Witches & Ninja Turtles

Chapter 2: making a Splash

Somewhere in New York City there were four large mutated turtles sitting on top of a building near central park. It was almost midnight and crime was low that night, so the turtles just sat there.

"I'm bored." groaned Mikey, "I wish something exciting would happen."

Just then a huge gust of wind blew past the turtles in the direction of the park.

"Did you guys feel that?" asked Leo.

"Feel what Leo?" asked Raph in a gruff tone.

 "That wind… it felt strange." Leo walked over to the edge of the building and looked over at central park where the wind was now forming a medium sized whirlwind.

 "Hey guys," Donnie said as he fussed over his wrist gadget, "You're not going to believe this but that whirlwind is giving off some sort of weird radiation that has my gear going on the fritz."

 "Well anything is better than sitting here. Let's check it out dudes." Mikey said as he leapt to the next rooftop towards the park.

 His brothers followed him, mainly to keep him out of trouble. When they reached the park they saw something that was really out of the ordinary. The whirlwind had already begun to die down by the time the turtles got there and what the whirlwind left behind… was four teenage girls laying on the ground.

 "Ugh… what happened?" said one of the girls as she slowly got up.

 She was wearing light blue skinny jeans, a dark blue tank top, gray hoodie, and black sneakers. Her long wavy brown hair covered part of her face as she held her head.

 "Better question, where are we?" asked another girl as she was trying to get up.

 This girl had a dark red T-shirt, brown pants, black hoodie, and red converse. She brushed her long raven hair back with her hand and looked around and her eyes widened.

 "Uh Liz, we have a problem."

 The girl called Liz looked towards the turtles and her jaw dropped.

 Just then Mikey started to walk up to the girls and said very casually, "What's up? I'm Mikey."

 The girls just stared.They were in shock at seeing four giant, six foot tall, turtles stand right in front of them.

 "Well at least they haven't screamed yet." Leo said as he walked toward the girls very cautiously.

 The only thing that the girls could do at that moment was stare at the turtles in utter disbelief. Just then the other two girls that were with them started to get up. One of them had a dark pink hoodie, light pink shirt, gray sneakers, and maroon pants. Her blonde pigtails waved in the wind. The other one had a violet hoodie, gray shirt, purple skinny jeans, and light gray sneakers. Her long red-brown hair was messed up and her bright green eyes widened as she saw the turtles.

 "Amazing…" She said in awe, "They appear to be the same turtles from the comic books."

 The blonde one looked up at the turtles, stared at them for a moment, gave a big goofy grin and said joyfully, "It's them, it's really them!"

 "Have we met before?" Mikey asked the blonde girl.

 "Oh my goodness no, but it has been my dream to meet all of you." She said with a big smile on her face.

 "Your dream was to meet four giant turtles?" Raph scoffed, "You have some pretty weird dreams kid."

 The girl just smiled while the girl in red just rolled her eyes.

 "So how did you guys get here?" Donnie asked, curious how four teenage girls could appear out of nowhere.

 "We were teleported here because a spell went wrong." The pink one answered.

 "Ana!" hissed the red one.

 "Oh come on Vicky. It's not like they are going to tie us to the stake and burn us." The one called Ana said.

 "You gotta admit it's definitely not like back home." responded the purple one, "For example, the trees have a different heartbeat than that of the trees back home. Another thing is…"

 "Alright already I get your point." Vicky said, then muttered under her breath, "Know-it-all."

 "Gwen actually has a point." Liz said, "We are not exactly in Salem anymore."

 "Yeah but I still don't think that witches are necessarily welcomed here with open arms." Vicky said in an annoyed tone, "We are still going to have to hide what we are and we have nowhere to go."

 "Whoa wait a minute. Did you guys say you're witches?" Donnie asked, confused as ever.

 "Yea what's it to you?" asked Vicky in a matter of fact tone.

 "Cool, can you show us some tricks?" asked a very excited Mikey.

 "Mikey, they said they are witches not magicians," Donnie said, "And besides everyone knows that witches don't have any supernatural powers and over 95% of people who claim to be witches are most likely actors who…"

 Just then a ball of fire flew past Donnie barely missing him by a few inches. He looked to see where the source of the fire came from to see that it was the girl called Vicky that was now being held back by the one called Liz and Gwen, and she apparently had a fireball gently floating in her hand as if she commanded it.

 "WANT TO RUN THAT BY ME AGAIN NERD!!!" Vicky shouted angry as heck.

 "Vicky don't do this, we don't need to draw attention to ourselves." Liz said as she struggled to hold back a very angry Vicky.

 "Holy shell! That's real fire." said Mikey.

 "Big deal, it's probably just all an illusion." said an unimpressed Raph and then looked straight at Vicky, "Plus, even if she could throw fireballs, she missed and I bet she couldn't even hit the broadside of a…"

 "THAT DOES IT!" Vicky shouted as she threw off Liz and Gwen's hold and charged Raph with fists engulfed in flames.

 Raph easily dodged the first flaming punch she threw but the next one barely missed him and hit a tree and next thing he knew the tree busted into flames. He could actually feel heat radiating from the tree fire. His eyes widened and he realized just then that he had just majorly pissed a real live witch. While he was in shock, she landed a good solid fire punch to the plastron and he went flying backwards and crashed into a tree.

 His brothers all rushed to him to see if he was ok.

 "Well that was very smart Raph." Leo scolded Raph as he helped him up.

 "Shut it Leo." Raph responded, "I mean how was I supposed to know that those flames were real."

 Just then a loud smack rang out. Everyone turned to see what happened and the fact was that Ana had just slapped Vicky. Everyone just stared at them. Vicky touched the cheek that had been slapped and looked at Ana in shock.

