Winter is Coming (asoiaf)

Chapter 5: 5. Aftermath

After a few days of making sure that Lyanna and Diana, the little baby, is completely healthy, Rodrik and his party went to Starfall, where Arthur gave the Dawn to his brother and Lord Dayne, from where Rodrik and company took a ship to King's Landing. They also found Dark Sister, the second ancestral sword of House Targaryen, left there by Rhaegar in case he was not able to return (Bloodraven did not took it to the wall). They have decided that other than the Starks no one will know the truth about what happened and for now Lyanna will be traumatized from the experience and there will be no child of Lyanna for the world. The baby will be later announced as Rodrik's bastard to keep her away from the attention.

Meanwhile, Eddard Stark was sent by Jon Arryn with an army that was a mix of rebel forces but was mostly made of Northern Forces to Storm's End to lift the siege of Storm's End, free the newly christened Prince Stannis and Prince Renly and make the Reach 30,000 forces surrender to the new administration. Thankfully, before Lord Eddard could leave Lord Symeon who also came to the capital along with rest of the rebel army made Ser Wylis Manderly the incharge of negotiations.

The siege of Storm's End had begun after the Battle of Ashford. Lord Mace Tyrell had led his forces to Storm's End, where they had laid siege to the castle for the better part of a year. Storm's End was being held by Stannis Baratheon, the younger brother of Robert Baratheon. While the castle garrison was starving and ate rats to survive, the forces of the Reach feasted in sight of the castle. A smuggler named Davos managed to sail past the blockade of the Hightower fleet and sold his cargo of onions and fish to the residents of Storm's End, thereby preventing them from resorting to cannibalism. The new food supply allowed Storm's End to hold out long enough until Eddard Stark arrived from King's Landing to lift the siege. The lords of the Reach were quick to dip their banners.

The negotiation between Wylis Manderly and the Reach lords went as followed:

"Reach will supply the North with food and grains at only a 10% more than the production rate (cost price) plus transportation charges and all the risk of transportation will be Reach and its Lord's for the next 10 years and the prices will be renegotiated after that."

"Reach will pay crown 10% more taxes for the next 10 years."

"Reach will pay the crown and Stormlands 500,000 each for the destruction your army caused and the keeps you damaged."

"Reach will be confined to 200 ships in total for its navy and the lords 10 to ships for their personal fleet for the next 5 years but will be allowed to have as many trade ships as they want, while the extra ships will be handed over to the crown for the royal navy."

Ser Wylis was able to draw out many such concessions for the North and the crown out of the Reach whose lord Mace Tyrell, also known as the Oaf and Fat Rose, agreed immediately in a bid to get in the good graces of the new King. While Mace Tyrell may be happy, his bannermen were not as they lost one of their biggest sources of income, have to pay more taxes and lost their fleets, chief among them was lord Hightower who lost around 50 ships to the crown.

Crown was happy that they will get so much gold from the Reach, North was happy that it will get cheap food for the Winter months and the Reach lords were happy that they wouldn't have to give hostages to the Crown. After that the rebel forces along with lords of the Reach marched towards King's Landing to swear their oaths to the King. Lord Eddard Stark is said to have said that "If I was incharge of the negotiation he would not have been able to do it so skillfully and would have likely drawn out a peaceful surrender at most."

When Eddard Stark reached King's Landing, Rodrik Stark has also reached there and have Lyanna and baby settle in a mansion whose owner was killed in the sack by Lannister men. King also arrived on the same day. When the King entered throne room, he was greeted by all the rebel lords that supported him in the rebellion. When everything was done, Lord Jon Umber brought Gregor Clegane who has been kept unconscious through Milk of the Poppy, Tywin Lannister who has been confined to a room in the Red Keep and the dead body of Aegon VI Targaryen. Princess Elia Martell and Princess Rhaenys Targaryen were also present in the court at that time.

Northerners and many other lords from different kingdom demanded justice for what Tywin and his mad dog Clegane did with the prince, who was just a babe.

"That child was a threat to His Grace and his dynasty. He could have risen in rebellion against His Grace and would have thrown the whole rebellion in conflict." Tywin argued.

"Then why did your dogs tried to kill Princess Elia and Princess Rhaenys. And what threat a babe could have been. He could have been sent to the Wall and be done." One lord said.

