Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 12 – Part 1 – Progress, Kyoto and The False King


Jin Skyward


I look around me and everything was just white, no sound, no type of scenery, just a vast blanket of white.

"What the hell… Where am I?"

I don't remember anything about how I got here or anything. Ddraig? Albion? Cúntóir? I called out to the two dragons and system but they didn't answer.

"I should just walk then; it will be better than just standing still."

Nodding to myself I pick a random direction and start walking. There was no sound at all, not even my footsteps.

As I walk, I try using my abilities and they're still there, so if I get attacked, I won't be useless. That's at least reassuring. On my silent journey, I'm unsure of whether I am making any progress, or if I am just walking in place because everything is so white.

Suddenly, it started to lightly snow.


Suddenly, snowflakes started falling from above me. I wasn't sure if I should call what was above me the sky, as it was mostly white like the rest of this place.

The drift of snow calmly fell from above, it didn't change in intensity as I thought it would, perhaps this was a replay of past events? Past events? Is this… Is this a scene from my former self? But why the endless void of white?

A dream, I conclude that I was most likely dreaming then, with this thought in mind I continue on my journey— But I do not remember Ireland having many snow storms, yes it did occasionally snow but not much fell, so most, if not all of it melted by the next day or even the next few hours.

It felt like I had been here for an eternity, walking endlessly. A few minutes earlier I had summoned some food, even though I wasn't hungry I needed to do something else to pass the time.


?! A sound! I look around me and listen to the noise again.


A beeping noise? But where? After listening intently again, the beeping noise resounded again and I changed directions. The longer I walked in the direction where the noise was coming from the louder and more consistent it got.

It wasn't a constant beeping but… It was regular enough.


I could see something in the distance, I strained my eyes as best as I could to see it, and… It looked like a bed. Why a bed? I increased my speed and soon arrived close to it. The sound was at its loudest now, but I couldn't figure out what was making the beeping noise.

There was only a bed and a beeping noise present; suddenly, a blurry thing appeared -perhaps a body? A small window appeared in front of the shape as it sat on the bed, looking out.


Who is that? Is it me? It's so blurry that I can't tell anything apart from it being vaguely human-shaped…

I reach out to touch the figure in front of me—

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward


I opened my eyes and was brought back to reality What a strange dream… Cúntóir? Anything to say?

Cúntóir: Answer: No.

Okay, it's obvious at this point that you won't say anything regarding my past. I mentally sigh as she won't even humor me a tiny bit.

I turn to look at the girls sleeping beside me. I can't blame them for wanting to be near me after the way I acted last night… As it was definitely out of character for me. They were worried sick too, Ingvild, Grayfia, and even Ophis to my surprise. I kiss them each on the head and think back to yesterday evening's events.


Jin Skyward

I silently hugged both girls as Ingvild hugged me back, Ophis was already fast asleep which was surprising. I eventually break the hug.

"I'm fine, I just wanted to hug someone."

I lied, but Ingvild clearly didn't believe me as she looked at me sternly but didn't ask me about it. I lay Ophis back down on the couch and Ingvild back on her side as I got up.

"I'm gonna go somewhere for a bit, I'll be back soon."

I turn to leave but I feel someone grab my arm.

"I'm coming with you."

Ingvild responded firmly, her usual calm demeanor gone.

"Ingvild… It's fine I won't be away for long. It's just a quick trip, I promise."

"I insist!"

This was the first time I was seeing Ingvild this pushy about— Well anything. She usually just went with the flow of things.

"…Ingvild Leviathan. I'll have to respectfully decline."

Because I wanted to check out certain places alone... right now, I decided to double down.

Ingvild looked at me shocked, probably due to the tone of voice, as well as using her full name. She lets go of my arm and steps away, she looked hurt. I didn't like that.

I step closer to her and bring her back into a hug.

"I'm sorry, but I really need to do this alone, I need to… Confirm some things for myself, I'll be back soon, alright?"


She hugged me back without saying anything else. I felt like she was hugging me back a little tighter than normal.

We break the hug and I step away when

"I, am going back."

Ophis announces and disappeared back into the necklace. When did she wake up? I shake my head, whatever it doesn't matter. I teleported away, leaving a worried Ingvild to herself.

Ireland, Dublin.

I had teleported on top of the Fairy Tree in Dublin, I stared down at the city below me. It was quite chilly as it was early in the morning and not many people were out and about at this time. I nod to myself and teleport somewhere else.

Dun Laoghaire

I turn away from the alleyway that I teleported into and start walking. Let's go to places where I think I spent a lot of time in my past life… I walked to People's Park and jumped over the closed gates. As it was early, the gates were still closed. It's surprising that the park closes at a specific time. I would have thought that all parks were open 24/7, but I think I was wrong.

I strolled by the small playground area and stood on the swing set and swung back and forth. I didn't spend much time here but… I think I did go here with my class for something. I felt an itch that this may be right.

I did that for a few minutes before stopping and getting off, I stood outside the jungle gym and traced my fingers along with its structure. Seeing as how nothing was coming, I leave the place. I go to the pier and find a bench; I stare at it… The same itchy feeling came back. Did I use to sit on this a lot? But for what? Was it during my brooding teenage years?

I sat on it and stared out at the sea, the morning sun slowly rising to make for a beautiful view. This… Feels nostalgic. I felt slightly sad staring out, a memory I couldn't fully remember, but my body— No, perhaps my soul resonated with it? I sigh and summon some coffee.

I get up and walk towards my former home, drinking the warm coffee I just got. I look around and see nothing out of the ordinary.



My attention was drawn to the noise and, to my surprise, it was a Fae.


It cheerfully called out to me.

"The Queen and King of Faeries wishes to meet with you in the near future!"

Looks like my middleman status is a lot more widespread than I thought, the three factions, youkai, Asgardians— Norse Gods and now Ireland's supernatural is seeking me out.

"Sure thing."

I answer back.

"You will receive a notification in the future! Bye-bye!"

The Fae giggled and disappeared.


I'm quite looking forward to meeting them - I wonder how they will be?

I continued my journey in my old hometown. I decided to check out the library, hospital, a few of the stores I was a regular at, and my old school… But nothing came, not a single itch.

"Was this a waste of time?"

I grumbled at the thought of not getting the results I wanted. I was also feeling nostalgic. After I finished my cup of coffee, I also felt some eyes watching me from time to time.

I was probably just the Fae or some other supernatural being keeping an eye on me. I sigh and teleport back to Dublin, picking a random spot.


Where the hell am I? I look around my surroundings and spot a hospital, St. James Hospital? I didn't expect to be teleported to the location, which is risky as these places are usually alive all the time. But luckily it looks like no one saw me.

I started walking past it when… I felt an itch, making me stop on the spot. Huh? Why an itch here? Was I hospitalized in the past? I mull it over. I don't feel like I was… I scratch my head Whatever, I'll check it out in the future… I have probably been away for a bit too long than I had promised. Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: 9:03 p.m.

Yeah… Way too long, two hours too long. I'll have to apologize to everyone, I teleported back home, not satisfied with my trip.

Japan, Kuoh

I had teleported just outside my house, as it was night and no one was around, so I was safe. Everyone's back. I reached for the door knob and felt all their auras inside when I was suddenly pulled into the necklace.


Dragon Necklace

Dimensional Gap – Ophis


I stood there staring at the Dragon God who had just pulled me into her subspace. What stood out to me was that it looked like my living room. She did say she modeled it a bit after it, but I didn't think it would be an exact replica— Minus the TV and a lot of books lying around.

I spot the Dragon God on the same couch staring at me. Ophis started patting the spot beside her, indicating I should go and sit there. Confused, I nod while walking towards her and sitting down beside her.

"Did you need something from me, Ophis?"

Despite my question, the dragon did not answer as she just grabbed my head and pulled it towards her chest.



I was a bit stunned by what she had done. I could feel her hugging my head, almost as though she was trying to comfort me.

"Ophis? What's this about?"

Keeping me in place she begins speaking.


She shakes her head.

"Your emotions, were in a torrent, earlier."

"I, have been reading books. A few of them, say that comforting someone with affection— Skinship, a hug, would lessen negative emotions."

She explained her reasoning and I was stunned.

"You, do this to your harem of women. They, show positive emotions when done so. I, wanted to try it on you. Is it working?"

She asked, sounding a little concerned.

"I... I, thought it would work on you…"

I couldn't help but feel proud of this being in front of me, she took up the liberty of studying what emotions are and now is trying it for herself— Still clumsily doing it, but she means well.

I chuckle to myself.

"Thank you, Ophis. And yes, you're doing a good job."

I let myself lay there, letting my worries from earlier be temporarily pushed aside.


She grunts back satisfied. We stayed like this for a few minutes, just basking in each other's warmth. Is this the type of thing Ophis enjoys? The ever-present silence? It isn't bad, a little bit lonely in here.

I finally end our— Her hug and I return the favor; she welcomes it and presses her head into my chest.


She muttered.

"Yeah, home…"

I started to pet the Dragon God.

"I'll get going Ophis, you can join us soon or you can keep sleeping here."

"Sleep… Jin… Join in the future…"

She answered as she slowly drifted back into dreamland.

