Chapter 11: MOTHER LOVE
"So mom, what did you do with does wrapper and shoes I saw you with? because I can see clearly you were taken them somewhere" Kaiama interrogated. Nnenna was seen counting money. "mommy?" She spiced
"I sold them" she retorted, not minding her reaction
"you sold what? those was your most precious and valuable wears and you sold them" she grunts.
"I needed the money to pay bills" she said so reluctant, as she folds the money together.
She swallowed so hard, as she tries control her mood "What bills?" She grunts.
"Hospital bills" she gasped
"Hospital bills for who?" she roared, this time she lets the furious and anger, strike her core. "why would you do that? tell me why?" pause. "After all the mystery she made you go through; after all she did. If you can sell assets to save life, wasn't it better you sold them, to save us from the stress I and my little brother go through of hawking around the streets of Lagos, it would have taken us through, before we could go back to are misery. What about father, at that point we needed money to save him, this would have been the starting point to prove you wanted him to live" she grunts. Nnenna melted like an ice block hit on fire
"Your father condition was quiet different, he wouldn't even live even if I sold this house, my daughter is still alive and I want to save her" she groan, standing to face her
"And what I'm I. your slave. I have carried this family burden on my shoulder, at a very tender age, I have supported you in every way I can, you have not made this sacrifice for me or any one of us, what a loving Mother you are" she grunts leaving
Adex was seen sitting on an armchair, pressing his smartphone. Immediately he sees her, he knows something wasn't right, he walks to meet her, she passed
him. Her face fold and mean which expressed. She walked direct to the house, she sits on the couch pouring out her pains, as tears flow down her cheek, Adex walks to her.
"Are we going to talk about it?" he mumbled. Kaiama buried her face on her hands, he sits beside her cuddle her.
"Babe, what's the problem?" She turned to face him.
"After all she has cost the family, Mother still care for her" she sobs. "Why does she care about her so much, can't she, let her vanish from our lives for good, why would she want to save her" she asked inquisitive, he wipes her tears
"Because she's a mother, Chinasa still deserve another chance. The only crime she commits was she was not living a good life; I don't know her that too well but she's not the family's problem. That was the best way she believes she can live to survive" he cautioned, Kaiama melted, she felt guilty
"I'm I. a bad person, for hating her?" she inquired
"No, it's good to express your pain, you don't hate her, you're just angry" he tact, she placed her head on his chest.
"Has it gotten to that?" Kaima ask so devastated. Nnenna saw her walks into the house, she immediately stood up about leaving. "I'm not a stunned" folds her hands, staring at her
"I'm a mother, what kind of mother I'm I. If I can't take care of my daughter, you're making me feel like I'm a total stranger. like I don't understand what life is like" pause, tears roll down her cheeks.
"Care for every one of you, I treat you all equal. At this point what Chinasa needs is a chance, to make things right. you stand by people not when things work well with them but when things turn worst, this is when to stand by her" she said
"I care, that's why I'm still here" she groaned
"Since you now work there, how many times have you check on her, have you ever ask about her welfare?" she said
"Mom, that's not my problem. if you are going to hate me because of that. Than fine" she grunt
"Why would I hate you, I'm you Mother and I her Mother. I know what she did is unacceptable, but you have to found a place in your heart and forgive. How fast have you forgotten that she also cares for every one of you, Chinasa was a very good girl, it was bad influence that changed her. even at her wrong doing she have a good heart, if she knew Mary was going to die, she won't had taken her. Even at the hospital, I hear her cry in her dreams, calling out her name, asking her to come back home. Mary is the mean reason she's on that sick bed because she keeps coming to her. Their connection, their bond is so strong she wants her to go with her, but I can't let that happen. I'm not ready to lose another one" she exclaimed, Leaving.
She walked in with two ceramic plate on a tray, curve liked a pot, top was transparent, that you can see what's in it. As she placed it on the table in front was a sofa. He gazes her from the minutes she walks in, his eye still attached to her, she turns smile, she went to meet him at bed.
"hm…, finally you came, to visit me." He said, she sits beside him. "what touched you" he added
"I have really miss you" she tact smiling
"Oh..., that's so sweet of you" he grabs her by the waist, smiling as he careless her cheek. "now you're here, sickness has disable itself from my body. How I wish this fever, would never live me, you would spend more time here with me" he tact
"Why would you say that" she blurted.
"It kept you edging about me, I have called you series of time to come around but, you keep giving excuses. finally, you're here" he tact
"You know the distance; it won't be easy to visit" she defends
"your boyfriend, can you remember how many years, this relationship has survived?" He asked curiously
"Babe" she exclaimed
"Yes, tell me. At what year did you accept to sign the contract? few months before I got admission" He grunt
"But, I have been here few times, it just that I have never sleep over, since I start working at the hospital…". He cut her up.
"You have been busy, from work to work, you try. Honestly, you did try". she knew he wasn't taking it. Adex was displeased with those her excuses, he pulled himself to lean on the wall. Pressing his phone, as she tried to get his attention, he wasn't into her distraction strategies, she caresses his cheek, petting his beard. She points a kiss on his lips
"Babe, I'm sorry" he pretends, not to hear her. "Baby, I said, I'm so sorry" she pleaded. her voice drawn, like she was about to cry.
