Chapter 9: Chapter 9: A Hidden Gem and an Unexpected Feeling..
The plane touched down smoothly, and Haru stretched with a grin. "Welcome to… Albania! Yay!!"
Elise blinked. "Huh. You know, I don't think I've ever met someone who randomly decided to travel to Albania."
Haru smirked. "Exactly. Underrated places mean fewer tourists, which means more authentic experiences."
Elise sighed. "Fine. Just don't do anything weird this time."
Haru gasped. "Elise. I am a respectable traveler."
"You tried to take a selfie with a royal guard in Spain."
"…Okay, that was just one time."
They stepped out into Tirana, the capital, where colorful buildings and murals decorated the streets. It had a blend of European and Ottoman influences, but what stood out most was how lively it was cafés filled with people, street markets bustling, and an atmosphere that felt both modern and historical.
As they walked, a local shop owner greeted them. "Mirësevini në Shqipëri! A keni nevojë për ndihmë?" (Welcome to Albania! Do you need help?)
Elise smiled. "Faleminderit! Po, ne duam të eksplorojmë qytetin." (Thank you! Yes, we want to explore the city.)
Haru watched the exchange and smirked. "You just love flexing that language university thing, huh?"
Elise ignored him.
They strolled through Skanderbeg Square, named after Albania's national hero. A massive equestrian statue stood at its center.
Elise tapped on her phone. "Gjergj Kastrioti, also known as Skanderbeg. He fought against the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century and became a symbol of Albanian resistance."
Haru raised an eyebrow. "So basically, he was the medieval equivalent of a one-man army?"
"Pretty much."
Haru took a dramatic pose. "Imagine if he had a shonen anime adaptation 'The Legend of Skanderbeg!'"
Elise sighed. "I can already hear the over-the-top battle narration."
As they walked deeper into the city, Haru's eyes sparkled.
"Look at this place." he whispered, camera already in hand. "The mix of old and new, the warm colors, the way the sunlight hits the buildings it's perfect."
Elise rolled her eyes. "You're going to disappear again, aren't you?"
"Uhmmm... Of course not..."
Five seconds later, Haru was gone.
Elise groaned. "Unbelievable."
She found him crouched by a street musician, capturing the moment. He adjusted his camera, waiting for the exact lighting.
Elise crossed her arms. "You're impossible."
Haru just grinned. "Art waits for no one."
Later in the day, they visited the ancient Rozafa Castle in Shkodër, a fortress that had stood for centuries.
Elise read aloud from her phone. "Legend says a woman was sacrificed in the castle walls so it wouldn't collapse."
Haru blinked. "Okay, that escalated quickly."
"Her name was Rozafa. They say she accepted her fate as long as part of her body remained outside to care for her baby."
Haru whistled. "That's… kind of metal."
A local overheard and chuckled. "Po, është histori e lashtë dhe e trishtuar." (Yes, it's an old and sad story.)
Elise nodded. "Por ajo ende jeton në legjenda." (But she still lives on in legends.)
Haru leaned in. "You really get into this, huh?"
Elise shrugged. "History is just storytelling from the past."
Haru grinned. "Alright, Professor Elise, what's next?"
That night, they checked into a small hotel near the coastline. It wasn't fancy, but it had a nice view.
Elise flopped onto her bed, exhausted. "Okay. This was actually a great choice."
Haru, lying on his own bed, held up his camera. "And I got some amazing shots. Albania has been one of my favorite places so far."
Elise turned her head slightly to look at him.
He looked so… content. Not just excited, but fulfilled. The way he spoke about photography, the way he saw the wings of the world it was like he saw beauty in everything.
And for some reason, at that moment, Elise felt something strange.
Her heart skipped.
A sudden, unexplainable feeling made her chest tighten.
What… was that?
She shook it off immediately. No. Nope. Not happening. Just tired. That's all.
She turned away, forcing herself to focus on her phone.
Later that night, she texted a friend.
Elise: "Hey. Quick question. How do you know if you're… you know. Falling for someone?"
The reply came fast.
Friend: "Oho? You tell me, Elise~ Who's the lucky guy? ;)"
Elise scowled.
Elise: "Forget I asked."
She put her phone down and groaned into her pillow.
Meanwhile, Haru, oblivious, was already snoring softly in the other bed.