"Thank you Ophis, you've grown quite a bit in such a short time."

I look over at the books scattered around the place.

"They certainly were helpful… But why? That's the one thing I don't understand."

"For… Jin…"

She muttered surprising me. She wasn't asleep yet? Or did she answer me subconsciously? I pat the dragon for a few more seconds before laying her back on the couch and leaving the necklace.

Having returned outside, I am not sure how long has passed, Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: 5 minutes passed.

Not long, I'm glad. I take a deep breath grab the knob and open the door; I close the door behind me. Once I did so I heard multiple footsteps, and all the girls appeared in the hallway. I wave to them.

"Hey there."


The three girls shouted my name and jumped me.


We crashed onto the floor as they tried to strangle the life out of me.

"Time out!"

I pleaded but they didn't listen and kept hugging me. I glance at Grayfia and Ingvild, who just gave me apologetic smiles. Traitors!

"Girls, I'm fine!"

Using a little bit more strength I push myself up along with them. I sat there as they still clung to me. Haah… I didn't go out to fight an Outer God… I mean I get they're worried but geez…'

"Where did you go?"

Akeno finally asked after silently hugging me. The other two are also staring at me waiting for the answer.

"Don't worry, I just left to go check on something."

I didn't want to worry them about this, I mean… Like they were just voices, right? Just past memories…

"Jin, please tell us why you suddenly left."

Kuroka didn't add her nya to it so she's speaking seriously right now.

"Jin-kun, we're all here for you. You can trust us."

I was hesitant, I mean, I did act up a bit but, I didn't think it warranted this kind of reaction. While I mulled it over Kuroka got up, along with the girls.

"Jin, you, I— We trust you a lot. You've done a lot of things for us in a short amount of time… But you still hesitate to tell us things and still keep secrets, even if it's beneficial for us… It's a bit hurtful you know?"

"You don't need to shoulder everything by yourself. If I had problems, I would tell you them in a heartbeat."

She looks at Lavinia and Akeno.

"I would believe that these two all share that sentiment."

Both of them nod.


I inwardly sigh I guess they're right. Trust and communication go a long way in relationships… I got up.

"Alright, I'll bite. Also, I'm sorry."

I take a deep breath.

"So, I've been hearing voices. They're broken and not many of the sentences— Hell the words aren't even full."

"But the voices aren't people or beings I know of. I've asked Ddraig about them, but he's as clueless as me."

I look at them and they wait for me to continue.

"So, I traveled to Ireland to maybe jog up my memory, you know?"

I chuckle, it didn't do any good for me.

"But that didn't work out as planned, I didn't find anything, only feeling nostalgic at some spots I visited, also an itch, but that really didn't say much about anything."

"Also, I was approached by a Fae. It seems like the Queen and King of Faeries want to meet me in the future since they're aware of my status as the middleman."

"Voices…? What kind of voices?"

Lavinia looked at me with concern.

"A male and female voice, I've heard the male's voice once, the females three times now."

"Are you sure those have something to do with your past?"

Kuroka points out.

"What if they're someone in the present just trying to communicate with you? Hell, what if it's from the future?"

She makes a good point there… Present or future, not always the past.

"I see… I'll look into them."

"No, WE will."

Akeno corrects me and smiles.

"Promise us you'll be more honest and open with us in the future, Jin. Honesty and being open-minded will lead to a better relationship… Is what I read hehe."

Lavinia trots over and pinches my cheeks

"Okay? ~"


I say weirdly making her giggle, she lets go of my face.

"Now let's go have dinner, we were all waiting for you to come back."

"Yeah, I'm hungry nya."

They give me a peck on the cheek and go into the dining room.

"Yeah… My bad."

Later that night


I pour some water on myself as I get ready to have a late-night bath. I had already filled up the bath with warm water and finished scrubbing myself down.

We had a rather easy-going rest of the night as we bantered back and forth, the girls a little bit more clingy than usual, though I can understand where they're coming from.

"Trust, huh?"

I realized that I do need to start trusting them more. Maybe subconsciously I am putting a barrier between myself and them. Although it's not a big one, it's there nonetheless. I guess I'm not flawless even after reincarnating, haha. Though I doubt I was even close to such a thing in my old life, call it a gut feeling.

Shuffle! Slide!


I turn around as I hear some shuffling behind the door of the bathroom and then it opens. To my surprise it was Grayfia and she was covered in a towel with a small blush present on her face.

"Grayfia? Is something wrong?"

I summon a towel and throw it over my lower area. She doesn't answer as she closes the door. She grabs a small stool like what I was sitting on and puts it behind me. The room falls silent as I wait for her to do something.

I eventually hear some shuffling and her towel falling off her body. She slowly leans towards me and pushes her chest— Breasts against my back while wrapping her arms around me and burying her head on the back of my neck.


I call her name out again. I thought she went to bed already. The girls already did, I had to maneuver myself out of their grasps.

"I… I had woken up to grab myself a drink. I noticed the light in the bathroom had been turned on and checked to see if anyone was here… So I decided to join you, Jin."

The slightly tense atmosphere vanished once she started to speak. I find it strange that she would come here for such a small reason... It's not like her at all.

"I see, well I guess we're bathing together then."

I laughed in an attempt to lighten the mood.


She starts

"I was worried about you as well… Jin."

She tightens her embrace around me.

"But I couldn't really voice that as you and your harem were having a tender moment. It felt rude to intrude on it…"

I chuckle.

"Is that so? I'm glad my devil maid was so worried about me."


Following my small remark, Grayfia didn't answer me and remained motionless. Only our breathing could be heard.

"Yes… I was, I really was worried… And I am your maid…"

She whispered the last part, still embarrassed by her admission. I was stunned. I didn't think Grayfia cared for me this much. She showed subtly signs of it, but her usual stoicism made it difficult to discern at times. She also got used to my teasing so that didn't exactly help in trying to tell her emotions.

"You're usually just aloof, goofing around, and all-around relaxed. Nothing looked like it bothered you… But you're still a human— If even partially, you still have feelings."

I— Well she's wrong about that… I lied about being a human dragon god hybrid since I'm an Outer God now, but that can be discussed at another time.

When the girls and I returned, Ingvild told us what had happened. They panicked and began searching for you for a full hour. They left before she could tell them that you may not be in the country."

She chuckled a bit.

"They're still quite young as they lost and acted on their emotions like that."

"I agree with what they said, Jin… I also will be here for you, even if you just want to talk or vent about your thoughts and feelings, isn't that a duty of a Maid? So please, be more honest to them— To me."

I'm a bit overwhelmed by her honesty and quickly turn around to hug her back. She's surprised by this but readily accepts and continues to hug me back. I break the hug and tilt her chin up, making us stare at each other.

"Well, you better follow your own words, Fia."

She looked back at me stunned.

"If I have to be honest with you, you have to be honest with me. I want to know more about the real Grayfia Lucifuge— Not just the Maid that I see all the time. But you."

"Even if it's just between the two of us— Like right now."

We stared at each other silently, it almost felt like an eternity before it was broken.

"Yes, of course, Jin."

She smiles brightly— A smile that I hadn't seen her have before. It was a sight for sore eyes I can tell you that.

This was definitely a pivotal change in our relationship and dynamic. So, I seal the deal by kissing her on the forehead. She was a bit embarrassed by this, but that quickly faded as she closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. I stop.

"Alright then, let's go and have a relaxing bath."

Grayfia remained motionless, taking in what just happened. I got up, but forgot about the towel I haphazardly threw on my crotch. I watched in horror as it fell.

Grayfia was face to face with my— Well, member in all of its glory, and it was hard. The Devil Maid stared at it as she slowly turned red but didn't break eye contact with it.

What a way to ruin a touching moment. Also, can you blame me? I liked Grayfia before coming to this world, her doing that and admitting her feelings to me— Well, that kind of made me like this.


I quickly threw the towel back on it and headed to the bathtub.

I threw my towel to the side sat down and spread my legs out letting the day's fatigue wash away, literally. Grayfia eventually gets up and also does the same. I turn my attention to her as she walked up and set aside her towel. She smiles and sports a small blush as it's the first time I've seen her fully nude.

She steps into the bath and sits in front of me, letting her body weight be supported by me. She wiggled her butt— Seemingly teasing me as my member hadn't lost its life just yet, hell this made it even harder. After a little bit Grayfia settles back down, my member still pressing against her back and snuggled cozily between her ass cheeks.

Deciding this isn't exactly sexy time, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me.

"So, how was your day, Fia?"

She closes her eyes and sighs in a relaxed tone.

"It was quite busy. While Sirzechs-sama doesn't have much paperwork to do, he still has other duties to attend to. My burden was slightly alleviated as Asteri-sama was with us."

"Sirzechs-sama was equally ecstatic to use the new android and has granted you another favor. He's usually slaving away at the paperwork all day long, he only ever took breaks when Asteri-sama forcefully pulled him away, and after helped the two of us. We also had to attend some meetings, along with Ajuka-sama. He has also told me that Latia Astaroth may request for you soon enough."

