Withdraw one billion at the beginning

Chapter 139

If Mr. Zhang has nothing to do, I..."

"Then I'll figure it out.

If it really doesn't work, I'll figure out a way for your remaining [-] million. "

The reason why Zhang Xiaofan opened his mouth like this is because of his confidence in his medical skills.

In the circle of cultivating immortals, there are quite a few people who are higher than Zhang Xiaofan.

But "Hongmeng Medical Immortal Jue" is so miraculous, it's probably very rare to be able to surpass Zhang Xiaofan's medical skills.

Except for real cultivators, or Liu Shixue's extremely rare illness, Zhang Xiaofan knows most of the cases.

And with the existence of the exchange system, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't even need to prepare any materials, he can take out any elixir or spirit liquid.

Tomorrow Jingzi brought Xiao Yinghua back home with Zhang Xiaofan.

In a small villa, Zhang Xiaofan met a girl who was only four years old.

"Mr. Zhang, I hope you will focus on stability.

please! "Little Sakura was also nervous at the side: "Oni-chan, please!" "

"Her illness is not difficult to treat."

Zhang Xiaofan just glanced at it, and he knew it in his mind: "After tonight, I guarantee that your little Yue'er will be as alive and kicking as Little Sakura."

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Mingri Jingzi was a little stunned: "What... tonight! Mr. Zhang, do you mean that you only need this night?!" Zhang Xiaofan nodded, looked at the talisman seals arranged around, and smiled. Said: "Although the expert you invited has some ideas, he is really stupid.

He forcibly nourished Xiaoyue'er by relying on spiritual energy. Although Xiaoyue'er would recover on his own after a few years due to the nourishment of spiritual energy, it was not a symptomatic cure. "

Saying that, Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and broke the spirit-gathering formations around him, and began to inject needles.

The current Zhang Xiaofan is already at the Qi Cultivation Boundary, which is not the same as the Body Cultivation Boundary.

In the meantime, the ice-bone needles in Zhang Xiaofan's hand floated out of Zhang Xiaofan's hand, and under the control of spiritual energy, they pierced into Xiaoyue'er's acupuncture points.

And tomorrow Jingzi was on the sidelines, she was almost dumbfounded.

Within a few minutes, Xiaoyue'er's originally weak face returned to normal, and her brows that were tightly furrowed even in deep sleep completely relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiaofan took out a small porcelain bottle in his hand.

It is the most common Xiao Huan Dan, but Zhang Xiaofan exchanged some other medicinal materials and mixed them together.

After Zhang Xiaofan fed one of the grains in the small porcelain bottle to Xiaoyue'er, he took back those ice rib bone needles.

Then, he said to Mingri Jingzi: "One of the remaining grains in this porcelain bottle, when she wakes up, feed her."

"It's... just fine?" Mingri Jingzi still couldn't believe it: "Mr. Zhang, what do you mean, after tonight, Xiaoyue'er will recover?"

"of course."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded and said: "If you don't believe me, I will wait for her with you for one night.

If she can't call you alive and kicking the next day, I will compensate you all the companies in my hands! "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang!" The next day.

Tomorrow Jingzi was sleeping drowsily next to Xiaoyue'er's crib, in a blur, she suddenly felt a pair of small hands touching her face.

"Mom...Mom..." Mingri Jingzi opened her eyes, and suddenly found that Xiaoyue'er, who had never spoken since birth, let alone walked by, was actually standing beside her, pinching her clothes.

"Xiaoyue'er!" Mingri Jingzi was startled first, looking at Xiaoyue'er in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, tears of relief welled up in my eyes.

too difficult.

In order to treat Xiaoyue'er, Jingzi paid too much tomorrow.

But now, Mingri Jingzi finally felt that she was rewarded... She hugged Xiaoyue'er in her arms.

"Mom, mom... Mom?" Xiaoyue'er didn't understand, she just stretched out her little hand to wipe away Jingzi's tears.

"Cough, cough."

Two light coughs woke up Mingyue Mirror, she turned her head and saw Zhang Xiaofan looking at her mother and daughter with a smile.

"What you have to do now is to feed the remaining elixir to Xiaoyue'er."

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged: "I'm afraid you forgot this."

Under Zhang Xiaofan's reminder, Mingri Jingzi suddenly remembered this, took out the elixir from her bosom, and fed it to Xiaoyue'er.

"Ouyixiyi (delicious)."

After swallowing the elixir, the smile on Xiaoyue'er's face became brighter.

"I'm really grateful to Mr. Zhang. I really didn't expect that Mr. Zhang is also a hidden expert. Jingzi is very sorry for the doubts about Mr. Zhang before!" Mingri Jingzi came to Zhang Xiaofan and bowed deeply.

"Mr. Zhang, I will go back to the company tomorrow to handle the procedures for the transfer of shares."

Jingzi said tomorrow: "Jingzi will transfer all those shares to Mr. Zhang as Xiaoyue'er's medical expenses."

"You gave me the shares, what about your own source of income?"

"I can go back to Japan and do my original job..."

"It doesn't have to be that way."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head: "As long as you agree to participate in my plan with these shares.

After all, I can't bear to let such a cute little cherry blossom go hungry! "Little Sakura stared blankly at Zhang Xiaofan, showing a sweet smile.

The current little cherry blossom is still too young, it is not clear how much Zhang Xiaofan's actions will affect him.

As for Jingzi tomorrow, she was very moved: "Mr. Zhang..."

"Of course, it's not free."

Zhang Xiaofan said meaningfully: "I need you, do one thing for me."

... "Companies are proceeding with integration as usual as planned."

Zhang Xiaofan made a phone call and notified Fatty Gu and Yang Jianguo: "The woman has let go."

On the other side of the phone, Yang Jianguo's voice was a little surprised: "Mr. Zhang, are you sure?"

"Don't worry, the matter over there has been dealt with for the time being. Although there are still some endings that need to be closed, your project can start first."

Zhang Xiaofan said calmly: "There is still a little work left, I just need to finish it here."

"Mr. Zhang, you are too out of touch. What kind of work do you need to do yourself? Just leave it to me..." Zhang Xiaofan smiled slightly, and said into the phone: "No need, Uncle Yang , you and Fatty Gu can take care of the company's affairs..." Zhang Xiaofan put down the phone after speaking.

Zhang Xiaofan has already prepared for Muyang Group's actions.

That Zheng Peng is not a big threat to Zhang Xiaofan, not really a problem.

And what Zhang Xiaofan wants to deal with is another matter - Xiaoyue'er is well, Jingzi is very happy tomorrow, naturally she won't have any more demands on Zhang Xiaofan.

But after the whole incident, Zhang Xiaofan unknowingly offended someone.

The immortal cultivator who always healed Xiaoyue'er.

You know, that immortal cultivator is not as kind as Zhang Xiaofan, who promised to treat Xiaoyue'er's illness, but it was based on a billion cash.

Zhang Xiaofan acted without authorization and healed Xiaoyue'er.

It is tantamount to cutting off that person's wealth.

And there has been a saying since ancient times.

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