Wings of Fire in MHA

Chapter 19: 19- Attack on the League

As several class 1-A students prepared to rescue Katsumi, a task joint-task force of police and pro heroes were getting ready to attack the League's bar hideout as they had finally found it. With Nezu coordinating things were going smoothly, two teams were made, one would go for the hideout and the other would go for the Nomu lab. 

As All Might and the others were debriefed he couldn't help but worry about his students, he hoped that they would be alright while he was away. Looking at the various faces of the League he was determined to make sure that they would never have the chance to hurt people again, and he would rescue Katsumi even at the cost of his life, as should heroes.

Back at UA Nezu arrived at Carter's 'room' that was the size of a hangar, looking around he saw words scrawled all over the place with several weapons in various forms of disrepair thrown in a corner, "My you have been busy." he said walking over to Carter who had turned a chunk of wall into an anvil and was beating the iron rod Momo had given him into the shape of a sword large enough for dragon hands. 

Turning around Carter stared Nezu down "What do you want chimera?" he asked as he went back to hammering. "The police and heroes will soon be attacking the League's hideout." he said as Carter nodded "I know, what of the traitor?" he asked as Nezu sighed "Aoyama is currently being held in a safe place to keep who ever is after him away, an investigation is also currently underway but most are focused on the raid." he said as Carter snorted and stopped beating the sword somewhat happy with it.

"And what do you plan on doing with that, you know you aren't allowed to-" Nezu started but Carter cut him off, "Human laws mean nothing to me, I am unconcerned with the rules enforced by the HPSC." he said as Nezu sighed "So you really aren't human, are you?" he asked "WHen did you know?" Carter asked. "After a few months, several scans with the school's cameras showed that your physiology is very different from humans, and other more subtle signs." Nezu said as Carter nodded "Worthy of being the smartest creature of the world." he said

As he plunged the sword into the ground Carter stretched his limbs and wings as he had been busy for several hours, forging different weapons to use and writing down spells with his magic but none really called out to him other than a few utility ones. exhaling Carte slowly turned back into his human form, though he still had his claws and scales out as Neze looked at him. "You do realize that after this, the people in power will hunt you down." he stated as Carter nodded grimly "Nothing new to me, the second All for One attacked my friends he was dead." Carter said as Nezu stiffened 'How did he know that name?' "Mind reading." Carter said as he pointed to a spell on the ground it read, 'Enchant this pen to write the name of the one who is behind the League of Villains' next to it on a sheet of paper with a pen laying on it read, *#*#$% Shigaraki, Quirk- All For One'

Outside the bar the police and pro heroes watched and waited for the signal to begin, All Might stared down the door as he couldn't shake the feeling that something bad would happen tonight. 

Inside the bar Shigaraki and Stain were drinking as Twice,Spinner and Toga played a card game with Magne using her phone as Kurogiri cleans a glass behind the bar. They all pause as they hear a knock at the door, "Pizza!" a voice says as Stain jumps up, before he can warn them the entire wall collapses as All Might bursts through "I AM HERE FOUL VILLAINS!" he declares as they jump up "ALL MIGHT!" Shiraki snarls as he lunges forward but is thrown back by a kick from Gran Torino who leaps around the room, but he has to retreat once Stain slashes at him barely missing 'Whats the hero killer doing here?' he thinks surprised as Kamui woods arrives and traps them all with his quirk. Seeing Stain wrapped up but furiously trying to get out Gran Torino rushes over but has to dodge when Kurogiri opens up a portal and several Nomu rush out.

As they fight the Nomu off, a group of heroes led by Best Jeanist arrive at the Nomu lab, breaking in to find several tanks and vats filled with Nomu and humans ready to be turned. "We found the lab, no signs of villains yet." He says into his earpiece before his skin prickles "We're not alone here!" he tells the other heroes as a large man emerges from the shadows clapping slowly, "Indeed you are not alone, but neither am I." the man says at he presses a switch in the dark and several finished Nomu leap from their tanks of from the the shadows and rush the heroes starting a vicious fight.

Back at UA, Nezu watches in fascination as Carter gives his sword various effects, unbreaking, sharp as diamonds, cauterizing and a few others. Finished with his sword but still a bit disappointed, Carter asks him "Where is the League's hideout?" he says and Nezu gives it to him, knowing that he couldn't stop him anyway.

