountain of corpses of their own kind behind her?

And if she was truly a hero, why all she sees in the mirror, is a monster who stared back at her? A monster who shares the same appearance and voice as her own?

The monster who promised to protect her own kind, only to drowned, froze, pierced, and kill the very same people, she supposed be protecting?

And the name of that monster, is no other than Serafall Sitri, the cause of countless lives in the Devil Civil War. 

When the war came to an end. Serafall accepted to one of the Four Great Satans, the new leaders of their own kind.

But she knew, the true reason she accepted, wasn't just because it is the right thing to do. But to use as an excuse, an excuse she could use to run away from the core of her problems.

To run away from the face she saw in the mirror, to buried herself in her workload, so she cannot see the bloody face of her own, that smirks at her each time Serafall looked into the mirror.

Many didn't notice the hollowness within her heart, but someone did. Someone who knew her, more than she knew herself.

And that person was no other than her own mother, who could see through the fake persona she worn, known as Serafall Levithan, one of the Four Great Satans.

Her mother saw right through her, she knew Serafall the best, even for a Devil, Serafall before the Devil Civil War is a kind and caring soul among their kind.

But the war, especially the frontline in the war, caused the once caring and kind Devil, to become so hollowed, empty from the inside. Serafall Levithan became a different person she once was before the Devil Civil War.

That is why, when her mother knew this, and saw the burden she carrying, Zlata Sitri, also known as Lady Sitri in social circles among the Pillars.

Told her daughter, to either talk this out with someone, to lift the burden on her chest. Or find a hobby, something she will enjoy to take her mind from the past, besides escaping into her work as a Satan.

Following Zlata, her mother's advice. That what Serafall did.

She tried chess, that her father loves, but that didn't click with her, as much it did with her father.

Then she tried hobbies commonly known among the High-Class Devils, but none of them worked either. She even turned her attention to the Middle-Class Devils' hobbies, but failed, and even the Low-Class Devils' hobbies but also failed.

Nothing clicked in with her, nothing made her forget about the worst time in her life.

When it happened, something she will never forget happened, in a place she never expects to find it.

Due to her duties as a Satan, she has to visit the Human World, and Japan no less.

By chance, while finishing what she has to do in Japan, she saw something that spark her interest. Out of curiosity, she approached the televisions behind the glass window, products that meant to sell.

It wasn't the tv that got this Satan's interested, but what was playing on those televisions.

It was showing a cartoon, no, anime since this is Japan, when she saw this, an anime about a single girl, in an anime called Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven.

The words the little girl spoke, her actions, and everything of her purpose, spark hope in the hearts of the young children of humans that saw this, and even herself.

It was the moment, Serafall realised her true purpose in life really is.

That is to become hope itself, hope to the children of her race. To spark hope, like Mil-Tan did to her, to not become the monster she saw herself as, but to become hope for the future of the children of her race, no matter their bloodlines are.

That is why she wears the same pink cosplay dress that Mil-Tan wears and even studied the show for ten years. Others might think it is her hobby, but to her, to Serafall Leviathan, no, Levia-tan.

It was her true calling in life, to become an icon for the young Devils, to become someone that will bring hope, and aspire the best of all Devils no matter of their social class, who they are, as long they are a child, they have all rights to dream, that is the message that Mil-Tan taught Serafall, and this is the message she wanted all young Devils to know.

And like that, on the day she found out, she will be an elder sister. Serafall saw this as a sign to begin her plan to aspire hope in all.

It was time to become Levia-Tan of Miracle☆Levia-tan. To become the Devil's world version of Mil-Tan, and to become not the monster, she no longer sees in the mirror. But a Magical Girl, that will aspire and scary away the Monster in the mirror, if that time were to come.

Only regret Serafall has in this progress, was her duties as both Levia-Tan and Great Satan Leviathan, caused her to miss out of the birth of both Se-Tan and So-Tan. (AN: Yes… Sona it was decided before birth)

It only until a month later, when Serafall finally found time, to see her little brother and sister for the first time. The very existences, that given her the sign, to begin her plans.

And also, unfortunately, begin her obsession with them.

Along with a perfect plan, Serafall headed right to her the room where the twins are at, after a maid told her. She didn't bother to informed her father, Lord Sitri, nor her mother, Lady Sitri, but teleported right in middle of the room that her younger brother and sister are in.

"Ta-Ta! Your favourited magical girl is here! Levia-tan☆!"

Upon teleporting in the twin's room, the first thing Serafall did, was to do her signature pose as Levia-Tan, which is why she nodded inside her head, knowing she has nailed this. While not noticing the confuse and blank look on one of the twins when she did this.

Instead, she turned her attention towards the closet one among the twins, that she believed the one known as So-Tan.

Serafall smiled when she noticed So-Tan chewing on that soft blue sea dragon teddy bear that she got for them.

Of course, that not the only thing Serafall has sent to her parents for her little brother and sister. In fact, in a certain room in the Sitri Estate is full of toys and clothing that Serafall has spent a lot of money on.