"I see no babe, only dragonspawn. And that dragonspawn also deserves death." King Robert said shocking many lords present in the Throne Room including Eddard Stark and Jon Arryn, one who was raised alongside him and the other who practically raised him. As soon as he said this some of the Westerlander soldiers moved towards the little princess who was holding her kitten in fear. But before any bloodshed could happen a voice came.

"And who gave you the right to pass any kind of verdict on future Lady Stark." Said Rodrik Stark.

"What do you mean, Lord Rodrik." Jon Arryn asked.

"House Targaryen have an old, unfulfilled marriage agreement with House Stark known as the Pact of Ice and Fire. And if House Targaryen is to go extinct than we want our dues settled with them. And Princess Elia will be hosted along with her daughter in Winterfell till Rhaenys Targaryen's marriage to Symeon Stark." Rodrik answered with a blank face but anyone who will see into his eyes could see the anger in them.

Hearing this and due to the fear of the men that could be said to single handedly lead the rebels to victory as he was made the Lord Commander of the whole rebel forces because the North brought the most men, and he was the most experienced commander in their camp no one raised their voice in objection and sensing the tense atmosphere, Jon Arryn dismissed the court.

When we were in our apartment in the Red Keep, Uncle Eddard was given a picture of what happened with Aunt Lyanna in writing because Uncle Rodrik didn't trust the spies in the keep and immediately burned the paper, and I already learned it using magic to read Uncle Rodrik's mind so that Uncle Eddard would not oppose Uncle Rodrik when he declines the marriage, as no formal agreement was ever signed. When we were discussing all what we wanted for North's support in war as Jon Arryn was already declared Hand of the King, Stormlands got its Lord as King, Riverland got the marriages it was seeking and its blood in the heir of a Lord Paramount, leaving the North who didn't got anything from it, not even its revenge as Robert killed Rhaegar and Jaime killed Aerys, we heard a servant knocked on the door.

"Milord, Lord Lannister is asking for an audience with Lord Rodrik." He told us. Rodrik understood what he might be wanting, so he said

"Tell him I am tired from the day and will have an audience with him on the morrow morning." The servant bowed and left to do as he was bid.

OfCourse Tywin have to behave like a good boy, because despite our family connection our relationship has been strained since Reyne-Tarbeck rebellion but most important of all, in the canon Tywin had the most intact army of nearly 40,000 and 50 if he pushed his lords and empty the land. Add the Tyrell army of 60,000 and you have an army of more than a hundred thousand, meanwhile, Vale and Stormlands had already been used for as much men as they could comfortably give, North could draw another 20,000, Riverland could also arrange some 20,000 and their remaining army of some 20,000 means they could only assemble 60,000 and 80,000 if they really pushed themself.

But that is not the case now, the rebel army already had 40,000 men, further 20,000 men were asked to be kept ready in the North. The Reach has already surrendered and is only 30,000 strong at present after they had to send some of their men back to fight the Greyjoy's and it's not like that Lannister army didn't take casualties during the sack, almost a fourth of Tywin's men were killed by rebel army. That means the rebels already have the biggest army that is twice the size of Tywin's, so he had to be courteous with us, as he will not get everything he wants here.

After dismissing the servant Uncle Rodrik stood up and said, "I have to meet with the King and tell him about Lyanna before something unexpected happens."

From there he went to the King's chamber and found some Baratheon men standing guard. They immediately recognized him and one of them knocked on the door and announced his presence. The King invited him inside and he went in where he saw the King and Jon Arryn.

"Ahh, Rodrik, I wanted to come and meet you after the court ended but he dragged me here. Where is Lyanna, when I can meet her. We also have to discuss the marriage..." The King was saying.

He would have continued on, but Rodrik interrupted him and said, "There will be no marriage."

"What do you mean there will be no wedding. I love Lyanna, she is going to be my queen, and our houses will finally be tied together." Robert started shouting.

"Lyanna...she was traumatized by the events, then she got the news that her father and brother is dead, and she went further into depression. I am sorry to say this, but she is in no condition to marry and is almost scared of unknown people. I am sorry Robert, but as the regent of Lord Stark, I am cancelling the betrothal between the House Baratheon and House Stark." As soon as he finished Robert started shouting and throwing things. At one point the guards outside have to come inside due to the noise but were dismissed. It took Rodrik and Jon hours to calm down Robert after which they were able to convince to let Lyanna go as it is best for her, well Jon Arryn was able to convince him as Rodrik left most of the convincing to him and left the room as soon as Robert was convinced so that he could not change his mind.

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