With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods
Chapter 1022: Unidentified Flying Object (3)
But even if he was right, it didn't actually help him right now.
The only thing that this did was confirm what he had already guessed, it didn't actually give Lin Fan any new information.
So he only allowed himself to be idle for a few seconds before moving forward again.
There wasn't any hesitation in his movements as he headed down this well lit hallway.
That was because Lin Fan was confident in the illusion spell that he had put around himself.
In the first place, the most important surveillance for this UFO would be on the outside since it would be imperative to keep enemies away. So if even the outside cameras couldn't see through his illusions, Lin Fan believed that the inside cameras wouldn't be able to see through his illusions.
As long as they couldn't see through his illusions, Lin Fan was confident that he would be able to sneak around this UFO and find everything that he wanted to find.
That was until he came to his first door…
It was easy to tell that this was a door, the problem was that there was a panel right beside the door. It wasn't a touch screen, but rather some kind of small camera that was aimed forward.
This was clearly some kind of retinal scan.
If Lin Fan wanted to enter this room, he had to open this door with a retinal scan and there was no doubt that he wouldn't be able to do that. Even if he were to use an illusion spell, it wasn't as if he would be able to create a match for the retinal scan.
So there was nothing that Lin Fan could do except move on.
Only when he saw the next door and the door after that, the expression on his face became more and more ugly.
That was because there were retinal scans that were beside each one of these doors.
"How is this convenient if you have to use a retinal scan each time?"
That was the only thing that Lin Fan could say when he saw all of these retinal scans lining the corridor. This really didn't seem like a proper design since it would mean having to use the retinal scans to enter every room…
But after seeing the fourth and fifth, he figured out what the reason was.
Even if it was inconvenient, it was all because of what kind of ship this was.
This was a ship that had been sent into enemy territory, which meant that it was a ship that could be in danger at any time. This meant that it had to be properly protected on the inside if anything happened.
These retinal scans would prevent any intruders from entering any places other than the main corridor, which would keep them safe in a time of emergency. So even if it was inconvenient, that was what they sacrificed for safety.
But this was all on the basis that whatever had intruded into the ship wouldn't be able to destroy the doors.
Lin Fan had taken a close look at the doors and walls and after looking closely, he could tell that he would be able to destroy them quite easily with the power that he now possessed.
So in front of Lin Fan, these doors with retinal scans weren't actually that good of a defense.
It was just that he couldn't actually break anything right now.
The whole reason that he had snuck on was to see if he could get any information that he wouldn't be able to get if he confronted them. So if he were to actually cause a mess now, that would just go against what he had been planning to do the entire time.
So he just couldn't go on a rampage…
The moment that he did, they would immediately notice since there must be some kind of surveillance system inside of this ship.
That was something that others on this cultivation continent wouldn't know, but it was something that Lin Fan definitely knew as a transmigrator.
That was why even though it wasn't a good defense, it was actually a good defensive system in this situation and only this situation.
It would never work if this was any other situation.
Lin Fan continued along this hallway and he had to admit that this place was quite big with how long he was able to continue down this hallway. It didn't seem like there would be an end to this hallway with how long he walked down it.
There was even a part of him that started to wonder if he had been caught in the enemy trap because of how long this hallway was. After all, it didn't seem like this would end and it didn't seem like he would be able to get out of this place.
But in the end, he finally found something.
After many different doors that had been locked behind retinal scanners, there was finally one open door.
This door was different from the rest of the doors since it was larger than the other doors. And at the same time, there were sounds coming from this door and there were even two people that moved in and out of the room.
It was most likely because of these two moving in and out of the room that the door was open in the first place.
Since it was open, he was able to head into the room while there was a gap between the people coming in and out.
The moment that he entered the room, Lin Fan couldn't help being taken aback by the things that were in this room. After all, this certainly wasn't something that he had expected to see.
Well, it was something that he was expecting to see to a certain extent since he had seen the people being abducted earlier. It was just that he never expected it to be of this scale.
This was a large scale experimentation room.
The two adults that had been captured were currently being restricted on two operating tables, but it didn't seem like this was necessary in the first place since the two of them were both unconscious.
All around them were many different tools that Lin Fan didn't recognize, but the way that the people inside of the room grabbed at them and used them on the two told him that these were their experimentation tools.
There was even a thing that looked like it went up a certain place.
This was a joke that was widespread in Lin Fan's past life, but seeing it now…he really couldn't help feeling like giving a bitter laugh.
There was also a part of him that wondered if it was actually used the way that he thought it would be used for or if it was used for something else. After all, he had no idea what the other tools were used for and they all had strange shapes.
The way that they were used definitely wasn't what he expected them to be used for, so there was no telling that this thing might be the same.
After looking at the tools for a bit, that was when Lin Fan turned his attention on the people that were operating the tools. He had been a bit overwhelmed by the scale of this operating room and all of the strange things that they had been doing that he had ignored them to a certain extent.
But now that he had come back to his senses, he naturally turned his attention to the ones operating the experiment.
They were the spies that had been sent to the Mu Empire.
Since he was here, he naturally wouldn't let them get away. Only he wanted to see just what they were doing here.
These were normal humans just like the people of the cultivation continent, which made him a bit disappointed. After all, Lin Fan thought that since this was a continent that had a high level of technology, they would come up with something like cyborgs.
But it didn't seem like these people had been modified at all.
It was just that they were wearing strange clothing.
It didn't seem like they were saying much when they used the tools.
From time to time, they would mutter a few things, but it seemed like the one that was near some kind of monitor was the one taking all of the notes.
So Lin Fan went over to take a closer look to see what it was that they were measuring.
He found that there was a bunch of data that he just didn't recognize, but there were a few things that he did recognize.
It seemed that one of the big things that they were trying to figure out was related to spiritual energy. They were trying to figure out how humans of the cultivation continent took in spiritual energy and why their bodies were receptive to it.
Though he didn't understand why they didn't just abduct cultivators for this…
No, cultivators would certainly be harder to abduct than normal humans like this.
As this thought passed through his mind, Lin Fan started to link the dots.
It was even more cemented in his mind when he saw the data that they were comparing to.
There was never any cattle abduction, that was just the memory that these people from the other continent put in the minds of the ones that they abducted.
From the very beginning, they had been abducting and experimenting on humans.
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