Wine Sword Immortal: Drunk Into The School Flower Dormitory, Stunned Everyone

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: The Disabled Chief Of Imperial University? Tengu People!

In Imperial College, the freshmen stared at each other with big eyes, while the old students blinked, a little confused.

The headmaster stretched out his palm without changing his face, and the microphone that fell on the ground rose up and fell into his hand.

Immediately, with a smile on his face, he said very gently:

“Oh, it turned out to be Gu and Li, hurry up and join the queue.” 5

Gu Ping’an and Xiao Yaoyao looked at each other, is this the end?

This principal is quite approachable․

The two of them didn’t think too much, Li Yaoyao hurriedly pushed Gu Ping’an into the crowd of Kendo Academy.

The freshmen are okay, don’t think there is anything,

And the old students were all stunned.

Is this Headmaster Long??

So amiable??

I’m afraid it’s not a fake principal, right?

They looked at each other and became a little confused. It’s not that Principal Long is bad, but Principal Long has always been known for being strict. What’s going on today?

The sophomore with a keen mind took a meaningful look at the young man in the wheelchair in the crowd, and felt a little emotional:

“It seems that this class of freshmen also has characters with terrific backgrounds.”

On the side, another sophomore pouted, and said with some disdain:

“No matter how powerful, no matter how big the background is, can we win the sky and Xu Gao? He is the ninth prince of the royal family.””

The old students were talking a lot. On the high platform, Principal Long coughed twice, and then said:

“Today is the first day of the Imperial University, and it is also the first day of everyone’s enrollment. I know that everyone is full of yearning for university life, and thinks that it is a romantic place and a holy land of love.

After a pause, his eyes became serious:

“Unfortunately, that is the life of an ordinary university, and it has nothing to do with Martial Arts University.””

Most of the freshmen glanced at each other in confusion, and some of the freshmen who knew the existence of the Backlighter and the Ten Thousand Races were a little dignified.

Gu Ping’an hugged Gu Gungun, his eyes were deep, yes, an easy life has nothing to do with being a student of Martial Arts University.

Not to mention, Li Tongming, as the chief of the senior year, almost fell into Taibai Mountain!

On the stage, Principal Long spoke slowly again:

“Everyone signed a non-disclosure agreement when they enrolled in Imperial College, prohibiting the disclosure of any information about the courses in the university… Please keep this in mind.

After saying that, he looked around, his eyes were a little gentle when he glanced at Gu Ping’an, and then he continued:

“I can tell everyone clearly that human beings have enemies, not only on the ancestors, but also outside the ancestors, and you are not so much students as reserve soldiers!”

As soon as these words came out, the entire playground was in an uproar, and many new students were stunned, whispering, and the sky was full of excitement.

Humans have enemies??

Beyond Zuxing?

Is that an alien?

Many students were at a loss, and some students suddenly realized that it is no wonder that people die every year in Martial Arts University, and it is no wonder that the status of martial artists is so lofty.

It is so, it is so.

Amid the commotion, Zao Wou-Ki squeezed through the crowd without expression, and stood beside Stock Review He and Li Yaoyao in embarrassment.

“Brother Gu, sister-in-law!”

Zao Wuji greeted him cheerfully, and wanted to reach out to rub Gu Guntun’s furry head, but he hesitated for a while, but he still didn’t do it.

Gu Ping’an gently nodded at Zao Wou-Ki:

“How is your ancestor?”

The ancestor of the Zhao family, after participating in the ‘annihilation’ of the Zhang family, also shared a lot of credit. Gu Ping’an heard that the above gave him a longevity medicine.

Zao Wou-Ki bowed his head respectfully:

“The old man is very good. With a life extension of 800 years, there is hope that he will go further.”

After a pause, he said hesitantly:

“Brother Gu, your legs…

Gu Ping’an waved his hand gently, rubbing Gu Gungun’s head:

“No problem.”

As he said that, his eyes were a little deep, and there was indeed a great terror between cause and effect.

Today’s Gu Ping’an is obviously already based on the half-step mountains and seas, and half-steps at the national level, but he still can’t move himself even a little bit.