Serafall even wanted to gift them more, like an estate or two in their names… however, when she asked her parents about that matter, they told her off she is overdoing it, and stop sending more presents for the twins…

She only sends them total of 2,407 toys and 232 sets of clothing, that too little in her books. But in the end, not even this Great Satan could go against her mother, Lady Sitri, when she becomes mad with her.

Feeling the guilt that she cannot send any more, Serafall went towards So-Tan, and show a widen happy grin, as she saw So-Tan going towards her on all fours and even trying to grab her. Even if in reality, in the eyes of the young month old Sona, she saw her elder sister nothing but a toy.

"Oh mine~ You happy to see big-!?"

However, when Serafall about to reach So-Tan, her whole body froze, as her mind as both a soldier, and a Satan has kicked in the moment she could a hostile aura of Demonic Power in this very room.

The Demonic Power Serafall felt not only very hostile, but it only at the Low-Class level.

It is a mere small amount compared to a Satan herself, who stood at the peak of her kind.

However, no matter how small it is, how they are no different to an insect in sheer of her power and strength. This didn't change the fact, how furious Serafall became, when she felt such an aura of Demonic Power in this room with her younger siblings!

That is why, in front of her twins, as someone dared to break into their room, she was willing to kill and torture, who has dared to unleashed such hostile Demonic Power.

But Serafall who was fill with rage, soon find her raging soul faded like a lie, when she discovered the one with this hostile Demonic Power, that seems to be increasing in both terms of power and volume.

Is no other than her younger brother, Se-Tan!?

Serafall mind went blank, as she looked at her Se-Tan.

Was she dreaming?

Is this real?

How can a one month old Devil has so much Demonic Power in their reserves, that suddenly now has reached the Greater Low-Class level!? And it still rising!?

Serafall soon snapped out of it, as she rushed like the wind right next to Set Sitri, and a cast a spell to seal his Demonic Power right away.

If she didn't seal his Demonic Power, Serafall afraid this amount of Demonic Power, that shouldn't belong to a month old Devil, this might kill him!

And from the result of the spell. Or maybe from the pressure of having Greater Low-Class level Demonic Power at his age. Caused Se-Tan to fall sleep, while So-Tan looked confused, but still went on her mission to grab her sister's wand.

But she too finds herself sleepy, as Serafall also cast a spell to put her younger sister to sleep.

"Why… why does he have that much Demonic Power? N-No wait… d-did he saw me as someone hostile!? No, no, this isn't the time for this… this is very serious, too serious…"

Serafall went sadly at first, seeing one of her dear siblings already hates her. But soon her face turned serious, before she picked up both Sona and Set in her arms, and head to her parents.

She also examines Set's body, and her eyes widen sensing the Demonic Power is naturally hiding itself. How can Demonic Power naturally hides itself?

She never heard anything like this before, only way to sense the Demonic Power in Se-Tan's body, is through physical interaction, otherwise, not even herself, a Satan, could feel anything in him.

And furthermore… is her mind playing tricks on her? She could feel his bloodline ability is slowly awakening itself, which shouldn't happen until he is 6 years old.

It is known fact, that High-Class Pure-Blood Devils naturally have High-Class level of Demonic Power the moment they reach 18 years old.

The Original Satan, Lucifer along with Lilith his wife, created the Devils to become like this, not the Low-Class ones, but the Pure-Blood ones.iPu

It is known fact; the moment a Devil of High-Class birth becomes 6 years old; their Demonic Reserves becomes to the level that can rival any Low-Class Devil. And if they have a bloodline ability or not, they will also awaken it at the age of six no matter what.

When High-Class Devils become 12 years old, their Demonic Power reserves become that can rival Middle-Class Devils, and finally at 18 years old, their Demonic Power reserves naturally become High-Class level.

This is the reason why, no matter how many Devils tried to increased their Demonic Power before the age of 18, it wouldn't increase.

And once you become 18 years old, you can train to increased your Demonic Power Reserves, that is how she, and others like Sirzechs increased their Demonic Power to Ultimate-Class level or beyond.

Of course, there are cases when Devils has more Demonic Power than others among their peers, it was fairly common among the Original Satans bloodlines, for their children to reach the peak of High-Class, or even the early stage of Ultimate the moment they reach of age.

At the end of the day, a month old Devil baby shouldn't have Low-Class level of Demonic Power inside them.

This is unheard off, and if it like that now, how high it will be, the moment he will become 6? 12? Or when he fully matured as a Devil at 18?

So it no wonder why Serafall became serious. And also worried, if her little brother will be harmed by having this level of Demonic Power inside him.

It is unheard of, and as a Satan, and his sister, she has to deal with this matter seriously, the last thing she wanted is her little brother to explode at any given moment!

That is why she took both the twins in her arms, and teleported to the main drawing room of the Sitri Estate, a place their parents often spent their time together.

"Oh Serafall, you back…? Why do you have…?"

"Hmm, my oldest, you… why are Set and Sona with you?"

The moment Serafall appeared at the main drawing room, as she expected, the two very people she wanted to see, greeted her with a confuse look.