"Serafall-sama also mentioned to us that she'll be bringing you to the West Youkai Faction and Asgard starting tomorrow. You're aware of this, yes?"

She turns to look at me.

"Mmm, she called me earlier this evening. I'm bringing Ingvild along as she hasn't had much opportunity to go out. She'll become a NEET at this rate."

This made both of us laugh.

"Hopefully nothing bad will happen, I've never been to Kyoto before, much less Asgard of all places."

I muse and Grayfia looked at me unamused.


"A prime opportunity to meet even more women, yes?"

I smiled wryly at her.

"Well, you're not wrong."

"How will you even manage in the future?"

"I somehow will, also, it's not like I'm keeping a leash on all of them. Everyone is free to do what they want in life; I'll fully support and back them up when the need arises."

"I want my harem to be free, Grayfia. Once you find out more about me, I can guarantee you that none of you will be shackled by most things by then. I really love them, and that's the only thing I want in return, how about you? Do you have any plans or goals in mind?"

She shakes her head.

"Once… Once you ask Sirzechs-sama that favor, you are already aware of the answer I will give. I will live to serve you for the rest of time, I just want to stand by your side and nothing more— That is all I wish for."

"I see, I look forward to it then, Fia."

We fell into silence and enjoyed each other's company. We idle chatted about other things for the rest of the time there.

We leave the bathroom refreshed and satisfied. I walk Grayfia to her door.

"Good night, Fia."

"Good night, Jin."

I start to turn around, but Grayfia pulls me back and kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank you…"

She whispered and entered her room.

"A welcome change."

I mused and went back to my own room.

Flashback end

That was an eventful night… I looked at Reni who was at the same place as yesterday. I slowly remove both Akeno and Kuroka from me and I carry Reni back to her room. I checked on Ingvild and she was still asleep.

I made my way downstairs and Grayfia was making breakfast… The usual morning routine for all of us. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Morning, what's for breakfast?"

"A normal breakfast that consists of eggs, toast, and cereal."

She replied, she briefly turned and kissed me on the cheek.

"What time will you be leaving today?"

"Around nine, Ingvild and I have to meet up with Serafall in the Sitri territory. I swear if I have a repeat with the guards like in the Gremory gates I'm going to just slap them."

I huffed; I know they're just doing their jobs but man it's irritating. This made the Devil Maid chuckle

"Serafall may or may not have informed them, so it will be left to luck."

"Let's hope she did."

I complained and buried my head on her shoulder. I was also happy that Grayfia was a lot more affectionate with me when we're alone like we promised last night.

Grayfia turns back to cooking and starts to hum a tune to herself. I listen to her with my eyes closed. A fine morning indeed.

After breakfast Kuroka left for Team Vali as she had been called by the guy. Akeno also got called by Rias as she wanted them to have another day of training. Koneko did the same with Kuroka but she said she was busy making the younger Nekoshou groan as she had to train by herself.

Kuroka just told her to do what they had practiced before and master that first. Koneko reluctantly agreed to it.

Grayfia also got a call during breakfast from Sirzechs that he needed her help again as Asteri was busy. In the communication circle, the guy sounded desperate.

And to top it all off Lavinia and her team will be gone for two days because they'll be looking for more clues about Kokabiel and his gang of soon-to-be dead crows. She pretty much pouted and clung to me the entire morning, even complaining as she was teleported away.

Ophis skipped breakfast and hadn't come out of the necklace since the moment we shared yesterday. I decided to summon some sweets for her and got a thank you from the girl through our mental link. She told me she was reading more books and wanted to absorb its content, and I was fine with that.

8:52 a.m.

"Well, it's time to face the eccentric Leviathan."

I say as Ingvild steps beside me. She was wearing her noble dress, unlike the t-shirt and shorts she usually wore around the house, so we were looking forward to this. I had dressed up a bit as well. I wore a short white shirt with black braces along with a black tie. I paired them with black trousers and slick black shoes.

I look like a bartender…or someone attending a damn wedding I mused to myself.

"You look really good, Jin."

Ingvild commented beside me, as she observed me from top to bottom.

"You look beautiful, too."

I grin at her, and she playfully hits me on the shoulder. She chuckled.

"Please, I wore this the day I met you, and for a hundred years while I slept… But thank you."

I offer my arm to her and she takes it and I teleported us into the Underworld.


Sitri Territory

After I teleport Ingvild and I, we were in front of the gates to their giant mansion.

"Never gets easy seeing all the big ass places devils own."


Ingvild's family— Her father also owned some big homes but didn't want to mention that now.

"Halt! State your business."

A guard stops us and points their spears towards us. I sigh…

"Not this shit again."

I summon a circle beside me surprising the guards.

"Sera get your ass out here; I'd rather not deal with Sitri guards right now."

"Ah! Sorry! I'll be there in a sec!"

She almost screamed as we heard her panickily moving things around wherever she was. The two guards were stunned that I had just casually called out one of the Satans.


I could see the Satan flying towards us quickly with her bat wings. She landed not too long

"Sorry, Jin, Ingvild. Let's go!"

She apologized and gestured for us to follow her back into the house.

"We're going back?"

I asked confused.

"Mmm, father and mother want to meet the Middleman."

Serafall's words caused the guard's eyes to bulge.

"Sure, I don't mind."

I shrug and we both follow her.

"Also, you look nice, I'm glad you both dressed up for the occasion."

She comments and eyes me up as she licks her lips.

"Can you not?"

I deadpan making the Satan chuckle.

"Anyway, you're wearing your conference suit?"

"Yep, it's what I usually wear unless the place we're going to needs me to wear something else."

She explains and jumps forward while doing a twirl.

"You likey?"

She asks and cups her chest.

"These babies aren't covered either. It's a win-win."

I could see Ingvild mortified at the Satan at her bluntness and vulgarity. I sigh

"Yes, you look great. But please don't just grope yourself like that. Have some respect for your surroundings."

She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Bleee! Nah, I'm fine."

After that, we picked up our pace and reached their mansion.

When we entered, we see two older people waiting by the stairs.

"Father, Mother I'm back and I've brought him."

The two smile at their daughter and nod, they walk down the stairs and stop near us.

"His name is Jin, he's the middleman the Satans were talking about, the one beside him is… Ingvild, his associate and friend."

Serafall explained and we both nod to her parents.

"Thank you Serafall, I welcome the both of you to our humble home. I am Cyril Sitri and this is my wife Isolde Sitri. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"I've heard many things about you from my daughter and the Satans. You have a good head on you, I wish you luck in your future endeavors."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Sitri, Lady Sitri, and thank you."

They seem like nice pe— Devils so I'll return the courtesy. Ingvild also does a small curtsy to them as well.

Serafall had a giant grin on her as I just stared at her, this catches her parents' attention and they chuckle

"You two seem to be getting along."

Isolde comments.

"Mmm, the future Harem King and Red Dragon Emperor is quite a leech."


The two parents look at me surprised

"Red Dragon Emperor? That's the first time I'm hearing such a thing."

Lord Sitri eyes me again.

"Harem King?"

Lady Sitri squints her eyes at me.

"Ah— Yeah please keep it a secret, hehe."


Another Sitri teleportation circle appears and Sona Sitri appears from it.


Sona starts but stops as she stares at me and Ingvild beside me. I facepalm and Serafall turns and bear hugs her sister

"So-tan! ~"

Sona proceeded to push her sister off of her, much to Serafall's dismay.

"So mean!"

She huffed while on the ground. Sona fixes her glasses.

"It seems we meet in an unexpected place, Jin-san, Ingvild-san, care to explain?"

"Haah… This is why I shouldn't have let my guard down; you can ask your sister there."

I shook my head; I didn't expect this. Hopefully, I can convince Sona to keep this a secret. Sona then looks at Serafall and asks

"Well? Care to explain Nee-sama?"

Serafall huffs but explains anyway. She walks over to me and gestures.

"Allow me to do another introduction, this is Jin Skyward, 17, the new middleman to the three factions, hopefully to the West Youkai Faction and Asgard soon. He's also this generation's Red Dragon Emperor and is currently gathering a harem for himself."

She turns her gaze at me and hugs me

"I'm also interested!"

She announced. Stunning her parents and Sona.

"The one beside him is Ingvild Leviathan, an original descendant of the Leviathan clan and a hybrid of a devil and human. Please keep this all a secret for now, oh by the way In-tan is staying with Jin in Kuoh."


The room fell into silence once Serafall gave her explanation to them until Lord Sitri broke it

"An original descendant from the Leviathan clan? My word… I thought they went into hiding, or at the very least not very active."

"Dear, are you sure you want to pursue this boy? He has a harem… After all…"

Lady Sitri was more concerned about her daughter's love life more than anything that was said.


She gropes herself and tries to shove her chest towards my face.


I karate chop her head.

"Sera, please."


The Satan huffed and crossed her arms.

"When did you become aware of the supernatural, Jin-san?"

Sona asked after finally coming out of her own shock.

"Around 6 or 7? I guess."

"Why did you apply to Kuoh and move there?"

"I felt the demonic energy and moved there. I was just curious; I didn't expect two heiresses to be governing the town."

"So, you're the one training Rias and her peerage? And also, Akeno's boyfriend?"

