Chapter 18: Non Disposable Chapter. Addressing a lot of Issues.
Hey Guys! Your author here. Ok, for those of you who know me, this should be a Disposable Chapter. But it won't be because there are some things I need to clarify that will permanently need to stay so I don't need to keep going back to explain over and over.
Also, Next Chapter out in around 8 Hours for those of you who care. 🤣🤣🤣 It was supposed to be 8 hours when I started writing this but now several hours have passed so it will be reduced to Two hours. I Truly appreciate your support so far. More Powerstones have been received and this author is Truly grateful🙃 and by all means, if you like what you read, Keep Em Coming.
Anyway, Let's get back to the point.
I have received a lot of comments that I want to finalize on. First, concerning The Sharingan's Evolution in which I put three tomoe going back to Two Tomoe, I apologize. I sincerely did not know that The user could not willingly degrade the Sharingan back to the base forms after evolution.
I won't be making that Mistake again and I will try to fix that in the chapter for future readers which should be easy since it doesn't really have much or any effect on the story that should be a worry. But in case I don't, yeah, know I was too tired to care and felt it too irrelevant to correct. Besides, future readers should see this and realize I just made a simple mistake. If they don't make it this far due to that mistake, then they would have stopped reading sooner or later due to another random reason I can't think of. So there's no point in doing anything for them anyway.
I'm trying my best here so, Haters Be Gone! You don't pay To read what I Write.
Now that that's cleared up, another Issue is ... Ok let me simply list them out.
1 Time Dilation of the Interdimensional Gateway and Travel Limitations
2 Wrong World
3 Useless Abilities In The Attack On Titan world compared To Naruto
4 The Limitations on his Mangekyo Sharingan Pupil Techniques
5 The Konoha Council Elder Problem with the Coup
6 MC's Current Fanfare in the Attack On Titan World which is unlike his Ninja style
7 Why The MC used his Mangekyo ability in this world Instead Of The Next World
8 The Mangekyo Sharingan Cooldown and Possibility of Gaining EMS and Rinnegan
9 MC's Character Development, Interactions and Possible Romance across Worlds.
I feel like there should be one more to make it Ten, but yeah. This is about all I can think of for now.
Perhaps I should have created a Discord for this. Oh well, no shame to say I don't really know what it's for or how it works, but No Harm done. Maybe that should be the Tenth.
10, Should I create a Discord for this?
Now let's crack down on these one by one shall we? This is Gonna Take a While.
1 Time Dilation of the Interdimensional Gateway and Travel Limitations:
Now I received a comment about this, telling me that The Time Dilation Sucks. Well, more than one actually. Others just didn't make it so obvious. You guys reading this, you know yourselves.
Now The Time Dilation is the regular 1-5 you are all familiar with. Except it's in reverse. For every one year the MC stays in Attack On Titan, Five years pass in Naruto.
Does it suck? Yeah. I admit. Because it means the MC will grow far slower physically than his peers. Meaning while he spends two years in another world, a ten year old would have an additional ten years gone by and would be the same age or older when he returns to Naruto.
For many, it sucks, I know. Why did I put it as such despite knowing this? Because of the Timeframe. I have read a lot of FF's just like all of you. And in my opinion, a lot of fics lose their quality simply because of one reason. Timeskips.
For example, in a Naruto FF, there are many starting points. Like First Ninja world war, Second war, Third war, Night of Nine Tails, Uchiha Massacre, Ninja school period, Start of The Series, Shippuden and the God Forsaken, awful Boruto series (The last part won't be mentioned)
I realized that a lot of fics and realized that except those written in the Konoha Ninja school period, the graduation start of the series and Shippuden (Too few Shippuden based fics) the others before it all have Timeskips that Make me feel unsettled.
Let me break it down even more. Example, the MC starts in the First Ninja world war, fights in the war and ends it. What the hell is he going to be doing in the Ten or Twenty years time period before The second war starts? That is if it starts.
How much information is available in that time period to actual create a compelling story? How many characters there are at the disposable to be used effectively? Obito wasn't born yet, Black Zetsu and Madara are still in waiting and the Akatsuki are till a concept. The Rinnegan hasn't even been born yet. What exactly will the author do during this time? Kill Madara and black Zetsu? That means the story is over. Simple as that.
Many don't want that. As a result, what Is used to cover all this, is the Timeskip. Timeskip, Timeskip, Timeskip.