 "What the heck was that for Ana?" asked Vicky, still in shock that sweet little Ana would hit her.

 "How dare you." She said all traces of sweetness in her voice were gone.

 "Oh boy, now you've gone and done it now Vicky." said Liz as she and Gwen ran to hide behind a large rock, "Hey turtles, if I were you I'd find something sturdy to hang on to."

 The turtles did not take this warning lightly like the last one and they grabbed onto the nearest sturdy thing they could find. The wind began to blow faster and faster. It started circling around Ana and Vicky, beginning to form a small tornado.

 "Ana, what is the meaning of this?" Vicky asked as she tried to see through all the kicked up dust and the wind blowing her hair everywhere.


 "Look, the jerk had it coming alright." Vicky yelled over the loud roar of wind rushing past her ear, "Serves him right for insulting meeeeEEE…"

 She screamed for a moment as Ana lifted her up into the whirlwind's vortex using telekinesis.

 "Let's see how you like being bullied for a change." Ana said as she looked around and saw a large pond nearby and had a brilliant idea, then started to move Vicky and the whirlwind towards the pond.

 Liz felt that the wind had started to move and peeked out from behind the rock. She had hoped that it would be over quickly but it just took a turn for the worst as a thought just entered Liz's mind that she hoped and prayed that Ana was not really going to do.

"Hey turtles, are you still here?" Liz called out.

 Thankfully four giant turtles came into view.

 "Yea we're here. What's the problem?" asked Leo.

 "Are there any large bodies of water close by?" Liz asked worriedly.

 "Yea there is a pond not far from here." said Donnie.

 "Why? What's the matter?" Leo asked, "If there is something you are not telling us…"

 "I have a feeling that Ana is going to drop Vicky in the pond," said Liz.

 "So what, she gets to cool off and gets a nice swim outta it. I say let her drop the firecracker." snorted Raph.

 "That's the problem. You see Vicky's elemental gift is fire. Her opposite is water. Therefore… SHE CAN'T SWIM!!!" Liz shouted the last part then started to run towards the pond with Gwen and the turtles close behind.

 Liz was running as fast as she could to catch up to Ana and Vicky. She prayed that she was not too late. Gwen was following close behind as well as the turtles. Just then they came to a clearing where a beautiful pond was glistening in the moonlight. Floating fifteen feet in the air over the pond was Ana and a slightly frightened Vicky.

 "Don't do this Ana!" shouted Liz.

 "Don't throw away your sisterhood over a silly fight!" shouted Gwen but was then knocked back by a gust of wind.

 Leo and Donnie rushed to help Gwen, leaving Mikey with Raph.

 "Hey Mikey, you remember how she said she always wanted to meet us?" asked Raph.

 "Yea?" Mikey responded wondering where this was going.

 "Well maybe she would… ya know… be less scary if you invited her to the lair." Raph said as he put a hand on Mikey's shoulder.

 Mikey looked at him curiously, "If you're trying to hook me up don't. Remember dude, I'm spoken for."

 "Just invite the girl already!" Raph said in an angry hushed voice.

 Mikey nodded reluctantly then shouted at Ana, "Yo, if you guys got no place to go then how about crashing at our place?"

 There was a huge gust of wind. Then suddenly Ana was right in front of Mikey, "You mean we'll actually get to see the lair?" she asked excitedly.

 When Liz saw Ana near Mikey, she looked around for Vicky to see if she was safe. But then she heard a terrifying sound.


 Vicky had just dropped fifteen feet into the pond, did not know how to swim, and was sinking fast.

 "Hang on Vicky we're coming." shouted Liz as she frantically tried to think of a way to rescue her.

 Without any hesitation, Raph dove into the pond and as quickly as possible swam over to Vicky and dragged her back to the waterline. When he brought her into the shoreline she was unconscious but then he laid her down on the ground and she started to cough up water and a few seconds later her eyes opened to see a turtle with a red bandana staring right back at her.

 "Ugh… W-what happened?" she asked, a bit dazed by the situation.

"Ya nearly drowned," Raph stated bluntly then muttered under his breath, "Ya knucklehead."

 Liz and Gwen rushed as quickly as they could to Vicky's side.

"We need to get her dry and fast." said Liz in a frantic tone.

 Gwen and Liz were both taking off their jackets and putting them around Vicky as she tried to sit up.

 "Vicky I need to see if you can make a fireball right now ok?" asked Gwen, concern ringing through her voice.

 Vicky nodded slightly then held out her hand and tried summoning a fireball, but all she could muster was a small flickering flame. She then started coughing and black dense smoke came out. Gwen immediately lifted up her right sleeve to check the gem on the cuff bracelet she always wore to measure her inner flame. It was worse than she expected. The gem that was once a vibrant ruby red was now a brownish black with a small flickering red dot in the middle.

 "We have to get her some place warm and dry otherwise she could die!" said Gwen.

 Just then, fire sirens could be heard coming their way.

 "Hey Leo we gotta get these girls outta here, now." Donnie said as he looked at Vicky who was definitely not looking well.

 "Yea, I also sorta mentioned that they could stay with us." Mikey said sheepishly.

 Leo had to act fast, so he hurriedly picked up Vicky in his arms and said, "Guys grab the girls and head back to the lair."

 The guys gave a quick nod then rushed over, swooped up the girls and rushed to the lair. Raph grabbed Liz, Gwen was picked up by Donnie, and to no one's surprise Ana jumped into Mikey's arms while smiling and batting her eyelashes at him.

 "Umm, does anyone wanna trade?" Mikey shouted as he ran after his brothers, "Dudes?"

 They made it down into the sewers just as the fire trucks and cops made it there. The reason they were called there in the first place… was because of a forest fire.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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