"Yes, yes, and yes."

"I see."

She fixes her glasses again.

"I only came home to get something I forgot, I will also keep this a secret. Have a good day."

She leaves towards her room. Well, she's the type to keep her word so I'll be fine. I turn to Serafall, who was still huffing.

"Don't we need to be somewhere?"

I ask her and she goes back to being professional.

"Ah— Right, well we're going to get going, father, mother, tell So-tan I'll be gone for a bit."

She waved and teleports us away. I see her parents nod awkwardly, still stunned at the revelation they just got.

Japan, Kyoto

"And we're here!"

Serafall announces as she teleported us near to some kind of barrier that had next to no humans around us.

"This is… Another dimension, is this the Youkai city inside?"

I didn't think she'd teleport us this close.

"Yep! Hey! You said you hadn't been here before?"

She squints her eyes at me suspiciously.

"I haven't, I just assumed because of the barrier."

Serafall smacks her hand with an 'Oh' finally putting the pieces together.

"Anyway, let's go!"

She enters the barrier first followed by the both of us. When we enter, we are greeted by the sight of the Youkai city hidden in plain sight by the humans of Kyoto.

"This is quite something…"

I look around and all types of youkai are present, some foxes, flying heads, kappa, dog, wolf— You name it and they're just there. There's also some flying around. I make eye contact with one and they wave at me, I do the same back.

"I've never seen so many types of youkai's before… It's incredible…"

Ingvild muttered in astonishment.

"Right? There are everywhere and a lot of them are very friendly!"

As Serafall said that a long-necked youkai asked if she wanted to buy a crepe for very cheap, the Satan agreed and bought one from them.


Didn't she just get… You know what? Never mind. We continued our way to the giant castle that was pretty hard to miss when you first walk into the place. I'm guessing that's where Yasaka and Kunou are.

"Yo bro! How about having some sweets, eh?"

A youkai with bunny ears asks me, he's a muscular man with a strange accent to him. I humor him and stop.

"What kind of sweets?"

He grins and pulls out a box of rice crackers.

"These are our famous Kitsune Senbei! They are modeled after our leader Yasaka-sama."

He takes one out and gives it to me and Ingvild.

"Here, have a taste test."

Both Ingvild and I take a bite into the crackers and I got to say they taste good… But they modeled it after Yasaka? Did she allow them to?

"Not bad, did you get permission to model it after your leader?"

He flinches at the question and I chuckle at his expense.

"Er— Well— Maybe…?"

"How much is it?"

When I asked him the question he relaxes and takes out two boxes.

"That'll be ¥500 for both, I'll give ya a discount bro since you seem like you won't rat me out."

He winked and I hand over the amount.

"Thanks' for yer business!"

He hands the two boxes to me. I hand the other one to Ingvild and we catch up to Serafall who had been hounded by other Youkai on trying to buy their own stuff. I tap the Satan on the shoulder and she turns around with tears streaming down her face.

"Jin!!! Help me!!!"

She immediately runs behind me, using me as a human meat shield. The youkai spot me and converge on me instead, as they resume on their haggling. I put my hand out

"Say your prices."

They looked a bit confused and they start saying how much each of their products cost. I nod and take out the appropriate amount and hand them it, I also summon a bag for them to put what they had into it.

They were ecstatic and took the money and shoved the items into the bag. With that they left us alone, Serafall relieved and looking guilty.

"I'm sorry, Jin… Ugh…"

She started to mope which I found cute. I pat her head.

"Don't worry about it."

I bring the bag over to me and open it.

"There are a lot of snacks and other food here so it wasn't a waste."

Ophis would also like them. I can just make them after I get an understanding of them.

[An entire flock's nest with one tail swipe!]

{Just stick with two birds with one stone… What the fuck kind of analogy is that?}

[Fuck you!]

{Fuck you too!}

I hear both dragons start to fight and cut my link with them. They've been oddly silent for a while so I was starting to wonder when they'd start up again.

We eventually reach the castle without much trouble after that incident, Serafall also gaining a bit of life after being shown some affection.

"Here we are!"

She announces when she did two tengu guards fly down from where they were standing at.

"Halt! State your business."

One of them says. Losing her childish nature and going into her professional state of mind Serafall straightens herself.

"I am Serafall Leviathan and with me is the middleman Jin and his associate. Your leader is expecting us."

Both Tengu gained a surprised look and nodded.

"Ah yes, Yasaka-sama is expecting you."

They part ways and let us through.

"Kunuo-hime will be guiding you, please proceed to the door as she will be behind it."

We all nod and walk past them.

"You can certainly change at a moment's notice."

"Hehe, it comes naturally because I'm an actor after all."

She proudly puffs her chest.

"The Magical girl Levi-tan, huh?"

She twirls around upon hearing the name.


As she did so we arrive at the door and I push it forward to open it. Once it's fully opened, we step inside and we are greeted by a small female fox who bows to us.

"Mother has been expecting you, please follow me."

Kunou stopped bowing and began to walk away, we follow after her as she didn't leave us time to reply.

"She's cute…"

Ingvild looks at Kunou

"I want to touch her tails…"

"Mmm-mmm! Kunou-chan is cute!"

Serafall happily agreed with Ingvild. Their comments made Kunou look back at us with a small blush.

"What about you, Jin?"

Ingvild asks me making Serafall stare at me with anticipation.

"Hmm? Yeah, she's cute, makes you want to touch the fluffy tail."


Both of them just stare at me after I said that. I don't even want to know what they're thinking of.

A little while later after taking a few turns we arrive at a door that Kunou pushes and we all enter. We see Yasaka sitting in seiza while she had her eyes closed, A rectangular table in front of her.

"Mother we have arrived."

Kunou announces and Yasaka opens her eyes. She stares at each of us and smiles.

"Welcome to my— Our humble abode."

Yasaka pats her right side and Kunou waddles over to her mother and sits the same way as her.

"Please, have a seat."

We nod and sat on the opposite side of her, much like her in seiza, I could see Ingvild was a bit uncomfortable with the way we're sitting but just bears with it.

"It's nice to meet you Yasaka-san."

Serafall starts and gestures to the both of us

"This is Jin, the middleman for the three factions, and beside him is Ingvild, his associate."

Yasaka nods at Serafall turns her gaze at the both of us and smiles.

"My, you're quite young aren't you, Jin?"

I could see Kunou was staring intently at me, probably thinking about my comment from earlier.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you Yasaka-san and Kunou-chan."

I smile back at them.

"May I ask if there's a specific reason you wanted to meet me?"

Yasaka shakes her head.

"I wanted to see what kind of character this middleman was, the Satans and Fallen have been negotiating peace talks with our faction over the last few years after all. I just wanted to see the being they put their trust in."

She smiles and looks me up and down again, a hint of… Something in them.

"I didn't think it was a young human boy. I also wanted to invite you to our city, Kyoto and Urakyoto. Feel free to explore to your heart's content."

"While we're happy to do so Yasaka-san, we must inform the Norse God of Asgard that we may have to delay our visit to theirs."

Serafall explained to her, and Yasaka nods.

"Yes, feel free to contact them."

Serafall nods and leaves the room, probably going to contact Odin to tell him what's up. Hmm, I expected this, but I didn't get to write a note for the girls… What to do…

"Jin-san? Is something the matter?"

Yasaka could probably the face I made.

"Yasaka-san can I also leave for a minute? I need to tell my harem that I might be gone for a day or two. I didn't get a chance to write a note for them, since I thought this would just take a day like my other trips."

I explained to her my reasons for being concerned.

"I see…you have a harem already? Ufufufu, very well. Go ahead."

She gave me the okay and I teleport from that room back to my house.

I wrote a quick note and duplicated it to three and stuck it on the fridge, living room table, and dining room table. All places they should check when they get back. Satisfied I teleport back to where the meeting was being held.

"Sorry about that. I'm done, and thank you."

I sat back down and stretched a bit.

"You're welcome ~ now, about that harem you have… May I know why?"

"Hmm? I guess I just want to spread the love? I have a lot to share."

I chuckle and shrug, I'll find out the real reason in the future, for now, I'll just repeat this response.

"Hmmm… Is the one beside you— Ingvild-san part of it?"

Ingvild blushes when Yasaka says that causing the Nine-tailed fox to chuckle at her.


I turn to look at her and grin. Her eyes widening and probably knowing on what I'm about to say.

"No, she's not part of it yet, we're just roommates."

[And they were roommates!]

Don't reference me with a damn vine! Ingvild turned another shade of red.

"Ufufufu, not yet, huh? Then who is in your current harem so far?"

I can see Kunou was interested in this conversation as she was listening intently, I didn't think she would be that invested in it.

"Akeno, Lavinia and Kuroka so far. So, a hybrid, a human, and a youkai— Well she's a devil now but still."


Yasaka looked like she just remembered something

"Middleman… Of course, you were responsible for freeing her from being a stray."

Yasaka bows much to the shock of Kunou and Ingvild.

"Thank you, Jin."

She gets back up and smiles at me.

"Also, please tell her I said hello."

"You two know each other?"

