Withdraw one billion at the beginning

Chapter 460 Illusion

"Since you come back, there is nothing to do. Are you going back to the dormitory now?" Leng Huaping looked at Zhang Xiaofan, with an indescribable expression in his eyes. For some reason, Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be disturbed by this expression, he nodded.

Then he left this place, and Leng Huaping waited downstairs.

"What's wrong with me? Why do I feel a strange breath on her body? It should just be the illusion that I'm too tired, I hope it's just that."

When Zhang Xiaofan went upstairs, he thought about it, and then opened the familiar door.

All the things in the room are neatly arranged. Even if they have not been used for more than ten days, there must be a lot of dust on these things, but this is not the case in this room.

There are only beds for two people in this dormitory, but now the two beds are neatly arranged, Liangzi must still live in this room, Zhang Xiaofan decided to stay in this school for a while this time.

Let's rest in school for a while, Zhang Xiaofan thought, and after tidying up the things in the dormitory, Zhang Xiaofan left the dormitory slowly.

Now that I have returned to school, I have to talk to the instructor in my class. Although this is a university, it still needs to be like this.

"What's the matter? Where are you going?" When Zhang Xiaofan went downstairs, Leng Huaping had already seen Zhang Xiaofan, and then said like this, Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while, he thought that these things could be told to him, so he already said these things.

"Are you going to find an instructor? I think you haven't gone to class for so long, you know it's a ghost."

When mentioning the instructor, Leng Huaping obviously showed a complacent expression, if Zhang Xiaofan didn't know, then it is absolutely impossible for Leng Huaping not to know about these situations.

"Isn't that where you are?" Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile, followed by Leng Huaping's smile, for some reason she also laughed, and then jokingly said: "Since you know about this, then Hurry up and protect me?" In this way, they quickly walked towards the teaching building, this school is very big, even the current Zhang Xiaofan can't completely walk through every place in this college.

They walked to an old-looking teaching building. Although this teaching building looks very old, it has a strange feeling. Leng Huaping looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said directly: "Your instructor is on the third floor 302, you should have only met him a few times, right?" Zhang Xiaofan was a little embarrassed when he heard what Leng Huaping said, but he still told Leng Huaping to wait here, and then he walked up slowly.

This building is very quiet, it can even be said that there is not much sound, Zhang Xiaofan walked directly to room 302, then knocked on the door lightly, and the door was suddenly opened.

There was an extremely beautiful person standing there, it can be said that this person is already different from ordinary people, Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while, and then directly said: "Excuse me, is the teacher here?" The woman nodded slightly, and said in an incredible voice: "I am your new instructor. Your original instructor has left school to go back to recuperate due to physical reasons."

Just when the teacher turned his head to look at Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan also looked at this person in surprise, because this person is like a flower!Incomparably beautiful.

After Zhang Xiaofan finished doing this, the whole ground was covered with blood. Of course, none of these gangsters died, but they were not far from death. part of the data.

Although the data of each of these people is very small, it is a very scary thing to add a dozen people together, but these data only slightly improved Zhang Xiaofan's basic attributes.

At this time a person came up, it seemed to be someone from the entertainment hall, that person looked at Zhang Xiaofan and bowed deeply first, and then said urgently.

"Sir, you did help us by defeating these gangsters, but their elder brother probably won't let you two go, so you leave this place quickly."

The waiter said, then looked at Zhang Xiaofan, as if he wanted to get Zhang Xiaofan's answer.

But Zhang Xiaofan didn't answer much, first of all because the big brother of these people should not be too powerful, and also because he wants to clean up the big brother of these people, these people don't deserve to be sympathized with.

"It's okay, I will help you resist if there is anything."

Zhang Xiaofan said, but after saying this, the waiter said more urgently: "Sir, that person seems to have a special ability! Although that ability only appeared recently, it is very dangerous! Hurry up, both of you." let's go."

He kept talking, as if he wanted to tell Zhang Xiaofan to leave this place, but how could Zhang Xiaofan leave this place?Zhang Xiaofan directly declined that person again and asked the two of them to avoid it.

"Give me a hundred of your tokens first."

Zhang Xiaofan said, and then took out a piece of RMB from his bag, the waiter saw Zhang Xiaofan and the others in such a state that he couldn't say anything more.

She also took the money and directly gave Zhang Xiaofan 100 tokens. Of course, [-] yuan can only buy [-] tokens, but do they still care about this now?The gangsters who fell to the ground were immediately disposed of by the people in this place and sent to the hospital. After a few seconds, there was nothing abnormal next to the token exchange machine, and the traces of those gangsters were there. It was all gone in a few minutes.

Soon the two of them walked to a game console, which contained a game called Metal Slug, anyone in the 90s should have heard of this game.

The goal of the game is to rescue as many elderly people as possible and decrypt the secrets in the game. They are playing the X generation of Metal Slug, which is also the most fun generation.

In terms of fighting, Zhang Xiaofan's fighting ability is outstanding, but now Zhang Xiaofan's ability to play games is not very high, or he can't even compare with the cold picture screen around him.

I only saw that the character controlled by Zhang Xiaofan was killed by an NPC, not only that, but in the next few levels, Zhang Xiaofan basically did it several times in each level, but the Leng Huaping around him didn't die even once.

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