A known passage of time without enough details of what happened within it just to keep the story going. As a reader, this honestly bugs me. It's the same with the Second Ninja world war. At most, things happen that will accelerate it to the Third war then same thing. Story over.
I honestly don't like Timeskips that span for more than a month or two without proper reasons. Like the MC was in an incapacitated state, a deep sleep, something reasonable. Not the MC spends and unknown amount of time doing something that the author won't fully clarify then we go to the next thing. I see it happen a lot in the Ninja school period if it starts from day one of the Ninja school. Timeskips ranging from months to years.
How does it apply to my story? After the Night of the Uchiha massacre, what follows us the Ninja school arc. Nothing useful happens during this period that I can get the MC involved in and with a other worlds coming up in the mid and later stages of the first hundred chapters, I would rather the MC involved himself in already known scenarios instead of made up ones. The Time dilation of 1-5 is to allow the MC spend one year in Attack On Titan then return to the Ninja world during the Graduation arc or perhaps a month, two or three months before it. I don't know if you see that as lazy writing but it's what I'm doing. It would give the greatest opportunity for multiple character interactions, a chance to meet Itachi, Sasuke, Danzo and start his gifts steps of revenge.
As for those worrying that The MC will grow slower, he is not an eight year old child with a child body and baby face but a young adult. So does that really matter? Tsunade looks so young but no one seems to care about her youthful posture. Besides, the MC will be eighteen, or nineteen which I feel is a good enough age. Even if ten years pass, he will still be older than the main cast.
Moving on, the limitations of the Interdimensional gateway haven't been fully expanded on. After all, it is a Transmigrator perk and Traveling through fictional worlds with such a long cooldown is unworthy of a Transmigrator perk no matter how I look at it. With more travels, the ability will be optimized for proper control of the ability, cooldown, size and transportation of items and sooner or later, people as well.
God! I really miss my old readers. Guys! Where are you? I wouldn't have to explain all this. I can't cook with peace of mind.
That's all I have to say on this. Moving on
2 Wrong World:
This is for those readers who stated that I chose the wrong world for the MC to gain abilities. Basically speaking, to make the MC stronger, Attack On Titan is a bad choice. You know yourselves so I won't call names😶😶
First, according to normal world hopping fics in line with the premise, you are right. I admit that the AoT world is inferior to Naruto in every way. As the vast Majority of AoT powers only work on Eldians. And Titan powers are really unnecessary for an Uchiha who has a Susanoo. It can't match, true. But there is something you guys don't get. I need you to understand something. A reader stated that I picked a wrong world with no abilities that can help the MC actually gain valuable power for his revenge in Naruto. First understand that my main focus of writing this book was because i like Attack On Titan and I wanted to create an Attack On Titan fanfic. I always wanted to try out the idea of an SI with The Mangekyo Sharingan abilities placed in the world of Attack On Titan but i didn't want to go the regular system route or Gacha,
or three wishes from the great ROB cliche style. I also knew that the AoT world was rather short and would end too quickly unless
I dragged it out unnecessarily which i didn't want to do so i had to improvise. The synopsis is simply the way I decided to get
that idea done and, Wala 😶 you got the FF you are reading in front of you. So, If you think i didn't choose a good enough first world, sorry to disappoint but my prime focus was never on Naruto to begin with. I wanted an AoT story first then a Naruto Fic second. And a character with Uchiha powers, its that simple. Meaning although I feel the synopsis of an Uchiha Transmigrating to the world of Naruto was a good idea and honestly made the story premise much better alongside the whole return to konoha for revenge part, if I had to choose between that synopsis ideas and changing the travel world from AoT to a different fictional reality, the former was expendable in my heart. Of course i won't drag out the book to make the AoT arc longer. I'm already quite satisfied with the Arcs and will give each world the same amount of quality and world building i gave this one, if not better as let's face it, so many worlds out there including Naruto are better than Attack On Titan. But if it means me removing Attack On Titan in total, then there is no contest at all. Call me stupid, but like I always state, it is my book and the vast majority of you guys aren't paying for it (Nothing intended, just trying to make a point) it is my personal preference so you have no right to tell me I chose the wrong world. What you should do is tell me your preference in a well structured, possibly polite manner. Not tell me "You chose the wrong world" as if you are certain that I have no idea what I am doing and my choice is rubbish compared to what you had in mind. You have no idea what I had in mind, and you certainly didn't ask. Please note I take constructive criticism, but I won't listen to bullshit from anyone. (Not speaking to all of you. He/She knows himself/herself). Plus the AoT can help the MC grow, you just don't know how I am going to do it. That's for me to know/worry about and for you to wait/Find out. Ther is an overpowered tag, meaning the MC will grow very strong, at a moderately fast pace.
