White Online

Chapter 643 Demon Kings and Primordial Gods.

Chapter 643 Demon Kings and Primordial Gods.

From space beyond, ten figures arrived. Six men and four women. After their entrance, the black hole, created by Shiva's and Beelzebub's fight, vanished.

The Demon Kings stood their ground and fought against the pressure. The massive gas planet, Jupiter, couldn't handle the sheer pressure of two opposing forces and was suddenly cut in half!

The gas vanished, like it was blown away by wind, and the entire planet started falling apart.

''Welcome, welcome.'' Lucifer spread his arms wide and welcomed them with open arms. He donned a gentle smile, but in the eyes of others, it looked sarcastic.

''Hello.'' A sweet voice rang in the space. After her appearance, Asmodeus lost his ability to talk and almost could control himself. She had beautiful silver hair, gentle and delicate face. A shiny silver dress donned her tempting body and she had two earrings adorning her cute ears.

She was Gaia, the Primordial Goddess of Life and Mother of all Life.

''Damn...'' Asmodeus rubbed his neck and closed his left eye, suddenly trying to look flirtatious. ''Coming here was worth it after all...''

''Keep your filthy thoughts to yourself, filthy demon.'' A sharp voice appeared behind Gaia. It came from muscular man, with dark hair and sharp facial features. A tight shirt and trousers donned his body, outlining his explosive muscles perfectly. His skin looked unbelishmed and almost perfect.

He was Chronos, the Primordial God of Time.

''Heh.'' Asmodeus let out a swallow chuckle. However, his eyes weren't smiling.

''They lack manners.'' A man said beside Gaia. He had beautiful blond hair and star-like eyes. His ears were slightly pointy, but it only made him look more exotic.

He was Aether, the Primordial God of Light.

Shiva sighed with relief and closed his third eye. The most dangerous aspect was thus sealed, allowing Beelzebub to heave a sigh.

Beside Aether, an ordinary-looking woman stood tall. She was surprisingly head-taller than Aether and wore a very long blue-colored dress with one strap going over her slender shoulder while the other stayed bare. There were sea engravings in the dress, looking like tidal waves.

She was Ceto, the Primordial Goddess of the Sea.

Next to her, a three-meter tall giant of a man whistled innocently as he kept his hands on his trousers' pockets. He was bare-chested, his eyebrows were bushy and a small stubble adorned his chin.

He was Uranus, the Primordial God of the Sky.

''Nyan...'' Everyone's faces turned strange as a chubby-looking man, wearing diapers, appeared while sitting on top of a cloud. His pupils were pink and heart-shaped, and there was a bow strapped on his back with arrows with a heart-shaped edge.

He was Eros, the Primordial God of Love.

Then, a beautifully scary-looking woman stood alone in midsts of stars. Her hair was utter black, like it could swallow the darkness and her presence was as dark as the night. She had temperament of old lady, but also had her own unique youthfulness.

She was Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of Night.

Some distance away, a dark-eyed woman floated above other Primordials. Her presence was definitely the strongest, and she even made Lucifer look slightly more serious. Her face was pale, which gave her an unusual type of beauty and coldness. Her body was quite attractive, with delicate curves and a slender figure.

She was Chaos, the Primordial God of the Universe and Disorder.

Lastly, Erebus stood silently, holding his cane with his aged droopy eyes, looking at the demons. Next to him, a black-haired man with a skinny body stood with his head hung low. His shirt looked like it was oversized when worn by him.

He was Tartarus, the Primordial God of the Underworld.

''Thank you all for coming here.'' Lucifer said and innocently put his arms before him as a sign of welcome. ''I hope we can have peaceful negotiations.''

''Negotiations?'' Chronos laughed like it was a good joke. ''Well then, let's hear your terms!''

Lucifer smiled and said. ''Surrender, become our slaves, and you all shall keep your lives, in the Demon Kingdom.''

''Hah!'' Chronos' muscles bulged as he stopped himself from flying into a rage. ''That's same as death!''

''Not quite. Death is full of mysteries and sometimes the afterlife isn't the end.''

''I have heard enough!'' Chronos stomped forward. However, before he could throw a single arm, Gaia placed her slender arm before him, stopping him from doing anything rash.

''?'' Chronos looked at the beautiful goddess with a frown.

Gaia turned to Lucifer and said with an apologetic expression. ''I am sorry, but we have to refuse.''

''Oh, too bad.'' Lucifer scratched his head and sighed. ''Bloodshed isn't what I wanted... But, so be it.''

He turned around and began to skip away. The rest of Demon Kings waited for moment, glaring at Primordial Gods, before turning away and following Lucifer.

However, then, two Primordial Gods stepped forward and shouted.

''We surrender!''

''?!'' Gaia, Chronos, and Aether whipped their heads towards the two Primordial Gods. They couldn't believe their eyes.

''Oh.'' Lucifer's mouth curved upward into a smile. He turned around and saw Erebus and Tartarus, kneeling with their heads hung low.

''Y-You cowards!'' Chronos launched forward and twisted his waist as he threw a powerful straight punch. The punch flew towards Erebus, and with his sickly-looking body, it looked like he couldn't survive the attack.

Then, Tartarus muttered. ''Tartarus... Gate!''

To protect Erebus, a dark skull-adorned metal gate appeared out of nowhere. It was stained by thousands of evil spirits. Their screams echoed in the dark space.

Bang! Chronos' punch struck the indestructible metal gate and could only make the doors slightly rattle.

Erebus lifted his head and revealed a hideous grin. ''Sorry, but I don't like being on the losing side.''

With a lift of his cane, he and Tartarus floated to the Demon Kings and took their side.

''Welcome, welcome.'' Lucifer patted their shoulders and grinned. ''Erebus, or should I call you, the Demon King of Eight Heaven, and Tartarus, the Demon King of Ninth Heaven.''

''You honor us.'' Erebus and Tartarus bowed humbly.

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