Shifting to his dragon form Carter glances at Nezu before lifting off and bursting through the roof and speeding towards the bar. As he flies, several heroes and helicopters try to stop him but they are too slow to catch him.

Back at the bar of the police gives Endeavor an alert "Endeavor sir, we have reports of a massive dragon coming here." he says a little panicked as Endeavor's phone rings, looking he sees its Nezu "What?" he asks "Don't get in his way." Nezu says before hanging up, as he looks at his phone in confusion Endeavor stumbles as the ground shakes as the dragon finally lands right next to All Might. 

"YOU!!" Stain and Shigaraki shout as they burst out of their bindings and lunge at him but Carter slams them to the ground with his tail. Seeing this the various nomu charge at him as Kurogiri opens another portal and more rush out. "Young Carter, you're not supposed to be here!" All Might shouts as he punches a Nomu in the face, sending it flying. "Try and stop me." Carter says as he goes to his human form and grabs his sword, having to use both hands as it is made for his dragon forms much larger hands.

With ease he slashes several Nomu and rolls to the side and kicks Stain in the gut as the Hero Killer goes flying, turning to Shigaraki he grins "Where is she, and where is your master." he says as Shigaraki glares at him, in the back Endeavor and several other pros rush in taking down the other league members and fighting back the Nomu as Kurogiri spets forward "Would giving her over make you leave?" he asks as Stain stabs at Carters back hoping to stab him through the heart, but he gets swatted away by his tail again as Carter turns to Kurogiri, "No, but it will lessen the chances of you dying." he says.

Before Kurogiri can respond the TV on the side lights up, "You can have her, an unsuitable quirk and unwilling to join, she is useless to us." a voice says as Kurogiri nods "Yes Doctor." he says as he opens a portal and Katsumi falls through. Smacking Stain aside again Carter catches her, 'Does she still have her quirk?' he asks the system and it confirms [Yes, she is simply unconscious.] he sighs and as the portal closes he walks over to Gran Torino, "Get her somewhere safe." he says as the hero runs off before turning back to the villains that are either bound or in fighting stances facing him and All Might next to him, "Young Carter, this is not where you need to be, please leave this to the pros." he says as Carter turns to him "I know about your little friend, he's not dead and is behind this." he says as All Might falters shocked at the revelation 'But how I thought that I killed him' "Wrong, he's next." Carter says as he faces the villains again.

Tilting his head to the side Carter punches Stain in the gut before throwing him at Shigaraki and lunging for Kurogiri who tries to open a portal but he simply burns it and grabbing him slams Kurogiri into the floor and punches him in the side of the head, knocking him out. Seeing this Kamui wraps Stain and Shigaraki in wood as they throw curses at Carter. 

Paying them no mind Carter walks out of the now destroyed bar, before he gets far however he turns back in surprise, a strange sludge starts pouring out of the villains mouths before quickly swallowing them and they disappear. "FUCK!" he yells as he realizes that AFO must have his own teleportation quirk of some kind as the police rush in "Theres been an explosion in Kamino Ward! The heroes there need help!" he says and Carter takes off with All Might hot on his heels.

Back at the Nomu lab, things are destroyed as Jeanist and the others have been fighting wave after wave of Nomu with AFO being content to watch, but he decides to wrap things up as Dr. Graraki tells him "They have Tomura and the others, the boy is also there and is demanding the girl." he says as AFO smiles 'things are falling into place.' he thinks as he waves him off "Give him the girl, we don't need her if she's not going to join us." he says but Garaki comes back a few minutes later agitated "He took her and just continued fighting them, he's knocked out Kurogiri and Tomuras been captured." he says as AFO sighs, taking care of Tomura has started to become a hassle, even with Stain straightening him out some. "Fine, I grow bored of this charade anyway." he says finally joining the fight.

Seeing him jump in, Jeanist uses his quirk to wrap AFOs suit around him like a cage as he smiles beneath his helmet "Such quick actions, good job! A shame you had to meet me however." he says as the heroes feel danger, "WATCH OUT!" Jeanist yells as he uses his quirk to fling everyone back using their costumes as AFO activates one of his quirks AIR CANNON!