"Tell me you're going to spend the week here" they look on her face; wasn't the reaction he was hoping to get. "That is just what I want to here, look this is my house, I don't live in the hostel. I pay my bills, my mom doesn't. Why can't you come and spend the night with me? If not your Mom, your job. But sometimes you make sacrifice, none of my friends believe I have a girlfriend, because the hardly see you. I'm proud to have you in my life, I want everyone to know. you have to begin to leave with it, we've grown, we take decisions and we make sacrifices" he caution
"Babe. I'm sorry, ok. I promise" she tact
"That you are going to spend the nights here with me?" he asked curious, she nod, he giggle
"let's eat..." she draws the table close to the bed, as his eyes still on her, his still beaming with a smile. She went into the kitchen to get glasses and a can of juice placed it beside the tray. She opened the food, it's rice with banger stew, Adex fall in love with the stew after, she made the meal for him, he requested she make it for him again. She works with her Aunty who run a pharmacy at the town. When she noticed kaima passion, commitment and dedication in working in the pharmacy. She decides to take her with her to a hospital, there she work as a doctor. Kaima sit and watched carefully, as she treats and operate a patience, as well as given birth. Kaima was now able to describe and treat patients. She would have gotten a first class degree in medical school. The only experience she had was just apprentice, but she was good, in what she does. Because of her experienced, she developed interest in medical and made a promise to herself to take it up to the higher institution. She wanted to be a lawyer but saving lives was now her priority.
"Oh, what a faithful God you are. you said you will never let our enemies laugh at us, that you will wipe away are tears, fill is heart with joy" Nnenna kneel down. Her hands lift up, as she waves the cloud. she stares at the sky, as if she was admiring the beauty. The liquid in her eyes glide down her cheeks, it was the only way to show her emotion, she smiled. Chinasa sits on the bench smiling, Kaima was astound, as she saw them. She walks as fast as her leg could move, to make sure she partake in the celebration.
"Mommy, his calling…," Chinasa tact, as she picks the phone. Nnenna hurriedly sits beside her, she kept the distance no space, her ears edging to get information been fed from the phone. Chinasa decide to turn it into speaker, to keep comfort between them
"… I'm sorry, unfortunately I won't be coming to see you guys, but I'm safe and sound but I will call time to time" he said, Kaima draw closer to listen
"This voice sounds familiar" she said. to herself, despite the words he said wasn't coming clear to her
"is that Emeka?" she whispered
"Yes.," Chinasa retort with a nod,
"Oh... my God" she covers her mouth. "This is not happening, this not true" she was overwhelmed
"I heard Ugo, is back to school?" He asked. there was a sound in the background, which almost overpowered his voice, the sound came like an opening door, someone was saying something to him, they heard the voice but couldn't get the words.
"Ok, I will be right out" he responds,
"Chee" the bed he lied on made as he stood.
"I will call you guys back, my boss wants to see me" he hurriedly said, it's was like he was struggling to wear a slipper.
"Can I speak with him?" She exclaimed, she went for the phone, as she couldn't hold back her joy.
"His off, he said he will call back later" Chinasa said, pressing the phone, Kaima frown
"So where did he said his? how did he got out? is he safe?" she inquest, she hurried sits beside her, Chinasa turned to her smiling
"All your question. yes, is enough" Chinasa retorted
"Hm... Doctor kaima. where did you went to?" Chinasa Added. Kaima eyed her, place he finger across her lips, demonstrating a slow sign, like he was controlling a car. Chinasa turned to look at Nnenna, who was just at her right hand, she smiles. Nnenna frowned. Stood up, glare at Kaima immediately their eye meets, she deflected. Nnenna paced the floor hard, a three loud noise heard from her steps, like she was killing an insect. Which means she is excluding herself from whatever they are doing. She went inside
Kaima waited for few minutes to make sure, Nnenna's footsteps had vanished. normally she spends days in hospital, if the hospital is full and the doctors need more hands. But Nnenna has called the hospital and the feedback was she didn't sleep at the hospital. It was unlike her not to call and not tell her where about. She never spends more than two days away from home. But this time she spends a week.
"I went to see Adex, at his department" she retorted, Chinasa looked at her stunned. "He was sick; I have to go…"
"And give him some injection, oh… you're such a caring Doctor, for that long". Chinasa said, cutting her off
Kaima mick, holding the laugh which keep forcing itself from her lips
"Your secret is save with me" she assured her.
"it's a normal thing" she gasped
She burst out laughing "so even you" she tact smiling, starring at her smiling.
"What about me? Adex is my boyfriend" she said so defensive, she knew Chinasa wants to get deep into her. She keeps pushing her away.
Like the say, "the wall has ear". Nnenna wasn't pleased hearing that, but she trusts and respect kaima, Nnenna don't Panic or got troubled when it comes to kaima. She's smart and she's built with wisdom, every decision she takes never gives her a negative feedback. But at this point, she knew kaima was making a mistake, which it outcome will be drastic and might eat her deep, she was so disturbed and unsettle. Adex is just a young man, still preparing to start a life, his just a student and still thinks like the young intellect. She felt her daughter was at the mercy of being committed and loved for him. Adex can change and move on but kaima would suffer a long injury in her heart, and Would never get through it. Because of how tight she has clench on the relationship. She wishes to get much attached but kaima was never going to read her emotions, because of her strong bonds with Adex.