Whether it is sword intent, the power of heaven and earth, or vitality, he cannot move, and can only be pushed by people.

While several people were talking, on the podium, Principal Long coughed again into the microphone.

The noisy playground suddenly fell silent again.

“As for more news, everyone will learn after the official class. Today, you only have one thing to do, and that is to go to Dihua University to communicate… This tradition, I think everyone is familiar with it. Do you know?””

The expressions of many new students became ugly, all of them looked like Xiaoxiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, and nodded heavily.

Every year, the freshmen of Dihua or Dida will go to each other’s school to exchange and study, rotate every year,

And this year, it was Di Da’s turn to go to Di Hua.

It is said to be exchange learning, but in fact…

In short, the party to communicate is generally miserable.

“Those people from Dihua are probably waiting for us to pass by. 35 Zao Wou-Ki said with a smile: “However, with Brother Gu, you are here. They are all idiots.

Gu Ping’an didn’t speak, just looked thoughtful,

If he remembered correctly, a few days ago, when he and Tianmingge were coercing the Six Doors, it seemed that a group of Dihua University students happened to be visiting there?

It seems to be headed by their vice-principal…

On the high platform, Principal Long was about to say something when the phone rang.

He was slightly startled, then made an apologetic gesture towards the students under the stage, then he covered the microphone and answered the phone.

For a moment, Principal Long’s expression turned ugly.

He put down the phone, took a deep breath, and said slowly into the microphone:

“In this exchange, you can get in touch with races other than Zuxing in advance.

As soon as these words came out, the new students and the old students on the sidelines were in an uproar, and even Gu Ping’an and Li Yaoyao were slightly taken aback.

What does it mean?

Could it be that there will be creatures of all races in this exchange??

On the high platform, Principal Long’s expression was also a little unsightly:

“There are ten thousand clans in the starry sky, but only once, the arrogance of the Tengu clan among the ten thousand clans has already passed through the Great Wall of the starry sky and went to Dihua University to be an ‘international student’

Tengu clan?

Most of the students were at a loss, and some old students looked ugly.

Although the Tengu clan is not an ancient clan, their relationship with the human clan is not that great. A small clan, the strongest only has gods, but it is often called the human clan.

Even hunted the clansmen who went to the depths of the starry sky…

Most of the old students know this, and many juniors and seniors have been to the depths of the starry sky.

Principal Long’s voice sounded a little low:

“Most of you probably don’t know what the Wan clan is, and you don’t know what the Tengu clan is, but you only need to know that this time you will go to Dihua to communicate… If you can make a move, you will destroy the Tengu clan. Guys! 35

As soon as these words came out, the freshmen were still looking at each other in dismay, and many old students had already applauded!

“In this exchange, I personally led the team. Principal Long’s voice was very serious: “And the leader of the students… There is Gu Ping’an Gu, come on, take over as the university directly by the way. A chief. “”

There was an uproar.

Gu Ping’an? Who is that?

It seems…is the boy in the wheelchair?

Subconsciously, many students turned their heads and looked at the handsome young man in the wheelchair.

The young man was holding the black and white dumplings, his expression was calm and indifferent.

“Fuck, choose a disabled person to be the team leader?? What did the principal think?”

“Shady, shady! I’m a third-rank martial artist, and I’m in the top 300 of the college entrance examination list. I haven’t been a team leader, so why let a disabled person come?”9

“Lying. Slot! Surprised to see the boss of the third-rank martial artist!!

The freshmen were talking about it,

And the old students onlookers were also slightly puzzled.

In the past, wasn’t it always the chief contestant?

Why is it directly specified this time?

Is there anything special about the disabled boy named Gu Ping’an?

Dihua University.

Dihua University is located just to the north of the Imperial Capital, facing the Imperial Capital University in the north and south.

At this moment, Dihua University.

Neither the student nor the teacher’s expression was very good-looking, and they all stared at a line of three men with different eyes in gold and silver.

Tengu clan.

Non-humanoid races can be transformed in advance when their bones are tempered in the Grandmaster Realm, but their combat power will be weakened after being transformed in advance.