Moving on.
3 Useless Abilities compared to the world of Naruto.
Literally speaks for itself. I won't explain much on this because I have said a little on this from the second point. I also feel that the reason why some feel this way is because of number four which I will immediately go to now.
4 The Limitations on his Mangekyo Sharingan Pupil Techniques.
Ok, I have answered God knows how many questions on this one that I can't even remember anymore. I think I explained once in a disposable chapter before deleting it but from the looks of it, that was a bad idea.
Ok, now, the MC has two eye techniques.
Left Eye, Kagami Utsuchi. Ability to replicate any ability used by an opponent temporarily.
Right Eye, Junen No Sozoku. Able to copy one ability every Ten Years.
And the combined effect (Before people start saying there is no third ability, Obito has a combined effect as well, check it)
Kagen Toru. The ability to Temporarily nullify an ability on the opponent.
But we aren't focusing on the combined effect. Let's focus on both eyes.
I should start with the Left but I want to start with the Right Eye since that's what most of your attention is one. No one has mentioned anything on the Left Eye ever since. Understandable though.
The Right Eye, Junen No Sozoku (Ten Year Continuity) allows the MC to copy one ability once every ten years. (And before you ask, Yes, there is a way to reduce the cooldown which all Naruto fans will be familiar with. Just like Shishui Uchiha. If you don't know already, find out).
Now to the Advantages.
Unlike the left eye, Junen No Sozoku is a permanent addition to ones skill set.
Once an ability is copied, it is incorporated into the Mc's skill set. Meaning the MC does not need to open The Mangekyo Sharingan to use said ability. For example, if the MC had copied a Titan shifter form, he won't need to activate Mangekyo to use it. It is the same as all other abilities.
Theoretically, any ability can be copied. Because Junen No Sozoku directly bypasses the limitations required to grant that ability.
There are other advantages, but if I want to explain them, I have to explain the disadvantages.
The MC will expend pupil power and Chakra directly proportional to the ability desired to copy. This is normal in my opinion and should be in yours as well.
The MC has to see the ability in actual use for him to copy it. If the Ability is Passive like a physical buff, The MC will have to examine the internal structure of the opponent, one way or the other. Basically, he has to understand what he is copying in any way of form.
Next, The difficulty of copying the ability depends on the ability nature and feasibility. Meaning, the more powerful the ability is, the more it strays from common sense and the more it leans towards abstract components like space, time, luck and so on instead of physical, tangible effects dealing with matter, the harder it is to copy, and the more pupil power and Chakra expended. Now let's dive deeper into this so you get what I mean. I will use an example I gave to one of my old readers, (Sir Stronghold)
Now let's take two different abilities. Dragon Fire Breath and Immortality.
Technically, Fire Breath should be easy to do. It's all like his own Fire Style with the
exception that the dragon fire might be more powerful or has special properties. That's easy too.
Now before I explain deeper, let me explain the nature of Junen No Sozoku's copying function.
Remember what I said concerning No 3 discussion. Most readers feel That AoT abilities are useless after leaving The AOT universe. Because Titans shifter abilities are Titan forms are connected to the paths and require Eldian Physiology and Titan Spinal fluid. It might be True for genuinely born Eldians, but the Mc's ey technique works differently.
What he is copying is not the Physique, Kekkei Genkai or the specific conditions that grant the ability but the effect of the ability itself.
Now please understand, The Right Eye Technique, although saying it copies one ability per Ten years is essentially an
analyzer. Because many powers and abilities are tied to specific physiology and or Kekkei Genkai, as the MC doesn't have an adaptable physique to accommodate so many bloodlines, The eye Technique doesn't directly grant the Physique or Kekkei Genkai that provides the ability. Instead, it analyzes the ability the MC wants to copy, understands
it's usage process. Then creates a new Technique that has the exact same effects without any of the initial restrictions required
to use it.