With a bang the heroes are thrown back by Jeanist quirk and the air cannon as the entire building and several blocks are leveled flat. "Oh you managed to survive? How admirable." he says, seeing Jeanist and the other heroes holding on, if barely. "I'd love to stay and play but I have bigger things to deal with." he says as he turns around as the ground shakes, Carter and All Might have arrived. "How sad, the great Symbol of Peace is so weak that he relies on a mere boy to assist him, and a foreigner at that." AFO says as All Might charges him "YOU!" he roars as he throws a punch that AFO counters with one of his own. As All Might and AFO start fighting with the shockwaves keeping people at bay, Carter stalks over to where AFO deposited the League after bringing them here. 

"Happy to see me?" he says grinning as Stain and Shigaraki shudder, that smile didn't quite reach his eyes. As he walks towards them Carter starts talking while gradually shifting into his dragon form. "As you no doubt already know, I have to care for being a hero." he says as his body grows larger, with claws and wings growing and scales shining "You're just another false hero that needs to be exterminated." Stain growls as Carter laughs "I totally agree, I hate those pretentious little humans who parade himself around claiming to be heroes, when they cause the most problems, from starting fires that they put out to busting the human trafficking ring that they support, but what can be expected from you creatures? You fight and kill each other just like an ant." he says he stops, letting All Might crash next to him.

"Ah, so you also see the people of this world for what they are. Perhaps we could work together to cleanse this planet." AFO says walking over as All Might struggles to get up his old injuries acting up as he glares at AFO "Not if I stop you won't." he says as Carter turns to AFO who despite hurting All Might also pays the price with a broken arm dangling at his side, useless. "I have no reason to cleanse this world, my fight lies beyond the petty squabbles of Earth. Besides, I quite like some of the people here and am in no rush to kill them." he says as AFO nods, "Yes, my contact noticed that even though you quite cold to them, you still have a basic form of camaraderie with a few, like the explosion girl." he says but adds "But you know that after seeing your power, various groups will be coming for you, the HPSC for example, those fools have given more materials and allies than they realize." AFO says as Carter nods, "I know what will happen, that' why I'm going to make an example of you, so those little worms won't get any funny ideas." he says before finishing his transformation and slamming his tail into AFO sending him flying across the battlefield and into a destroyed building on the edge.

Seeing Carter rush after his nemesis All Might feels a bit bitter but turns to the League ready for a fight as they do as well, but before he can do anything AFO crash lands next to them his breathing helmet destroyed and his broken arm torn off. Getting up quick AFO seeing All Might and extending his arm to Kurogiri, black tendrils extend and latch onto him and a portal opens, before they can do anything AFO throws the League in with a blast from his air cannon and throws himself at All Might starting their battle again. On the other side of the battlefield Carter pulls a few people out of the destroyed buildings and a wrecked helicopter that was thrown out of the sky by AFO and All Mights battle before rushing in again.

Around the country people turn to the news to see a battered All Might fighting a man on equal footing with a large black dragon helping him, though when he does help the news cameras shake from the shockwaves as AFO gets thrown about only to get right back up. Seeing the dragon several people feel fear but others are excited seeing such a cool quirk in action.

Seeing Carter and All Might fighting AFO Izuku felt useless, he was the one that was supposed to stop AFO but here he was unable to even rescue Katsumi, seeing him a bit downcast Kirishima patted his back as they watched the fight from the street with their discusses still on. As Carter backed off and the slug fest started they and the other people watching cheered All MIght on as he fought AFO with everything he had.


Everything had been calm, the task force had assaulted the League's bar and Nomu lab, but everything had gone downhill once Carter had shown up. Seeing his large body several agents felt fear, if he were to be a villain they wouldn't be able to stop him. Already President Pantu had a team digging up any and all information they had over him, despite his origins being shielded by the US government they watched back video footage of his fighting and the aftermath of the training camp to try and find any weakness they could exploit. As she watched the fight drag on Pantu felt more and more uneasy, using All Might's headpiece they could listen in on their conversation, despite her quirk Pantu and several senior agents paled when they heard AFO's offer to Carter, a few sighed in relief when he declined but to those that listened, they knew that just because he didn't side with All for One, didn't mean he was on their side.

A/N- F the hpsc, they remind me of Cecil and Batman with all their shenanigans.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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