And if you don’t change your form in advance, you can naturally speak people’s words when you reach the Fenghou Realm, and you can switch between the human form and the main body without damage in the Venerable Realm.

And these three Tengu clan’s ‘student students’, since they have transformed, it means that they are at least the existence of the master level.

The head of the Tengu clan was a woman named Gou Fenghua. She glanced at the students of Dihua University indifferently and pouted:

“These are the so-called arrogance of the human race, but that’s it.”

On the side, the old man of the Tengu clan who was in charge of protecting the Dao lightly smiled:

“Miss, the human race is nothing but the top one… it’s not interesting.

The other Tengu youth on the side also nodded lightly and said in a low voice:

“When we come this time, the high-level people of the human race may pay attention. After all, we are the first batch of fair and bright people to come to Zuxing, except for the ancient real dragon clan and the ancient iron-eating beast clan.””

After a pause, he spoke softly again:

“However, although I can’t try to explore some secrets, I can suppress the arrogance of the human race… it’s still no problem, fair and bright! 99

Saying that, he smiled coldly.

While talking, they went back to the dormitory arranged by the school without changing their faces under the gaze of the students and teachers of Dihua University.

And after their figures disappeared, Dihua suddenly turned to the sky.

“We actually let these three dogs come to Dihua…why didn’t we send them to Dihua?”

“I don’t know, but I’m very unhappy now. When the emperor’s cubs come, I decide to vent on them.”

“Good idea, I agree!”

“Good idea, the minister also agrees!”

When the students were disturbed, Dihua’s conference room.

The vice-principal gave a wry smile:

“Three Tengu clan… It’s a pity that I can’t kill them directly.

On the side, a dean of a department also laughed bitterly:

“The principal is not here, if the principal is there, why would you have to stuff the three puppies into the Imperial Capital University.

After a pause, he looked slightly solemn:

“Three puppies are nothing, don’t worry about it for the time being, the people who will meet at Imperial University are coming… How do we deal with them this time?

The vice-principal smiled, his face full of wretchedness:

“Don’t worry, I have plans… Didn’t I bring a group of freshmen to visit Six Gates before, that’s a group of elites, and I’ll let them be the main force at that time!

Di Hua and Di Da were at odds with each other, and it could almost be said that they had a deep hatred between them.

There was a time when a student from Imperial University beat up a big clan boy outside the school, and then he ran into Dihua University in a hurry. The father of the big clan boy had a lot of trouble with Dihua!

The two schools love each other and kill each other, so they also have a very good tradition. When the opposite side communicates from home… as much as it can be miserable, it is as miserable as possible!

At this time, the dean of the department smiled and nodded:

“That’s fine, I’ll go and give instructions and make arrangements… It happened that the students were so angry because of those sons of a bitch, the Emperor hit the gun.

The vice-principal also burst out laughing and gearing up.

Soon, Dihua’s students put the matter of the three puppies behind.


The most urgent task at the moment is to clean up the upcoming emperor’s new students!

At this time, at the gate of the school, there were several students surrounding a young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

“Chief, why do we have to come to the gate of the school to wait for the guy from the Imperial College?”

A student asked a question in confusion, and the young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, who is the new chief of Dihua, said indifferently:

“I want to see if there are any students who are worthy of my attention among the freshmen of Dihua University, anyway, there are none among the freshmen of Dihua.

Everyone looked at each other.

Someone else said with a wry smile:

“Chief, the dozens of people who were led by the vice-principal to visit Six Gates in person, aren’t all elites? I heard that they went to Six Gates and saw real big shots.

“Elite? The 35-year-old chief laughed: “But I am the chief, they are not… In my eyes, they are just a bunch of trash. I hope the chief of Imperial University is not a trash. “”

After a pause, he looked at the sky with some melancholy:

“Otherwise, it would be very boring.

Several students looked at each other in dismay, and they were speechless. This second-in-command of the college entrance examination was really arrogant.

Also, if it weren’t for that series of top-secret mysterious people, this one would be the number one in the college entrance examination.