Like for example, If the MC decided to copy a Titan shifter Form, he will gain the ability to
transform into a Titan shifter. But he will not receive the bloodline and physiology of an Eldian, nor will he be connected to the parts, nor will he receive Ymir's curse because, he is not copying their genetics that grant them the ability but just the effect.
I repeat, The eye technique analyzes the ability then replicates the effects.
He is basically just replicating the after effects using a different way. The Eye Technique basically makes sure he can use the target ability he chooses in a way possible for him. Meaning, if he had copied the abilities of a Titan Form, the MC will not die in Thirteen years, nor will he lose his abilities after leaving the world of Attack On Titan. Because now, those abilities are his and he can use them without the original restrictions.
This is the advantage I was talking about. The MC will not be bound by certain limitations that come with the ability due to things like genetics. For example (I repeat EXAMPLE) if the MC copies something like a Kryptonian Physiology, he is not copying the physiology itself but the ability of Superman to process Solal energy into strength.
But the weakness of Kryptonians to Magic and Kryptonite is in their cells, since he does not have Kryptonian cells, he will not have the same weakness. Do you understand?
However, understand that because I say he will not have the same weakness doesn't mean anything if the ability itself has a weakness. For example, let's say Obito's Five Minutes Kamui cooldown. That is not a genetic weakness but a weakness in the ability itself. Such types of weaknesses won't be eliminated.
Do you Understand? I believe u have simplified the concept as best I can. So we have gone over Fire breath. Now let's go back to the difficulty in copying the ability. Unless The Fire breath has a heaven defying effect of some kind, the MC should be able to copy similar abilities. If the strength and the effect of the ability is too exaggerated and defies common sense or shits towards universal concepts, the MC will not be able to copy it simply because he lacks the chakra to burn in order to acquire said ability.
Like Immortality now. It depends on how the Immortality is Sustained. If it is an energy based Immortality like Immortal cultivators where their Qi is what grants them their prolonged life, he can copy the same thing but simply replace the energy source.
Now this is were another limitation comes in. The MC cannot copy energy sources as Abilities. Because they are not abilities in the sense of it. Superman's powers are powered by the sun and his solar radiation grants him his strength. The MC cannot copy the solar radiation in Superman's cells as it is an energy source and not an ability itself. neither can he
copy the energy in the infinity stones in marvel. As a direct result, someone like Captain Marvel from Marvel can't have her abilities copied because she is basically using the power of the infinity stones which grant infinite energy which he cannot copy. Why? because like I said. To copy any ability, he needs to consume chakra and pupil power. The stronger the ability, the more he is going to consume. You can't expect him to use limited pupil power and Chakra to copy infinite energy The most he can do is copy the
process in which someone like Captain Marvel uses that energy to power herself. Meaning he will have to replace her energy Source with one as potent to have the same power. The infinity stones grant infinite energy, his energy is essentially finite. So even if he powers that ability, he will either not be able to reach her level of power or will run out of chakra sooner or later using it. You get the idea?
Back to Immortality. Like I said, it takes chakra to copy the ability. If the target immortality ability is self suficient (Meaning passive like Deadpool or Vandal Savage) he will consume an outrageous amount of chakra to modify his own cells to be self sufficient for a literal eternity. So this means that while possible theoretically, not exactly every ability can be copied due to either Chakra requirements or the nature of the ability itself. Unless of course, the MC gets his hands on an infinity stone, siphons the power out of it, and uses it to power the copying process.
Ok? Do you get it now? This should be all on the Right Eye.
Now the Left eye, Kagami Utsuchi (Mirror of Earth) gives the MC a temporary power he sees in use. It works on many principles and limitations as the Right Eye. If he sees something Like Obito's Kamui, he will be able to have a similar effect but it won't last long and will eventually disappear.
It grants instant adaptability in any battle as the MC can basically mirror the same skills of the opponent. Imagine Two Obito's Trying to fight each other yet just phasing through each others's attacks endlessly.
Of course there are limitations. The MC can only copy one ability at a time.
There is no cooldown for this and the MC can instantly decided to discard the ability in effect and temporarily mirror another one in an instant.
The ability must be in his line of sight to mirror it.
The copied ability will automatically have a five minute countdown after it leaves his line of sight. Meaning he can use it within those five minutes unless the ability comes with a similar cooldown requirement like Kotomatsukami.