I was surprised by this; I didn't think they did. I don't remember it at all… I forgot or it's alternate universe fuckery at it again.

"Yes… Very briefly, but I knew of her mother from many years ago. While we didn't interact much, we didn't hate each other either I guess it was just mutual respect between us? Nevertheless, it was when she was still a new stray, that she stumbled into our territory and I offered her some refuge, but she declined. She said she didn't want to cause our faction trouble."

"She said that if she stayed then it would cause tension between the devil faction and west youkai if she stayed here. She didn't want a war to start between the two. Kuroka…she's a very kind and caring individual, she cares greatly for the people she cares for— Especially her own little sister."

"Thank you again, Jin, for reuniting those two. Kuroka was quite distraught anytime I tried to mention her, I would like to meet her again."

"It's no problem— When I got the request to capture her, I just thought it didn't add up so I dug deeper into it and found the real reason. Her, falling for me was just a coincidence. I did reject her when she first declared her love for me and tried to sleep with me on the same day."

Yasaka looked shocked, is it that strange for me to reject someone…?

"Y-You originally rejected her?"

I wonder if she thinks I'll just take anyone in just because they looked pretty and have a hot body or something.

"Jin— He won't just take anyone just because they offer their body up to him. He also told Kuroka that what she felt at the time was gratitude and not love. But over time she did genuinely fall for him, and so did Jin."

Ingvild explains and smiles.

"Jin will only accept women that he falls for and so do they. He won't force anyone to be his."

I smile at Ingvild and pat her head, causing her to blush.

"I-I-That's what I was told by Kuroka herself…"

"Thanks, In, I knew I could count on my little singer."

I could see at the corner of my eye that Kunou was smiling at me. Did she initially think badly of me? Did what I say change that? I hope so, I don't want her to hate me, she's too adorable.

We hear the door open and Serafall comes back in.

"Sorry for the wait, Odin agreed and said he'll let us stay the day there tomorrow too."

She sighed and sat back down, my lip twitched at this, I'm going to be away for so long? Ugh…

"Glad I teleported back home and made a note for Kuroka, Akeno, and Grayfia…"

I stare at Serafall unblinking, making the Satan laugh nervously.

"Kunou and I will be your guides for today since I want to repay Jin for his kindness to Kuroka."

We were a bit surprised that she'll be personally guiding us around Kyoto and Urakyoto.

"You're also welcome to stay the night here."

"We appreciate the hospitality, Yasaka-san."

I thank her and she stands up.

"Kunou and I shall get ready, please wait by the entrance."

We nod and leave the room, chatting about what we'll see around Kyoto.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive and start our tour. Yasaka and Kunou take us around the city we had been in not too long ago, when the youkai saw us with their leader some of them were quite shocked. Especially the guy I bought the crackers from.

"A lot of youkai's here want to live in peace and are generally against violence and the thought of war is far from their minds. But some do train just in case anything of the sort happens."

Yasaka explains as she kept walking past everyone going about their day.


I was looking around when I see a young one-eyed youkai looking upset. I break away from the group and go over to him. "

Hey, what's wrong, little man?"

I call out to the youkai and he looks up at me, on the brink of tears. He only pointed up and I see his balloon flying away.

"Leave it Takeshi… We can get another one…"

A woman one-eyed youkai walks up to the boy, seems like it's his mother.

"But… That's your first present to me after dad…"

The boy recalled starting to tear up again. The more also looked upset at the mention of her husband. Did he pass away? I look back up at the floating balloon

"Leave it to me, little man!"

I gave him a thumbs up and jumped into the air. I catch the sting the balloon was attached to and I float back down. I go back to the little family and hand the balloon back to the boy.

"Stay strong, alright?"

I pat his head

"Get big and strong in the future so you can help people as I did to you, you can also protect your mom and everyone you love if you get stronger."

The little boy youkai looked at me with stars in his eyes.

"Mmm! Thanks, mister!"

He turns to his mother and grins at her.

"I'll be big and strong like big bro there and so I can make everyone happy one day!"

His mother smiled at him and thanked me. They walk away while chatting about what they'll do for the rest of the day.

[That was wholesome, Partner.]


I shake my head and walk back to the group that I had abruptly left. They had stopped and watched what was happening in front of them.

"Hmm? What's up? Something on my face?"

Serafall walks over to me and starts jabbing me on my hip.

"Look at you playing hero for some children youkai!"

"I just happen to see what happened and decided to help, no big deal, and sorry for leaving like that."

They just smiled at me.

"It is no problem, Jin. Let us keep going."

She gestured and we followed after them.

"In? What's up?"

I feel her staring at me and pulling on my arm.

"Are you a tsundere? Helping beings and then saying 'It was a coincidence.' And acting like you didn't do it on purpose?"

I snort.

"No, that really was just by chance. I didn't think much of it."

"Even when you encourage the little youkai?"


I don't know, I was just compelled to, I guess?

"Yeah, that was a spur of the moment too."


Ingvild clearly didn't believe me but left it at that.

Coincidence after coincidence was what happened after that. We toured more of the Urakyoto and I managed to start helping out random youkai's along the way, an old wolf granny youkai who fell and I helped father her groceries, some youkai who lacked some strength to lift up a giant pile of wood, paying for a kappa youkai when he was a few yen short are some of the small situations I managed to put myself into.

Serafall was grinning at me the whole way through it and kept nudging me on making a good impression on Yasaka so she'd join my harem. While I do want her to join, those were literal coincidences. Maybe my luck, did it? It is infinite, so maybe those did contribute to her opinion of me, the same with Kunou.

"Now that we've seen the tourist hot spots of Urakyoto, shall we go tour some of Kyoto itself?"

Yasaka asked a rhetorical question and we nodded along. They retracted their ears and tails and we went out of the barrier. Once out we set out for our first destination was Yasaka Shrine.

"The first place you take us is a Shrine named after you?"

I ask incredulously, this made Yasaka chuckle.

"No, this shrine isn't dedicated to me, I was just named after it by chance."

She smiles at us and looks towards it.

"Yasaka Shrine or Yasaka-jinja, once called Gion Shrine or Gion-jinja, is a Shinto shrine in the Gion District of Kyoto, Japan. Situated at the east end of Shijō-dōri (Fourth Avenue), the shrine includes several buildings, including gates, a main hall and a stage."

"The Yasaka shrine is dedicated to Susanoo as its chief God, with his consort Kushinadahime on the east, and eight offspring deities (Yahashira no Mikogami) on the west. The Yahashira no Mikogami include Yashimajinumi no kami, Itakeru no kami, Ōyatsuhime no kami, Tsumatsuhime no kami, Ōtoshi no kami, Ukanomitama no kami, Ōyatsuhiko no kami, and Suseribime no Mikoto."

"Susanoo, huh? Do they reside in another realm like the Norse Gods? I would imagine so since I don't feel their presence here."

I try feeling for some kind of realm, it's there, I can brute force my way if I want but I'd rather not force a confrontation right now.

"Yes, he is part of the Shinto faction, the current leader of the faction is Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess."

Yasaka explained. I decided to add more to her explanation.

"Amaterasu, also known as Amaterasu-Ōmikami or Ōhirume-no-Muchi-no-Kami among other names, is the goddess of the Sun in Japanese Mythology. One of the major deities (kami) of Shinto, she is also portrayed in Japan's earliest literary texts, the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki as the ruler (or one of the rulers) of the heavenly realm Takamagahara and the mythical ancestress of the Imperial House of Japan via her grandson Ninigi."

"Along with her siblings, the moon deity Tsukuyomi and the impetuous storm god Susanoo, she is considered to be one of the 'Three Precious Children', the three most important offspring of the creator god Izanagi."

Everyone was staring at me dumbfounded.

"What? Is it that weird that I'm interested in all types of Mythologies?"

"Well, yeah, you're not exactly from the country, Jin. It's just a bit weird, that's all."

"Whatever, anyway the realm they reside in is called Takamagahara, so if they ask for a meeting in the future, I can just force my way into it."

"Jin… That wouldn't be a good idea, you'd probably incur one of their wrath."

Yasaka reprimanded me.

"I mean, it's just a what-if scenario, I won't actually do it. Unless circumstances call for it."

"…So much has changed since I slept, it's a bit overwhelming…"

Ingvild whispered to herself again.

"Don't worry In, we can explore these places together, it's not like I've been here before."

I look at Serafall and she nods.

"Yep, I haven't explored Kyoto that much myself, so I'm glad Yasaka-san decided to be our tour guide."

With that we left for another place, which was Kinkaku-ji, also known as the Temple of the Golden Pavilion. On the way there we also bought some souvenirs and small snacks fully enjoying our time there.

"This is Kinkaku-ji, literally called 'Temple of the Golden Pavilion', and also officially named Rokuon-ji literally meaning 'Deer Garden Temple', is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is one of the most popular buildings in Kyoto, attracting many visitors annually. It is designated as a National Special Historic Site, a National Special Landscape and is one of 17 locations making up the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto which are World Heritage Sites."

"Do deer come here often?"

We all stare at Ingvild who had asked the question.


She was genuinely confused. Cute.