As time passed, several buses slowly stopped at the gate of Dihua University.

The whole Dihua was a little turbulent, and the people of the emperor came.

They all rubbed their fists and grinned, and they were ready to clean up the guy who came to communicate with the emperor.

On the other side, Gou Fenghua looked at the disturbance at the school gate and sneered softly:

“Sure enough, they are inferior humans, and they have to fight within themselves.”

On the side, the old man of the Tengu clan who guarded the Tao shook his head solemnly:

“It can’t be said that the top group of people in the human race cultivated invincibility in the early stages of infighting. 39

Speaking, the old man was slightly emotional, as if he had thought of something.

Another Tengu youth stretched his waist:

“That’s just right. The two human race universities are competing, and the one who wins the competition will be very satisfied… I’ll step on him again when it’s over, and it will ruin his mood.”

Gou Fenghua glanced at him:

“You have to be careful, don’t anger the old monsters who are watching here.

That day, the youth of the dog clan smiled indifferently:

“It’s not in the way, challenge and learn from each other normally, what can they say?

While these puppies were talking,

At the gate of Dihua, thirty or forty buses opened the door at the same time.

It was not Principal Long who came down first, but Li Yaoyao who was pushing the wheelchair and Gu Ping’an who was holding the black and white dumplings on the wheelchair.

The young chief and a few students who surrounded him were all slightly startled, why is there still a disabled person?

Still holding an iron-eating beast??

Immediately, many students swarmed down, standing at the gate of Dihua, and they all stood behind the wheelchair boy.

It is an unwritten rule that students of the same class should not stand over the chief of the class on formal occasions.

After a while, Principal Long also slowly got out of the car,

He smiled and said:

“Dihua is here… I think that group of brats will be waiting for us inside, everyone should go in behind Chief Gu.

The voice just fell,

A very discordant voice rang not far away.

“So, the chief of your emperor’s this session is a cripple?”

Numerous freshmen and Principal Long were stunned for a moment, while Li Yaoyao was also a little angry, and they all looked over, it was a young man standing under the gate of Dihua School, with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes.

The boy shook his head in disappointment:

“There is no blood fluctuation at all… it’s a waste? I’m so disappointed. I didn’t expect that the students of the Imperial University are also a group of waste.”

The freshmen of Imperial College were all excited for a while,

Someone yelled:

“Fuck, what kind of breed is this calf? Pure cerebral palsy?”

“Damn, I have the urge to beat him up…

“You cut off your legs, and our chief beat you and screamed! 99

After all, they are all students of Imperial University, although they don’t understand why the principal made Gu Ping’an, who has crippled legs, as the chief,

But at critical times, they still know that they are consistent with the outside world.

That sword-brow and star-eyed boy sighed:

“Forget it, you are not qualified to let me take action, you have to be trash to trash…that’s all, that’s all!””

As he said that, he looked melancholy and looked like he was in a cold place, and he turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly, the boy in the wheelchair turned his head suspiciously and looked at the stunning girl pushing the wheelchair:

“Where is this stupid. Beep?”

Li Yaoyao spread out her hands and looked at a loss:

“I don’t know either.

The sword-brow and star-eyed boy paused in footsteps, turned around, and said seriously:

“Are you provoking me? The chief of the emperor?

Gu Ping’an looked calm, hugged Gu Gungun, and said lightly:

“You are the chief of Dihua? That’s all…

He stretched slightly, as if talking to himself:

“I’m also a student of Emperor University anyway, but I can’t let you humiliate Emperor University like this… I apologize, this matter will pass.”

Saying that, the handsome young man in the wheelchair smiled gently, his expression indifferent.

At the same time, Emperor Huazhong.

Dihua’s vice-principal frowned:

“What are those guys in the emperor’s ink writing?””

After speaking, after thinking for a moment, he waved his hand:

“Follow me and see what those guys are doing.”

Dozens of freshmen who had visited Six Doors before nodded and responded respectfully.

Immediately, a group of people marched towards the school gate.

ps: Do you really want to see urban pretense or war against all races, or both? Yu.

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