Why is my Harem World a Yandere Nightmare

Chapter 10

Their anger didn’t manage to subside sadly. School ended with everyone’s eyes on me while we left. Seris seemed to be in a hurry, often telling me to walk faster.

“Let’s go quickly! We need to walk faster!” She pestered me while tugging onto my sleeve.

“There’s no need for us to go faster though.”

“The place where we are going is quite far away, the faster we go the better!”


I went along with her whims. We were briskly walking towards home, oddly enough it seemed even the people in the town directed their glares at me. If only they could tell how I had managed to offend them, then again it could just be my presence which they hate.

Our walk slowly turned into a run upon Seris’ persistence. As soon as we reached home she hastily returned and started packing.


“Slow down, it wouldn’t really matter if we reach there after my birthday,” I said to Seris who had already started packing my share of clothes also.

“No, we need to go now! Help me pack the stuff!” Seris exclaimed. Confusion crept onto me as I felt the whole day kept turning weirder. First, the aggressive reaction from the girls and now Seris being in such a hurry, what was going on?


After packing all our stuff, Seris dragged me out of the house along with our luggage. I was completely bewildered to her panic-driven actions but I knew if I were to say something she wouldn’t listen and end up refuting me. I suggested we should at least book a ride to the place but she said it was too dangerous.


What was too dangerous about getting a ride? Going on foot to such a faraway place should be more dangerous. We steadily walked towards our unknown destination which only Seris knew about. I wonder how long it would take.




Nightfall had come while we were walking and there was no sign of stopping.

“Seris maybe we should take a break.”

“No, we will be late otherwise, brother no questions just follow me!” Seris demanded so when I questioned her. I couldn’t help but be worried as I noticed her ragged breathing. Seris wasn’t exactly the fittest individual in our town and all this walking along with the luggage was taking a toll on her.


“Seris, let’s rest. You’re absolutely tired.”

“No but we’d be-”
“Then get on my back then,” I replied before she ever got to finish her sentence. She seemed like she was resisting my offer, her expression almost reluctant.

“But we would slow down then…”

“Get on my back,” I repeated taking no excuses. Seris hops onto my back, looking happy yet troubled at the same time.


Upon coming in contact with her skin I noticed how warm her whole body was. She was practically burning right now. Looking into her face, I saw there was a faint flush also.

“Seris, did you get sick?” I ask with a stern voice.


“Stupid, why didn’t you tell me before!” I asked angrily, my voice raised more so than usual.

“You would’ve stopped then.” Her voice becomes feeble as she answers.


I felt like a headache approaching when she answered, I should’ve never agreed with this dumb trip in the first place. I ended up reprimanded her for her actions. If I hadn’t noticed early then she would’ve ended up getting more sick. With a decisive tone, I informed her about her next destination.

“We’re heading to the first Inn we see alright?”

There was no reply, instead what I heard was soft snores. She was really pushing herself hard to last all this time. Seris really deserved a beauty sleep after all the arduous walking.


I saw some light appear in the north-west direction. Following it I managed to find a town much bigger than ours. I headed towards it, trying to seek shelter. Thankfully the guards didn’t say anything and let us in weirdly enough, but they kept glaring at me the whole time like back in school.


Upon entering the town, the streets were filled with rowdy noises and loud chattering. Many people there were adorned in adventuring gear. It seems like it was a town where a lot of adventurers gathered. The area had many stable wooden buildings built in an orderly manner, with many branches of guilds nearby. Since that was the case, finding shelter for the night should be easy. 


As I got nearer to the main street, the surroundings slowly get quieter. The dreary sense of pressure hits me again, with everyone staring in our directions.

“Not this again…” I whispered to myself. Numerous beautiful ladies were peering onto us. Adventurers, merchants, townspeople and even their children were looking here. Ignoring them, I prioritized finding shelter first for Seris. 


I tried talking to the women observing us for directions to the Inn but they didn’t seem like they wanted to talk to us. Their faces just got angry with a red flush on their faces, heavy breathing indicating their rage. I ended up relying on myself to find the place, thankfully it wasn’t very far away from the town’s entrance.


Entering the Inn, the keeper gave a familiar reaction, not bothering to speak with us either. Unwilling to spend time any further, I referred to the rates of the Inn on the board behind her and took the appropriate key presented on the counter after paying the amount.


The room I ended up taking was well furnished with chairs, a table, some decor and one single bed set in the corner, adjacent to the window. I wanted the room with more than one bed but it seemed like all of those rooms were taken back then. I try to get Seris off of me but it took quite a lot of effort due to her iron-like grasp around my body, despite being asleep. Laying her down on the bed, she seemed to squiggle a bit with a troubled expression when we separated which made me unintentionally snicker.


I get onto the bed too. Though I might get catch her sickness if I slept too close, I was too tired to be concerned about that. Seris automatically snuggles onto me, as if she could notice my presence in her sleep.


Both of us lay there as drowsiness took over me.




“Wake up, Alex wake up!” Seris says while shaking my body. I am awoken from my dream as I see Seris with a worried expression.

“What’s wrong… it’s almost midnight…”

“That’s what’s wrong, we need to get out of here quickly!”

“Wait why?”

“I’ll explain later, forget the luggage and let’s leave!”


Seris forces me out of the bed as I was half awake. As our conversation ended there’s a banging sound on the door.


“Wait, let me just get the door,” I say while heading towards the room’s entrance. Seris soon rushes over to me and grabs my shoulder.

“No, wait! Don’t open!” Seris says while sounding absolutely frightened.


Another resounding bang is followed, the door started creaking from the impact. I watch in confusion as to what is going on as I get a status message.



Your buff “Silence of the Lamb” has updated


As soon as I read that, the door breaks open with the blaring noise of wood getting shattered. 

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