"I don't think so In, I mean there are so many people here throughout the year I think they'd be too scared."

Seeing that she was serious I decided to answer her with an assumption.


She sounded genuinely sad about that, does she perhaps like deer? We walk around the place checking things out, there's also a little map telling tourists key points they might be interested in. We go to a different spot and seeing the temple there in that exact spot was picture-perfect.

"Whoever the architect for this thing has had an eye for scenery, that's for sure."

I said as I took out my smartphone and started taking pictures.

"Jin, send some of them to me later."

I nodded and we continued to watch the scenery for a little while longer.

Our next stop was the Thousand Torii Gates or Senbon Torii. When we got there, we saw a few people walking around, most likely tourists like us. We could see there were also a few fox statues around the place.

"Yasaka, I can feel a lot of energies from this spot, perhaps you have some youkai's stationed here?"

I ask the Nine-tailed fox beside me.

"Quite perceptive of you, and yes, I have assigned some youkai here, a few tengus' to patrol the area, as it's a resting place for the Japanese Goddess of Foxes. Inari Ōkami."

"Hmm, I've also read up on her."

Everyone stares at me waiting for me to continue and I grin at them.

"Correct me on anything you think is false, Yasaka as this was from human resources."

She nods and I continue.

"Inari Ōkami, also called Ō-Inari is the Japanese kami of foxes, fertility, rice, tea, and sake, and was one of the principal kami of Shinto. In earlier Japan, Inari was also the patron of swordsmiths and merchants. Represented as female, Inari is sometimes seen as a collective of three or five individual kami. Inari appears to have been worshiped since the founding of a shrine at Inari Mountain in 711 A.D, although some scholars believe that worship started in the late 5th century."

"By the 16th century, Inari had become the patron of blacksmiths and the protector of warriors, and worship of Inari spread across Japan in the Edo period. Inari is a popular figure in both Shinto and Buddhist beliefs in Japan. More than one-third (32,000) of the Shinto shrines in Japan are dedicated to Inari. Modern corporations, such as cosmetic company Shiseido, continue to revere Inari as a patron kami, with shrines atop their corporate headquarters."

"Inari's foxes, or kitsune, are pure white and act as their messengers."

"According to myth, Inari, as a goddess, was said to have come to Japan at the time of its creation amidst a harsh famine that struck the land."

"'She [Inari] descended from Heaven riding on a white fox, and in her hand, she carried sheaves of cereal or grain. Ine, the word now used for rice, is the name for this cereal. What she carried was not rice but some cereal that grows in swamps. According to legend, in the ancient times, Japan was water and swamp land.'"

I finish and look at Yasaka as she nods.

"What you have said is more or less true, however unknown to humans is that Inari has passed as she helped defend youkai from an unknown attack many years ago."

She looked saddened when recalling the events.

"An unknown creature started attacking Kyoto at the time, it became a legend for a while among humans, as many of them died that day. It was not related to any faction and only did things for itself. Once it was done with its attack it simply vanished. The gods at the time could not track down its whereabouts."

That didn't happen… What?

"Yasaka, what did the creature look like?"

"The creature was larger than anything they had known at the time. The creature's wings were much larger and more bat-like in appearance. The membrane of each wing was supported by four bat-like phalanges extending from the creature's wrists, and an additional three phalanges that extend from the sides of the creature's torso. All these phalanges end in blade-like tips that emerge from the wing membrane."

"Though the creature apparently takes on a bipedal stance when standing still, and the thing was able to move on his legs and uses his wings as forelimbs to support Its massive body for crawling or even running when needed. The creature had twin tails with spiked bludgeons at their tips that can rattle as an intimidation display. Its legs were digitigrade and stocky with avian-like feet."

"Each head has a crown of ten horns which tend to flare depending on the creature's current mood. There were subtle differences in each head's horn array. The horns of the middle head are notably longer, more curved, and more decorative than the other two, while the left head has straighter horns than the right head."

"Furthermore, one of the right head's left horns is chipped. The left head appears to have a slightly more rectangular facial structure with slightly further-apart eyes than the other two. The middle head's neck has two rows of spines while the left and right necks only have one. The creatures' heads each had crocodilian-looking jaws with flaring nostrils, forked tongue, and brows with a generally furrowed appearance."

"Its eyes were beady and have a fiery reddish-orange color and circular pupils, and they tend to glint or glow blazing yellow at a distance it was particularly noticeable in the dark or when it prepares to fire its gravity-like beams. The creature's necks also emitted golden light of electricity from within whenever it charges up and fires Its gravity-like beams."

Yasaka finishes describing it to me… That description… Definitely sounds like Ghidorah from the Monsterverse?! What is a thing like that doing here? Cúntóir, I thought you said that there was no other life in this universe.

Cúntóir: Answer: This Ghidorah travels to different universes and destroys everything. It may have been an infant at the time since it caused minimal destruction.

What's its current rank?

Cúntóir: Answer: Universal – Ex

…That will be an interesting fight for the supernatural world… It's even stronger than Ophis and Irene. Where is it currently at? Is it near this universe?

Cúntóir: Answer: No, it is far away in the multiverse.

Why hasn't Azathoth done anything about it? I didn't get it, that thing is just destroying things as it goes, won't it upset some kind of balance?

Cúntóir: Answer: No, he has left that mission to you.

I'm surprised you told me that. I guess I have to help the multiverse down the line then…

"Jin? Is something the matter?"

Yasaka had seen me go silent and was worried.

"Jin… Do you have an idea of what it could be?"

Serafall asked seriously.

"I believe I do, however, that thing won't be back for a long time. At the time…the supernatural fought it as an infant… You can only imagine how much bigger and more powerful it got…"

All their eyes widen in horror.

"Surely you jest, Jin?"

Yasaka asked nervously, she didn't want to believe it, but… It's the hard truth.

"No… That thing is definitely stronger than the Dragon God or the dragon I met earlier… Since the Dragon God of Infinity and the Undiscovered Dragon are around the same level of strength. Even if they team up… They'll surely die."


"Jin, do you know its name?"

I could feel the fear in Ingvild's voice as she asked me the question they wanted to know.

"It goes by many, but the ones I'm familiar with are, King Ghidorah, Monster Zero, and The False King."

"King… Ghidorah?"

Serafall shook her head.

"How do you know this?"

"I hold many secrets Sera, if I told you them, you wouldn't believe me. But trust me on this… There is more than our universe out there and there are even more monsters that are more powerful than this world's top ten strongest… To them, they're just ants."

Another bout of silence falls, Kunou looked like she wanted to cry but was doing her best not to, however, her shaking was very visible. I sigh.

"Anyway, let's not think about this, for now, that's a problem for the far future."

I start walking away.


Yasaka called out

"If what you say is true… If such monsters truly exist… How are we meant to fight back?"

"This world has me."

I stated simply, and they obviously become shocked.

"As long as I am here, this world is safe from those kinds of dangers."


Cúntóir: Answer: Covering area with aura sealing barrier.

Cúntóir: Answer: Covering Serafall Leviathan, Ingvild Leviathan, Yasaka, and Kunou with protective energy.

Cúntóir: Answer: Power Output: Outer God: 1%

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing aura and mana suppression.

A sudden barrier was erected around them, confusing the women.


Serafall called out.

"Allow me to show you… Just one percent of my full power…"

I muttered. The women were covered in a thin layer of white energy, confusing them. It served one single purpose. To protect and not get them killed.


I calmly looked at them, as they all fell back onto the ground shaking, eyes widening in complete utter horror. Ingvild had puked out the food she had eaten earlier, and Kunou had peed herself… All of them shared a look of despair.

The area around me distorted, voices of… Things— Beings of unknown origin started to scream in despair and anguish, the area underneath me completely destroyed… A powerful rumbling occurred in the small area.

"The world won't feel this, I put up a barrier after all. You feel this, yes?"

I ask them but they couldn't do or say anything.

"I promise you all, that if that danger comes, one day, I'll kill it with ease."

I look up towards the sky.

"I'll state this once, so, listen carefully."

I stare at them and grin.

"I am the strongest."

After a long and awkward silence, I had gone back to my usual power output and readjusted my power level back to 1% of a Slightly above average Dragon God. Cúntóir, report.

Cúntóir: Answer: Aura sealing barrier sealed all of your power output within the small area of your group. The energy that protected the women was 99% effective, however, they may have suffered mental and emotional damage. The world— The universe is fine, no major damage done. Finished repairs in current vicinity.

…Shit. I need to do something about that, if that made them want to stay away from me, then that's going to be bad. I look over to the group of women, Yasaka and I make eye contact and she gave me a sad smile and resumed comforting a still terrified Kunou.

I sigh loudly and got up, I walked towards the group as they silently watch me. I put out my hand and soothe their mind, body, and souls.

"W-What are you doing?"

Serafall asked she started to feel better, the shock she felt slowly fading.

"Just helping heal your souls, it did get affected by… Well, that."


They still felt a bit awkward and had gone silent again.

"Look, guys, I understand that if you're scared of me now, if you want, I can just erase that memory for you. If not then I'll distance myself from you. But please, promise me this, do not speak a word about this to anyone, until I say so. Alright?"