That should be enough. Please help me point out any logical contradictions there might be in the explanation of the abilities so I can start fixing them right away.
5 The Konoha Council Elder Problem with the Coup.
A reader asked me why exactly does The Third Hokage feel like the MC is aware of the fact that Konoha was the one that ordered Itachi to destroy the clan. (Which the MC does know because he is a Transmigrator, but Hiruzen doesn't know that. Basically the MC should only have hatred for Itachi because to someone who doesn't know, Itachi should be the one at fault, not Konoha as there is no indication that Konoha council of elders had anything to do with the Uchiha Massacre)
Well, I look at it from a view that almost all combat ready Uchiha were aware of the coup, and almost all combat ready Uchiha knew that Itachi was a spy placed by the Uchiha in Anbu. And similarly, almost all Uchiha began to suspect Itachi once Shishui died. Alongside Itachi's changed in Nature, many at that time suspected he was the one who killed Shishui despite being a spy for the Uchiha. Then one day, Itachi suddenly starts slaughtering the clan. Even a fool would be able to put two and two together, or at least have some suspicions. Also, I have never explained how exactly Itachi and Seiji came to know each other which was something I planned to do during his confrontation with Itachi once he returns to The Ninja world.
6 MC's Current Fanfare in the Attack On Titan World which is unlike his Ninja style.
Someone complained about this. That currently, all The Mc's actions fly against everything a ninja does. The attacking the Garrison, and possible redundancy in some of his actions. Why he saved Ilse Langnar (I seriously don't know what the problem with this one is? Apparently, she is dead weight) why he uses he weapons anyhow (I still don't see the problem with this, but I'll explain why) Why he didn't just drop Ilse at the wall directly, why he didn't just drop a note or a book containing information if he wanted to leave information to the survey corps.
I get some of these questions. Now let me answer clearly. Number 1, I am trying my best not to make the MC come off as edgy. For the aspect of some of his actions, he simply does it because he can. For others, he has a reason which I will not start explaining because I am not supposed to. If you can't imagine, think ahead of speculate and feel it's a problem, then you are more than free to drop the book and read something else.
7 Why The MC used his Mangekyo ability in this world Instead Of The Next World
The MC is not sure which world he may drop into next. Honestly, although I have DC in mind, even I haven't decided either. Just because you think or may know in advance doesn't mean the MC will. That's the whole point of the space gate. The next destination is unpredictable. He might end up in a world where he can get an extremely useful ability, or he might end up in the world of the walking Dead.
For All of you who keep pestering me on this, I might decide to do just that. Drop him in a world were he will be stuck for a year and get no good ability whatsoever. It is honestly annoying when you make it sound as if the MC knows exactly where he is going or can choose. This isn't like those fanfics where he randomly drops into good worlds, so stop it. It's like that reader who told me I Chose a wrong world. I am trying to make this as realistic as possible.
8 The Mangekyo Sharingan Cooldown and Possibility of Gaining EMS and Rinnegan
Yes, yes and yes. That's all. He will gain EMS, one way or another.
9 MC's Character Development, Interactions and Possible Romance across Worlds.
This is the main reason why I had he MC interact with the AoT characters. For character development and interactions to make the FF better. I repeat, I am not making a one man solo Edgy MC.
As for Romance, that's another thing I need to ask. Romance will definitely happen, but the thing is with who exactly.
As for number 10.
10, Should I create a Discord for this?
Yes or No. Tell me the results.
Thanks for reading this to The End.
To all of you who support me on my Patreon, support me on Webnovel with your stones and comments, and so much more, I love you all.
To all of you who keep silent and don't reply yet support in your own way, I deeply appreciate you. 🙏😭😁😅. For those of you who read my story for free, enjoy it yet don't reply, Don't comment, don't drop a stone, and are as stable as Mount Tai .... 😩😶🤨😒 Find your Conscience for crying out Loud. For those of you who don't drop a stone, don't leave a good review, read my book for free, feel it is much better than 90% of the Trash you read on Webnovel and other sites, then criticize me whenever you get the chance 😒😒😒😒 The devil is watching you. And So am I.
For those who don't enjoy it at all, please don't even leave a comment and go find something else. You guys annoy me.
Anyway, thanks. I have spent all the time I need to spend writing extra chapters writing this instead. I just finished this now so I am not going to proofread if it has more grammar mistakes than usual, sorry.