The two of them looked to be either in their late 20s or mid-20s. But their real age is actually over or around 1,000 years old.

Due their lifespan as Devils, that is 10,000 years long. There hasn't been a Devil that grown old enough to look like an old man or woman yet.

The man with the purple eyes and black hair, looked at the twins, his son and daughter, and then turned his gaze towards his oldest child, who worn a serious expression on her face.

When the handsome man, who looked very much like some kind of British gentleman movie star, saw the expression of his oldest, the man who known as the head of House Sitri, Lord Sitri, as well Aidon Sitri, cannot help to be alarmed, that something is not right.

"Something the matter… is something wrong with Sona and Set?" Went the black haired beauty with blue eyes, Lady Sitri, who also known as Zlata Sitri, she is the mother of Serafall, Sona, and Set.

She looked at her oldest child and knew her serious look is no good. She even used her senses as a Devil, too looked at her babies, but she felt nothing of alarm… besides, why cannot she sense any Demonic Power from her son?

Normally you wouldn't check the Demonic Power in a child as old as one month old. That is why Zlata and many of the servants wouldn't noticed the lack of Demonic Power in Set, her youngest child.

Not to mention, even Sona has very little amounts of Demonic Power developing inside her body.

However, as this was shocking, this wasn't enough to become serious. It not unheard off, for Devils of High-Class birth or any birth to formed Demonic Power at a more later stage.

And it didn't matter if her son is a late bloomer, because in the end, once he turned 18, he just needs to increased his Demonic Power reserves through training, to recover the loss of Demonic Power as simple as that.

However, her oldest next words, caused her to think otherwise.

"It is about Set… tell me, can you sense any Demonic Power?" Serafall went with a serious look.

"What you mean… no, I don't, but he's a month or so behind, it no big deal, your grandparents told me, I was three months behind compared to others. But it worked out fine for me." Aidon went.

"Your father's right, it not that uncommon… but that looks on your face, telling me otherwise." Zlata went, as she got up from her seat, and she placed the book she was reading to the side. And walked to her children.

"Mother, sensed his Demonic Power while holding him." Serafall went, as she offers the twins to their mother.

At first, Zlata looked confused but still took her son and daughter. And did what her oldest asked.

And like that, her blue eyes widen in disbelief, as she sensed the Demonic Power, that naturally hiding itself, for some reason.

Zlata has a blank look on her face, as she felt Demonic Power that rivals a Greater Low-Class Devil, and soon her blank face became pale, as she looked at her oldest.

"What… is this, Serafall… why is his Demonic Power is like this? And why is it already nearly at the peak of Low-Class?"

As soon Zlata asked this, Aidon Sitri narrowed his eyes, and vanished and reappeared behind his wife and his oldest child, also checked his only son's Demonic Power up close, as his expression turned serious, unlike his wife's shocked and pale expression.

"This… is unheard of. Wouldn't it be dangerous to have this much Demonic Power in his body?" Aidon asked his oldest, as he unsure himself. The amount of Demonic Power is small amount, in the eyes of the High-Class Devils. But to find it in a High-Class Devil child, that only a month old?

That is monstrous, unreal, and very unsettling.

After all, in all history of the Devilkind, there never been a child with this much Demonic Power at this age.

There was a time, when the Old Satan Faction experimented on young newborn Devils in the Great War.

Hoping a way to increase the amount of Demonic Power in their bodies, but the result?

Death, as it proven that having even a half of a Low-Class Devil amount of Demonic Power, is very dangerous for those at less 3 months old. And yet, his child before him, is not even 3 months old, but already has so much Demonic Power inside his body.

"I don't know… as you know, this never happened before. While is true, once in a while a High-Class Devil child could become a Middle-Class the moment they turned six years old. But that chance is like one in a million… but Se-Tan here… the amount he has, should had killed him. And yet, I think because his Demonic Power forming in a way to make it hard to sense, might be the reason why his body hasn't broken. But honestly, that just a guess." Serafall went with a long sighed.

"I think we need to take him to Ajuka; he might have better insight. However, we need to make sure, not even the elders knew that Se-Tan has this amount of Demonic Power. It will cause unnecessary trouble for us, and especially to Se-Tan." Serafall went.

"You are right, Ajuka might knew a thing or two about this." Zlata went, due to having a Great Satan as their daughter, there been times the other three Satans of the Four Great Satans would visit the Sitri Castle.

They come to greet Serafall who often visits her home. Or have one of their meetings here sometimes, if necessary.

Due to this, Lord Sitri and Lady Sitri, knew the Four Great Satans more personally, just like the Gremory do as well, due to Sirzechs, their eldest son also a Great Satan as well.

That is why they could entrust Ajuka in this matter with their son.

"Okay, it not like the elders or the others will notice, unless they up close. Enclose this matter, like Serafall said, we don't want unnecessary trouble for our youngest. Especially when we have no clue, what we dealing with." Aidon went with a sigh.

And like that, the three of them teleported to laboratory of Ajuka Beelzebub.

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