They hesitantly nod toward my last point.

"No… I don't want to forget about today. It's just a reminder for me to become even stronger."

Ingvild was the one to first speak her thoughts. The others look at her.

"I want… I want to be able to stand by your side Jin, we— The beings that are a part of the supernatural are always striving for more… Be it strength or something else entirely."

She got up and nervously walked over to me, she stops a few inches away from me and looks up at me, face full of determination.

"You promised me you would help me get stronger… I will hold you up to that."

She shakily reaches out and grabs my arm.

"A-And don't t-think that you showing o-of like that will change my opinion of you…"

Ingvild had tried her best but soon collapses onto my chest—like how we first started our friendship.

"So, you better not try to run away from me— From us."

Ingvild looks back at the other women and smiles. I chuckle.

"You're one hell of a woman, In, I'll give you that."

Next Serafall walked up to me and punches the right side of my hip, it didn't do anything to me, obviously.


"You little… I nearly peed myself! I only have two of these and I didn't bring a spare!"

She shouted at me, stunning me. That's her take on this whole situation?

"I also agree with Ingvild, I'm not one of the Satans just for show, you know. While I'm absolutely terrified of that power… It won't stop me from being close to you. I have my own pride after all and I won't stop at anything once I set my eyes on something… Or someone."

She does her usual smile.

"I'll kick your ass someday!"

She declared. Not likely…

"I look forward to it then, Sera."

I look at the mother and daughter duo and give them an apologetic smile. Yasaka gets up and walks towards me slowly. I bring Ingvild to my said and stand face to face with Yasaka.

"Jin, while we only met today, I have a positive opinion of you— Even after what you told and showed us, that won't change. I will still ask for your requests in the future… But…"

Yasaka looks over at her daughter who has refused to look at me since it happened.

"It will take Kunou more time to adjust…"

"It's fine, I can give you something to give to her later and it'll help her a bit more."

Yasaka smiles at me and thanked me.

"Thank you… Also, I'm not that weak of a woman to let a cheeky young man scare me with his power…"

She says but was clearly still a bit shaky because of it.

"But… Kunou and I will go back home ahead of you, forgive me."

"I understand."

I create a little pill and hand it Yasaka.

"Get Kunou to drink this before she sleeps tonight, it will help her with deal with the fear she felt."

She closes her hand and nods

"Thank you."

She turns around and walks back to Kunou, she says something to her and they leave.

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing aura sealing barrier

I look at my companions.

"Shall we continue on our tour or take a break?"

"Break please."

They said in unison. I guessed as much I nod and we go somewhere to unwind a bit.

We had arrived at a small little vendor and ordered some food; we take them to a nearby park and sit down. It was a little bit windy there so we decided to look for a tree and sit behind it to shield ourselves.

"Haah… Much better."

Serafall ate the food she ordered like her life depended on it; the same thing could be said for Ingvild. We silently ate our food, enjoying the small breeze that occasionally got by the tree.

"Anywhere you guys want to go after this?"

"Let's end this by going to Kyoto Tower…"

Serafall suggested, Ingvild and I agreed.

We had shortly arrived there by teleporting near to the spot, we looked up at the thing and it was quite the size.

"Well, Jin? Not gonna tell us a little fact about the thing?"

Serafall teased me and I chuckled.

"Sure, hold on."

I stare at the thing and nod.

"Kyoto Tower is an observation tower located in Kyoto, Japan. The steel tower is the tallest structure in Kyoto with its observation deck at 100 meters (328 ft) and its spire at 131 meters (430 ft). The 800-ton tower stands atop a 9-story building, which houses a 3-star hotel and several stores. The entire complex stands opposite Kyoto Station."

"Kyoto Tower is split into two distinct structures. The primary structure is the steel spire that begins on the roof of the building below. Tourists may buy tickets and ascend one of the tower's nine elevators to visit the 100-metre (330 ft)-high, 500-person-capacity observation deck."

"This area is lined with game machines and free telescopes and provides a 360-degree view of the city. From here, nearly all of Kyoto can be seen. The mountains of Higashiyama and Arashiyama are visible on the east and west sides respectively, while Kitayama can be seen to the north. On a clear day, some buildings in Osaka are visible to the south."

"The second structure that completely supports the 800-ton tower and gives it its first 30.8 meters of height is a nine-story building. The first four floors of the building house several commercial areas, including a souvenir shop, a 100-yen shop, a bookstore, and a dentist's office."

"In the basement of the building, there is a spa. Floors 5–9 are devoted to the 160-room, three-star Kyoto Tower Hotel. Atop the building and surrounding the tower is the circular, three-floor restaurant named Sky Lounge or also known as KUU."

"Adaptations such as a stair lift and ramps have been added to make the observation deck wheelchair accessible."

"Doesn't sound bad, let's go!"

Serafall grabs my arm and pulls me towards the thing, I had managed to snag Ingvild's hand as well so she wouldn't be left behind. I really doubt she listened to what I had to say there…


The two of them gasp as they saw the sheer size of the place, there were quite a number of things to see and places to go, so I let them pick since I didn't have any preferences.

They opted to go to the 100-yen shop and bought a few souvenirs for their families, I also bought a cute little plastic toy cat that resembled Kuroka, making Ingvild laugh.

"I wonder if Kuroka will like this…"

"No, she won't… Nya!"

Ingvild tried to copy Kuroka which was amusing. We both laughed at her little show. We make our way to Serafall as she was looking at a few plastic and cheap magical wands. She was seriously looking at all of them as she wasn't sure which one, she would like to get.

"Sera just pick one or buy two of them. They're literally 100 yen each."

"I was getting to that! I just wanted to see which one would look good on So-tan!"

She complained and kept mulling it over for the next minute.

"Alright, I decided."

She picked the blue one for Sona and the pink one for herself.

"With this, we'll be two magical girls!"

She looked at me and seductively pretended to lick the pink wand.


"No horny in public!"

I karate chop the Satan again. She swung the wand at me and I block it.

"Don't block it!"

She whined and playfully stormed off to pay for them as Ingvild and I followed suit.

After wandering around the first floor, we come to a stop.

"Let's just go to the observation deck. We're not exactly hungry since we just ate, we have no use for a hotel as we're staying at Yasaka's place tonight."

Both girls agree with my suggestion and we made our way there.


I look around me, it's a circular room with a bunch of… Binoculars? Telescopes? Covering the whole room and pointing at different parts of Kyoto. Serafall and Ingvild quickly walk over to one and looks through them. They let out surprised gasps and impressed 'woahs' when they looked through them, they would move to another one and the scene would repeat.

"Aren't you going to use them Jin?"

Ingvild had finished her own viewing and stood beside me. I shook my head.

"Nah I'm good, I can pretty much zoom in with my own eyes."

Ingvild chuckles beside me.

"I— We have a human— Er you know what I mean, a human telescope beside me… I should just ask you to look at stuff from far away."

The sun was slowly going down as we had spent quite a bit of time in Kyoto tower, mostly Serafall looking through the telescopes, and planned to go to some other places with Sona. We had gathered near the elevator

"Let's go back then."

We made our way back to the youkai city.

When we entered through the barrier again, we were greeted by the sight of the nightlife of the youkai city. It looked even more incredible at night with all the different colors and forms of light that illuminated it. We could also see other youkai's that weren't present during the day, they greeted us happily as we made our way through the city once more.

We get back to the palace and the tengu guards let us through without a fuss. I had bought extra food from shop vendors and gave some to the two guards. They seemed grateful and thanked me.

Looks like my reputation increased with them again. I took a bite of the food I bought and burned the stick it was on.

When we entered through the door again, Yasaka was walking through it and she greeted us.

"Hello and welcome back, how was the rest of your trip?"

Her calm and collected demeanor was back.

"It was fine, we just went to have lunch and spent the remaining time at Kyoto Tower."

I respond earning a nod from the mature fox woman.

"My home has a large open bath, so if you wish to rid yourselves of the day's fatigue, then you're more than welcome to use it."


Serafall answered like an excited child. Yasaka smiled and added with a mischievous grin

"Since it is only Kunou and I who live here, it's been only a female's bath… But I shall change it to be mixed for the night."

She winked at me and left.

"Works for me."

I shrug and go look for my room. The two girls follow me and we come across a fox maid.

"Scuse me, do you know where guest bedrooms are?"

I ask the maid as she turns to look at us.

"Yes, you're Yasaka-sama's guests, yes? Please follow me."

She bowed and started walking, it didn't take us long until we reached a hallway with a bunch of doors to the sides. She goes to one of them.

"Jin-sama this is your room."

She gestures to the one on the right

"Ingvild-sama and Leviathan-sama, these are yours."

She bows and leaves after doing her job. I turn to my companions and ask.

"So, where the hell is the open bath?"

I had asked loud enough that the maid ran back looking embarrassed.

"My apologies, I knew I forgot about something… P-Please follow me."

We all chuckle at her expense and follow the fox girl. We stop at one giant entrance that had 'Open Bath' written above it.

"Welp, see ya guys in there."

I walk in before they respond. I quickly strip off my clothes by snapping my fingers and summon a towel around my waist. I walk through the door and Yasaka wasn't kidding when she said it was a big open bath.

I walk over to the area where you clean yourself before you go into the bath itself, I quickly scrub myself down and rinse it off. I do one final stretch before going into the steamy warm water.

I sit down, lean back, and let out a sigh.

"That's the spot ~"

I look up at the sky and observe the night sky of the youkai city, it's more or less the same as normal Kyoto, the stars are present and even the moon.

"Oh? You're already here, Jin."

I hear Yasaka's voice by the entrance. I turn my head and see the girls standing there, all of them had their bodies covered up in a white towels.

"Yeah, the water feels amazing, thanks again Yasaka."

I crack my neck as I tell her. She smiles, and the girls wash themselves and then join me in the open bath. To my surprise, Ingvild sits beside me on the left while Yasaka and Serafall were across from us, but when Serafall saw that the younger Leviathan sat beside me, she pouted and quickly joined on my right, earning a chuckle from Yasaka.

"Leviathan-sama, do you perhaps like Jin?"

Yasaka gestures towards me, and Serafall nods.

"Yeah, I'm interested in him."

She honestly answered, even surprising Yasaka as she stared at the Serafall a little surprised. I chuckle.

"Well, if you are then you have competition."

I grin at her and she looks at me oddly.

"Competition? Well, yeah you have a harem."

She gave me a look that said 'are you stupid?'.

"No, I mean I made progress with Grayfia last night and I'm pretty sure Gabriel likes me—so yeah you have some competition."

"I'm fine with Grayfia… But Gabriel?! She's my biggest rival! Grr… I need to redouble my efforts…"

She started to nibble her right thumbnail while thinking of something.

"My, to think you would have the Lucifer's Queen and Maid within your grasps, not to mention one of the Four Great Seraphs… Ufufufu, you keep on giving me surprises, Jin."

"Hmm ~"

When I turn back my gaze to Yasaka she had started to seductively crawl towards me, Ingvild looked mortified at what was about to happen as she tried to scoot away from me, but I held her in place.

"You know… Jin. After what I witnessed and felt today, many of my natural instincts kicked into overdrive…"

She slowly says and sat on my lap.

"And one of those… Was the instinct of creating an offspring in order to continue my lineage."

Yasaka removed her towel fully exposing her breasts to me. Serafall and Ingvild were blushing furiously as they watched the Nine-tailed fox's attempts at seducing me. They were too stunned to say anything and only watched in silence.

"I've also been looking for a father for Kunou, and maybe a sibling or two… While she may still be afraid of you…"

She grabs my hand and forcefully makes me grope her right breast, earning an exaggerated moan from the woman.

"It should quickly fade if your pill does work… So, how about it, Papa-san?"

She asked and slowly grinded herself on my lap, as she was visibly blushing while looking me dead in the eyes. I awkwardly laugh and summon another towel on Yasaka and teleport her back to the other side, surprising the fox lady. She was slack-jawed at what I had just done.

"Did— Did I just get rejected?"

She loudly asked herself, earning a few awkward chuckles from Serafall and Ingvild who had come out of their stupor.

"Sorry, Yasaka, like I told you earlier today. I won't do any of that stuff without being in a proper relationship with that woman."

I look back up at the sky as I could see stars even from Urakyoto.

"I've also had three romances that happened quickly, so I want to take my time with my future harem. So, yeah, I guess I did reject you."

I look at her and chuckle.

"If you're serious, then you're more than welcome to try. But I want to get to know you better, just because you offer yourself up to me doesn't mean I'll bite like any other person. I have my own standards and ideals."

I could see her blankly staring at me before an apologetic smile appears on her.

"Forgive me, Jin. I definitely had the wrong impression of you then, since you wanted a harem, I just assumed that what you said earlier was just for show."

"It's fine, I forgive you."

The two ladies beside me, were also staring at me, did they also think the same thing as Yasaka? Well, maybe not Ingvild as much, but Serafall probably did, she has been blatantly sexually harassing me sometimes.

"I didn't expect that Jin, I guess my opinion of you changed then."

Serafall shook her head and smiled. We spent the rest of our time there having a more light-hearted conversation about Kyoto, Urakyoto, its residence, and other mundane things.

Later that night


I stare out towards the sky as I had left my room since I couldn't sleep yet. It wasn't late, but Yasaka had gone to sleep with Kunou for the night and I don't know what the rest of the girls are doing.

I was just sitting on a random bench at one of the verandas in the palace, drinking canned coffee that I summoned.

"I'm going to Asgard tomorrow, I wonder how it'll look like?"

I'm also curious about who I'll meet, maybe Rossweisse?


I hear my name called out, I glance at my side and Serafall joins me on the bench I was sitting on.

"Can't get to sleep yet?"

She asks while looking at the scenery in front of us.

"Yeah, just a lot of things happened today and I wanted some fresh air before hitting the hay."

I offered her the rest of my coffee and she takes it.

"What about you? Can't sleep?"

"I was just on my way to get a drink."

She shakes her head. She holds the can of coffee and takes a sip, and sports a small blush.

"I guess I got it, and we also shared an indirect kiss."

"Maybe I'm in the lead now of Grayfia-chan?"

She sounded a little proud of herself, making me chuckle.

"We shared a bath together and she teased me down there with her butt, so probably not."

I flatly told the Satan.


The small blush on her became bigger

"Damn her…"

She started to huff to herself and saying she'll be able to do that soon, I again laugh at her.

"Tell me, Sera, why are you even interested in me? We've barely met and spoken with each other."

I turn to fully look at the Satan and wait for her answer. She stares at me and then back to the moon.

"I guess… It started out as curiosity? You randomly showed up in Heaven, offered to be the Middleman, and started doing requests?"

"I listened in to all your achievements and it went from there. I guess the incident with Kuroka piqued my interest, as I saw her reuniting with her little sister and I could understand how she felt. If something like that happened with So-tan and I… I would probably fall into despair."

A sad expression was present on her face when she tried thinking of the same scenario for her and Sona.

"So, yeah, I guess that's where it all started. Luckily Grayfia-chan is reporting to Sirzechs and I would sometimes overhear them talking about you. She only had good things to say about you so that helped with my opinion about you."

"Then you helped wake up Misla and Ingvild, further improving my opinion and interest in you… Oh! And also, the android you gave me was a lifesaver!"

She huffed and crossed her arms.

"But you gave one to Sirzechs-chan too! Bad boy!"

She tried to scold me playfully and we laugh at it.

"So, yeah, adding the fact that you're trying to achieve peace between all factions and pantheons… Even though it's for the sake of growing your harem… It's a noble act. Even with what happened today, I still like you."

"Before we left this place you helped a bunch of youkais even though you weren't obligated to. You're unintentionally kind Jin, even if you do it consciously or subconsciously, that's a rare trait for anybody to have, I would even go as far to say, even for angels."

"Maybe… Maybe it's just that trait of yours is just embedded in you, your head? Your heart? Maybe in your very soul."

Thump! Beat!

…Kindness… Soul… I felt that itch just then. What does it mean? I don't know, even if I ask Cúntóir she won't give me an answer on it. I look back at Sera and shrug

"Who knows? It's as you say maybe or maybe not."

I get up and stretch a bit.

"Well, anyway, good luck with that Sera, let's hope your efforts come to fruition."

I start to turn away when I feel her grab my arm and pull me back.


I feel her lips kiss my cheek. I look at her in surprise and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"I'll start with that. It's my declaration of love!"

She says and leaves.

"Declaration of love, huh?"

I chuckle at her antics and go back to my room. When I get there, I see Ingvild sitting there waiting for me.

"In? Is something wrong?"

"Welcome back Jin… I— Can I sleep with you tonight? I just feel uneasy being in a new place… I had a bit of trouble when I moved into your home, but since you were just across from me, I felt at ease, so…can I?"

I smile and sit on the futon laid out for me, I made it bigger to fit the both of us.

"Well? Gonna join me?"

I ask as I lay down. She blushes and nods. I do the same as I do with my harem, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me, to In's credit she takes it like a champ and cuddles in with me.

"Good night, In."

"Good night, Jin."

She sounded a lot more relaxed, as we both drifted to sleep.


Cyril - Cyril (also Cyrillus or Cyryl) is a masculine given name. It is derived from the Greek name Κύριλλος (Kýrillos), meaning 'lordly, masterful', which in turn derives from Greek κυριος (kýrios) 'lord'. There are various variant forms of the name Cyril such as Cyrill, Cyrille, Ciril, Kirill, Kiryl, Kirillos, Kuriakose, Kyrylo, Kiril, Kiro, and Kyrill.

Isolde - Isolde is a German feminine given name derived from either the Old High German words īs ("ice") and hiltja ("battle"), or the Brythonic adsiltia ("she who is gazed upon"). The name was further popularized in Germany and German-speaking countries following the opera Tristan und Isolde composed by Richard Wagner between 1857 and 1859, and based on the 12th-century chivalric romance Tristan and Iseult.

Isolde is the main reason why Serafall has ice manipulation as it was in her mother but skipped a generation, it manifested within Serafall as she grew in power. Perhaps Sona also has that potential?

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